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synced 2025-03-28 03:22:38 +01:00
This function was used only by deleted upgrade steps so it's safe to proceed with straight deletion, considering it internal. Deletion has been documented in corresponding upgrade.txt files.
417 lines
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417 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file contains the upgrade code to upgrade from mod_assignment to mod_assign
* @package mod_assign
* @copyright 2012 NetSpot {@link http://www.netspot.com.au}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* The maximum amount of time to spend upgrading a single assignment.
* This is intentionally generous (5 mins) as the effect of a timeout
* for a legitimate upgrade would be quite harsh (roll back code will not run)
* Class to manage upgrades from mod_assignment to mod_assign
* @package mod_assign
* @copyright 2012 NetSpot {@link http://www.netspot.com.au}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class assign_upgrade_manager {
* This function converts all of the base settings for an instance of
* the old assignment to the new format. Then it calls each of the plugins
* to see if they can help upgrade this assignment.
* @param int $oldassignmentid (don't rely on the old assignment type even being installed)
* @param string $log This string gets appended to during the conversion process
* @return bool true or false
public function upgrade_assignment($oldassignmentid, & $log) {
global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
// Steps to upgrade an assignment.
// Get the module details.
$oldmodule = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name'=>'assignment'), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$params = array('module'=>$oldmodule->id, 'instance'=>$oldassignmentid);
$oldcoursemodule = $DB->get_record('course_modules',
$oldcontext = context_module::instance($oldcoursemodule->id);
// We used to check for admin capability, but since Moodle 2.7 this is called
// during restore of a mod_assignment module.
// Also note that we do not check for any mod_assignment capabilities, because they can
// be removed so that users don't add new instances of the broken old thing.
if (!has_capability('mod/assign:addinstance', $oldcontext)) {
$log = get_string('couldnotcreatenewassignmentinstance', 'mod_assign');
return false;
// First insert an assign instance to get the id.
$oldassignment = $DB->get_record('assignment', array('id'=>$oldassignmentid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$oldversion = get_config('assignment_' . $oldassignment->assignmenttype, 'version');
$data = new stdClass();
$data->course = $oldassignment->course;
$data->name = $oldassignment->name;
$data->intro = $oldassignment->intro;
$data->introformat = $oldassignment->introformat;
$data->alwaysshowdescription = 1;
$data->sendnotifications = $oldassignment->emailteachers;
$data->sendlatenotifications = $oldassignment->emailteachers;
$data->duedate = $oldassignment->timedue;
$data->allowsubmissionsfromdate = $oldassignment->timeavailable;
$data->grade = $oldassignment->grade;
$data->submissiondrafts = $oldassignment->resubmit;
$data->requiresubmissionstatement = 0;
$data->markingworkflow = 0;
$data->markingallocation = 0;
$data->cutoffdate = 0;
$data->gradingduedate = 0;
// New way to specify no late submissions.
if ($oldassignment->preventlate) {
$data->cutoffdate = $data->duedate;
$data->teamsubmission = 0;
$data->requireallteammemberssubmit = 0;
$data->teamsubmissiongroupingid = 0;
$data->blindmarking = 0;
$data->attemptreopenmethod = 'none';
$data->maxattempts = ASSIGN_UNLIMITED_ATTEMPTS;
$newassignment = new assign(null, null, null);
if (!$newassignment->add_instance($data, false)) {
$log = get_string('couldnotcreatenewassignmentinstance', 'mod_assign');
return false;
// Now create a new coursemodule from the old one.
$newmodule = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name'=>'assign'), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$newcoursemodule = $this->duplicate_course_module($oldcoursemodule,
if (!$newcoursemodule) {
$log = get_string('couldnotcreatenewcoursemodule', 'mod_assign');
return false;
// Convert the base database tables (assignment, submission, grade).
// These are used to store information in case a rollback is required.
$gradingarea = null;
$gradingdefinitions = null;
$gradeidmap = array();
$completiondone = false;
$gradesdone = false;
// From this point we want to rollback on failure.
$rollback = false;
try {
// The course module has now been created - time to update the core tables.
// Copy intro files.
$newassignment->copy_area_files_for_upgrade($oldcontext->id, 'mod_assignment', 'intro', 0,
$newassignment->get_context()->id, 'mod_assign', 'intro', 0);
// Get the plugins to do their bit.
foreach ($newassignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
if (!$plugin->upgrade_settings($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $log)) {
$rollback = true;
} else {
foreach ($newassignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
if (!$plugin->upgrade_settings($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $log)) {
$rollback = true;
} else {
// See if there is advanced grading upgrades required.
$gradingarea = $DB->get_record('grading_areas',
array('contextid'=>$oldcontext->id, 'areaname'=>'submission'),
if ($gradingarea) {
$params = array('id'=>$gradingarea->id,
$DB->update_record('grading_areas', $params);
$gradingdefinitions = $DB->get_records('grading_definitions',
// Upgrade availability data.
$newcoursemodule->course, 'course_modules', $oldcoursemodule->id, $newcoursemodule->id);
// Upgrade completion data.
$allcriteria = $DB->get_records('course_completion_criteria',
foreach ($allcriteria as $criteria) {
$criteria->module = 'assign';
$criteria->moduleinstance = $newcoursemodule->id;
$DB->update_record('course_completion_criteria', $criteria);
$completiondone = true;
// Migrate log entries so we don't lose them.
$logparams = array('cmid' => $oldcoursemodule->id, 'course' => $oldcoursemodule->course);
$DB->set_field('log', 'module', 'assign', $logparams);
$DB->set_field('log', 'cmid', $newcoursemodule->id, $logparams);
// Copy all the submission data (and get plugins to do their bit).
$oldsubmissions = $DB->get_records('assignment_submissions',
foreach ($oldsubmissions as $oldsubmission) {
$submission = new stdClass();
$submission->assignment = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
$submission->userid = $oldsubmission->userid;
$submission->timecreated = $oldsubmission->timecreated;
$submission->timemodified = $oldsubmission->timemodified;
// Because in mod_assignment there could only be one submission per student, it is always the latest.
$submission->latest = 1;
$submission->id = $DB->insert_record('assign_submission', $submission);
if (!$submission->id) {
$log .= get_string('couldnotinsertsubmission', 'mod_assign', $submission->userid);
$rollback = true;
foreach ($newassignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
if (!$plugin->upgrade($oldcontext,
$log)) {
$rollback = true;
if ($oldsubmission->timemarked) {
// Submission has been graded - create a grade record.
$grade = new stdClass();
$grade->assignment = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
$grade->userid = $oldsubmission->userid;
$grade->grader = $oldsubmission->teacher;
$grade->timemodified = $oldsubmission->timemarked;
$grade->timecreated = $oldsubmission->timecreated;
$grade->grade = $oldsubmission->grade;
if ($oldsubmission->mailed) {
// The mailed flag goes in the flags table.
$flags = new stdClass();
$flags->userid = $oldsubmission->userid;
$flags->assignment = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
$flags->mailed = 1;
$DB->insert_record('assign_user_flags', $flags);
$grade->id = $DB->insert_record('assign_grades', $grade);
if (!$grade->id) {
$log .= get_string('couldnotinsertgrade', 'mod_assign', $grade->userid);
$rollback = true;
// Copy any grading instances.
if ($gradingarea) {
$gradeidmap[$grade->id] = $oldsubmission->id;
foreach ($gradingdefinitions as $definition) {
$params = array('definitionid'=>$definition->id,
$DB->set_field('grading_instances', 'itemid', $grade->id, $params);
foreach ($newassignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
if (!$plugin->upgrade($oldcontext,
$log)) {
$rollback = true;
// Reassociate grade_items from the old assignment instance to the new assign instance.
// This includes outcome linked grade_items.
$params = array('assign', $newassignment->get_instance()->id, 'assignment', $oldassignment->id);
$sql = 'UPDATE {grade_items} SET itemmodule = ?, iteminstance = ? WHERE itemmodule = ? AND iteminstance = ?';
$DB->execute($sql, $params);
// Create a mapping record to map urls from the old to the new assignment.
$mapping = new stdClass();
$mapping->oldcmid = $oldcoursemodule->id;
$mapping->oldinstance = $oldassignment->id;
$mapping->newcmid = $newcoursemodule->id;
$mapping->newinstance = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
$mapping->timecreated = time();
$DB->insert_record('assignment_upgrade', $mapping);
$gradesdone = true;
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$rollback = true;
$log .= get_string('conversionexception', 'mod_assign', $exception->getMessage());
if ($rollback) {
// Roll back the grades changes.
if ($gradesdone) {
// Reassociate grade_items from the new assign instance to the old assignment instance.
$params = array('assignment', $oldassignment->id, 'assign', $newassignment->get_instance()->id);
$sql = 'UPDATE {grade_items} SET itemmodule = ?, iteminstance = ? WHERE itemmodule = ? AND iteminstance = ?';
$DB->execute($sql, $params);
// Roll back the completion changes.
if ($completiondone) {
$allcriteria = $DB->get_records('course_completion_criteria',
foreach ($allcriteria as $criteria) {
$criteria->module = 'assignment';
$criteria->moduleinstance = $oldcoursemodule->id;
$DB->update_record('course_completion_criteria', $criteria);
// Roll back the log changes.
$logparams = array('cmid' => $newcoursemodule->id, 'course' => $newcoursemodule->course);
$DB->set_field('log', 'module', 'assignment', $logparams);
$DB->set_field('log', 'cmid', $oldcoursemodule->id, $logparams);
// Roll back the advanced grading update.
if ($gradingarea) {
foreach ($gradeidmap as $newgradeid => $oldsubmissionid) {
foreach ($gradingdefinitions as $definition) {
array('definitionid'=>$definition->id, 'itemid'=>$newgradeid));
$params = array('id'=>$gradingarea->id,
$DB->update_record('grading_areas', $params);
return false;
// Delete the old assignment (use object delete).
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $oldcoursemodule->id, $oldcoursemodule->course);
if ($cm) {
return true;
* Create a duplicate course module record so we can create the upgraded
* assign module alongside the old assignment module.
* @param stdClass $cm The old course module record
* @param int $moduleid The id of the new assign module
* @param int $newinstanceid The id of the new instance of the assign module
* @return mixed stdClass|bool The new course module record or FALSE
private function duplicate_course_module(stdClass $cm, $moduleid, $newinstanceid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$newcm = new stdClass();
$newcm->course = $cm->course;
$newcm->module = $moduleid;
$newcm->instance = $newinstanceid;
$newcm->visible = $cm->visible;
$newcm->section = $cm->section;
$newcm->score = $cm->score;
$newcm->indent = $cm->indent;
$newcm->groupmode = $cm->groupmode;
$newcm->groupingid = $cm->groupingid;
$newcm->completion = $cm->completion;
$newcm->completiongradeitemnumber = $cm->completiongradeitemnumber;
$newcm->completionview = $cm->completionview;
$newcm->completionexpected = $cm->completionexpected;
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
$newcm->availability = $cm->availability;
$newcm->showdescription = $cm->showdescription;
$newcmid = add_course_module($newcm);
$newcm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $newcmid, $cm->course);
if (!$newcm) {
return false;
$section = $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("id"=>$newcm->section));
if (!$section) {
return false;
$newcm->section = course_add_cm_to_section($newcm->course, $newcm->id, $section->section, $cm->id);
// Make sure visibility is set correctly (in particular in calendar).
// Note: Allow them to set it even without moodle/course:activityvisibility.
set_coursemodule_visible($newcm->id, $newcm->visible);
return $newcm;