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synced 2025-02-25 04:23:22 +01:00
Users can now be assigned to multiple groups. Thanks Yu! Break out the Bob Marley!! Otherwise groups work more or less like they did before. This has been pretty well tested by Yu and myself, but since Yu started uncovering lots of existing groups bugs it's possible there may be still a few corner cases still lurking here and there. Please help test this thoroughly for 1.6!!
1518 lines
55 KiB
1518 lines
55 KiB
<?php // $Id$
/// Library of functions and constants for module wiki
/// (replace wiki with the name of your module and delete this line)
$wiki_CONSTANT = 7; /// for example
$site = get_site();
$WIKI_TYPES = array ('teacher' => get_string('defaultcourseteacher'),
'group' => get_string('groups',"wiki"),
'student' => get_string('defaultcoursestudent') );
define("EWIKI_ESCAPE_AT", 0); # For the algebraic filter
function wiki_add_instance($wiki) {
/// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
/// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
/// will create a new instance and return the id number
/// of the new instance.
$wiki->timemodified = time();
# May have to add extra stuff in here #
/// Determine the pagename for this wiki and save.
$wiki->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
/// Check 'check boxes'. The variables won't be set at all of they were deselected.
$wiki->disablecamelcase = (isset($wiki->disablecamelcase)) ? 1 : 0;
$wiki->setpageflags = (isset($wiki->setpageflags)) ? 1 : 0;
$wiki->removepages = (isset($wiki->removepages)) ? 1 : 0;
$wiki->strippages = (isset($wiki->strippages)) ? 1 : 0;
$wiki->revertchanges = (isset($wiki->revertchanges)) ? 1 : 0;
return insert_record("wiki", $wiki);
function wiki_update_instance($wiki) {
/// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
/// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
/// will update an existing instance with new data.
/// Determine the pagename for this wiki.
$wiki->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
/// Check 'check boxes'. The variables won't be set at all of they were deselected.
$wiki->disablecamelcase = (isset($wiki->disablecamelcase)) ? 1 : 0;
$wiki->setpageflags = (isset($wiki->setpageflags)) ? 1 : 0;
$wiki->removepages = (isset($wiki->removepages)) ? 1 : 0;
$wiki->strippages = (isset($wiki->strippages)) ? 1 : 0;
$wiki->revertchanges = (isset($wiki->revertchanges)) ? 1 : 0;
$wiki->timemodified = time();
$wiki->id = $wiki->instance;
return update_record("wiki", $wiki);
/// Delete all Directories recursively
function wiki_rmdir($basedir) {
$handle = @opendir($basedir);
if($handle) {
while (false!==($folder = readdir($handle))) {
if($folder != "." && $folder != ".." && $Folder != "CVS") {
wiki_rmdir("$basedir/$folder"); // recursive
function wiki_delete_instance($id) {
/// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
/// this function will permanently delete the instance
/// and any data that depends on it.
global $CFG;
if (! $wiki = get_record("wiki", "id", $id)) {
return false;
$result = true;
#Delete Files
### Should probably check regardless of this setting in case its been changed...
if($wiki->ewikiacceptbinary) {
if ($basedir = $CFG->dataroot."/".$wiki->course."/".$CFG->moddata."/wiki/$id") {
if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
#if ($file != $exception) {
notify("Existing file '$file' has been deleted!");
#if (!$exception) { // Delete directory as well, if empty
# Delete any dependent records here #
if (! delete_records("wiki", "id", $wiki->id)) {
$result = false;
/// Delete all wiki_entries and wiki_pages.
if (($wiki_entries = wiki_get_entries($wiki)) !== false) {
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
if (! delete_records("wiki_pages", "wiki", "$wiki_entry->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("wiki_entries", "id", "$wiki_entry->id")) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function wiki_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $wiki) {
/// Return a small object with summary information about what a
/// user has done with a given particular instance of this module
/// Used for user activity reports.
/// $return->time = the time they did it
/// $return->info = a short text description
$return = NULL;
return $return;
function wiki_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $wiki) {
/// Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with
/// a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports.
return true;
function wiki_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) {
/// Given a course and a time, this module should find recent activity
/// that has occurred in wiki activities and print it out.
/// Return true if there was output, or false is there was none.
global $CFG;
if (!$logs = get_records_select('log', 'time > \''.$timestart.'\' AND '.
'course = \''.$course->id.'\' AND '.
'module = \'wiki\' AND '.
'action LIKE \'edit%\' ', 'time ASC')){
return false;
foreach ($logs as $log) {
//Create a temp valid module structure (course,id)
$tempmod->course = $log->course;
$tempmod->id = $log->cmid;
//Obtain the visible property from the instance
$modvisible = instance_is_visible($log->module,$tempmod);
//Only if the mod is visible
if ($modvisible) {
$wikis[$log->info] = wiki_log_info($log);
$wikis[$log->info]->pagename = $log->info;
$wikis[$log->info]->time = $log->time;
$wikis[$log->info]->url = str_replace('&', '&', $log->url);
if ($wikis) {
$content = true;
print_headline(get_string('updatedwikipages', 'wiki').':', 3);
foreach ($wikis as $wiki) {
print_recent_activity_note($wiki->time, $wiki, $isteacher, $wiki->pagename,
return true; // True if anything was printed, otherwise false
function wiki_log_info($log) {
global $CFG;
return get_record_sql("SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE u.id = '$log->userid'");
function wiki_cron () {
/// Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
/// This function searches for things that need to be done, such
/// as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ...
global $CFG;
return true;
function wiki_grades($wikiid) {
/// Must return an array of grades for a given instance of this module,
/// indexed by user. It also returns a maximum allowed grade.
return NULL;
function wiki_get_participants($wikiid) {
//Returns the users with data in one wiki
//(users with records in wiki_pages and wiki_entries)
global $CFG;
//Get users from wiki_pages
$st_pages = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.id
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}wiki_entries e,
{$CFG->prefix}wiki_pages p
WHERE e.wikiid = '$wikiid' and
p.wiki = e.id and
u.id = p.userid");
//Get users from wiki_entries
$st_entries = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.id
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}wiki_entries e
WHERE e.wikiid = '$wikiid' and
u.id = e.userid");
//Add entries to pages
if ($st_entries) {
foreach ($st_entries as $st_entry) {
$st_pages[$st_entry->id] = $st_entry;
return $st_pages;
/// Any other wiki functions go here. Each of them must have a name that
/// starts with wiki_
function wiki_wiki_name($wikiname) {
/// Return the passed in string in Wiki name format.
/// Remove any leading and trailing whitespace, capitalize all the words
/// and then remove any internal whitespace.
if (wiki_is_wiki_name($wikiname)) {
return $wikiname;
else {
/// Create uppercase words and remove whitespace.
$wikiname = preg_replace("/(\w+)\s/", "$1", ucwords(trim($wikiname)));
/// Check again - there may only be one word.
if (wiki_is_wiki_name($wikiname)) {
return $wikiname;
/// If there is only one word, append default wiki name to it.
else {
return $wikiname.get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki');
function wiki_is_wiki_name($wikiname) {
/// Check for correct wikiname syntax and return true or false.
/// If there are spaces between the words, incorrect format.
if (preg_match_all('/\w+/', $wikiname, $out) > 1) {
return false;
/// If there isn't more than one group of uppercase letters separated by
/// lowercase letters or '_', incorrect format.
else if (preg_match_all('/[A-Z]+[a-z_]+/', $wikiname, $out) > 1) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function wiki_page_name(&$wiki) {
/// Determines the wiki's page name and returns it.
if (!empty($wiki->initialcontent)) {
$ppos = strrpos($wiki->initialcontent, '/');
if ($ppos === false) {
$pagename = $wiki->initialcontent;
else {
$pagename = substr($wiki->initialcontent, $ppos+1);
else if (!empty($wiki->pagename)) {
$pagename = $wiki->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $wiki->name;
return $pagename;
function wiki_content_dir(&$wiki) {
/// Determines the wiki's default content directory (if there is one).
global $CFG;
if (!empty($wiki->initialcontent)) {
$ppos = strrpos($wiki->initialcontent, '/');
if ($ppos === false) {
$subdir = '';
else {
$subdir = substr($wiki->initialcontent, 0, $ppos+1);
$contentdir = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$wiki->course.'/'.$subdir;
else {
$contentdir = false;
return $contentdir;
function wiki_get_course_wikis($courseid, $wtype='*') {
/// Returns all wikis for the specified course and optionally of the specified type.
$select = 'course = '.$courseid;
if ($wtype != '*') {
$select .= ' AND wtype = \''.$wtype.'\'';
return get_records_select('wiki', $select, 'id');
function wiki_has_entries(&$wiki) {
/// Returns true if wiki already has wiki entries; otherwise false.
return record_exists('wiki_entries', 'wikiid', $wiki->id);
function wiki_get_entries(&$wiki, $byindex=NULL) {
/// Returns an array with all wiki entries indexed by entry id; false if there are none.
/// If the optional $byindex is specified, returns the entries indexed by that field.
/// Valid values for $byindex are 'student', 'group'.
if ($byindex == 'student') {
return get_records('wiki_entries', 'wikiid', $wiki->id, '',
else if ($byindex == 'group') {
return get_records('wiki_entries', 'wikiid', $wiki->id, '',
else {
return get_records('wiki_entries', 'wikiid', $wiki->id);
function wiki_get_default_entry(&$wiki, &$course, $userid=0, $groupid=0) {
/// Returns the wiki entry according to the wiki type.
/// Optionally, will return wiki entry for $userid student wiki, or
/// $groupid group or teacher wiki.
/// Creates one if it needs to and it can.
global $USER;
/// If the wiki entry doesn't exist, can this user create it?
if (($wiki_entry = wiki_get_entry($wiki, $course, $userid, $groupid)) === false) {
if (wiki_can_add_entry($wiki, $USER, $course, $userid, $groupid)) {
wiki_add_entry($wiki, $course, $userid, $groupid);
if (($wiki_entry = wiki_get_entry($wiki, $course, $userid, $groupid)) === false) {
error("Could not add wiki entry.");
return $wiki_entry;
function wiki_get_entry(&$wiki, &$course, $userid=0, $groupid=0) {
/// Returns the wiki entry according to the wiki type.
/// Optionally, will return wiki entry for $userid student wiki, or
/// $groupid group or teacher wiki.
global $USER;
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
case 'student':
/// If a specific user was requested, return it, if allowed.
if ($userid and wiki_user_can_access_student_wiki($wiki, $userid, $course)) {
$wentry = wiki_get_student_entry($wiki, $userid);
/// If there is no entry for this user, check if this user is a teacher.
else if (!$wentry = wiki_get_student_entry($wiki, $USER->id)) {
/* if (isteacher($course->id, $USER->id)) {
/// If this user is a teacher, return the first entry.
if ($wentries = wiki_get_entries($wiki)) {
$wentry = current($wentries);
case 'group':
/// If there is a groupmode, get the user's group id.
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $wiki);
//echo "groupid is in wiki_get_entry ".$groupid."<br />";
/// If a specific group was requested, return it, if allowed.
if ($groupid and wiki_user_can_access_group_wiki($wiki, $groupid, $course)) {
$wentry = wiki_get_group_entry($wiki, $groupid);
else if ($groupmode) {
$mygroupids = mygroupid($course->id);
/// If there is no entry for this user, check if this user is a teacher.
//this is broken for multiple groups /*mygroupid($course->id)*/
//while ($groupindex < size(mygroupids) AND !$wentry = wiki_get_group_entry($))
if (!$wentry = wiki_get_group_entry($wiki, $mygroupids[0])){//always default to first group it returns, can change later!
/* if (isteacher($course->id, $USER->id)) {
/// If this user is a teacher, return the first entry.
if ($wentries = wiki_get_entries($wiki)) {
$wentry = current($wentries);
} */
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then groupid is zero.
else {
$wentry = wiki_get_group_entry($wiki, 0);
case 'teacher':
/// If there is a groupmode, get the user's group id.
if (groupmode($course, $wiki)) {
$mygroupids = mygroupid($course->id);//same here, default to the first one
$groupid = $groupid ? $groupid : $mygroupids[0]/*mygroupid($course->id)*/;
/// If a specific group was requested, return it, if allowed.
if (wiki_user_can_access_teacher_wiki($wiki, $groupid, $course)) {
$wentry = wiki_get_teacher_entry($wiki, $groupid);
return $wentry;
function wiki_get_teacher_entry(&$wiki, $groupid=0) {
/// Returns the wiki entry for the wiki teacher type.
return get_record('wiki_entries', 'wikiid', $wiki->id, 'course', $wiki->course, 'groupid', $groupid);
function wiki_get_group_entry(&$wiki, $groupid=null) {
/// Returns the wiki entry for the given group.
return get_record('wiki_entries', 'wikiid', $wiki->id, 'groupid', $groupid);
function wiki_get_student_entry(&$wiki, $userid=null) {
/// Returns the wiki entry for the given student.
global $USER;
if (is_null($userid)) {
$userid = $USER->id;
return get_record('wiki_entries', 'wikiid', $wiki->id, 'userid', $userid);
function wiki_get_other_wikis(&$wiki, &$user, &$course, $currentid=0) {
/// Returns a list of other wikis to display, depending on the type, group and user.
/// Returns the key containing the currently selected entry as well.
global $CFG, $id;
$wikis = false;
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $wiki);
$mygroupid = mygroupid($course->id);
$isteacher = isteacher($course->id, $user->id);
$isteacheredit = isteacheredit($course->id, $user->id);
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
case 'student':
/// Get all the existing entries for this wiki.
$wiki_entries = wiki_get_entries($wiki, 'student');
if ($isteacher and (SITEID != $course->id)) {
/// If the user is an editing teacher, or a non-editing teacher not assigned to a group, show all student
/// wikis, regardless of creation.
if ((SITEID != $course->id) and ($isteacheredit or ($groupmode == NOGROUPS))) {
if ($students = get_course_students($course->id)) {
/// Default pagename is dependent on the wiki settings.
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($students as $student) {
/// If this student already has an entry, use its pagename.
if ($wiki_entries[$student->id]) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$student->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$student->id.'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($student).':'.$pagename;
else if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
if ($students = get_group_students($mygroupid)) {
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($students as $student) {
/// If this student already has an entry, use its pagename.
if ($wiki_entries[$student->id]) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$student->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$student->id.'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($student).':'.$pagename;
else if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
/// Get all students in your group.
if ($students = get_group_students($mygroupid)) {
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($students as $student) {
/// If this student already has an entry, use its pagename.
if ($wiki_entries[$student->id]) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$student->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$student->id.'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($student).':'.$pagename;
/// Get all student wikis created, regardless of group.
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.userid, w.pagename, u.firstname, u.lastname '
.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'wiki_entries w, '.$CFG->prefix.'user u '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = '.$wiki->id.' AND u.id = w.userid '
.' ORDER BY w.id';
$wiki_entries = get_records_sql($sql);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$wiki_entry->userid.'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($wiki_entry).':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
else {
/// A user can see other student wikis if they are a member of the same
/// group (for separate groups) or there are visible groups, or if this is
/// a site-level wiki, and they are an administrator.
if (($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) or
((SITEID == $course->id) and isadmin())) {
$viewall = true;
else if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
$viewall = mygroupid($course->id);
else {
$viewall = false;
if ($viewall !== false) {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.userid, w.pagename, u.firstname, u.lastname '
.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'wiki_entries w, '.$CFG->prefix.'user u '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = '.$wiki->id.' AND u.id = w.userid '
.' ORDER BY w.id';
$wiki_entries = get_records_sql($sql);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
if (($viewall === true) or ismember($viewall, $wiki_entry->userid)) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$wiki_entry->userid.'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($wiki_entry).':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
case 'group':
/// If the user is an editing teacher, or a non-editing teacher not assigned to a group, show all group
/// wikis, regardless of creation.
/// If user is a member of multiple groups, need to show current group etc?
/// Get all the existing entries for this wiki.
$wiki_entries = wiki_get_entries($wiki, 'group');
if ($groupmode and ($isteacheredit or ($isteacher and !$mygroupid))) {
if ($groups = get_groups($course->id)) {
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($groups as $group) {
/// If this group already has an entry, use its pagename.
if (isset($wiki_entries[$group->id])) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$group->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($group->id?"&groupid=".$group->id:"").'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $group->name.':'.$pagename;
//if a studnet with multiple groups in SPG
else if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS){
if ($groups = get_groups($course->id, $user->id)){
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($groups as $group) {
/// If this group already has an entry, use its pagename.
if (isset($wiki_entries[$group->id])) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$group->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($group->id?"&groupid=".$group->id:"").'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $group->name.':'.$pagename;
/// A user can see other group wikis if there are visible groups.
else if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.groupid, w.pagename, g.name as gname '
.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'wiki_entries w, '.$CFG->prefix.'groups g '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = '.$wiki->id.' AND g.id = w.groupid '
.' ORDER BY w.groupid';
$wiki_entries = get_records_sql($sql);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($wiki_entry->groupid?"&groupid=".$wiki_entry->groupid:"").'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $wiki_entry->gname.':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
case 'teacher':
if ($isteacher) {
/// If the user is an editing teacher, or a non-editing teacher not assigned to a group, show all
/// teacher wikis, regardless of creation.
if ($groupmode and ($isteacheredit or ($isteacher and !$mygroupid))) {
if ($groups = get_groups($course->id)) {
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($groups as $group) {
/// If this group already has an entry, use its pagename.
if ($wiki_entries[$group->id]) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$group->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($group->id?"&groupid=".$group->id:"").'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $group->name.':'.$pagename;
/// A teacher can see all other group teacher wikis.
else if ($groupmode) {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.groupid, w.pagename, g.name as gname '
.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'wiki_entries w, '.$CFG->prefix.'groups g '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = '.$wiki->id.' AND g.id = w.groupid '
.' ORDER BY w.groupid';
$wiki_entries = get_records_sql($sql);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($wiki_entry->groupid?"&groupid=".$wiki_entry->groupid:"").'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $wiki_entry->gname.':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
else {
/// A user can see other teacher wikis if they are a teacher, a member of the same
/// group (for separate groups) or there are visible groups.
if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
$viewall = true;
else if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
$viewall = $mygroupid;
else {
$viewall = false;
if ($viewall !== false) {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.groupid, w.pagename, g.name as gname '
.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'wiki_entries w, '.$CFG->prefix.'groups g '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = '.$wiki->id.' AND g.id = w.groupid '
.' ORDER BY w.groupid';
$wiki_entries = get_records_sql($sql);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
if (($viewall === true) or @in_array($wiki_entry->groupid, $viewall)/*$viewall == $wiki_entry->groupid*/) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($wiki_entry->groupid?"&groupid=".$wiki_entry->groupid:"").'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $wiki_entry->gname.':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
return $wikis;
function wiki_add_entry(&$wiki, &$course, $userid=0, $groupid=0) {
/// Adds a new wiki entry of the specified type, unless already entered.
/// No checking is done here. It is assumed that the caller has the correct
/// privileges to add this entry.
global $USER;
/// If this wiki already has a wiki_type entry, return false.
if (wiki_get_entry($wiki, $course, $userid, $groupid) !== false) {
return false;
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
case 'student':
$wiki_entry->wikiid = $wiki->id;
$wiki_entry->userid = $userid ? $userid : $USER->id;
$wiki_entry->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
$wiki_entry->timemodified = time();
case 'group':
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $wiki);
///give the first groupid by default and try
$mygroups = mygroupid($course->id);
/// If there is a groupmode, get the group id.
if ($groupmode) {
$groupid = $groupid ? $groupid : $mygroups[0]/*mygroupid($course->id)*/;
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then groupid is zero.
else {
$groupid = 0;
$wiki_entry->wikiid = $wiki->id;
$wiki_entry->groupid = $groupid;
$wiki_entry->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
$wiki_entry->timemodified = time();
case 'teacher':
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $wiki);
/// If there is a groupmode, get the user's group id.
if ($groupmode and $groupid == 0) {
$mygroupid = mygroupid($course->id);
$groupid = $mygroupid[0]/*mygroupid($course->id)*/;
$wiki_entry->wikiid = $wiki->id;
$wiki_entry->course = $wiki->course;
$wiki_entry->groupid = $groupid;
$wiki_entry->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
$wiki_entry->timemodified = time();
$wiki_entry->pagename = addslashes($wiki_entry->pagename);
return insert_record("wiki_entries", $wiki_entry, true);
function wiki_can_add_entry(&$wiki, &$user, &$course, $userid=0, $groupid=0) {
/// Returns true or false if the user can add a wiki entry for this wiki.
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $wiki);
$mygroupid = mygroupid($course->id);
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
case 'student':
/// A student can create their own wiki, if they are a member of that course.
/// A user can create their own wiki at the site level.
if ($userid == 0) {
return (isstudent($course->id, $user->id) or
((SITEID == $course->id) and !empty($user) and !isguest()));
/// An editing teacher can create any student wiki, or
/// a non-editing teacher, if not assigned to a group can create any student wiki, or if assigned to a group can
/// create any student wiki in their group.
else {
return ((($userid == $user->id) and isstudent($course->id, $user->id)) or isteacheredit($course->id) or
(isteacher($course->id) and (!$groupmode or $mygroupid == 0 or (ismember($mygroupid, $userid)))));
case 'group':
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then all participants can add wikis.
if (!$groupmode) {
return (isstudent($course->id, $user->id) or isteacher($course->id, $user->id) or
((SITEID == $course->id) and !empty($user) and !isguest()));
/// If not requesting a group, must be a member of a group.
else if ($groupid == 0) {
return ($mygroupid != 0);
/// If requesting a group, must be an editing teacher, a non-editing teacher with no assigned group,
/// or a non-editing teacher requesting their group. or a student in group, but wiki is empty.
else {
return (isteacheredit($course->id) or
(isteacher($course->id) and ($mygroupid == 0 or @in_array($groupid, $mygroupid))) or
(isstudent($course->id, $user->id) and @in_array($groupid, $mygroupid))
case 'teacher':
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then all teachers can add wikis.
if (!$groupmode) {
return (isteacher($course->id, $user->id) or ((SITEID == $course->id) and isadmin()));
/// If not requesting a group, must be a member of a group.
else if ($groupid == 0) {
return ($mygroupid != 0 and isteacher($course->id));
/// If there is a group mode, non-editing teachers with an assigned group, can only create wikis
/// in their group. Non-editing teachers with no assigned group and editing teachers can create any wiki.
else {
return (isteacheredit($course->id) or
(isteacher($course->id) and ($mygroupid == 0 or @in_array($groupid, $mygroupid))));
return false;
function wiki_can_edit_entry(&$wiki_entry, &$wiki, &$user, &$course) {
/// Returns true or false if the user can edit this wiki entry.
$can_edit = false;
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $wiki);
$mygroupid = mygroupid($course->id);
/// Editing teacher's and admins can edit all wikis, non-editing teachers can edit wikis in their groups,
/// or all wikis if group mode is 'no groups' or they don't belong to a group.
if (isadmin($user->id) or isteacheredit($course->id, $user->id) or
((!$groupmode or $mygroupid == 0) and isteacher($course->id, $user->id))) {
$can_edit = true;
else {
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
/// Only a teacher or the owner of a student wiki can edit it.
case 'student':
$can_edit = (($user->id == $wiki_entry->userid) or
($groupmode and isteacher($course->id, $user->id) and
ismember($mygroupid, $wiki_entry->userid)));
case 'group':
/// If there is a groupmode, determine the user's group status.
if ($groupmode) {
/// If the user is a member of the wiki group, they can edit the wiki.
$can_edit = ismember($wiki_entry->groupid, $user->id);
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then all participants can edit the wiki.
else {
$can_edit = (isstudent($course->id, $user->id) or isteacher($course->id, $user->id) or
((SITEID == $course->id) and !empty($user) and !isguest()));
case 'teacher':
/// If there is a groupmode, determine the user's group status.
if ($groupmode) {
/// If the user is a member of the wiki group, they can edit the wiki.
$can_edit = (isteacher($course->id, $user->id) and ismember($wiki_entry->groupid, $user->id));
else {
$can_edit = (isteacher($course->id, $user->id) or ((SITEID == $course->id) and isadmin()));
return $can_edit;
function wiki_user_can_access_student_wiki(&$wiki, $userid, &$course) {
global $USER;
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $wiki);
$usersgroup = mygroupid($course->id);
$isteacher = isteacher($course->id, $USER->id);
/// If this user is allowed to access this wiki then return TRUE.
/// A user can access a student wiki, if:
/// - it is their wiki,
/// - group mode is VISIBLEGROUPS,
/// - group mode is SEPARATEGROUPS, and the user is a member of the requested user's group,
/// - they are an editing teacher or administrator,
/// - they are a non-editing teacher not assigned to a specific group,
/// - they are a non-editing teacher and group mode is NOGROUPS.
/// - they are an administrator (mostly for site-level wikis).
if (($userid and ($USER->id == $userid)) or ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) or
(($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) and ismember($usersgroup, $userid)) or
(isteacheredit($course->id, $USER->id)) or
(isteacher($course->id, $USER->id) and (!$usersgroup or ($groupmode == NOGROUPS))) or
(isadmin())) {
$can_access = true;
else {
$can_access = false;
return $can_access;
function wiki_user_can_access_group_wiki(&$wiki, $groupid, &$course) {
global $USER;
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $wiki);
$usersgroup = mygroupid($course->id);
$isteacher = isteacher($course->id, $USER->id);
/// A user can access a group wiki, if:
/// - group mode is NOGROUPS,
/// - group mode is VISIBLEGROUPS,
/// - group mode is SEPARATEGROUPS, and they are a member of the requested group,
/// - they are an editing teacher or administrator,
/// - they are a non-editing teacher not assigned to a specific group.
if (($groupmode == NOGROUPS) or ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) or
(($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) and @in_array($groupid, $usersgroup)/*($usersgroup == $groupid)*/) or
(isteacheredit($course->id, $USER->id)) or
(isteacher($course->id, $USER->id) and !$usersgroup)) {
$can_access = true;
else {
$can_access = false;
return $can_access;
function wiki_user_can_access_teacher_wiki(&$wiki, $groupid, &$course) {
global $USER;
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $wiki);
/// A user can access a teacher wiki, if:
/// - group mode is NOGROUPS,
/// - group mode is VISIBLEGROUPS,
/// - group mode is SEPARATEGROUPS, and they are a member of the requested group,
/// - they are a teacher or administrator,
if (($groupmode == NOGROUPS) or ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) or
(($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) and (@in_array($groupid, mygroupid($course->id))/*mygroupid($course->id) == $groupid*/)) or
(isteacher($course->id, $USER->id))){
$can_access = true;
else {
$can_access = false;
return $can_access;
function wiki_get_owner(&$wiki_entry) {
if ($wiki_entry->userid > 0) {
$user = get_record('user', 'id', $wiki_entry->userid);
$owner = fullname($user);
else if ($wiki_entry->groupid > 0) {
$group = get_record('groups', 'id', $wiki_entry->groupid);
$owner = $group->name;
else if ($wiki_entry->course > 0) {
$course = get_record('course', 'id', $wiki_entry->course);
$owner = $course->shortname;
else {
$owner = '- '.get_string("ownerunknown","wiki").' -';
return $owner;
function wiki_print_search_form($cmid, $search="", $userid, $groupid, $return=false) {
global $CFG;
# TODO: Add Group and User !!!
$output = "<form name=\"search\" action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/wiki/view.php\">";
$output .= "<font size=\"-1\">";
$output .= "<input value=\"".get_string("searchwiki", "wiki").":\" type=\"submit\" />";
$output .= "<input name=\"id\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$cmid\" />";
$output = $output.($groupid?"<input name=\"groupid\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$groupid\" />":"");
$output = $output.($userid?"<input name=\"userid\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userid\" />":"");
$output .= "<input name=\"q\" type=\"text\" size=\"20\" value=\"".s($search)."\" />".' ';
$output .= "</font>";
$output .= "<input name=\"page\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"SearchPages\" />";
$output .= "</form>";
if ($return) {
return $output;
echo $output;
function wiki_print_wikilinks_block($cmid, $binary=false, $return=false) {
/// Prints a link-list of special wiki-pages
global $CFG, $ewiki_title;
$links["SiteMap"]=get_string("sitemap", "wiki");
$links["PageIndex"]=get_string("pageindex", "wiki");
$links["NewestPages"]=get_string("newestpages", "wiki");
$links["MostVisitedPages"]=get_string("mostvisitedpages", "wiki");
$links["MostOftenChangedPages"]=get_string("mostoftenchangedpages", "wiki");
$links["UpdatedPages"]=get_string("updatedpages", "wiki");
$links["OrphanedPages"]=get_string("orphanedpages", "wiki");
$links["WantedPages"]=get_string("wantedpages", "wiki");
$links["WikiExport"]=get_string("wikiexport", "wiki");
if($binary) {
$links["FileDownload"]=get_string("filedownload", "wiki");
popup_form(EWIKI_SCRIPT, $links, "wikilinks", "", get_string("choosewikilinks", "wiki"), "", "", $return);
function wiki_print_page_actions($cmid, $specialpages, $page, $action, $binary=false, $canedit=true) {
/// Displays actions which can be performed on the page
// Edit this Page
if (in_array($action, array("edit", "links", "info", "attachments"))) {
if ($canedit && !in_array($page, $specialpages) && $action != "edit") {
if ($action != "links") {
if ($canedit && !in_array($page, $specialpages) && $action!="info") {
if($canedit && $binary && !in_array($page, $specialpages) && $action != "attachments") {
popup_form(EWIKI_SCRIPT, $page, "wikiactions", "", get_string("action", "wiki"), "", "", false);
function wiki_print_administration_actions($wiki, $cmid, $userid, $groupid, $page, $noeditor, $course) {
/// Displays actions which can be performed on the page
/// Create the URL
$ewscript = 'admin.php?id='.$cmid;
if (isset($userid) && $userid!=0) $ewscript .= '&userid='.$userid;
if (isset($groupid) && $groupid!=0) $ewscript .= '&groupid='.$groupid;
if (isset($page)) $ewscript .= '&page='.$page;
/// Build that action array according to wiki flags.
$action = array();
$isteacher = isteacher($course->id);
if ($wiki->setpageflags or $isteacher) {
$action['setpageflags'] = get_string('setpageflags', 'wiki');
if ($wiki->removepages or $isteacher) {
$action['removepages'] = get_string('removepages', 'wiki');
if ($wiki->strippages or $isteacher) {
$action['strippages'] = get_string('strippages', 'wiki');
if ($wiki->revertchanges or $isteacher) {
$action['revertpages'] = get_string('revertpages', 'wiki');
if($noeditor) {
$action["checklinks"]=get_string("checklinks", "wiki");
popup_form($ewscript, $action, "wikiadministration", "", get_string("chooseadministration", "wiki"), "", "", false);
function wiki_admin_get_flagarray() {
$ret = array(
EWIKI_DB_F_TEXT => get_string("flagtxt","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY => get_string("flagbin","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_DISABLED => get_string("flagoff","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_HTML => get_string("flaghtm","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_READONLY => get_string("flagro","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_WRITEABLE => get_string("flagwr","wiki"),
return $ret;
///////// Ewiki Administration. Mostly taken from the ewiki/tools folder and changed
function wiki_admin_setpageflags_list($pageflagstatus) {
$FD = wiki_admin_get_flagarray();
$table->head = array(get_string("pagename","wiki"), get_string("flags","wiki"));
if($pageflagstatus) {
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL", array("version", "flags"));
while ($row = $result->get()) {
$id = $row["id"];
$data = ewiki_database("GET", $row);
if ($data["flags"] & EWIKI_DB_F_TEXT) {
$cell_pagename .= '<A HREF="' . EWIKI_SCRIPT . $id . '">';
} else {
$cell_pagename .= '<A HREF="' . EWIKI_SCRIPT_BINARY . $id . '">';
$cell_pagename .= htmlentities($id) . '</A> / '.get_string("version","wiki").": ".$row["version"];
foreach ($FD as $n=>$str) {
$cell_flags .='<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="flags['. rawurlencode($id)
. '][' . $n . ']" VALUE="1" '
. (($data["flags"] & $n) ? "CHECKED=\"checked\"" : "")
. ' />'.$str. ' ';
if($pageflagstatus) {
$table->data[]=array($cell_pagename, $cell_flags, $pageflagstatus[$id]);
} else {
$table->data[]=array($cell_pagename, $cell_flags);
return $table;
function wiki_admin_setpageflags($pageflags) {
$FD = wiki_admin_get_flagarray();
if($pageflags) {
foreach($pageflags as $page=>$fa) {
$page = rawurldecode($page);
$flags = 0;
$fstr = "";
foreach($fa as $num=>$isset) {
if ($isset) {
$flags += $num;
$fstr .= ($fstr?",":""). $FD[$num];
#$status[$page] .= "{$flags}=[{$fstr}]";
$data = ewiki_database("GET", array("id" => $page));
if ($data["flags"] != $flags) {
$data["flags"] = $flags;
$data["author"] = "ewiki-tools, " . ewiki_author();
ewiki_database("WRITE", $data);
$status[$page] = "<b>".get_string("flagsset","wiki")."</b> ".$status[$page];
return $status;
function wiki_admin_remove_list($listall="") {
/// Table header
$table->head = array(" ", get_string("pagename","wiki"), get_string("errororreason","wiki"));
/// Get all pages
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL", array("version"));
$selected = array();
/// User wants to see all pages
if ($listall) {
while ($row = $result->get()) {
$selected[$row["id"]] = get_string("listall","wiki")."<br />";
while ($page = $result->get()) {
$id = $page["id"];
$page = ewiki_database("GET", array("id"=>$id));
$flags = $page["flags"];
#print "$id ".strlen(trim(($page["content"])))."<br />";
if (!strlen(trim(($page["content"]))) && !($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("emptypage","wiki")."<br />";
// Check for orphaned pages
$result2 = ewiki_database("SEARCH", array("content" => $id));
if ($result2 && $result2->count()) {
while ($row = $result2->get()) {
$checkcontent = ewiki_database("GET", array("id"=>$row["id"]));
$checkcontent = strtolower($checkcontent["content"]);
if(strpos($checkcontent, strtolower($id)) !== false) {
#echo "rc({$row['id']})==>($id): $check2 <br />";
/// Some more reasons for Deletion...
if ($orphanedpage && $id!=EWIKI_PAGE_INDEX &&!($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("orphanedpage","wiki")."<br />";
if ($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_DISABLED) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("disabledpage","wiki")."<br />";
if (($flags & 3) == 3) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errorbinandtxt","wiki")."<br />";
if (!($flags & 3)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errornotype","wiki")."<br />";
if ($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_HTML) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errorhtml","wiki")."<br />";
if (($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_READONLY) && !($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("readonly","wiki")."<br />";
if (($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_READONLY) && ($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_WRITEABLE)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errorroandwr","wiki")."<br />";
if (strlen($page["content"]) >= 65536) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errorsize","wiki")."<br />";
if (strpos($page["refs"], "\n".get_string("deletemewikiword","wiki")."\n")!==false) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("deletemewikiwordfound","wiki",get_string("deletemewikiword","wiki"))."<br />";
foreach ($selected as $id => $reason) {
$table_checkbox='<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" VALUE="'.rawurlencode($id).'" NAME="pagestodelete[]" />';
#-- link & id
if (strpos($id, EWIKI_IDF_INTERNAL) === false) {
$table_page='<A HREF="' . ewiki_script("", $id) . '">';
} else {
$table_page='<A HREF="' . ewiki_script_binary("", $id) . '">';
$table_page .= htmlentities($id) . '</A>';
#-- print reason
$table->data[]=array($table_checkbox, $table_page, $table_reason);
return $table;
/// This function actually removes the pages
function wiki_admin_remove($pagestodelete, $course, $wiki, $userid, $groupid) {
foreach ($pagestodelete as $id) {
$id = rawurldecode($id);
$data = ewiki_database("GET", array("id"=>$id));
for ($version=1; $version<=$data["version"]; $version++) {
ewiki_database("DELETE", array("id"=>$id, "version"=>$version));
if($data["flags"] & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY) {
$filepath=moodle_binary_get_path($id, $data["meta"], $course, $wiki, $userid, $groupid);
return $ret;
function wiki_admin_strip_list($pagestostrip="",$version="",$err="") {
/// Table header
$table->head = array(" ", get_string("pagename","wiki"), get_string("deleteversions","wiki"));
$vc=ewiki_database("COUNTVERSIONS", array());
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL",array());
while ($row = $result->get()) {
$id = $row["id"];
if($vc[$id]>1) {
if($err[$id]) {
$error=" ".join(", ",$err[$id]);
if($pagestostrip=="" || $pagestostrip[$i]) {
$checked=" CHECKED";
if($version=="") {
} else {
$table->data[]=array('<input type="checkbox" value="'.rawurlencode($id).'" name="pagestostrip['.$i.']" '.$checked.' />',
'<A HREF="'.EWIKI_SCRIPT.$id.'">'.htmlentities($id).'</A> / '.get_string("version","wiki").": ".$row["version"],
'<input name="version['.$i.']" value="'.$versiondefault.'" size="7" />'.$error);
return $table;
function wiki_admin_strip_versions($pagestostrip, $version, &$err) {
foreach ($pagestostrip as $key => $id_ue) {
$id = rawurldecode($id_ue);
if (preg_match('/^(\d+)[-\s._:]+(\d+)$/', trim($version[$key]), $uu)) {
$versA = $uu[1];
$versZ = $uu[2];
// Let the last Version in the database
$checkdata = ewiki_database("GET", array("id" => $id));
if($versZ>=$checkdata["version"]) {
$err[$id][] = get_string("versionrangetoobig","wiki");
} else {
if($versA<=$versZ) {
for ($v=$versA; $v<=$versZ; $v++) {
} else {
else {
return $ret;
function wiki_admin_strip($pagestostrip) {
/// Purges old page-versions
foreach($pagestostrip as $id => $versions) {
foreach($versions as $version) {
ewiki_database("DELETE", array("id"=>$id, "version"=>$version));
function wiki_admin_checklinks_list() {
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL",array());
while ($row = $result->get()) {
if(!($row["flags"] & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY)) {
$ret[$index] = $row["id"];
return $ret;
function wiki_admin_checklinks($pagetocheck) {
/// Checks http:// Links
if($pagetocheck) {
$get = ewiki_database("GET", array("id" => $pagetocheck));
$content = $get["content"];
preg_match_all('_(http.?://[^\s"\'<>#,;]+[^\s"\'<>#,;.])_', $content, $links);
$badlinks = array();
if(!$links[1]) {
$ret = get_string("nolinksfound","wiki")."<br /><br />";
} else {
foreach ($links[1] as $href) {
#print "[ $href ]";
#$d = @implode("", @file($href));
if($checkfd = @fopen($href, 'r')) {
if (empty($d) || !strlen(trim($d)) || stristr("not found", $d) || stristr("error 404", $d)) {
$ret.="[".get_string("linkdead","wiki")."] $href <br />\n";
$badlinks[] = $href;
} else {
$ret.="[".get_string("linkok","wiki")."] $href <br />\n";
/// Remove old Notices
$content = eregi_replace(' <20><>__~\['.get_string("offline","wiki").'\]__<5F><5F> ','', $content);
#-- replace dead links
foreach ($badlinks as $href) {
$content = preg_replace("\377^(.*)($href)\377m", '$1 <20><>__~['.get_string("offline","wiki").']__<5F><5F> $2', $content);
#-- compare against db content
if ($content != $get["content"]) {
$get["content"] = $content;
$get["author"] = ewiki_author("ewiki_checklinks");
$get["lastmodified"] = time();
ewiki_database("WRITE", $get);
return $ret;
function wiki_admin_revert($proceed, $authorfieldpattern, $changesfield, $howtooperate, $deleteversions) {
#-- params
$m_time = $changesfield * 3600;
$depth = $deleteversions - 1;
$depth = ($depth>0?$depth:0);
#-- walk through
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL", array("id", "author", "lastmodified"));
while ($row = $result->get()) {
$id = $row["id"];
#-- which versions to check
$verZ = $row["version"];
if ($howtooperate=="lastonly") {
$verA = $verZ;
else {
$verA = $verZ-$depth;
if ($verA <= 0) {
$verA = 1;
for ($ver=$verA; $ver<=$verZ; $ver++) {
#-- load current $ver database entry
if ($verA != $verZ) {
$row = ewiki_database("GET", array("id"=>$id, "version"=>$ver));
#-- match
if (stristr($row["author"], $authorfieldpattern) && ($row["lastmodified"] + $m_time > time())) {
$ret .= "$id (".get_string("versionstodelete","wiki").": ";
#-- delete multiple versions
if ($howtooperate=="allsince") {
while ($ver<=$verZ) {
$ret .= " $ver";
if ($proceed) {
ewiki_database("DELETE", array("id"=>$id, "version"=>$ver));
#-- or just the affected one
else {
$ret .= " $ver";
if ($proceed) {
ewiki_database("DELETE", $row);
$ret .= ")<br />";
} #-- for($ver)
} #-- while($row)
return $ret;
function wiki_get_view_actions() {
return array('view','view all');
function wiki_get_post_actions() {
return array('hack');