mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 18:30:03 +01:00
That rendering method should not use cell style attribute at all. Instead, the alignment should be controlled by CSS. However, this will require more massive changes in the Lesson code to be done by the module maintainer. As a temporary fix, left alignment is set as it usually matches the layout that students see.
606 lines
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606 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Moodle renderer used to display special elements of the lesson module
* @package mod
* @subpackage lesson
* @copyright 2009 Sam Hemelryk
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
class mod_lesson_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
* Returns the header for the lesson module
* @param lesson $lesson
* @param string $currenttab
* @param bool $extraeditbuttons
* @param int $lessonpageid
* @return string
public function header($lesson, $cm, $currenttab = '', $extraeditbuttons = false, $lessonpageid = null) {
global $CFG;
$activityname = format_string($lesson->name, true, $lesson->course);
$title = $this->page->course->shortname.": ".$activityname;
// Build the buttons
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
/// Header setup
lesson_add_header_buttons($cm, $context, $extraeditbuttons, $lessonpageid);
$output = $this->output->header();
if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
$output .= $this->output->heading_with_help($activityname, 'overview', 'lesson');
if (!empty($currenttab)) {
$output .= ob_get_contents();
} else {
$output .= $this->output->heading($activityname);
foreach ($lesson->messages as $message) {
$output .= $this->output->notification($message[0], $message[1], $message[2]);
return $output;
* Returns the footer
* @return string
public function footer() {
return $this->output->footer();
* Returns HTML for a lesson inaccessible message
* @param string $message
* @return <type>
public function lesson_inaccessible($message) {
global $CFG;
$output = $this->output->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter');
$output .= $this->output->box_start('center');
$output .= $message;
$output .= $this->output->box('<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id='. $this->page->course->id .'">'. get_string('returnto', 'lesson', format_string($this->page->course->fullname, true)) .'</a>', 'lessonbutton standardbutton');
$output .= $this->output->box_end();
$output .= $this->output->box_end();
return $output;
* Returns HTML to prompt the user to log in
* @param lesson $lesson
* @param bool $failedattempt
* @return string
public function login_prompt(lesson $lesson, $failedattempt = false) {
global $CFG;
$output = $this->output->box_start('password-form');
$output .= $this->output->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter');
$output .= '<form id="password" method="post" action="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/lesson/view.php" autocomplete="off">';
$output .= '<fieldset class="invisiblefieldset center">';
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'. $this->page->cm->id .'" />';
if ($failedattempt) {
$output .= $this->output->notification(get_string('loginfail', 'lesson'));
$output .= get_string('passwordprotectedlesson', 'lesson', format_string($lesson->name)).'<br /><br />';
$output .= get_string('enterpassword', 'lesson')." <input type=\"password\" name=\"userpassword\" /><br /><br />";
$output .= "<div class='lessonbutton standardbutton submitbutton'><input type='submit' value='".get_string('continue', 'lesson')."' /></div>";
$output .= " <div class='lessonbutton standardbutton submitbutton'><input type='submit' name='backtocourse' value='".get_string('cancel', 'lesson')."' /></div>";
$output .= '</fieldset></form>';
$output .= $this->output->box_end();
$output .= $this->output->box_end();
return $output;
* Returns HTML to display dependancy errors
* @param object $dependentlesson
* @param array $errors
* @return string
public function dependancy_errors($dependentlesson, $errors) {
$output = $this->output->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter');
$output .= get_string('completethefollowingconditions', 'lesson', $dependentlesson->name);
$output .= $this->output->box(implode('<br />'.get_string('and', 'lesson').'<br />', $errors),'center');
$output .= $this->output->box_end();
return $output;
* Returns HTML to display a message
* @param string $message
* @param single_button $button
* @return string
public function message($message, single_button $button = null) {
$output = $this->output->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter');
$output .= $message;
if ($button !== null) {
$output .= $this->output->box($this->output->render($button), 'lessonbutton standardbutton');
$output .= $this->output->box_end();
return $output;
* Returns HTML to display a continue button
* @param lesson $lesson
* @param int $lastpageseen
* @return string
public function continue_links(lesson $lesson, $lastpageseenid) {
global $CFG;
$output = $this->output->box(get_string('youhaveseen','lesson'), 'generalbox boxaligncenter');
$output .= $this->output->box_start('center');
$yeslink = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/view.php', array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$lastpageseenid, 'startlastseen'=>'yes')), get_string('yes'));
$output .= html_writer::tag('span', $yeslink, array('class'=>'lessonbutton standardbutton'));
$nolink = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/view.php', array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$lesson->firstpageid, 'startlastseen'=>'no')), get_string('no'));
$output .= html_writer::tag('span', $nolink, array('class'=>'lessonbutton standardbutton'));
$output .= $this->output->box_end();
return $output;
* Returns HTML to display a page to the user
* @param lesson $lesson
* @param lesson_page $page
* @param object $attempt
* @return string
public function display_page(lesson $lesson, lesson_page $page, $attempt) {
// We need to buffer here as there is an mforms display call
echo $page->display($this, $attempt);
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
* Returns HTML to display a collapsed edit form
* @param lesson $lesson
* @param int $pageid
* @return string
public function display_edit_collapsed(lesson $lesson, $pageid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($lesson);
$qtypes = $manager->get_page_type_strings();
$npages = count($lesson->load_all_pages());
$table = new html_table();
$table->head = array(get_string('pagetitle', 'lesson'), get_string('qtype', 'lesson'), get_string('jumps', 'lesson'), get_string('actions', 'lesson'));
$table->align = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'center');
$table->wrap = array('', 'nowrap', '', 'nowrap');
$table->tablealign = 'center';
$table->cellspacing = 0;
$table->cellpadding = '2px';
$table->width = '80%';
$table->data = array();
$canedit = has_capability('mod/lesson:edit', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->page->cm->id));
while ($pageid != 0) {
$page = $lesson->load_page($pageid);
$data = array();
$data[] = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/lesson/edit.php?id=".$this->page->cm->id."&mode=single&pageid=".$page->id."\">".format_string($page->title,true).'</a>';
$data[] = $qtypes[$page->qtype];
$data[] = implode("<br />\n", $page->jumps);
if ($canedit) {
$data[] = $this->page_action_links($page, $npages, true);
} else {
$data[] = '';
$table->data[] = $data;
$pageid = $page->nextpageid;
return html_writer::table($table);
* Returns HTML to display the full edit page
* @param lesson $lesson
* @param int $pageid
* @param int $prevpageid
* @param bool $single
* @return string
public function display_edit_full(lesson $lesson, $pageid, $prevpageid, $single=false) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($lesson);
$qtypes = $manager->get_page_type_strings();
$npages = count($lesson->load_all_pages());
$canedit = has_capability('mod/lesson:edit', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->page->cm->id));
$content = '';
if ($canedit) {
$content = $this->add_page_links($lesson, $prevpageid);
$options = new stdClass;
$options->noclean = true;
while ($pageid != 0 && $single!=='stop') {
$page = $lesson->load_page($pageid);
$pagetable = new html_table();
$pagetable->align = array('right','left');
$pagetable->width = '100%';
$pagetable->tablealign = 'center';
$pagetable->cellspacing = 0;
$pagetable->cellpadding = '5px';
$pagetable->data = array();
$pageheading = new html_table_cell();
$pageheading->text = format_string($page->title);
if ($canedit) {
$pageheading->text .= ' '.$this->page_action_links($page, $npages);
$pageheading->style = 'text-align:center';
$pageheading->colspan = 2;
$pageheading->scope = 'col';
$pagetable->head = array($pageheading);
$cell = new html_table_cell();
$cell->colspan = 2;
$cell->style = 'text-align:left';
$cell->text = $page->contents;
$pagetable->data[] = new html_table_row(array($cell));
$cell = new html_table_cell();
$cell->colspan = 2;
$cell->style = 'text-align:center';
$cell->text = '<strong>'.$qtypes[$page->qtype] . $page->option_description_string().'</strong>';
$pagetable->data[] = new html_table_row(array($cell));
$pagetable = $page->display_answers($pagetable);
$content .= html_writer::table($pagetable);
if ($canedit) {
$content .= $this->add_page_links($lesson, $pageid);
// check the prev links - fix (silently) if necessary - there was a bug in
// versions 1 and 2 when add new pages. Not serious then as the backwards
// links were not used in those versions
if ($page->prevpageid != $prevpageid) {
// fix it
$DB->set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $prevpageid, array("id" => $page->id));
debugging("<p>***prevpageid of page $page->id set to $prevpageid***");
$prevpageid = $page->id;
$pageid = $page->nextpageid;
if ($single === true) {
$single = 'stop';
return $this->output->box($content, 'edit_pages_box');
* Returns HTML to display the add page links
* @param lesson $lesson
* @param int $prevpageid
* @return string
public function add_page_links(lesson $lesson, $prevpageid=false) {
global $CFG;
$links = array();
$importquestionsurl = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/import.php',array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$prevpageid));
$links[] = html_writer::link($importquestionsurl, get_string('importquestions', 'lesson'));
$manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($lesson);
foreach($manager->get_add_page_type_links($prevpageid) as $link) {
$links[] = html_writer::link($link['addurl'], $link['name']);
$addquestionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/editpage.php', array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$prevpageid));
$links[] = html_writer::link($addquestionurl, get_string('addaquestionpagehere', 'lesson'));
return $this->output->box(implode(" | \n", $links), 'addlinks');
* Return HTML to display add first page links
* @param lesson $lesson
* @return string
public function add_first_page_links(lesson $lesson) {
global $CFG;
$prevpageid = 0;
$output = $this->output->heading(get_string("whatdofirst", "lesson"), 3);
$links = array();
$importquestionsurl = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/import.php',array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$prevpageid));
$links[] = html_writer::link($importquestionsurl, get_string('importquestions', 'lesson'));
$importppturl = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/importppt.php',array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$prevpageid));
$links[] = html_writer::link($importppturl, get_string('importppt', 'lesson'));
$manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($lesson);
foreach ($manager->get_add_page_type_links($prevpageid) as $link) {
$link['addurl']->param('firstpage', 1);
$links[] = html_writer::link($link['addurl'], $link['name']);
$addquestionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/editpage.php', array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$prevpageid, 'firstpage'=>1));
$links[] = html_writer::link($addquestionurl, get_string('addaquestionpage', 'lesson'));
return $this->output->box($output.'<p>'.implode('</p><p>', $links).'</p>', 'generalbox firstpageoptions');
* Returns HTML to display action links for a page
* @param lesson_page $page
* @param bool $printmove
* @param bool $printaddpage
* @return string
public function page_action_links(lesson_page $page, $printmove, $printaddpage=false) {
global $CFG;
$actions = array();
if ($printmove) {
$printmovehtml = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/lesson.php', array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'action'=>'move', 'pageid'=>$page->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey()));
$actions[] = html_writer::link($printmovehtml, '<img src="'.$this->output->pix_url('t/move').'" class="iconsmall" alt="'.get_string('move').'" />');
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/editpage.php', array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$page->id, 'edit'=>1));
$actions[] = html_writer::link($url, '<img src="'.$this->output->pix_url('t/edit').'" class="iconsmall" alt="'.get_string('update').'" />');
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/view.php', array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$page->id));
$actions[] = html_writer::link($url, '<img src="'.$this->output->pix_url('t/preview').'" class="iconsmall" alt="'.get_string('preview').'" />');
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/lesson.php', array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'action'=>'confirmdelete', 'pageid'=>$page->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey()));
$actions[] = html_writer::link($url, '<img src="'.$this->output->pix_url('t/delete').'" class="iconsmall" alt="'.get_string('delete').'" />');
if ($printaddpage) {
$options = array();
$manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($page->lesson);
$links = $manager->get_add_page_type_links($page->id);
foreach ($links as $link) {
$options[$link['type']] = $link['name'];
$options[0] = get_string('question', 'lesson');
$addpageurl = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/editpage.php', array('id'=>$this->page->cm->id, 'pageid'=>$page->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey()));
$addpageselect = new single_select($addpageurl, 'qtype', $options, null, array(''=>get_string('addanewpage', 'lesson').'...'), 'addpageafter'.$page->id);
$addpageselector = $this->output->render($addpageselect);
if (isset($addpageselector)) {
$actions[] = $addpageselector;
return implode(' ', $actions);
* Prints the on going message to the user.
* With custom grading On, displays points
* earned out of total points possible thus far.
* With custom grading Off, displays number of correct
* answers out of total attempted.
* @param object $lesson The lesson that the user is taking.
* @return void
* Prints the on going message to the user.
* With custom grading On, displays points
* earned out of total points possible thus far.
* With custom grading Off, displays number of correct
* answers out of total attempted.
* @param lesson $lesson
* @return string
public function ongoing_score(lesson $lesson) {
global $USER, $DB;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->page->cm->id);
if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
return $this->output->box(get_string('teacherongoingwarning', 'lesson'), "ongoing center");
} else {
$ntries = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$lesson->id, "userid"=>$USER->id));
if (isset($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id])) {
$gradeinfo = lesson_grade($lesson, $ntries);
$a = new stdClass;
if ($lesson->custom) {
$a->score = $gradeinfo->earned;
$a->currenthigh = $gradeinfo->total;
return $this->output->box(get_string("ongoingcustom", "lesson", $a), "ongoing center");
} else {
$a->correct = $gradeinfo->earned;
$a->viewed = $gradeinfo->attempts;
return $this->output->box(get_string("ongoingnormal", "lesson", $a), "ongoing center");
* Returns HTML to display a progress bar of progression through a lesson
* @param lesson $lesson
* @return string
public function progress_bar(lesson $lesson) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->page->cm->id);
// lesson setting to turn progress bar on or off
if (!$lesson->progressbar) {
return '';
// catch teachers
if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
return $this->output->notification(get_string('progressbarteacherwarning2', 'lesson'));
if (!isset($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id])) {
// all of the lesson pages
$pages = $lesson->load_all_pages();
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if ($page->prevpageid == 0) {
$pageid = $page->id; // find the first page id
// current attempt number
if (!$ntries = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$lesson->id, "userid"=>$USER->id))) {
$ntries = 0; // may not be necessary
$viewedpageids = array();
if ($attempts = $lesson->get_attempts($ntries, true)) {
$viewedpageids = array_merge($viewedpageids, array_keys($attempts));
// collect all of the branch tables viewed
if ($viewedbranches = $DB->get_records("lesson_branch", array ("lessonid"=>$lesson->id, "userid"=>$USER->id, "retry"=>$ntries), 'timeseen DESC', 'id, pageid')) {
$viewedpageids = array_merge($viewedpageids, array_keys($viewedbranches));
// Filter out the following pages:
// End of Cluster
// End of Branch
// Pages found inside of Clusters
// Do not filter out Cluster Page(s) because we count a cluster as one.
// By keeping the cluster page, we get our 1
$validpages = array();
while ($pageid != 0) {
$pageid = $pages[$pageid]->valid_page_and_view($validpages, $viewedpageids);
// progress calculation as a percent
$progress = round(count($viewedpageids)/count($validpages), 2) * 100;
} else {
$progress = 100;
// print out the Progress Bar. Attempted to put as much as possible in the style sheets.
$cells = array();
if ($progress != 0) { // some browsers do not repsect the 0 width.
$cells[0] = new html_table_cell();
$cells[0]->style = 'width:'.$progress.'%';
$cells[0]->attributes['class'] = 'progress_bar_completed';
$cells[0]->text = ' ';
$cells[] = '<div class="progress_bar_token"></div>';
$table = new html_table();
$table->attributes['class'] = 'progress_bar_table';
$table->data = array(new html_table_row($cells));
return $this->output->box(html_writer::table($table), 'progress_bar');
* Returns HTML to show the start of a slideshow
* @param lesson $lesson
public function slideshow_start(lesson $lesson) {
$attributes = array();
$attributes['class'] = 'slideshow';
$attributes['style'] = 'background-color:'.$lesson->bgcolor.';height:'.$lesson->height.'px;width:'.$lesson->width.'px;';
$output = html_writer::start_tag('div', $attributes);
* Returns HTML to show the end of a slideshow
public function slideshow_end() {
$output = html_writer::end_tag('div');
* Returns a P tag containing contents
* @param string $contents
* @param string $class
public function paragraph($contents, $class='') {
$attributes = array();
if ($class !== '') {
$attributes['class'] = $class;
$output = html_writer::tag('p', $contents, $attributes);
* Returns HTML to display add_highscores_form
* @param lesson $lesson
* @return string
public function add_highscores_form(lesson $lesson) {
global $CFG;
$output = $this->output->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter');
$output .= $this->output->box_start('mdl-align');
$output .= '<form id="nickname" method ="post" action="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/lesson/highscores.php" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$this->page->cm->id.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="save" />
<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.sesskey().'" />';
$output .= get_string("entername", "lesson").": <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"7\" maxlength=\"5\" />";
$output .= $this->output->box("<input type='submit' value='".get_string('submitname', 'lesson')."' />", 'lessonbutton center');
$output .= "</form>";
$output .= $this->output->box_end();
$output .= $this->output->box_end();
return $output;