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1560 lines
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<?php // $Id$
* Functions used by edit.php to edit quizzes
* @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. This has recently been extensively
* rewritten by members of the Serving Mathematics project
* {@link http://maths.york.ac.uk/serving_maths}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package quiz
* Delete a question from a quiz
* Deletes a question or a pagebreak from a quiz by updating $quiz
* as well as the quiz, quiz_question_instances
* @return boolean false if the question was not in the quiz
* @param int $id The id of the question to be deleted
* @param object $quiz The extended quiz object as used by edit.php
* This is updated by this function
function quiz_delete_quiz_question($id, &$quiz) {
global $DB;
// TODO: For the sake of safety check that this question can be deleted
// safely, i.e., that it is not already in use.
$questions = explode(",", $quiz->questions);
// only do something if this question exists
if (!isset($questions[$id])) {
return false;
$question = $questions[$id];
$quiz->questions = implode(",", $questions);
// save new questionlist in database
if (!$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->instance))) {
print_error('cannotsavequestion', 'quiz');
$DB->delete_records('quiz_question_instances', array('quiz' => $quiz->instance, 'question'=> $question));
return true;
* Add a question to a quiz
* Adds a question to a quiz by updating $quiz as well as the
* quiz and quiz_question_instances tables. It also adds a page break
* if required.
* @return boolean false if the question was already in the quiz
* @param int $id The id of the question to be added
* @param object $quiz The extended quiz object as used by edit.php
* This is updated by this function
* @param int $page Which page in quiz to add the question on; if 0 (default), add at the end
function quiz_add_quiz_question($id, &$quiz, $page=0) {
global $DB;
$questions = explode(",", $quiz->questions);
if (in_array($id, $questions)) {
return false;
// remove ending page break if it is not needed
if ($breaks = array_keys($questions, 0)) {
// determine location of the last two page breaks
$end = end($breaks);
$last = prev($breaks);
$last = $last ? $last : -1;
if (!$quiz->questionsperpage or
(($end - $last -1) < $quiz->questionsperpage)) {
if(is_int($page) && $page >= 1){
if ($numofpages<$page){
//the page specified does not exist in quiz
// add ending page break - the following logic requires doing
//this at this point
$questions[] = 0;
foreach ($questions as $question){
//The current page is the one after the one we want to add on,
//so we add the question before adding the current page.
if ($currentpage==$page+1){
if ($page==0){
// add question
$questions[] = $id;
// add ending page break
$questions[] = 0;
// Save new questionslist in database
$quiz->questions = implode(",", $questions);
if (!$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id))) {
print_error('cannotsavequestion', 'quiz');
// update question grades
$questionrecord = $DB->get_record('question', array('id' => $id));
= $questionrecord->defaultgrade;
quiz_update_question_instance($quiz->grades[$id], $id, $quiz->instance);
return true;
* Save changes to question instance
* Saves changes to the question grades in the quiz_question_instances table.
* It does not update 'sumgrades' in the quiz table.
* @return boolean Indicates success or failure.
* @param integer grade The maximal grade for the question
* @param integer $questionid The id of the question
* @param integer $quizid The id of the quiz to update / add the instances for.
function quiz_update_question_instance($grade, $questionid, $quizid) {
global $DB;
if ($instance = $DB->get_record('quiz_question_instances', array('quiz' => $quizid, 'question' => $questionid))) {
$instance->grade = $grade;
return $DB->update_record('quiz_question_instances', $instance);
} else {
$instance->quiz = $quizid;
$instance->question = $questionid;
$instance->grade = $grade;
return $DB->insert_record("quiz_question_instances", $instance);
* Prints a list of quiz questions for the edit.php main view for edit
* ($reordertool=false) and order and paging ($reordertool=true) tabs
* @return int sum of maximum grades
* @param object $quiz This is not the standard quiz object used elsewhere but
* it contains the quiz layout in $quiz->questions and the grades in
* $quiz->grades
* @param object $pageurl The url of the current page with the parameters required
* for links returning to the current page, as a moodle_url object
* @param boolean $allowdelete Indicates whether the delete icons should be displayed
* @param boolean $reordertool Indicates whether the reorder tool should be displayed
* @param boolean $quiz_qbanktool Indicates whether the question bank should be displayed
* @param boolean $hasattempts Indicates whether the quiz has attempts
function quiz_print_question_list($quiz, $pageurl, $allowdelete=true,
$reordertool=false, $quiz_qbanktool=false,
$hasattempts=false) {
global $USER, $CFG, $QTYPES, $DB;
$strorder = get_string("order");
$strquestionname = get_string("questionname", "quiz");
$strgrade = get_string("grade");
$strremove = get_string('remove', 'quiz');
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$strview = get_string("view");
$straction = get_string("action");
$strmove = get_string("move");
$strmoveup = get_string("moveup");
$strmovedown = get_string("movedown");
$strselectall = get_string("selectall", "quiz");
$strselectnone = get_string("selectnone", "quiz");
$strtype = get_string("type", "quiz");
$strpreview = get_string("preview", "quiz");
if ($quiz->questions) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $quiz->questions));
$questions = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT q.*,c.contextid
FROM {question} q,
{question_categories} c
WHERE q.id $usql
AND q.category = c.id", $params);
} else {
$questions = array();
$order = explode(',', $layout);
$lastindex = count($order)-1;
if ($hasattempts) {
} else {
if ($quiz->shufflequestions) {
$reordercontrolssetdefaultsubmit='<div style="display:none;">'.
'<input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="'.
$strreorderquestions.'" '.$movedisabled.' /></div>';
$reordercontrols1='<div class="addnewpagesafterselected">'.
'<input type="submit" name="addnewpagesafterselected" value="'.
get_string("addnewpagesafterselected","quiz").'" '.
$pagingdisabled.' /></div>';
$reordercontrols1.='<div class="quizdeleteselected">'.
'<input type="submit" name="quizdeleteselected" '.
'onclick=\'return confirm("'.
get_string("areyousuredeleteselected","quiz").'")\'; value="'.
get_string("deleteselected").'" '.$disabled.' /></div>';
$a = '<input name="moveselectedonpagetop" type="text" size="2" '.
$pagingdisabled.' />';
$reordercontrols2top='<div class="moveselectedonpage">'.
get_string("moveselectedonpage","quiz", $a) .
'<input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="'.
$strmove.'" '.$pagingdisabled.' />'.'
<br /><input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="'.
$strreorderquestions.'" '.$movedisabled.' /></div>';
$reordercontrols2bottom='<div class="moveselectedonpage">'.
'<input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="'.
$strreorderquestions.'" '.$movedisabled.' /><br />'.
get_string("moveselectedonpage","quiz",$a) .
'<input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="'.
$strmove.'" '.$pagingdisabled.' /> '.'</div>';
$reordercontrols3='<a href="javascript:select_all_in(\'FORM\',null,'.
$strselectall.'</a> /';
$reordercontrols3.= ' <a href="javascript:deselect_all_in(\'FORM\','.
$reordercontrolstop='<div class="reordercontrols">'.
$reordercontrolsbottom='<div class="reordercontrols">'.
echo '<form method="post" action="edit.php" id="quizquestions"><div>';
echo $pageurl->hidden_params_out();
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.sesskey().'" />';
echo $reordercontrolstop;
//the current question ordinal (no descriptions)
$qno = 1;
//the current question (includes questions and descriptions)
//the ordinal of current element in the layout
//(includes page breaks, questions and descriptions)
$count = 0;
//the current page number in iteration
$pagecount = 0;
$sumgrade = 0;
$returnurl = $pageurl->out();
foreach ($order as $i => $qnum) {
if ($qnum and empty($questions[$qnum])) {
// If the questiontype is missing change the question type
if ($qnum and !array_key_exists($questions[$qnum]->qtype, $QTYPES)) {
$questions[$qnum]->qtype = 'missingtype';
if($qnum!=0 OR ($qnum==0&&!$pageopen)){
//this is either a question or a page break after another
// (no page is currently open)
//if no page is open, start display of a page
echo '<div class="quizpage"><span class="pagetitle">'.
get_string('page').' '.$pagecount.
'</span><div class="pagecontent">';
if($qnum==0 && $i<$questiontotalcount){
//this is a consequent 0 (signaling empty page), tell
// the user the page is empty
echo '<div class="pagestatus">';
print_string("noquestionsonpage", "quiz");
echo '</div>';
if ($allowdelete && !$quiz->questionsperpage) { // remove from quiz, not question delete.
echo '<div class="quizpagedelete">';
echo "<a title=\"".get_string("removeemptypage","quiz")."\" href=\"".
"\"><img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/delete.gif\" ".
" alt=\"$strremove\" /></a>";
echo '</div>';
$question = $questions[$qnum];
$questionparams = array('returnurl' => $returnurl,
'cmid'=>$quiz->cmid, 'id' => $question->id);
$questionurl = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/question/question.php",
//this is an actual question
/* Display question start */
<div class="question">
<div class="questioncontainer">
<div class="qnum">
$reordercheckbox='<input type="checkbox" name="s'.$question->id.
'" id="s'.$question->id.'" />';
$reordercheckboxlabel='<label for="s'.$question->id.'">';
if (!$quiz->shufflequestions) {
// Print and increment question number
if ($questioncount>999 OR ($reordertool && $questioncount>99)){
echo $questioncountstring;
$qno += $question->length;
} else {
echo "$reordercheckboxlabel * $reordercheckboxlabelclose".
" $reordercheckbox";
<div class="content">
<div class="questioncontrols">
if ($count != 0) {
if (!($count < $lastindex-1)) {
echo "<a title=\"$strmoveup\" href=\"".
src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/up.gif\" class=\"iconsmall
$upbuttonclass\" alt=\"$strmoveup\" /></a>";
if ($count < $lastindex-1) {
echo "<a title=\"$strmovedown\" href=\"".
src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/down.gif\" class=\"iconsmall\"".
" alt=\"$strmovedown\" /></a>";
if ($allowdelete && question_has_capability_on($question, 'use',
$question->category)) { // remove from quiz, not question delete.
echo "<a title=\"$strremove\" href=\"".
<img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/delete.gif\" ".
"class=\"iconsmall\" alt=\"$strremove\" /></a>";
if ($question->qtype != 'description' && !$reordertool) {
<div class="points">
<form method="post" action="edit.php"><div>
<fieldset class="invisiblefieldset" style="display: block;">
<label for="<?php echo "inputq$qnum" ?>"><?php echo $strgrade; ?></label>:<br />
<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="<?php echo sesskey() ?>" />
<?php echo $pageurl->hidden_params_out(); ?>
<input type="hidden" name="savechanges" value="save" />
echo '<input type="text" name="q'.$qnum.'" id="inputq'.$qnum.'" size="' . ($quiz->decimalpoints + 2) . '"
value="'.(0 + $quiz->grades[$qnum]).
'" tabindex="'.($lastindex+$qno).'" />';
<input type="submit" class="pointssubmitbutton" value="<?php echo $strsave; ?>" />
<?php if(strcmp($question->qtype,'random')===0){
echo '<a href="'.$questionurl->out().'" class="configurerandomquestion">'.get_string("configurerandomquestion","quiz").'</a>';
}else if ($reordertool) {
if ($qnum) {
<div class="qorder">
echo '<input type="text" name="o'.$i.'" size="2" value="'.
'" tabindex="'.($lastindex+$qno).
'" '.$movedisabled.' />';
<!-- <input type="submit" class="pointssubmitbutton" value="<?php
echo $strsave; ?>" /> -->
<div class="questioncontentcontainer">
//strcmp returns 0 if equal
if (strcmp($question->qtype,'random')===0){ // it is a random question
quiz_print_randomquestion($question, $pageurl, $quiz,
$pageurl, $quiz);
}else{ // it is a single question
quiz_print_singlequestion($question, $questionurl, $quiz);
$questionurl, $quiz);
/* Display question end */
$sumgrade += $quiz->grades[$qnum];
//a page break: end the existing page.
if($qnum == 0){
quiz_print_pagecontrols($quiz, $pageurl, $pagecount,
}else if ($i<$questiontotalcount-1){
//do not include the last page break for reordering
//to avoid creating a new extra page in the end
echo '<input type="hidden" name="o'.$i.'" size="2" value="'.
(10*$count+10).'" />';
echo "</div></div>";
echo "<div class=\"addpage\">";
echo "</div>";
echo $reordercontrolsbottom;
echo '</div></form>';
return $sumgrade;
* Print all the controls for adding questions directly into the
* specific page in the edit tab of edit.php
* @param unknown_type $quiz
* @param unknown_type $pageurl
* @param unknown_type $page
* @param unknown_type $hasattempts
function quiz_print_pagecontrols($quiz,$pageurl,$page, $hasattempts){
global $CFG;
echo '<div class="pagecontrols">';
// get the current context
$thiscontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $quiz->course);
$contexts = new question_edit_contexts($thiscontext);
// get default category and turn its infor into a string that works in an url
$defaultcategory = question_make_default_categories($contexts->all());
$categorystring = "$defaultcategory->id,$defaultcategory->contextid";
//create the url the question page will return to
$returnurl_addtoquiz=new moodle_url($pageurl->out(true),
//create the url of the new question page to forward to. return url is given
//as a parameter and automatically urlencoded.
$newquestionparams = array('returnurl' => $returnurl_addtoquiz->out(false),
'cmid'=>$quiz->cmid, "appendqnumstring"=>"addquestion", "category"=>$categorystring);
$newquestionurl_object = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/question/question.php",
echo get_string("addquestion","quiz").": ";
if ($hasattempts) {
$disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
} else {
$disabled = '';
popup_form ($newquestionurl.'&qtype=',
$strcreatenewquestion, $hasattempts);
helpbutton("questiontypes", $strcreatenewquestion, "quiz");
echo '<div class="adddescription">';
get_string("adddescriptionlabel","quiz"),'get', '_self', false, '',
echo "\n</div>";
<div class="addrandomquestion">
<div class="singlebutton">
<form class="randomquestionform" action="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot; ?>/mod/quiz/addrandom.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" class="addonpage_formelement" name="addonpage_form" value="<?php echo $page; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="cmid" value="<?php echo $quiz->cmid; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="courseid" value="<?php echo $quiz->course; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="<?php echo urlencode($pageurl->out(true)); ?>" />
<input type="submit" id="addrandomdialoglaunch_<?php echo $page; ?>" value="<?php echo get_string("addrandomquestion","quiz"); ?>" <?php echo " $disabled"; ?> />
<!--<a href="#" id="addrandomdialoglaunch_<?php echo $page; ?>">laa</a>-->
<?php helpbutton('random', get_string('random', 'quiz'), 'quiz', true, false, '');
echo "\n</div>";
* Process submitted form data to create a new category for a random question
* This is used by edit.php and addrandom.php
* cmid
* @param object $qcobject
* @return object an object with properties newrandomcategory and addonpage if operation successful.
* if operation failed, returns false.
function quiz_process_randomquestion_formdata(&$qcobject){
global $CFG,$DB;
if ($qcobject->catform_rand->is_cancelled()){
return false;
}elseif ($catformdata = $qcobject->catform_rand->get_data()) {
$newquestioninfo=new stdClass;
if (!$catformdata->id) {//new category
$catformdata->name, $catformdata->info,true);
if (! $newcategory = $DB->get_record('question_categories',
array('id'=>$newrandomcategory))) {
} else {
* Print a simple question list of the questions in a question bank category.
* Used for random question display in the edit tab of edit.php
function quiz_simple_question_list($pageurl, $categorylist, $numbertoshow=3,
$showhidden=false, $sortorderdecoded='qtype, name ASC',
$showquestiontext = true){
global $DB;
// hide-feature
$showhidden = $showhidden ? '' : " AND hidden = '0'";
$categorylist_array = explode(',', $categorylist);
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($categorylist_array);
if (!$questions = $DB->get_records_select('question',
"category $usql AND parent = '0' $showhidden",
$params, $sortorderdecoded, '*', 0, $numbertoshow)) {
// There are no questions on the requested page.
$page = 0;
if (!$questions = $DB->get_records_select('question',
"category $usql AND parent = '0' $showhidden",
$params, $sortorderdecoded, '*', 0, $numbertoshow)) {
// There are no questions at all
foreach ($questions as $question) {
echo "<li>";
quiz_question_tostring($question,true, $showquestiontext, false);
echo "</li>";
* Print a given single question in quiz for the edit tab of edit.php.
* Meant to be used from quiz_print_question_list()
* @param object $question A question object from the database questions table
* @param object $questionurl The url of the question editing page as a moodle_url object
* @param object $quiz The quiz in the context of which the question is being displayed
function quiz_print_singlequestion(&$question, &$questionurl, &$quiz){
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$strview = get_string("view");
<div class="singlequestion">
$formatoptions = new stdClass;
$formatoptions->noclean = false;
$formatoptions->para = false;
$formatoptions->newlines = false;
if (question_has_capability_on($question, 'edit', $question->category)
|| question_has_capability_on($question, 'move',
$question->category)) {
echo "<a title=\"$stredit\" href=\"".$questionurl->out()."\">".
'<span class="editicon">'.
"<img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/edit.gif\" alt=\"".
get_string("edit")."\" /></span>".
elseif (question_has_capability_on($question, 'view',
echo "<a title=\"$strview\" href=\"".
$questionurl->out(false, array('id'=>$question->id))."\">".
'<span class="editicon">'.
"<img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/i/info.gif\" ".
"alt=\"$strview\" /></span>".
echo '<span class="questiontype">';
$namestr = $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->menu_name();
echo " $namestr</span>";
echo '<span class="questionpreview">'.
quiz_question_preview_button($quiz, $question).'</span>';
* Print a given random question in quiz for the edit tab of edit.php.
* Meant to be used from quiz_print_question_list()
* @param object $question A question object from the database questions table
* @param object $questionurl The url of the question editing page as a moodle_url object
* @param object $quiz The quiz in the context of which the question is being displayed
* @param boolean $quiz_qbanktool Indicate to this function if the question bank window open
function quiz_print_randomquestion(&$question, &$pageurl, &$quiz,$quiz_qbanktool){
global $DB, $THEME;
echo '<div class="quiz_randomquestion">';
if (!$category = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $question->category))) {
notify('Random question category not found!');
echo '<div class="randomquestionfromcategory">';
echo " ".get_string("xfromcategory",'quiz',get_string('random','quiz'))."</div>";
$a = new stdClass;
$a->arrow = $THEME->rarrow;
$strshowcategorycontents=get_string('showcategorycontents','quiz', $a);
echo '<div class="randomquestioncategory">';
echo '<a href="'.
'" title="'.$strshowcategorycontents.'">'.$category->name.'</a>';
echo '<span class="questionpreview">'.
quiz_question_preview_button($quiz, $question).
echo "</div>";
"category IN ($category->id) AND parent = '0' ");
echo '<div class="randomquestionqlist">';
//No questions in category, give an error plus instructions
echo '<span class="error">';
print_string("noquestionsnotinuse", "quiz");
echo '</span>';
echo '<br />';
//create link to open question bank
$linkcategorycontents=' <a href="'.
// embed the link into the string with instructions
$a = new stdClass;
$a->catname = '<strong>' . $category->name . '</strong>';
$a->link = $linkcategorycontents;
echo get_string('addnewquestionsqbank','quiz', $a);
//Category has questions, list a sample of them
echo "<ul>";
quiz_simple_question_list($pageurl, $question->category,
echo '<li class="totalquestionsinrandomqcategory">';
if ($questioncount>$randomquestionlistsize){
echo "... ";
$a = new stdClass;
$a->arrow = $THEME->rarrow;
echo ' <a href="'.
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</div>";
echo '<div class="randomquestioncategorycount">';
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
* Print a given single question in quiz for the reordertool tab of edit.php.
* Meant to be used from quiz_print_question_list()
* @param object $question A question object from the database questions table
* @param object $questionurl The url of the question editing page as a moodle_url object
* @param object $quiz The quiz in the context of which the question is being displayed
function quiz_print_singlequestion_reordertool(&$question, &$questionurl, &$quiz){
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$strview = get_string("view");
$reordercheckboxlabel='<label for="s'.$question->id.'">';
<div class="singlequestion">
$formatoptions = new stdClass;
$formatoptions->noclean = false;
$formatoptions->para = false;
$formatoptions->newlines = false;
echo $reordercheckboxlabel;
echo "$reordercheckboxlabelclose ";
FORMAT_MOODLE,$formatoptions, $COURSE->id));
if (question_has_capability_on($question, 'edit', $question->category) || question_has_capability_on($question, 'move', $question->category)) {
echo "$reordercheckboxlabel ".
$editstring="<a title=\"$stredit\" href=\"".
$questionurl->out(false, array('id'=>$question->id)).
"\"><img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/edit.gif\" alt=\"".
$stredit."\" /></a>";
} elseif (question_has_capability_on($question, 'view',
echo "$reordercheckboxlabel".
$editstring="<a title=\"$strview\" href=\"".$questionurl->out(false,
array('id'=>$question->id))."\">$questionstring <img
src=\"$CFG->pixpath/i/info.gif\" alt=\"$strview\" /></a>";
echo "$reordercheckboxlabel".
echo '<span class="questionpreview">'.$editstring.
quiz_question_preview_button($quiz, $question, false).
* Print a given random question in quiz for the reordertool tab of edit.php.
* Meant to be used from quiz_print_question_list()
* @param object $question A question object from the database questions table
* @param object $questionurl The url of the question editing page as a moodle_url object
* @param object $quiz The quiz in the context of which the question is being displayed
function quiz_print_randomquestion_reordertool(&$question, &$pageurl, &$quiz){
global $CFG,$DB;
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$strview = get_string("view");
echo '<div class="quiz_randomquestion">';
if (!$category = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $question->category))) {
notify('Random question category not found!');
echo '<div class="randomquestionfromcategory">';
$url=$pageurl->out(false,array("qbanktool"=>1, "cat"=>$category->id.','.
$reordercheckboxlabel='<label for="s'.$question->id.'">';
echo $reordercheckboxlabel;
"category IN ($category->id) AND parent = '0' ");
echo '<span class="error">';
print_string("empty", "quiz");
echo '</span> ';
echo ": $reordercheckboxlabelclose</div>";
echo '<div class="randomquestioncategory">';
echo '<!--<a href="'.
$pageurl->out(false,array("qbanktool"=>1, "cat"=>$category->id.','.
echo '<span class="questionpreview">';
echo quiz_question_preview_button($quiz, $question,false);
echo '</span>';
echo "</div>";
echo '<div class="randomquestioncategorycount">';
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
* Creates a textual representation of a question for display.
* @param object $question A question object from the database questions table
* @param boolean $showicon If true, show the question's icon with the question. False by default.
* @param boolean $showquestiontext If true (default), show question text after question name.
* If false, show only question name.
* @param boolean $return If true (default), return the output. If false, print it.
function quiz_question_tostring(&$question,$showicon=false,$showquestiontext=true, $return=true){
global $COURSE;
$result.='<span class="questionname">';
echo " ";
$formatoptions = new stdClass;
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$formatoptions->para = false;
$formatoptions, $COURSE->id));
$result.='<span class="questiontext">';
$result.='<span class="error">';
$result.= get_string("questiontextisempty","quiz");
return $result;
echo $result;
* Shows the question bank editing interface.
* A changed copy of the function at question/editlib.php; to be refactored.
* The function also processes a number of actions:
* Actions affecting the question pool:
* move Moves a question to a different category
* deleteselected Deletes the selected questions from the category
* Other actions:
* category Chooses the category
* displayoptions Sets display options
* @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. This has recently been extensively
* rewritten by Gustav Delius and other members of the Serving Mathematics project
* {@link http://maths.york.ac.uk/serving_maths}. Partially
* rewritten by Olli Savolainen as a part of the Quiz UI Redesign
* project in Summer 2008
* {@link http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Quiz_UI_redesign}.
* @param moodle_url $pageurl object representing this pages url.
function quiz_question_showbank($tabname, $contexts, $pageurl, $cm,
$page, $perpage, $sortorder, $sortorderdecoded, $cat, $recurse,
$showhidden, $showquestiontext, $cmoptions){
global $COURSE,$DB;
if (optional_param('deleteselected', false, PARAM_BOOL)){ // teacher still has to confirm
// make a list of all the questions that are selected
$rawquestions = $_REQUEST; // This code is called by both POST forms and GET links, so cannot use data_submitted.
$questionlist = ''; // comma separated list of ids of questions to be deleted
$questionnames = ''; // string with names of questions separated by <br /> with
// an asterix in front of those that are in use
$inuse = false; // set to true if at least one of the questions is in use
foreach ($rawquestions as $key => $value) { // Parse input for question ids
if (preg_match('!^q([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
$key = $matches[1];
$questionlist .= $key.',';
question_require_capability_on($key, 'edit');
if ($DB->record_exists('quiz_question_instances', array('question'=>$key))) {
$questionnames .= '* ';
$inuse = true;
$questionnames .= $DB->get_field('question', 'name', array('id'=>$key)).
'<br />';
if (!$questionlist) { // no questions were selected
$questionlist = rtrim($questionlist, ',');
// Add an explanation about questions in use
if ($inuse) {
$questionnames .= '<br />'.get_string('questionsinuse', 'quiz');
notice_yesno(get_string("deletequestionscheck", "quiz", $questionnames),
//actual question bank
// starts with category selection form
list($categoryid, $contextid)= explode(',', $cat);
if (!$categoryid) {
print_box_start('generalbox questionbank');
quiz_question_category_form($contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname), $pageurl, $cat, $recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext);
echo "<p style=\"text-align:center;\"><b>";
print_string("selectcategoryabove", "quiz");
echo "</b></p>";
if (!$category = $DB->get_record('question_categories',
array('id' => $categoryid, 'contextid' => $contextid))) {
print_box_start('generalbox questionbank');
notify('Category not found!');
$formatoptions = new stdClass;
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$strcategory = get_string('category', 'quiz');
echo '<div class="categoryinfo"><div class="categorynamefieldcontainer">'.
echo ': <span class="categorynamefield">';
echo shorten_text(strip_tags(format_text($category->name, FORMAT_MOODLE,
$formatoptions, $COURSE->id)),60);
echo '</span></div><div class="categoryinfofieldcontainer"><span class="categoryinfofield">';
echo shorten_text(strip_tags(format_text($category->info, FORMAT_MOODLE,
$formatoptions, $COURSE->id)),200);
echo '</span></div></div>';
print_box_start('generalbox questionbank');
$pageurl, $cat, $recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext);
// continues with list of questions
isset($cm) ? $cm : null,
echo '<hr/><form method="get" action="edit.php" id="displayoptions">';
echo "<fieldset class='invisiblefieldset'>";
echo $pageurl->hidden_params_out(array('recurse', 'showhidden',
question_category_form_checkbox('recurse', $recurse);
question_category_form_checkbox('showhidden', $showhidden);
echo '<noscript><div class="centerpara"><input type="submit" value="'.
get_string('go') .'" />';
echo '</div></noscript></fieldset></form>';
* prints a form to choose categories
* A changed copy of the function at question/editlib.php; to be refactored.
function quiz_question_category_form($contexts, $pageurl, $current, $recurse=1,
$showhidden=false, $showquestiontext=false) {
global $CFG;
/// Get all the existing categories now
$catmenu = question_category_options($contexts, false, 0, true);
$strcategory = get_string('category', 'quiz');
$strselectcategory = get_string('selectcategory', 'quiz');
$strshow = get_string('show', 'quiz');
$streditcats = get_string('editcategories', 'quiz');
popup_form ('edit.php?'.$pageurl->get_query_string().'&category=',
$catmenu, 'catmenu', $current, '', '', '', false, 'self',
* Prints the table of questions in a category with interactions
* A changed copy of the function at question/editlib.php; to be refactored.
* @param object $course The course object
* @param int $categoryid The id of the question category to be displayed
* @param int $cm The course module record if we are in the context of a particular module, 0 otherwise
* @param int $recurse This is 1 if subcategories should be included, 0 otherwise
* @param int $page The number of the page to be displayed
* @param int $perpage Number of questions to show per page
* @param boolean $showhidden True if also hidden questions should be displayed
* @param boolean $showquestiontext whether the text of each question should be shown in the list
* @param object $cmoptions Options to be passed on to the callbacks called from this function
function quiz_question_list($contexts, $pageurl, $categoryandcontext,
$cm = null, $recurse=1, $page=0, $perpage=100, $showhidden=false,
$sortorder='typename', $sortorderdecoded='qtype, name ASC',
$showquestiontext = false, $addcontexts = array(), $cmoptions) {
global $USER, $CFG, $THEME, $COURSE, $DB;
list($categoryid, $contextid)= explode(',', $categoryandcontext);
$qtypemenu = question_type_menu();
$strcategory = get_string("category", "quiz");
$strquestion = get_string("question", "quiz");
$straddquestions = get_string("addquestions", "quiz");
$strimportquestions = get_string("importquestions", "quiz");
$strexportquestions = get_string("exportquestions", "quiz");
$strnoquestions = get_string("noquestions", "quiz");
$strselect = get_string("select", "quiz");
$strselectall = get_string("selectall", "quiz");
$strselectnone = get_string("selectnone", "quiz");
$strcreatenewquestion = get_string("createnewquestion", "quiz");
$strquestion = get_string("question", "quiz");
$strdelete = get_string("delete");
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$strmove = get_string('moveqtoanothercontext', 'question');
$strview = get_string("view");
$straction = get_string("action");
$strrestore = get_string('restore');
$strtype = get_string("type", "quiz");
$strcreatemultiple = get_string("createmultiple", "quiz");
$strpreview = get_string("preview","quiz");
if (!$categoryid) {
echo "<p style=\"text-align:center;\"><b>";
print_string("selectcategoryabove", "quiz");
echo "</b></p>";
if (!$category = $DB->get_record('question_categories',
array('id' => $categoryid, 'contextid' => $contextid))) {
notify('Category not found!');
$catcontext = get_context_instance_by_id($contextid);
$canadd = has_capability('moodle/question:add', $catcontext);
//check for capabilities on all questions in category, will also apply to sub cats.
$caneditall =has_capability('moodle/question:editall', $catcontext);
$canuseall =has_capability('moodle/question:useall', $catcontext);
$canmoveall =has_capability('moodle/question:moveall', $catcontext);
if ($cm AND $cm->modname == 'quiz') {
$quizid = $cm->instance;
} else {
$quizid = 0;
//create the url of the new question page to forward to. return url is given
//as a parameter and automatically urlencoded.
$returnurl = $pageurl->out();
$questionurl = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/question/question.php",
array('returnurl' => $returnurl));
if ($cm!==null){
$questionurl->param('cmid', $cm->id);
} else {
$questionurl->param('courseid', $COURSE->id);
$questionmoveurl = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/question/contextmoveq.php",
array('returnurl' => $returnurl));
if ($cm!==null){
$questionmoveurl->param('cmid', $cm->id);
} else {
$questionmoveurl->param('courseid', $COURSE->id);
$categorylist = ($recurse) ? question_categorylist($category->id) : $category->id;
// hide-feature
$showhidden = $showhidden ? '' : " AND hidden = '0'";
echo '<div class="createnewquestion">';
if ($canadd) {
popup_form ($questionurl->out(false, array('category' => $category->id)).
'&qtype=', $qtypemenu, "addquestion_$page", "", "choose", "",
"", false, "self", "<strong>$strcreatenewquestion</strong>");
helpbutton("questiontypes", $strcreatenewquestion, "quiz");
else {
print_string('nopermissionadd', 'question');
echo '</div>';
$categorylist_array = explode(',', $categorylist);
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($categorylist_array);
if (!$totalnumber = $DB->count_records_select('question',
"category $usql AND parent = '0' $showhidden", $params)) {
echo '<div class="categoryquestionscontainer noquestionsincategory">';
print_string("noquestions", "quiz");
echo "</div>";
if (!$questions = $DB->get_records_select('question',
"category $usql AND parent = '0' $showhidden", $params, $sortorderdecoded,
'*', $page*$perpage, $perpage)) {
// There are no questions on the requested page.
$page = 0;
if (!$questionsatall = $DB->get_records_select('question',
"category $usql AND parent = '0' $showhidden", $params, $sortorderdecoded,
'*', 0, $perpage)) {
// There are no questions at all
echo '<div class="categoryquestionscontainer noquestionsincategory">';
print_string("noquestions", "quiz");
echo "</div>";
echo '<div class="categorysortopotionscontainer">';
echo question_sort_options($pageurl, $sortorder);
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="categorypagingbarcontainer">';
print_paging_bar($totalnumber, $page, $perpage, $pageurl, 'qpage');
echo '</div>';
echo '<form method="post" action="edit.php">';
echo '<fieldset class="invisiblefieldset" style="display: block;">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.sesskey().'" />';
echo $pageurl->hidden_params_out();
echo '<div class="categoryquestionscontainer">';
echo '<table id="categoryquestions" style="width: 100%"><colgroup><col id="qaction"></col><col id="qname"></col><col id="qextraactions"></col></colgroup><tr>';
echo "<th style=\"white-space:nowrap;\" class=\"header\" scope=\"col\">$straction</th>";
echo "<th style=\"white-space:nowrap; text-align: left;\" class=\"header\" scope=\"col\">$strquestion</th>";
echo "<th style=\"white-space:nowrap; text-align: left;\" class=\"header\" scope=\"col\"></th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
foreach ($questions as $question) {
$nameclass = '';
$textclass = '';
if ($question->hidden) {
$nameclass = 'dimmed_text';
$textclass = 'dimmed_text';
if ($showquestiontext) {
$nameclass .= ' header';
if ($nameclass) {
$nameclass = 'class="' . $nameclass . '"';
if ($textclass) {
$textclass = 'class="' . $textclass . '"';
echo "<tr>\n<td style=\"white-space:nowrap;\" $nameclass>\n";
$canuseq = question_has_capability_on($question, 'use',
if (function_exists('module_specific_actions')) {
echo module_specific_actions($pageurl, $question->id, $cm->id,
if ($caneditall || $canmoveall || $canuseall){
echo "<input title=\"$strselect\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"q$question->id\" id=\"checkq$question->id\" value=\"1\" />";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td $nameclass><div>";
echo "<label for=\"checkq$question->id\">";
echo " $questionstring</label>";
echo "</div></td>\n";
echo "<td>";
// edit, hide, delete question, using question capabilities, not quiz capabilieies
if (question_has_capability_on($question, 'edit', $question->category) ||
question_has_capability_on($question, 'move',
$question->category)) {
echo "<a title=\"$stredit\" href=\"".$questionurl->out(false,
array('id'=>$question->id))."\"> <img
src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/edit.gif\" alt=\"$stredit\" /></a>";
} elseif (question_has_capability_on($question, 'view',
echo "<a title=\"$strview\" href=\"".$questionurl->out(false,
src=\"$CFG->pixpath/i/info.gif\" alt=\"$strview\" /></a>";
// preview
if ($canuseq) {
$quizorcourseid = $quizid?('&quizid=' . $quizid):('&courseid=' .$COURSE->id);
link_to_popup_window('/question/preview.php?id=' . $question->id .
$quizorcourseid, 'questionpreview',
"<img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/preview.gif\" class=\"iconsmall\" alt=\"$strpreview\" />",
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo '<tr><td colspan="3" ' . $textclass . '>';
$formatoptions = new stdClass;
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$formatoptions->para = false;
echo format_text($question->questiontext,
$formatoptions, $COURSE->id);
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table></div>\n";
echo '<div class="categorypagingbarcontainer pagingbottom">';
$paging = print_paging_bar($totalnumber, $page, $perpage,
$pageurl, 'qpage', false, true);
if ($totalnumber > DEFAULT_QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE) {
$showall = '<a href="edit.php?'.$pageurl->get_query_string(array('qperpage'=>1000)).'">'.get_string('showall', 'moodle', $totalnumber).'</a>';
} else {
$showall = '<a href="edit.php?'.$pageurl->get_query_string(array('qperpage'=>DEFAULT_QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE)).'">'.get_string('showperpage', 'moodle', DEFAULT_QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE).'</a>';
if ($paging) {
$paging = substr($paging, 0, strrpos($paging, '</div>'));
$paging .= "<br />$showall</div>";
} else {
$paging = "<div class='paging'>$showall</div>";
echo $paging;
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="categoryselectallcontainer">';
if ($caneditall || $canmoveall || $canuseall){
echo '<a href="javascript:select_all_in(\'TABLE\',null,\'categoryquestions\');">'.$strselectall.'</a> /'.
' <a href="javascript:deselect_all_in(\'TABLE\',null,\'categoryquestions\');">'.$strselectnone.'</a>';
echo '<br />';
echo "</div>\n";
echo '<div class="modulespecificbuttonscontainer">';
if ($caneditall || $canmoveall || $canuseall){
echo '<strong> '.get_string('withselected', 'quiz').':</strong><br />';
if (function_exists('module_specific_buttons')) {
echo module_specific_buttons($cm->id,$cmoptions);
// print delete and move selected question
if ($caneditall) {
echo '<input type="submit" name="deleteselected" value="'.
$strdelete."\" />\n";
if (function_exists('module_specific_controls') && $canuseall) {
$modulespecific=module_specific_controls($totalnumber, $recurse, $category,
echo "<hr />$modulespecific";
echo "</div>\n";
echo '</fieldset>';
echo "</form>\n";
* Add an arbitrary element to array at a specified index, pushing the rest
* back.
* @param array $array The array to operate on
* @param mixed $value The element to add
* @param integer $at The position at which to add the element
* @return array
function array_add_at($array,$value,$at){
$beginpart=array_slice($array, 0,$at);
$endpart=array_slice($array, $at, (count($array)-$at) );
return $result;
* Prints the form for setting a quiz' overall grade
* @param object $quiz The quiz object of the quiz in question
* @param object $pageurl The url of the current page with the parameters required
* for links returning to the current page, as a moodle_url object
* @param integer $tabindex The tabindex to start from for the form elements created
* @return integer The tabindex from which the calling page can continue, that is,
* the last value used +1.
function quiz_print_grading_form($quiz, $pageurl, $tabindex){
global $USER;
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"edit.php\"><div>";
echo '<fieldset class="invisiblefieldset" style="display: block;">';
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"".sesskey()."\" />";
echo $pageurl->hidden_params_out();
$a='<input type="text" id="inputmaxgrade" name="maxgrade" size="' . ($quiz->decimalpoints + 2) . '" tabindex="'.($tabindex)
.'" value="'.quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->grade).'" />';
echo '<label for="inputmaxgrade">'.get_string("maximumgradex",'',$a)."</label>";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="savechanges" value="save" />';
echo '<input type="submit" value="'.$strsave.'" />';
helpbutton("maxgrade", get_string("maximumgrade"), "quiz");
echo '</fieldset>';
echo "</div></form>\n";
return $tabindex+1;
* Print the status bar
* @param object $quiz The quiz object of the quiz in question
function quiz_print_status_bar($quiz){
global $CFG;
?><div class="statusdisplay"><span class="totalpoints">
<?php echo get_string('totalpointsx', 'quiz', quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->sumgrades)) ?></span>
| <span class="numberofquestions">
echo get_string("numquestionsx","quiz",$numberofquestions);
| <span class="quizopeningstatus">
$available = true;
$dates = array();
$timenow = time();
$dateformat = get_string('strftimedatetimeshort');
if ($quiz->timeopen > 0) {
if ($timenow > $quiz->timeopen) {
$dates[] = get_string('openedat', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeopen, $dateformat));
} else {
$dates[] = get_string('opensat', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeopen, $dateformat));
$available = false;
if ($quiz->timeclose > 0) {
if ($timenow > $quiz->timeclose) {
$dates[] = get_string('closedat', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeclose, $dateformat));
$available = false;
} else {
$dates[] = get_string('closesat', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeclose, $dateformat));
if (empty($dates)) {
$dates[] = get_string('alwaysavailable', 'quiz');
$dates = implode(', ', $dates);
if ($available) {
print_string('quizisopen', 'quiz', $dates);
} else {
print_string('quizisclosed', 'quiz', $dates);
// If questions are shuffled, notify the user about the
// question order not making much sense
$updateurl=new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/course/mod.php",
array("return"=>"true","update"=>$quiz->cmid, "sesskey"=>sesskey()));
echo '<br /><strong><a href="'.$updateurl->out().'">';
print_string('updatethis', '', get_string('modulename', 'quiz'));
echo '</a>:</strong> ';
echo "*";
$shuffleqs= get_string("yes");
$shuffleqs= get_string("no");
echo get_string("shufflequestionsx",'quiz',$shuffleqs);
echo " | ";
$questionsperpagebool = ($quiz->questionsperpage < 1) ? 0 : 1;