2004-09-24 08:56:47 +00:00

780 lines
26 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
//24.09.2004 Lot of changes:
// -Added usertype configuration, this removes need for separate obejcclass and attributename configuration
// Overriding values is still supported
//21.09.2004 Added support for multiple ldap-servers.
// Theres no nedd to use auth_ldap_bind,
// Anymore auth_ldap_connect does this for you
//19.09.2004 Lot of changes are coming from Martin Langhoff
// Current code is working but can change a lot. Be warned...
//15.08.2004 Added support for user syncronization
//24.02.2003 Added support for coursecreators
//20.02.2003 Added support for user creation
//12.10.2002 Reformatted source for consistency
//03.10.2002 First version to CVS
//29.09.2002 Clean up and splitted code to functions v. 0.02
//29.09.2002 LDAP authentication functions v. 0.01
//Distributed under GPL (c)Petri Asikainen 2002-2004
Module is quite complete and most functinality can be configured from
configinterfave /admin/auth.php. Some of latest additions/features need to
be configured by modifying source code.
User-creation makes posible that your current
users can authenticate with existings usernames/password and new users can
create own accounts to LDAP-directory. I'm using this feature and new users
are created to LDAP different context, without rights to other system. When
user-creation feature is set like that, there's no known security issues.
If you plan to use user creation feature, look function auth_user_create
and modify it for your needs.
You have to change all hardcoded attribute values to fit your LDAP-server.
I write ldap-module on Novell E-directory / Linux & Solaris ,
so all default values are for it.
!!!! Following comlete outdated as guid-field is not used anymorein moodeles user-table
!!!! I'll update this documentation as soon ldap-code get more stabile.
This is first version of usersync so backup your database, if you like to test this feature!
I'm testing this against Novell eDirectory where guid field is binary
so I have to use bin2hex() in function auth_get_users (), If your guid field is not binary
comment that line out.
For existing systems there no way to figure out is account from ldap or not.
So sysadmin, you have to update 'auth' and 'guid' fields for your existing ldap-users by hand (or scripting)
If your users usernamed are stabile, you can use auth_get_users() for this.
Right now moodle does not automaticly run auth_sync_users() so you have to create
your own script like:
Usersync is quite heavy process, it could be good idea to place that script outside of webroot and run it with cron.
Any feedback is wellcome,
Petri Asikainen
function auth_user_login ($username, $password) {
/// Returns true if the username and password work
/// and false if they don't
global $CFG;
if (!$username or !$password) { // Don't allow blank usernames or passwords
return false;
$ldapconnection = auth_ldap_connect();
if ($ldapconnection) {
$ldap_user_dn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnection, $username);
//if ldap_user_dn is empty, user does not exist
return false;
// Try to bind with current username and password
$ldap_login = @ldap_bind($ldapconnection, $ldap_user_dn, $password);
if ($ldap_login) {
return true;
} else {
error("LDAP-module cannot connect to server: $CFG->ldap_host_url");
return false;
function auth_get_userinfo($username){
/// reads userinformation from ldap and return it in array()
global $CFG;
$config = (array)$CFG;
$attrmap = auth_ldap_attributes();
$result = array();
$search_attribs = array();
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value) {
if (!in_array($value, $search_attribs)) {
array_push($search_attribs, $value);
$user_dn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnection, $username);
$user_info_result = ldap_read($ldapconnection,$user_dn,$CFG->ldap_objectclass, $search_attribs);
if ($user_info_result) {
$user_entry = ldap_get_entries($ldapconnection, $user_info_result);
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value){
return $result;
function auth_get_userlist () {
global $CFG;
return auth_ldap_get_userlist("($CFG->ldap_user_attribute=*)");
function auth_user_exists ($username) {
global $CFG;
//returns true if given usernname exist on ldap
$users = auth_ldap_get_userlist("($CFG->ldap_user_attribute=$username)");
return count($users);
function auth_user_create ($userobject,$plainpass) {
//create new user to ldap
//use auth_user_exists to prevent dublicate usernames
//return true if user is created, false on error
global $CFG;
$ldapconnection = auth_ldap_connect();
$attrmap = auth_ldap_attributes();
$newuser = array();
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value){
if(!empty($userobject->$key) ){
if (isset($CFG->{auth_user_.$key._updateremote}) && $CFG->{auth_user_.$key._updateremote} == "1" ) {
//Following sets all mandatory and other forced attribute values
//MODIFY following to suite your enviroment
$newuser['objectClass']= array("inetOrgPerson","organizationalPerson","person","top");
$newuser['uniqueId']= $userobject->username;
$uadd = ldap_add($ldapconnection, $CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=$userobject->username,".$CFG->ldap_create_context, $newuser);
return $uadd;
function auth_get_users($filter='*') {
//returns all userobjects from external database
global $CFG;
$ldapconnection = auth_ldap_connect();
$fresult = array();
if ($filter=="*") {
$filter = "(&(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=*)(".$CFG->ldap_objectclass."))";
$contexts = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_contexts);
if (!empty($CFG->ldap_create_context)){
array_push($contexts, $CFG->ldap_create_context);
$attrmap = auth_ldap_attributes();
$search_attribs = array();
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value) {
if (!in_array($value, $search_attribs)) {
array_push($search_attribs, $value);
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
if ($CFG->ldap_search_sub) {
//use ldap_search to find first user from subtree
$ldap_result = ldap_search($ldapconnection, $context,
} else {
//search only in this context
$ldap_result = ldap_list($ldapconnection, $context,
$users = auth_ldap_get_entries($ldapconnection, $ldap_result);
//add found users to list
foreach ($users as $ldapuser=>$attribs) {
$user = new object();
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value){
//quick way to get around binarystrings
//add authentication source stamp
return $fresult;
function auth_sync_users ($unsafe_optimizations = false, $bulk_insert_records = 1) {
//Syncronizes userdb with ldap
//This will add, rename
/// $unsafe_optimizations = true // will skip over moodle standard DB interfaces and use very optimized
/// and non-portable SQL -- useful only for mysql or postgres7
/// $bulk_insert_records = 1 // will insert $bulkinsert_records per insert statement
/// valid only with $unsafe. increase to a couple thousand for
/// blinding fast inserts -- but test it: you may hit mysqld's
/// max_allowed_packet limit.
global $CFG ;
$ldapusers = auth_get_users();
$usedidnumbers = Array();
// these are only populated if we managed to find added/removed users
$add_users = false;
$remove_users = false;
// create a temp table
if(strtolower($CFG->dbtype) === 'mysql'){
// help old mysql versions cope with large temp tables
execute_sql('SET SQL_BIG_TABLES=1');
execute_sql('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $CFG->prefix .'extuser (idnumber VARCHAR(12), PRIMARY KEY (idnumber)) TYPE=MyISAM');
} elseif (strtolower($CFG->dbtype) === 'postgres7'){
execute_sql('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE '.$CFG->prefix.'extuser (idnumber VARCHAR(12), PRIMARY KEY (idnumber))');
$userids = array_keys($ldapusers);
// bulk insert -- superfast with $bulk_insert_records
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$CFG->prefix.'extuser (idnumber) VALUES ';
$values = array_splice($userids, -($bulk_insert_records) );
// make those values safe
array_map('addslashes', $values);
// join and quote the whole lot
$sql = $sql . '(\'' . join('\'),(\'', $values) . '\')';
/// REMOVE execute_sql('delete from mdl_user where idnumber like \'%s\'');
// find users in DB that aren't in ldap -- to be removed!
$sql = 'SELECT u.*
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix .'user u LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix .'extuser e
ON u.idnumber = e.idnumber
WHERE u.auth=\'ldap\' AND u.deleted=\'0\' AND e.idnumber IS NULL';
$remove_users = get_records_sql($sql);
print "User entries to remove: ". count($remove_users) . "\n";
// find users missing in DB that are in LDAP
// note that get_records_sql wants at least 2 fields returned,
// and gives me a nifty object I don't want.
$sql = 'SELECT e.idnumber,1
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix .'extuser e LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix .'user u
ON e.idnumber = u.idnumber
$add_users = array_keys(get_records_sql($sql)) || array(); // get rid of the fat
print "User entries to add: ". count($add_users). "\n";
foreach ($ldapusers as $user) {
$usedidnumbers[] = $user->idnumber; //we will need all used idnumbers later
//update modified time
$user->modified = time();
//All users are confirmed
$user->confirmed = 1;
// if user does not exist create it
if ( ($unsafe_optimizations && is_array($add_users) && in_array($user->idnumber, $add_users) )
|| (!$unsafe_optimizations &&!record_exists('user','auth', 'ldap', 'idnumber', $user->idnumber)) ) {
if (insert_record ('user',$user)) {
echo "inserted user $user->username with idnumber $user->idnumber \n";
} else {
echo "error inserting user $user->username with idnumber $user->idnumber \n";
continue ;
} else {
//update username
set_field('user', 'username', $user->username , 'auth', 'ldap', 'idnumber', $user->idnumber);
//no id-information in ldap so get now
$userid = get_field('user', 'id', 'auth', 'ldap', 'idnumber', $user->idnumber);
if (auth_iscreator($user->username)) {
if (! record_exists("user_coursecreators", "userid", $userid)) {
$creator = insert_record("user_coursecreators",$cdata);
if (! $creator) {
error("Cannot add user to course creators.");
} else {
if ( record_exists("user_coursecreators", "userid", $userid)) {
$creator = delete_records("user_coursecreators", "userid", $userid);
if (! $creator) {
error("Cannot remove user from course creators.");
$result=(is_array($remove_users) ? $remove_users : array());
} else{
//find nonexisting users from moodles userdb
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$CFG->prefix."user WHERE deleted = '0' AND auth = 'ldap' AND idnumber NOT IN ('".implode('\' , \'',$usedidnumbers)."');" ;
$result = get_records_sql($sql);
if (!empty($result)){
foreach ($result as $user) {
//following is copy pasted from admin/user.php
//maybe this should moved to function in lib/datalib.php
$updateuser->id = $user->id;
$updateuser->deleted = "1";
$updateuser->username = "$user->email.".time(); // Remember it just in case
$updateuser->email = ""; // Clear this field to free it up
$updateuser->timemodified = time();
if (update_record("user", $updateuser)) {
unenrol_student($user->id); // From all courses
remove_teacher($user->id); // From all courses
notify(get_string("deletedactivity", "", fullname($user, true)) );
} else {
notify(get_string("deletednot", "", fullname($user, true)));
//copy pasted part ends
function auth_user_activate ($username) {
//activate new ldap-user after email-address is confirmed
global $CFG;
$ldapconnection = auth_ldap_connect();
$userdn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnection, $username);
$result = ldap_modify($ldapconnection, $userdn, $newinfo);
return $result;
function auth_user_disable ($username) {
//activate new ldap-user after email-address is confirmed
global $CFG;
$ldapconnection = auth_ldap_connect();
$userdn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnection, $username);
$result = ldap_modify($ldapconnection, $userdn, $newinfo);
return $result;
function auth_iscreator($username=0) {
///if user is member of creator group return true
global $USER , $CFG;
if (! $username) {
if ((! $CFG->ldap_creators) OR (! $CFG->ldap_memberattribute)) {
return false;
return auth_ldap_isgroupmember($username, $CFG->ldap_creators);
function auth_user_update($olduser, $newuser) {
/// called when the user record is updated. push fields to
/// the LDAP database if configured to do so...
global $USER , $CFG;
$ldapconnection = auth_ldap_connect();
$result = array();
$search_attribs = array();
$attrmap = auth_ldap_attributes();
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value) {
if (!in_array($value, $search_attribs)) {
array_push($search_attribs, $value);
$user_dn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnection, $olduser->username);
$user_info_result = ldap_read($ldapconnection,$user_dn,$CFG->ldap_objectclass, $search_attribs);
if ($user_info_result){
$user_entry = ldap_get_entries($ldapconnection, $user_info_result);
//error_log(var_export($user_entry) . 'fpp' );
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$ldapkey){
if (isset($CFG->{'auth_user_'. $key.'_updateremote'}) && $CFG->{'auth_user_'. $key.'_updateremote'}){
// skip update if the values already match
if( !($newuser->$key === $user_entry[0][strtolower($ldapkey)][0]) ){
ldap_modify($ldapconnection, $user_dn, array($ldapkey => utf8_encode($newuser->$key)));
} else {
error_log("Skip updating field $key for entry $user_dn: it seems to be already same on LDAP. " .
" old moodle value: '" . $olduser->$key .
"' new value '" . $newuser->$key .
"' current value in ldap entry " . $user_entry[0][strtolower($ldapkey)][0]);
} else {
error_log("ERROR:No user found in LDAP");
return false;
return true;
function auth_user_update_password($username, $newpassword) {
/// called when the user password is updated -- it assumes it is called by an admin
/// or that you've otherwise checked the user's credentials
/// IMPORTANT: $newpassword must be cleartext, not crypted/md5'ed
global $CFG;
$result = false;
$ldapconnection = auth_ldap_connect();
$user_dn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnection, $username);
error_log('LDAP Error in auth_user_update_password(). No DN for: ' . $username);
return false;
// send ldap the password in cleartext, it will md5 it itself
$result = ldap_modify($ldapconnection, $user_dn, array('userPassword' => $newpassword));
error_log('LDAP Error in auth_user_update_password(). Error code: '
. ldap_errno($ldapconnection) . '; Error string : '
. ldap_err2str(ldap_errno($ldapconnection)));
return $result;
//private functions are named as auth_ldap*
function auth_ldap_suppported_usertypes (){
// returns array of supported usertypes (schemas)
// If you like to add our own please name and describe it here
// And then add case clauses in relevant places in functions
// iauth_ldap_init, auth_user_create, auth_check_expire, auth_check_grace
$types['edir']='Novell Edirectory';
$types['posix']='posixAccount (rfc2307)';
$types['samba']='sambaSamAccount (v.3.0.7)';
return $types;
function auth_ldap_init () {
// initializes needed variables
global $CFG;
$default['ldap_objectclass'] = array(
'edir' => 'inetOrgPerson',
'posix' => 'posixAccount',
'samba' => 'sambaSamAccount',
'ad' => 'user',
'default' => '*'
$default['ldap_user_attribute'] = array(
'edir' => 'cn',
'posix' => 'uid',
'samba' => 'uid',
'ad' => 'cn',
'default' => 'cn'
$default['ldap_memberattribute'] = array(
'edir' => 'groupMembership',
'posix' => 'member',
'samba' => 'member',
'ad' => 'member', //is this right?
'default' => 'member'
foreach ($default as $key => $value) {
//set defaults if overriding fields not set
if(empty($CFG->{$key})) {
if (!empty($CFG->ldap_user_type) && !empty($default[$key][$CFG->ldap_user_type])) {
$CFG->{$key} = $default[$key][$CFG->ldap_user_type];
}else {
//use defaut value if user_type not set
$CFG->$key = $default[$key]['default'];
}else {
//hack prefix to objectclass
if ('objectClass=' != substr($CFG->ldap_objectclass, 0, 12)) {
$CFG->ldap_objectclass = 'objectClass='.$CFG->ldap_objectclass;
//all chages go in $CFG , no need to return value
function auth_ldap_isgroupmember ($username='', $groupdns='') {
// Takes username and groupdn(s) , separated by ;
// Returns true if user is member of any given groups
global $CFG, $USER;
if (empty($username) OR empty($groupdns)) {
return false;
$groups = explode(";",$groupdns);
//build filter
$filter = "(& ($CFG->ldap_user_attribute=$username)(|";
foreach ($groups as $group){
$filter .= "($CFG->ldap_memberattribute=$group)";
$filter .= "))";
$result = auth_ldap_get_userlist($filter);
return count($result);
function auth_ldap_connect(){
/// connects and binds to ldap-server
/// Returns connection result
global $CFG;
$urls = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_host_url);
foreach ($urls as $server){
$connresult = ldap_connect($server);
//ldap_connect returns ALWAYS true
if (!empty($CFG->ldap_version)) {
ldap_set_option($connresult, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $CFG->ldap_version);
if ($CFG->ldap_bind_dn){
//bind with search-user
$bindresult=@ldap_bind($connresult, $CFG->ldap_bind_dn,$CFG->ldap_bind_pw);
} else {
//bind anonymously
if ($bindresult) {
return $connresult;
//If any of servers are alive we have already returned connection
error("LDAP-module cannot connect any LDAP servers : $CFG->ldap_host_url");
return false;
function auth_ldap_find_userdn ($ldapconnection, $username){
/// return dn of username
/// like: cn=username,ou=suborg,o=org
/// or false if username not found
global $CFG;
//default return value
$ldap_user_dn = FALSE;
//get all contexts and look for first matching user
$ldap_contexts = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_contexts);
if (!empty($CFG->ldap_create_context)){
array_push($ldap_contexts, $CFG->ldap_create_context);
foreach ($ldap_contexts as $context) {
$context == trim($context);
if ($CFG->ldap_search_sub){
//use ldap_search to find first user from subtree
$ldap_result = ldap_search($ldapconnection, $context, "(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=".$username.")",array($CFG->ldap_user_attribute));
} else {
//search only in this context
$ldap_result = ldap_list($ldapconnection, $context, "(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=".$username.")",array($CFG->ldap_user_attribute));
$entry = ldap_first_entry($ldapconnection,$ldap_result);
if ($entry){
$ldap_user_dn = ldap_get_dn($ldapconnection, $entry);
break ;
return $ldap_user_dn;
function auth_ldap_attributes (){
//returns array containg attribute mappings between Moodle and ldap
global $CFG;
$config = (array)$CFG;
$fields = array("firstname", "lastname", "email", "phone1", "phone2",
"department", "address", "city", "country", "description",
"idnumber", "lang" );
$moodleattributes = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (!empty($config["auth_user_$field"])) {
$moodleattributes[$field] = $config["auth_user_$field"];
return $moodleattributes;
function auth_ldap_get_userlist($filter="*") {
/// returns all users from ldap servers
global $CFG;
$fresult = array();
$ldapconnection = auth_ldap_connect();
if ($filter=="*") {
$filter = "(&(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=*)(".$CFG->ldap_objectclass."))";
$contexts = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_contexts);
if (!empty($CFG->ldap_create_context)){
array_push($contexts, $CFG->ldap_create_context);
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
if ($CFG->ldap_search_sub) {
//use ldap_search to find first user from subtree
$ldap_result = ldap_search($ldapconnection, $context,
} else {
//search only in this context
$ldap_result = ldap_list($ldapconnection, $context,
$users = ldap_get_entries($ldapconnection, $ldap_result);
//add found users to list
for ($i=0;$i<$users['count'];$i++) {
array_push($fresult, ($users[$i][$CFG->ldap_user_attribute][0]) );
return $fresult;
function auth_ldap_get_entries($conn, $searchresult){
//Returns values like ldap_get_entries but is
//binary compatible
$entry = ldap_first_entry($conn, $searchresult);
do {
$attributes = ldap_get_attributes($conn, $entry);
for($j=0; $j<$attributes['count']; $j++) {
$values = ldap_get_values_len($conn, $entry,$attributes[$j]);
$fresult[$i][$attributes[$j]] = $values;
while ($entry = ldap_next_entry($conn, $entry));
//were done
return ($fresult);