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synced 2025-02-20 16:15:54 +01:00
Previous operation was update all moodle fields from the external database during each login & sync ignoring this setting. Now if this setting is 'oncreation' then the field is only copied once (on creation of user).
462 lines
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462 lines
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<?php // $Id$
// Authentication by looking up an external database table
function auth_user_login ($username, $password) {
// Returns true if the username and password work
// and false if they are wrong or don't exist.
global $CFG;
// This is a hack to workaround what seems to be a bug in ADOdb with accessing
// two databases of the same kind ... it seems to get confused when trying to access
// the first database again, after having accessed the second.
// The following hack will make the database explicit which keeps it happy
// This seems to broke postgesql so ..
$prefix = $CFG->prefix.''; // Remember it. The '' is to prevent PHP5 reference.. see bug 3223
if ($CFG->dbtype != 'postgres7') {
$CFG->prefix = $CFG->dbname.$CFG->prefix;
// Connect to the external database
$authdb = &ADONewConnection($CFG->auth_dbtype);
if ($CFG->auth_dbpasstype === 'internal') {
// lookup username externally, but resolve
// password locally -- to support backend that
// don't track passwords
$rs = $authdb->Execute("SELECT * FROM $CFG->auth_dbtable
WHERE $CFG->auth_dbfielduser = '$username' ");
if (!$rs) {
notify("Could not connect to the specified authentication database...");
return false;
if ( $rs->RecordCount() ) {
// user exists exterally
// check username/password internally
if ($user = get_record('user', 'username', $username)) {
return validate_internal_user_password($user, $password);
} else {
// user does not exist externally
return false;
} else {
// normal case: use external db for passwords
if ($CFG->auth_dbpasstype === 'md5') { // Re-format password accordingly
$password = md5($password);
$rs = $authdb->Execute("SELECT * FROM $CFG->auth_dbtable
WHERE $CFG->auth_dbfielduser = '$username'
AND $CFG->auth_dbfieldpass = '$password' ");
$CFG->prefix = $prefix;
if (!$rs) {
notify("Could not connect to the specified authentication database...");
return false;
if ( $rs->RecordCount() ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function auth_get_userinfo($username){
// Reads any other information for a user from external database,
// then returns it in an array
global $CFG;
$config = (array) $CFG;
$pcfg = get_config('auth/db');
$pcfg = (array) $pcfg;
$authdb = &ADONewConnection();
$fields = array("firstname", "lastname", "email", "phone1", "phone2",
"department", "address", "city", "country", "description",
"idnumber", "lang");
$result = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($pcfg["field_map_$field"]) {
if ($rs = $authdb->Execute("SELECT ".$pcfg["field_map_$field"]." FROM $CFG->auth_dbtable
WHERE $CFG->auth_dbfielduser = '$username'")) {
if ( $rs->RecordCount() == 1 ) {
if (!empty($CFG->unicodedb)) {
$result["$field"] = addslashes(stripslashes($rs->fields[0]));
} else {
$result["$field"] = addslashes(stripslashes(utf8_decode($rs->fields[0])));
return $result;
function auth_user_update_password($username, $newpassword) {
global $CFG;
if ($CFG->auth_dbpasstype === 'internal') {
return set_field('user', 'password', md5($newpassword), 'username', $username);
} else {
// we should have never been called!
return false;
* syncronizes user fron external db to moodle user table
* Sync shouid be done by using idnumber attribute, not username.
* You need to pass firstsync parameter to function to fill in
* idnumbers if they dont exists in moodle user table.
* Syncing users removes (disables) users that dont exists anymore in external db.
* Creates new users and updates coursecreator status of users.
* @param bool $do_updates Optional: set to true to force an update of existing accounts
* This implementation is simpler but less scalable than the one found in the LDAP module.
function auth_sync_users ($do_updates=0) {
global $CFG;
$pcfg = get_config('auth/db');
/// list external users
$userlist = auth_get_userlist();
$quoteduserlist = implode("', '", $userlist);
$quoteduserlist = "'$quoteduserlist'";
/// delete obsolete internal users
// find obsolete users
if (count($userlist)) {
$sql = 'SELECT u.id, u.username
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix .'user u
WHERE u.auth=\'db\' AND u.deleted=\'0\' AND u.username NOT IN (' . $quoteduserlist . ')';
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT u.id, u.username
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix .'user u
WHERE u.auth=\'db\' AND u.deleted=\'0\' ';
$remove_users = get_records_sql($sql);
if (!empty($remove_users)){
print "User entries to remove: ". count($remove_users) . "\n";
foreach ($remove_users as $user) {
//following is copy pasted from admin/user.php
//maybe this should moved to function in lib/datalib.php
$updateuser->id = $user->id;
$updateuser->deleted = "1";
$updateuser->timemodified = time();
if (update_record("user", $updateuser)) {
// unenrol_student($user->id); // From all courses
// remove_teacher($user->id); // From all courses
// remove_admin($user->id);
delete_records('role_assignments', 'userid', $user->id); // unassign all roles
notify(get_string("deletedactivity", "", fullname($user, true)) );
} else {
notify(get_string("deletednot", "", fullname($user, true)));
//copy pasted part ends
unset($remove_users); // free mem!
if (!count($userlist)) {
// exit right here
// nothing else to do
return true;
/// update existing accounts
if ($do_updates) {
// narrow down what fields we need to update
$all_keys = array_keys(get_object_vars($pcfg));
$updatekeys = array();
foreach ($all_keys as $key) {
if (preg_match('/^field_updatelocal_(.+)$/',$key, $match)) {
if ($pcfg->{$key} === 'onlogin') {
array_push($updatekeys, $match[1]); // the actual key name
// print_r($all_keys); print_r($updatekeys);
unset($all_keys); unset($key);
// only go ahead if we actually
// have fields to update locally
if (!empty($updatekeys)) {
$sql = 'SELECT u.id, u.username
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix .'user u
WHERE u.auth=\'db\' AND u.deleted=\'0\' AND u.username IN (' . $quoteduserlist . ')';
$update_users = get_records_sql($sql);
foreach ($update_users as $user) {
auth_db_update_user_record($user->username, $updatekeys);
unset($update_users); // free memory
/// create missing accounts
// NOTE: this is very memory intensive
// and generally inefficient
$sql = 'SELECT u.id, u.username
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix .'user u
WHERE u.auth=\'db\' AND u.deleted=\'0\'';
$users = get_records_sql($sql);
// simplify down to usernames
$usernames = array();
foreach ($users as $user) {
array_push($usernames, $user->username);
$add_users = array_diff($userlist, $usernames);
print "User entries to add: ". count($add_users). "\n";
foreach($add_users as $user){
$username = $user;
$user = auth_get_userinfo_asobj($user);
// prep a few params
$user->username = $username;
$user->modified = time();
$user->confirmed = 1;
$user->auth = 'db';
// insert it
// maybe the user has been deleted before
if ($old_user = get_record('user', 'username', $user->username, 'deleted', 1)) {
$user->id = $old_user->id;
set_field('user', 'deleted', 0, 'username', $user->username);
echo "Revived user $user->username id $user->id\n";
} elseif ($id=insert_record ('user',$user)) { // it is truly a new user
echo "inserted user $user->username id $id\n";
$user->id = $id;
// if relevant, tag for password generation
if ($CFG->auth_dbpasstype === 'internal') {
set_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', 1, $id);
set_user_preference('create_password', 1, $id);
} else {
echo "error inserting user $user->username \n";
unset($add_users); // free mem
return true;
function auth_user_exists ($username) {
global $CFG;
$authdb = &ADONewConnection($CFG->auth_dbtype);
$rs = $authdb->Execute("SELECT * FROM $CFG->auth_dbtable
WHERE $CFG->auth_dbfielduser = '$username' ");
if (!$rs) {
notify("Could not connect to the specified authentication database...");
return false;
if ( $rs->RecordCount() ) {
// user exists exterally
// check username/password internally
// ?? there is no $password variable, so why??
/*if ($user = get_record('user', 'username', $username)) {
return ($user->password == md5($password));
return $rs->RecordCount();
} else {
// user does not exist externally
return false;
function auth_get_userlist() {
global $CFG;
// Connect to the external database
$authdb = &ADONewConnection($CFG->auth_dbtype);
// fetch userlist
$rs = $authdb->Execute("SELECT $CFG->auth_dbfielduser AS username
FROM $CFG->auth_dbtable ");
if (!$rs) {
notify("Could not connect to the specified authentication database...");
return false;
if ( $rs->RecordCount() ) {
$userlist = array();
while ($rec = $rs->FetchRow()) {
array_push($userlist, $rec['username']);
return $userlist;
} else {
return array();
* reads userinformation from DB and return it in an object
* @param string $username username
* @return array
function auth_get_userinfo_asobj($username){
$user_array = truncate_userinfo(auth_get_userinfo($username));
$user = new object;
foreach($user_array as $key=>$value){
$user->{$key} = $value;
return $user;
function auth_db_update_user_record($username, $updatekeys=false) {
/// will update a local user record from an external source.
/// is a lighter version of the one in moodlelib -- won't do
/// expensive ops such as enrolment
/// If you don't pass $updatekeys, there is a performance hit and
/// values removed from DB won't be removed from moodle.
global $CFG;
$pcfg = get_config('auth/db');
//just in case check text case
$username = trim(moodle_strtolower($username));
// get the current user record
$user = get_record('user', 'username', $username);
if (empty($user)) { // trouble
error_log("Cannot update non-existent user: $username");
if (function_exists('auth_get_userinfo')) {
if ($newinfo = auth_get_userinfo($username)) {
$newinfo = truncate_userinfo($newinfo);
if (empty($updatekeys)) { // all keys? this does not support removing values
$updatekeys = array_keys($newinfo);
foreach ($updatekeys as $key){
if (isset($newinfo[$key])) {
$value = $newinfo[$key];
$value = addslashes(stripslashes($value)); // Just in case
} else {
$value = '';
if (!empty($pcfg->{'field_updatelocal_' . $key})) {
if ($user->{$key} != $value) { // only update if it's changed
set_field('user', $key, $value, 'username', $username);
return get_record_select("user", "username = '$username' AND deleted <> '1'");
// A chance to validate form data, and last chance to
// do stuff before it is inserted in config_plugin
function auth_validate_form(&$form, &$err) {
// compat until we rework auth a bit
if ($form['auth_dbpasstype'] === 'internal') {
$CFG->auth_db_stdchangepassword = true;
if ($conf = get_record('config', 'name', 'auth_db_stdchangepassword')) {
$conf->value = 1;
if (! update_record('config', $conf)) {
notify("Could not update $name to $value");
} else {
$conf = new StdClass;
$conf->name = 'auth_db_stdchangepassword';
$conf->value = 1;
if (! insert_record('config', $conf)) {
notify("Error: could not add new variable $name !");
} else {
$CFG->auth_db_stdchangepassword = false;
if ($conf = get_record('config', 'name', 'auth_db_stdchangepassword')) {
$conf->value = 0;
if (! update_record('config', $conf)) {
notify("Could not update $name to $value");
} else {
$conf = new StdClass;
$conf->name = 'auth_db_stdchangepassword';
$conf->value = 0;
if (! insert_record('config', $conf)) {
notify("Error: could not add new variable $name !");
return true;