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require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/lib.php');
* Get newest graded state or newest state for a number of attempts. Pass in the
* uniqueid field from quiz_attempt table not the id. Use question_state_is_graded
* function to check that the question is actually graded.
* @param array attemptidssql either an array of attemptids with numerical keys
* or an object with properties from, where and params.
* @param boolean idxattemptq true if a multidimensional array should be
* constructed with keys indexing array first by attempt and then by question
* id.
function quiz_get_newgraded_states($attemptidssql, $idxattemptq = true, $fields='qs.*'){
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($attemptidssql && is_array($attemptidssql)){
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($attemptidssql);
$gradedstatesql = "SELECT $fields FROM " .
"{question_sessions} qns, " .
"{question_states} qs " .
"WHERE qns.attemptid $usql AND " .
"qns.newest = qs.id";
$gradedstates = $DB->get_records_sql($gradedstatesql, $params);
} else if ($attemptidssql && is_object($attemptidssql)){
$gradedstatesql = "SELECT $fields FROM " .
"{question_sessions} qns, " .
"{question_states} qs " .
"WHERE qns.attemptid = qa.uniqueid AND " .
$attemptidssql->where." AND ".
"qns.newest = qs.id";
$gradedstates = $DB->get_records_sql($gradedstatesql, $attemptidssql->params);
} else {
return array();
if ($idxattemptq){
return quiz_report_index_by_keys($gradedstates, array('attempt', 'question'));
} else {
return $gradedstates;
* Takes an array of objects and constructs a multidimensional array keyed by
* the keys it finds on the object.
* @param array $datum an array of objects with properties on the object
* including the keys passed as the next param.
* @param array $keys Array of strings with the names of the properties on the
* objects in datum that you want to index the multidimensional array by.
* @param boolean $keysunique If there is not only one object for each
* combination of keys you are using you should set $keysunique to true.
* Otherwise all the object will be added to a zero based array. So the array
* returned will have count($keys) + 1 indexs.
* @return array multidimensional array properly indexed.
function quiz_report_index_by_keys($datum, $keys, $keysunique=true){
if (!$datum){
return $datum;
$key = array_shift($keys);
$datumkeyed = array();
foreach ($datum as $data){
if ($keys || !$keysunique){
$datumkeyed[$data->{$key}][]= $data;
} else {
$datumkeyed[$data->{$key}]= $data;
if ($keys){
foreach ($datumkeyed as $datakey => $datakeyed){
$datumkeyed[$datakey] = quiz_report_index_by_keys($datakeyed, $keys, $keysunique);
return $datumkeyed;
function quiz_report_unindex($datum){
if (!$datum){
return $datum;
$datumunkeyed = array();
foreach ($datum as $value){
if (is_array($value)){
$datumunkeyed = array_merge($datumunkeyed, quiz_report_unindex($value));
} else {
$datumunkeyed[] = $value;
return $datumunkeyed;
function quiz_get_regraded_qs($attemptidssql, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0){
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($attemptidssql && is_array($attemptidssql)){
list($asql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($attemptidssql);
$regradedqsql = "SELECT qqr.* FROM " .
"{quiz_question_regrade} qqr " .
"WHERE qqr.attemptid $asql";
$regradedqs = $DB->get_records_sql($regradedqsql, $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
} else if ($attemptidssql && is_object($attemptidssql)){
$regradedqsql = "SELECT qqr.* FROM " .
$attemptidssql->from.", ".
"{quiz_question_regrade} qqr " .
"WHERE qqr.attemptid = qa.uniqueid AND " .
$regradedqs = $DB->get_records_sql($regradedqsql, $attemptidssql->params, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
} else {
return array();
return quiz_report_index_by_keys($regradedqs, array('attemptid', 'questionid'));
function quiz_get_average_grade_for_questions($quiz, $userids){
global $CFG, $DB;
$qmfilter = quiz_report_qm_filter_select($quiz);
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userids);
$params[] = $quiz->id;
$questionavgssql = "SELECT qns.questionid, AVG(qs.grade) FROM
{quiz_attempts} qa
LEFT JOIN {question_sessions} qns ON (qns.attemptid = qa.uniqueid)
LEFT JOIN {question_states} qs ON (qns.newgraded = qs.id AND qs.event IN (".QUESTION_EVENTS_GRADED."))
"($qmfilter) AND " .
"qa.userid $usql AND " .
"qa.quiz = ? ".
"GROUP BY qns.questionid";
return $DB->get_records_sql_menu($questionavgssql, $params);
function quiz_get_total_qas_graded_and_ungraded($quiz, $questionids, $userids){
global $CFG, $DB;
$params = array($quiz->id);
list($u_sql, $u_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userids);
list($q_sql, $q_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($questionids);
$params = array_merge($params, $u_params, $q_params);
$sql = "SELECT qs.question, COUNT(1) AS totalattempts,
SUM(CASE WHEN (qs.event IN(".QUESTION_EVENTS_GRADED.")) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS gradedattempts
{quiz_attempts} qa,
{question_sessions} qns,
{question_states} qs
qa.quiz = ? AND
qa.userid $u_sql AND
qns.attemptid = qa.uniqueid AND
qns.newest = qs.id AND
qs.question $q_sql
GROUP BY qs.question";
return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
function quiz_format_average_grade_for_questions($avggradebyq, $questions, $quiz, $download){
$row = array();
if (!$avggradebyq){
$avggradebyq = array();
foreach(array_keys($questions) as $questionid) {
if (isset($avggradebyq[$questionid])){
$grade = $avggradebyq[$questionid];
$grade = quiz_rescale_grade($grade, $quiz, 'question');
} else {
$grade = '--';
$row['qsgrade'.$questionid] = $grade;
return $row;
* Load the question data necessary in the reports.
* - Remove description questions.
* - Order questions in order that they are in the quiz
* - Add question numbers.
* - Add grade from quiz_questions_instance
function quiz_report_load_questions($quiz){
global $CFG, $DB;
$questionlist = quiz_questions_in_quiz($quiz->questions);
//In fact in most cases the id IN $questionlist below is redundant
//since we are also doing a JOIN on the qqi table. But will leave it in
//since this double check will probably do no harm.
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $questionlist));
$params[] = $quiz->id;
if (!$questions = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT q.*, qqi.grade AS maxgrade
FROM {question} q,
{quiz_question_instances} qqi
WHERE q.id $usql AND
qqi.question = q.id AND
qqi.quiz = ?", $params)) {
print_error('noquestionsfound', 'quiz');
//Now we have an array of questions from a quiz we work out there question nos and remove
//questions with zero length ie. description questions etc.
//also put questions in order.
$number = 1;
$realquestions = array();
$questionids = explode(',', $questionlist);
foreach ($questionids as $id) {
if ($questions[$id]->length) {
// Ignore questions of zero length
$realquestions[$id] = $questions[$id];
$realquestions[$id]->number = $number;
$number += $questions[$id]->length;
return $realquestions;
* Given the quiz grading method return sub select sql to find the id of the
* one attempt that will be graded for each user. Or return
* empty string if all attempts contribute to final grade.
function quiz_report_qm_filter_select($quiz){
if ($quiz->attempts == 1) {//only one attempt allowed on this quiz
return '';
$useridsql = 'qa.userid';
$quizidsql = 'qa.quiz';
$qmfilterattempts = true;
switch ($quiz->grademethod) {
$field1 = 'sumgrades';
$field2 = 'timestart';
$aggregator1 = 'MAX';
$aggregator2 = 'MIN';
$qmselectpossible = true;
$qmselectpossible = false;
$field1 = 'timestart';
$field2 = 'id';
$aggregator1 = 'MIN';
$aggregator2 = 'MIN';
$qmselectpossible = true;
$field1 = 'timestart';
$field2 = 'id';
$aggregator1 = 'MAX';
$aggregator2 = 'MAX';
$qmselectpossible = true;
if ($qmselectpossible){
$qmselect = "qa.$field1 = (SELECT $aggregator1(qa2.$field1) FROM {quiz_attempts} qa2 WHERE qa2.quiz = $quizidsql AND qa2.userid = $useridsql) AND " .
"qa.$field2 = (SELECT $aggregator2(qa3.$field2) FROM {quiz_attempts} qa3 WHERE qa3.quiz = $quizidsql AND qa3.userid = $useridsql AND qa3.$field1 = qa.$field1)";
} else {
$qmselect = '';
return $qmselect;
function quiz_report_grade_bands($bandwidth, $bands, $quizid, $userids=array()){
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($userids){
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userids);
} else {
$usql ='';
$params = array();
$sql = "SELECT
FLOOR(qg.grade/$bandwidth) AS band,
COUNT(1) AS num
{quiz_grades} qg, {quiz} q
WHERE qg.quiz = q.id " .
($usql?"AND qg.userid $usql ":'') .
"AND qg.quiz = ?
GROUP BY FLOOR(qg.grade/$bandwidth)
ORDER BY band";
$params[] = $quizid;
$data = $DB->get_records_sql_menu($sql, $params);
//need to create array elements with values 0 at indexes where there is no element
$data = $data + array_fill(0, $bands+1, 0);
//place the maximum (prefect grade) into the last band i.e. make last
//band for example 9 <= g <=10 (where 10 is the perfect grade) rather than
//just 9 <= g <10.
$data[$bands-1] += $data[$bands];
return $data;
function quiz_report_highlighting_grading_method($quiz, $qmsubselect, $qmfilter){
if ($quiz->attempts == 1) {//only one attempt allowed on this quiz
return "<p>".get_string('onlyoneattemptallowed', "quiz_overview")."</p>";
} else if (!$qmsubselect){
return "<p>".get_string('allattemptscontributetograde', "quiz_overview")."</p>";
} else if ($qmfilter){
return "<p>".get_string('showinggraded', "quiz_overview")."</p>";
}else {
return "<p>".get_string('showinggradedandungraded', "quiz_overview",
('<span class="highlight">'.quiz_get_grading_option_name($quiz->grademethod).'</span>'))."</p>";
* Get the feedback text for a grade on this quiz. The feedback is
* processed ready for display.
* @param float $grade a grade on this quiz.
* @param integer $quizid the id of the quiz object.
* @return string the comment that corresponds to this grade (empty string if there is not one.
function quiz_report_feedback_for_grade($grade, $quizid) {
global $DB;
static $feedbackcache = array();
if (!isset($feedbackcache[$quizid])){
$feedbackcache[$quizid] = $DB->get_records('quiz_feedback', array('quizid' => $quizid));
$feedbacks = $feedbackcache[$quizid];
$feedbacktext = '';
foreach ($feedbacks as $feedback) {
if ($feedback->mingrade <= $grade && $grade < $feedback->maxgrade){
$feedbacktext = $feedback->feedbacktext;
// Clean the text, ready for display.
$formatoptions = new stdClass;
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$feedbacktext = format_text($feedbacktext, FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions);
return $feedbacktext;
function quiz_report_scale_sumgrades_as_percentage($rawgrade, $quiz, $round = true) {
if ($quiz->sumgrades != 0) {
$grade = $rawgrade * 100 / $quiz->sumgrades;
if ($round) {
$grade = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $grade);
} else {
return '';
return $grade.'%';
* Returns an array of reports to which the current user has access to.
* Reports are ordered as they should be for display in tabs.
function quiz_report_list($context){
global $DB;
static $reportlist = null;
if (!is_null($reportlist)){
return $reportlist;
$reports = $DB->get_records('quiz_report', null, 'displayorder DESC', 'name, capability');
$reportdirs = get_plugin_list("quiz");
// Order the reports tab in descending order of displayorder
$reportcaps = array();
foreach ($reports as $key => $obj) {
if (array_key_exists($obj->name, $reportdirs)) {
$reportcaps[$obj->name] = $obj->capability;
// Add any other reports on the end
foreach ($reportdirs as $reportname => $notused) {
if (!isset($reportcaps[$reportname])) {
$reportcaps[$reportname] = null;
$reportlist = array();
foreach ($reportcaps as $name => $capability){
if (empty($capability)){
$capability = 'mod/quiz:viewreports';
if (has_capability($capability, $context)){
$reportlist[] = $name;
return $reportlist;