Colin Chambers e1a2d0d92d MDL-43089 quiz: improved interface for building quizzes
This commit is actually the joint work of Mahmoud Kassaei, Colin
Chambers and Tim Hunt from The Open University. We could only use one
persons name for the commit, and this time Colin gets the credit/blame.

The goal of this work was to increase usability, and also clean up
the page enough that it will be possible to add new features in future.

Display of mod/quiz/edit.php is now entirely generated by
mod_quiz\output\edit_renderer. This uses a helper class
mod_quiz\structure to provide details of the structure of the quiz, and
mod_quiz\repaginate to alter that structure. (Acutally, there are still
some modification methods on mod_quiz\structure. Expect that to be
cleaned up in future.)

The new code uses much more ajax, and there are new scripts
mod/quiz/edit_rest.php and mod/quiz/repaginate.php to handle this.
(Again, don't be surprised if those two scripts get merged in future.)
Also questionbank.ajax.php (which may, in future, be made more generic,
and moved into the core question bank code.)

Most of the new JavaScript code has intentionally copied the way things
are done when editing activities on the course page.

As a result of this, mod/quiz/editlib.php is now much shorter than it
was. (In future, expect the remaining code in here to move into
2014-10-02 17:22:23 +01:00

332 lines
12 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Page to edit quizzes
* This page generally has two columns:
* The right column lists all available questions in a chosen category and
* allows them to be edited or more to be added. This column is only there if
* the quiz does not already have student attempts
* The left column lists all questions that have been added to the current quiz.
* The lecturer can add questions from the right hand list to the quiz or remove them
* The script also processes a number of actions:
* Actions affecting a quiz:
* up and down Changes the order of questions and page breaks
* addquestion Adds a single question to the quiz
* add Adds several selected questions to the quiz
* addrandom Adds a certain number of random questions to the quiz
* repaginate Re-paginates the quiz
* delete Removes a question from the quiz
* savechanges Saves the order and grades for questions in the quiz
* @package mod_quiz
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas and others {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/editlib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/addrandomform.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/category_class.php');
// These params are only passed from page request to request while we stay on
// this page otherwise they would go in question_edit_setup.
$scrollpos = optional_param('scrollpos', '', PARAM_INT);
list($thispageurl, $contexts, $cmid, $cm, $quiz, $pagevars) =
question_edit_setup('editq', '/mod/quiz/edit.php', true);
$defaultcategoryobj = question_make_default_categories($contexts->all());
$defaultcategory = $defaultcategoryobj->id . ',' . $defaultcategoryobj->contextid;
$quizhasattempts = quiz_has_attempts($quiz->id);
// Get the course object and related bits.
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $quiz->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$quizobj = new quiz($quiz, $cm, $course);
$structure = $quizobj->get_structure();
// You need mod/quiz:manage in addition to question capabilities to access this page.
require_capability('mod/quiz:manage', $contexts->lowest());
// Log this visit.
$params = array(
'courseid' => $course->id,
'context' => $contexts->lowest(),
'other' => array(
'quizid' => $quiz->id
$event = \mod_quiz\event\edit_page_viewed::create($params);
// Process commands ============================================================.
// Get the list of question ids had their check-boxes ticked.
$selectedslots = array();
$params = (array) data_submitted();
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match('!^s([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
$selectedslots[] = $matches[1];
$afteractionurl = new moodle_url($thispageurl);
if ($scrollpos) {
$afteractionurl->param('scrollpos', $scrollpos);
if (optional_param('repaginate', false, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
// Re-paginate the quiz.
$questionsperpage = optional_param('questionsperpage', $quiz->questionsperpage, PARAM_INT);
quiz_repaginate_questions($quiz->id, $questionsperpage );
if (($addquestion = optional_param('addquestion', 0, PARAM_INT)) && confirm_sesskey()) {
// Add a single question to the current quiz.
$addonpage = optional_param('addonpage', 0, PARAM_INT);
quiz_add_quiz_question($addquestion, $quiz, $addonpage);
$thispageurl->param('lastchanged', $addquestion);
if (optional_param('add', false, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
$addonpage = optional_param('addonpage', 0, PARAM_INT);
// Add selected questions to the current quiz.
$rawdata = (array) data_submitted();
foreach ($rawdata as $key => $value) { // Parse input for question ids.
if (preg_match('!^q([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
$key = $matches[1];
quiz_add_quiz_question($key, $quiz, $addonpage);
if ((optional_param('addrandom', false, PARAM_BOOL)) && confirm_sesskey()) {
// Add random questions to the quiz.
$recurse = optional_param('recurse', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$addonpage = optional_param('addonpage', 0, PARAM_INT);
$categoryid = required_param('categoryid', PARAM_INT);
$randomcount = required_param('randomcount', PARAM_INT);
quiz_add_random_questions($quiz, $addonpage, $categoryid, $randomcount, $recurse);
if (optional_param('savechanges', false, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
$deletepreviews = false;
$recomputesummarks = false;
$rawdata = (array) data_submitted();
$moveonpagequestions = array();
$moveselectedonpage = optional_param('moveselectedonpagetop', 0, PARAM_INT);
if (!$moveselectedonpage) {
$moveselectedonpage = optional_param('moveselectedonpagebottom', 0, PARAM_INT);
$newslotorder = array();
foreach ($rawdata as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match('!^g([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
// Parse input for question -> grades.
$slotnumber = $matches[1];
$newgrade = unformat_float($value);
array('quizid' => $quiz->id, 'slot' => $slotnumber), '*', MUST_EXIST), $newgrade);
$deletepreviews = true;
$recomputesummarks = true;
} else if (preg_match('!^o(pg)?([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
// Parse input for ordering info.
$slotnumber = $matches[2];
// Make sure two questions don't overwrite each other. If we get a second
// question with the same position, shift the second one along to the next gap.
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_INT);
while (array_key_exists($value, $newslotorder)) {
if ($matches[1]) {
// This is a page-break entry.
$newslotorder[$value] = 0;
} else {
$newslotorder[$value] = $slotnumber;
$deletepreviews = true;
if ($moveselectedonpage) {
// Make up a $newslotorder, then let the next if statement do the work.
$oldslots = $DB->get_records('quiz_slots', array('quizid' => $quiz->id), 'slot');
$beforepage = array();
$onpage = array();
$afterpage = array();
foreach ($oldslots as $oldslot) {
if (in_array($oldslot->slot, $selectedslots)) {
$onpage[] = $oldslot;
} else if ($oldslot->page <= $moveselectedonpage) {
$beforepage[] = $oldslot;
} else {
$afterpage[] = $oldslot;
$newslotorder = array();
$currentpage = 1;
$index = 10;
foreach ($beforepage as $slot) {
while ($currentpage < $slot->page) {
$newslotorder[$index] = 0;
$index += 10;
$currentpage += 1;
$newslotorder[$index] = $slot->slot;
$index += 10;
while ($currentpage < $moveselectedonpage) {
$newslotorder[$index] = 0;
$index += 10;
$currentpage += 1;
foreach ($onpage as $slot) {
$newslotorder[$index] = $slot->slot;
$index += 10;
foreach ($afterpage as $slot) {
while ($currentpage < $slot->page) {
$newslotorder[$index] = 0;
$index += 10;
$currentpage += 1;
$newslotorder[$index] = $slot->slot;
$index += 10;
// If ordering info was given, reorder the questions.
if ($newslotorder) {
$currentpage = 1;
$currentslot = 1;
$slotreorder = array();
$slotpages = array();
foreach ($newslotorder as $slotnumber) {
if ($slotnumber == 0) {
$currentpage += 1;
$slotreorder[$slotnumber] = $currentslot;
$slotpages[$currentslot] = $currentpage;
$currentslot += 1;
$trans = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
'slot', $slotreorder, array('quizid' => $quiz->id));
foreach ($slotpages as $slotnumber => $page) {
$DB->set_field('quiz_slots', 'page', $page, array('quizid' => $quiz->id, 'slot' => $slotnumber));
$deletepreviews = true;
// If rescaling is required save the new maximum.
$maxgrade = unformat_float(optional_param('maxgrade', -1, PARAM_RAW));
if ($maxgrade >= 0) {
quiz_set_grade($maxgrade, $quiz);
if ($deletepreviews) {
if ($recomputesummarks) {
quiz_update_grades($quiz, 0, true);
// Get the question bank view.
$questionbank = new quiz_question_bank_view($contexts, $thispageurl, $course, $cm, $quiz);
$questionbank->process_actions($thispageurl, $cm);
// End of process commands =====================================================.
$output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_quiz', 'edit');
get_string('skipto', 'access', get_string('questionbank', 'question')));
get_string('skipto', 'access', get_string('questionsinthisquiz', 'quiz')));
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('editingquizx', 'quiz', format_string($quiz->name)));
$node = $PAGE->settingsnav->find('mod_quiz_edit', navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
if ($node) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
// Initialise the JavaScript.
$quizeditconfig = new stdClass();
$quizeditconfig->url = $thispageurl->out(true, array('qbanktool' => '0'));
$quizeditconfig->dialoglisteners = array();
$numberoflisteners = $DB->get_field_sql("
FROM {quiz_slots}
WHERE quizid = ?", array($quiz->id));
for ($pageiter = 1; $pageiter <= $numberoflisteners; $pageiter++) {
$quizeditconfig->dialoglisteners[] = 'addrandomdialoglaunch_' . $pageiter;
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('quiz_edit_config', $quizeditconfig);
// Questions wrapper start.
echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'mod-quiz-edit-content'));
echo $output->edit_page($quizobj, $structure, $contexts, $thispageurl, $pagevars);
// Questions wrapper end.
echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
echo $OUTPUT->footer();