Sam Hemelryk 0b29477be9 navigation MDL-21565 Update this xxx is now automatically added to the nav for all modules by default and is renamed to settings as that is what was being used in the tabs system presently anyway.
The following minor changes were also made:
* Added roles links to the navigation automatically
* Handling of block context for settings navigation
* Tidied up init code for settings navigation
2010-03-22 03:04:00 +00:00

1314 lines
44 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Library of functions and constants for module chat
* @package mod-chat
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
// The HTML head for the message window to start with (<!-- nix --> is used to get some browsers starting with output
$CHAT_HTMLHEAD = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\"><html><head></head>\n<body>\n\n".padding(200);
// The HTML head for the message window to start with (with js scrolling)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html><head><script type="text/javascript">
function move(){
if (scroll_active)
var scroll_active = true;
<body onBlur="scroll_active = true" onFocus="scroll_active = false">
$CHAT_HTMLHEAD_JS .= padding(200);
// The HTML code for standard empty pages (e.g. if a user was kicked out)
$CHAT_HTMLHEAD_OUT = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\"><html><head><title>You are out!</title></head><body></body></html>";
// The HTML head for the message input page
$CHAT_HTMLHEAD_MSGINPUT = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\"><html><head><title>Message Input</title></head><body>";
// The HTML code for the message input page, with JavaScript
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<head><title>Message Input</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
scroll_active = true;
function empty_field_and_submit(){
return false;
</head><body OnLoad="document.f.arsc_message.focus();;">;
// Dummy data that gets output to the browser as needed, in order to make it show output
$CHAT_DUMMY_DATA = padding(200);
* @param int $n
* @return string
function padding($n){
$str = '';
for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){
$str.="<!-- nix -->\n";
return $str;
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
* will create a new instance and return the id number
* of the new instance.
* @global object
* @param object $chat
* @return int
function chat_add_instance($chat) {
global $DB;
$chat->timemodified = time();
if ($returnid = $DB->insert_record("chat", $chat)) {
$event = NULL;
$event->name = $chat->name;
$event->description = format_module_intro('chat', $chat, $chat->coursemodule);
$event->courseid = $chat->course;
$event->groupid = 0;
$event->userid = 0;
$event->modulename = 'chat';
$event->instance = $returnid;
$event->eventtype = $chat->schedule;
$event->timestart = $chat->chattime;
$event->timeduration = 0;
return $returnid;
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
* will update an existing instance with new data.
* @global object
* @param object $chat
* @return int
function chat_update_instance($chat) {
global $DB;
$chat->timemodified = time();
$chat->id = $chat->instance;
if ($returnid = $DB->update_record("chat", $chat)) {
$event = new object();
if ($event->id = $DB->get_field('event', 'id', array('modulename'=>'chat', 'instance'=>$chat->id))) {
$event->name = $chat->name;
$event->description = format_module_intro('chat', $chat, $chat->coursemodule);
$event->timestart = $chat->chattime;
$calendarevent = calendar_event::load($event->id);
return $returnid;
* Given an ID of an instance of this module,
* this function will permanently delete the instance
* and any data that depends on it.
* @global object
* @param int $id
* @return bool
function chat_delete_instance($id) {
global $DB;
if (! $chat = $DB->get_record('chat', array('id'=>$id))) {
return false;
$result = true;
# Delete any dependent records here #
if (! $DB->delete_records('chat', array('id'=>$chat->id))) {
$result = false;
if (! $DB->delete_records('chat_messages', array('chatid'=>$chat->id))) {
$result = false;
if (! $DB->delete_records('chat_messages_current', array('chatid'=>$chat->id))) {
$result = false;
if (! $DB->delete_records('chat_users', array('chatid'=>$chat->id))) {
$result = false;
if (! $DB->delete_records('event', array('modulename'=>'chat', 'instance'=>$chat->id))) {
$result = false;
return $result;
* Return a small object with summary information about what a
* user has done with a given particular instance of this module
* Used for user activity reports.
* <code>
* $return->time = the time they did it
* $return->info = a short text description
* </code>
* @param object $course
* @param object $user
* @param object $mod
* @param object $chat
* @return void
function chat_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $chat) {
return NULL;
* Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with
* a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports.
* @param object $course
* @param object $user
* @param object $mod
* @param object $chat
* @return bool
function chat_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $chat) {
return true;
* Given a course and a date, prints a summary of all chat rooms past and present
* This function is called from course/lib.php: print_recent_activity()
* @global object
* @global object
* @global object
* @param object $course
* @param array $viewfullnames
* @param int|string $timestart Timestamp
* @return bool
function chat_print_recent_activity($course, $viewfullnames, $timestart) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
// this is approximate only, but it is really fast ;-)
$timeout = $CFG->chat_old_ping * 10;
if (!$mcms = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT, MAX(chm.timestamp) AS lasttime
FROM {course_modules} cm
JOIN {modules} md ON = cm.module
JOIN {chat} ch ON = cm.instance
JOIN {chat_messages} chm ON chm.chatid =
WHERE chm.timestamp > ? AND ch.course = ? AND = 'chat'
ORDER BY lasttime ASC", array($timestart, $course->id))) {
return false;
$past = array();
$current = array();
$modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($course); // reference needed because we might load the groups
foreach ($mcms as $cmid=>$mcm) {
if (!array_key_exists($cmid, $modinfo->cms)) {
$cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid];
$cm->lasttime = $mcm->lasttime;
if (!$modinfo->cms[$cm->id]->uservisible) {
if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm) != SEPARATEGROUPS
or has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id))) {
if ($timeout > time() - $cm->lasttime) {
$current[] = $cm;
} else {
$past[] = $cm;
if (is_null($modinfo->groups)) {
$modinfo->groups = groups_get_user_groups($course->id); // load all my groups and cache it in modinfo
// verify groups in separate mode
if (!$mygroupids = $modinfo->groups[$cm->groupingid]) {
// ok, last post was not for my group - we have to query db to get last message from one of my groups
// only minor problem is that the order will not be correct
$mygroupids = implode(',', $mygroupids);
$cm->mygroupids = $mygroupids;
if (!$mcm = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT, MAX(chm.timestamp) AS lasttime
FROM {course_modules} cm
JOIN {chat} ch ON = cm.instance
JOIN {chat_messages_current} chm ON chm.chatid =
WHERE chm.timestamp > ? AND = ? AND
(chm.groupid IN ($mygroupids) OR chm.groupid = 0)
GROUP BY", array($timestart, $cm->id))) {
$cm->lasttime = $mcm->lasttime;
if ($timeout > time() - $cm->lasttime) {
$current[] = $cm;
} else {
$past[] = $cm;
if (!$past and !$current) {
return false;
$strftimerecent = get_string('strftimerecent');
if ($past) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("pastchats", 'chat').':');
foreach ($past as $cm) {
$link = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/chat/view.php?id='.$cm->id;
$date = userdate($cm->lasttime, $strftimerecent);
echo '<div class="head"><div class="date">'.$date.'</div></div>';
echo '<div class="info"><a href="'.$link.'">'.format_string($cm->name,true).'</a></div>';
if ($current) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("currentchats", 'chat').':');
$oldest = floor((time()-$CFG->chat_old_ping)/10)*10; // better db caching
$timeold = time() - $CFG->chat_old_ping;
$timeold = floor($timeold/10)*10; // better db caching
$timeoldext = time() - ($CFG->chat_old_ping*10); // JSless gui_basic needs much longer timeouts
$timeoldext = floor($timeoldext/10)*10; // better db caching
$params = array('timeold'=>$timeold, 'timeoldext'=>$timeoldext, 'cmid'=>$cm->id);
$timeout = "AND (chu.version<>'basic' AND chu.lastping>:timeold) OR (chu.version='basic' AND chu.lastping>:timeoldext)";
foreach ($current as $cm) {
//count users first
if (isset($cm->mygroupids)) {
$groupselect = "AND (chu.groupid IN ({$cm->mygroupids}) OR chu.groupid = 0)";
} else {
$groupselect = "";
if (!$users = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture
FROM {course_modules} cm
JOIN {chat} ch ON = cm.instance
JOIN {chat_users} chu ON chu.chatid =
JOIN {user} u ON = chu.userid
WHERE = :cmid $timeout $groupselect
GROUP BY, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture", $params)) {
$link = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/chat/view.php?id='.$cm->id;
$date = userdate($cm->lasttime, $strftimerecent);
echo '<div class="head"><div class="date">'.$date.'</div></div>';
echo '<div class="info"><a href="'.$link.'">'.format_string($cm->name,true).'</a></div>';
echo '<div class="userlist">';
if ($users) {
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($users as $user) {
echo '<li>'.fullname($user, $viewfullnames).'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</div>';
return true;
* Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
* This function searches for things that need to be done, such
* as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ...
* @global object
* @return bool
function chat_cron () {
global $DB;
/// Delete old messages with a
/// single SQL query.
$subselect = "SELECT c.keepdays
FROM {chat} c
WHERE = {chat_messages}.chatid";
$sql = "DELETE
FROM {chat_messages}
WHERE ($subselect) > 0 AND timestamp < ( ".time()." -($subselect) * 24 * 3600)";
$sql = "DELETE
FROM {chat_messages_current}
WHERE timestamp < ( ".time()." - 8 * 3600)";
return true;
* Returns the users with data in one chat
* (users with records in chat_messages, students)
* @global object
* @param int $chatid
* @param int $groupid
* @return array
function chat_get_participants($chatid, $groupid=0) {
global $DB;
$params = array('groupid'=>$groupid, 'chatid'=>$chatid);
if ($groupid) {
$groupselect = " AND (c.groupid=:groupid OR c.groupid='0')";
} else {
$groupselect = "";
//Get students
$students = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT,
FROM {user} u, {chat_messages} c
WHERE c.chatid = :chatid $groupselect
AND = c.userid", $params);
//Return students array (it contains an array of unique users)
return ($students);
* This standard function will check all instances of this module
* and make sure there are up-to-date events created for each of them.
* If courseid = 0, then every chat event in the site is checked, else
* only chat events belonging to the course specified are checked.
* This function is used, in its new format, by restore_refresh_events()
* @global object
* @param int $courseid
* @return bool
function chat_refresh_events($courseid = 0) {
global $DB;
if ($courseid) {
if (! $chats = $DB->get_records("chat", array("course"=>$courseid))) {
return true;
} else {
if (! $chats = $DB->get_records("chat")) {
return true;
$moduleid = $DB->get_field('modules', 'id', array('name'=>'chat'));
foreach ($chats as $chat) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('chat', $chat->id);
$event = new object();
$event->name = $chat->name;
$event->description = format_module_intro('chat', $chat, $cm->id);
$event->timestart = $chat->chattime;
if ($event->id = $DB->get_field('event', 'id', array('modulename'=>'chat', 'instance'=>$chat->id))) {
$calendarevent = calendar_event::load($event->id);
} else {
$event->courseid = $chat->course;
$event->groupid = 0;
$event->userid = 0;
$event->modulename = 'chat';
$event->instance = $chat->id;
$event->eventtype = $chat->schedule;
$event->timeduration = 0;
$event->visible = $DB->get_field('course_modules', 'visible', array('module'=>$moduleid, 'instance'=>$chat->id));
return true;
/// Functions that require some SQL
* @global object
* @param int $chatid
* @param int $groupid
* @param int $groupingid
* @return array
function chat_get_users($chatid, $groupid=0, $groupingid=0) {
global $DB;
$params = array('chatid'=>$chatid, 'groupid'=>$groupid, 'groupingid'=>$groupingid);
if ($groupid) {
$groupselect = " AND (c.groupid=:groupid OR c.groupid='0')";
} else {
$groupselect = "";
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !(empty($groupingid))) {
$groupingjoin = "JOIN {groups_members} gm ON = gm.userid
JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON gm.groupid = gg.groupid AND gg.groupingid = :groupingid ";
} else {
$groupingjoin = '';
return $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT
DISTINCT, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture, c.lastmessageping, c.firstping, u.imagealt
FROM {chat_users} c JOIN {user} u ON = c.userid $groupingjoin
WHERE c.chatid = :chatid $groupselect
ORDER BY c.firstping ASC", $params);
* @global object
* @param int $chatid
* @param int $groupid
* @return array
function chat_get_latest_message($chatid, $groupid=0) {
global $DB;
$params = array('chatid'=>$chatid, 'groupid'=>$groupid);
if ($groupid) {
$groupselect = "AND (groupid=:groupid OR groupid=0)";
} else {
$groupselect = "";
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {chat_messages_current} WHERE chatid = :chatid $groupselect
ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
// return the lastest one message
return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, true);
// login if not already logged in
* login if not already logged in
* @global object
* @global object
* @param int $chatid
* @param string $version
* @param int $groupid
* @param object $course
* @return bool|int Returns the chat users sid or false
function chat_login_user($chatid, $version, $groupid, $course) {
global $USER, $DB;
if (($version != 'sockets') and $chatuser = $DB->get_record('chat_users', array('chatid'=>$chatid, 'userid'=>$USER->id, 'groupid'=>$groupid))) {
// this will update logged user information
$chatuser->version = $version;
$chatuser->ip = $USER->lastip;
$chatuser->lastping = time();
$chatuser->lang = current_language();
// Sometimes $USER->lastip is not setup properly
// during login. Update with current value if possible
// or provide a dummy value for the db
if (empty($chatuser->ip)) {
$chatuser->ip = getremoteaddr();
if (empty($chatuser->ip)) {
$chatuser->ip = '';
if (($chatuser->course != $course->id) or ($chatuser->userid != $USER->id)) {
return false;
$DB->update_record('chat_users', $chatuser);
} else {
$chatuser = new object();
$chatuser->chatid = $chatid;
$chatuser->userid = $USER->id;
$chatuser->groupid = $groupid;
$chatuser->version = $version;
$chatuser->ip = $USER->lastip;
$chatuser->lastping = $chatuser->firstping = $chatuser->lastmessageping = time();
$chatuser->sid = random_string(32);
$chatuser->course = $course->id; //caching - needed for current_language too
$chatuser->lang = current_language(); //caching - to resource intensive to find out later
// Sometimes $USER->lastip is not setup properly
// during login. Update with current value if possible
// or provide a dummy value for the db
if (empty($chatuser->ip)) {
$chatuser->ip = getremoteaddr();
if (empty($chatuser->ip)) {
$chatuser->ip = '';
$DB->insert_record('chat_users', $chatuser);
if ($version == 'sockets') {
// do not send 'enter' message, chatd will do it
} else {
$message = new object();
$message->chatid = $chatuser->chatid;
$message->userid = $chatuser->userid;
$message->groupid = $groupid;
$message->message = 'enter';
$message->system = 1;
$message->timestamp = time();
$DB->insert_record('chat_messages', $message);
$DB->insert_record('chat_messages_current', $message);
return $chatuser->sid;
* Delete the old and in the way
* @global object
* @global object
function chat_delete_old_users() {
// Delete the old and in the way
global $CFG, $DB;
$timeold = time() - $CFG->chat_old_ping;
$timeoldext = time() - ($CFG->chat_old_ping*10); // JSless gui_basic needs much longer timeouts
$query = "(version<>'basic' AND lastping<?) OR (version='basic' AND lastping<?)";
$params = array($timeold, $timeoldext);
if ($oldusers = $DB->get_records_select('chat_users', $query, $params) ) {
$DB->delete_records_select('chat_users', $query, $params);
foreach ($oldusers as $olduser) {
$message = new object();
$message->chatid = $olduser->chatid;
$message->userid = $olduser->userid;
$message->groupid = $olduser->groupid;
$message->message = 'exit';
$message->system = 1;
$message->timestamp = time();
$DB->insert_record('chat_messages', $message);
$DB->insert_record('chat_messages_current', $message);
* Updates chat records so that the next chat time is correct
* @global object
* @param int $chatid
* @return void
function chat_update_chat_times($chatid=0) {
/// Updates chat records so that the next chat time is correct
global $DB;
$timenow = time();
$params = array('timenow'=>$timenow, 'chatid'=>$chatid);
if ($chatid) {
if (!$chats[] = $DB->get_record_select("chat", "id = :chatid AND chattime <= :timenow AND schedule > 0", $params)) {
} else {
if (!$chats = $DB->get_records_select("chat", "chattime <= :timenow AND schedule > 0", $params)) {
foreach ($chats as $chat) {
switch ($chat->schedule) {
case 1: // Single event - turn off schedule and disable
$chat->chattime = 0;
$chat->schedule = 0;
case 2: // Repeat daily
while ($chat->chattime <= $timenow) {
$chat->chattime += 24 * 3600;
case 3: // Repeat weekly
while ($chat->chattime <= $timenow) {
$chat->chattime += 7 * 24 * 3600;
$DB->update_record("chat", $chat);
$event = new object(); // Update calendar too
$cond = "modulename='chat' AND instance = :chatid AND timestart <> :chattime";
$params = array('chattime'=>$chat->chattime, 'chatid'=>$chatid);
if ($event->id = $DB->get_field_select('event', 'id', $cond, $params)) {
$event->timestart = $chat->chattime;
$calendarevent = calendar_event::load($event->id);
* @global object
* @global object
* @param object $message
* @param int $courseid
* @param object $sender
* @param object $currentuser
* @param string $chat_lastrow
* @return bool|string Returns HTML or false
function chat_format_message_manually($message, $courseid, $sender, $currentuser, $chat_lastrow=NULL) {
global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT;
$output = new object();
$output->beep = false; // by default
$output->refreshusers = false; // by default
// Use get_user_timezone() to find the correct timezone for displaying this message:
// It's either the current user's timezone or else decided by some Moodle config setting
// First, "reset" $USER->timezone (which could have been set by a previous call to here)
// because otherwise the value for the previous $currentuser will take precedence over $CFG->timezone
$USER->timezone = 99;
$tz = get_user_timezone($currentuser->timezone);
// Before formatting the message time string, set $USER->timezone to the above.
// This will allow dst_offset_on (called by userdate) to work correctly, otherwise the
// message times appear off because DST is not taken into account when it should be.
$USER->timezone = $tz;
$message->strtime = userdate($message->timestamp, get_string('strftimemessage', 'chat'), $tz);
$message->picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($sender, array('size'=>false, 'courseid'=>$courseid, 'link'=>false));
if ($courseid) {
$message->picture = "<a onclick=\"'$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$sender->id&amp;course=$courseid')\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$sender->id&amp;course=$courseid\">$message->picture</a>";
//Calculate the row class
if ($chat_lastrow !== NULL) {
$rowclass = ' class="r'.$chat_lastrow.'" ';
} else {
$rowclass = '';
// Start processing the message
if(!empty($message->system)) {
// System event
$output->text = $message->strtime.': '.get_string('message'.$message->message, 'chat', fullname($sender));
$output->html = '<table class="chat-event"><tr'.$rowclass.'><td class="picture">'.$message->picture.'</td><td class="text">';
$output->html .= '<span class="event">'.$output->text.'</span></td></tr></table>';
$output->basic = '<dl><dt class="event">'.$message->strtime.': '.get_string('message'.$message->message, 'chat', fullname($sender)).'</dt></dl>';
if($message->message == 'exit' or $message->message == 'enter') {
$output->refreshusers = true; //force user panel refresh ASAP
return $output;
// It's not a system event
$text = $message->message;
/// Parse the text to clean and filter it
$options = new object();
$options->para = false;
$text = format_text($text, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options, $courseid);
// And now check for special cases
$special = false;
if (substr($text, 0, 5) == 'beep ') {
/// It's a beep!
$special = true;
$beepwho = trim(substr($text, 5));
if ($beepwho == 'all') { // everyone
$outinfo = $message->strtime.': '.get_string('messagebeepseveryone', 'chat', fullname($sender));
$outmain = '';
$output->beep = true; // (eventually this should be set to
// to a filename uploaded by the user)
} else if ($beepwho == $currentuser->id) { // current user
$outinfo = $message->strtime.': '.get_string('messagebeepsyou', 'chat', fullname($sender));
$outmain = '';
$output->beep = true;
} else { //something is not caught?
return false;
} else if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '/') { /// It's a user command
// support some IRC commands
$pattern = '#(^\/)(\w+).*#';
preg_match($pattern, trim($text), $matches);
$command = $matches[2];
switch ($command){
case 'me':
$special = true;
$outinfo = $message->strtime;
$outmain = '*** <b>'.$sender->firstname.' '.substr($text, 4).'</b>';
} elseif (substr($text, 0, 2) == 'To') {
$pattern = '#To[[:space:]](.*):(.*)#';
preg_match($pattern, trim($text), $matches);
$special = true;
$outinfo = $message->strtime;
$outmain = $sender->firstname.' '.get_string('saidto', 'chat').' <i>'.$matches[1].'</i>: '.$matches[2];
if(!$special) {
$outinfo = $message->strtime.' '.$sender->firstname;
$outmain = $text;
/// Format the message as a small table
$output->text = strip_tags($outinfo.': '.$outmain);
$output->html = "<table class=\"chat-message\"><tr$rowclass><td class=\"picture\" valign=\"top\">$message->picture</td><td class=\"text\">";
$output->html .= "<span class=\"title\">$outinfo</span>";
if ($outmain) {
$output->html .= ": $outmain";
$output->basic = '<dl><dt class="title">'.$outinfo.':</dt><dd class="text">'.$outmain.'</dd></dl>';
} else {
$output->basic = '<dl><dt class="title">'.$outinfo.'</dt></dl>';
$output->html .= "</td></tr></table>";
return $output;
* @global object
* @param object $message
* @param int $courseid
* @param object $currentuser
* @param string $chat_lastrow
* @return bool|string Returns HTML or false
function chat_format_message($message, $courseid, $currentuser, $chat_lastrow=NULL) {
/// Given a message object full of information, this function
/// formats it appropriately into text and html, then
/// returns the formatted data.
global $DB;
static $users; // Cache user lookups
if (isset($users[$message->userid])) {
$user = $users[$message->userid];
} else if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$message->userid), 'id,picture,firstname,lastname,imagealt')) {
$users[$message->userid] = $user;
} else {
return NULL;
return chat_format_message_manually($message, $courseid, $user, $currentuser, $chat_lastrow);
* @global object
* @param object $message
* @param int $courseid
* @param object $currentuser
* @param string $chat_lastrow
* @return bool|string Returns HTML or false
function chat_format_message_theme ($message, $courseid, $currentuser, $theme = 'bubble') {
global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT, $COURSE, $DB;
static $users; // Cache user lookups
$result = new object();
if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/chat/gui_ajax/theme/'.$theme.'/config.php')) {
include($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/chat/gui_ajax/theme/'.$theme.'/config.php');
if (isset($users[$message->userid])) {
$sender = $users[$message->userid];
} else if ($sender = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$message->userid), 'id,picture,firstname,lastname,imagealt')) {
$users[$message->userid] = $sender;
} else {
return NULL;
$USER->timezone = 99;
$tz = get_user_timezone($currentuser->timezone);
$USER->timezone = $tz;
if (empty($courseid)) {
$courseid = $COURSE->id;
$message->strtime = userdate($message->timestamp, get_string('strftimemessage', 'chat'), $tz);
$message->picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($sender, array('courseid'=>$courseid));
$message->picture = "<a target='_blank' href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$sender->id&amp;course=$courseid\">$message->picture</a>";
// Start processing the message
if(!empty($message->system)) {
$result->type = 'system';
$userlink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id'=>$message->userid,'course'=>$courseid));
$patterns = array();
$replacements = array();
$patterns[] = '___senderprofile___';
$patterns[] = '___sender___';
$patterns[] = '___time___';
$patterns[] = '___event___';
$replacements[] = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$sender->id.'&amp;course='.$courseid;
$replacements[] = fullname($sender);
$replacements[] = $message->strtime;
$replacements[] = get_string('message'.$message->message, 'chat');
$result->html = str_replace($patterns, $replacements, $chattheme_cfg->event_message);
return $result;
// It's not a system event
$text = $message->message;
/// Parse the text to clean and filter it
$options = new object();
$options->para = false;
$text = format_text($text, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options, $courseid);
// And now check for special cases
$special = false;
$outtime = $message->strtime;
if (substr($text, 0, 5) == 'beep ') {
$special = true;
/// It's a beep!
$result->type = 'beep';
$beepwho = trim(substr($text, 5));
if ($beepwho == 'all') { // everyone
$outmain = get_string('messagebeepseveryone', 'chat', fullname($sender));
} else if ($beepwho == $currentuser->id) { // current user
$outmain = get_string('messagebeepsyou', 'chat', fullname($sender));
} else if ($sender->id == $currentuser->id) { //something is not caught?
$receiver = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$beepwho), 'id,picture,firstname,lastname');
$outmain = get_string('messageyoubeep', 'chat', fullname($receiver));
} else if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '/') { /// It's a user command
$special = true;
$result->type = 'command';
// support some IRC commands
$pattern = '#(^\/)(\w+).*#';
preg_match($pattern, trim($text), $matches);
$command = $matches[2];
$special = true;
switch ($command){
case 'me':
$outmain = '*** <b>'.$sender->firstname.' '.substr($text, 4).'</b>';
} elseif (substr($text, 0, 2) == 'To') {
$special = true;
$result->type = 'dialogue';
$pattern = '#To[[:space:]](.*):(.*)#';
preg_match($pattern, trim($text), $matches);
$special = true;
$outmain = $sender->firstname.' <b>'.get_string('saidto', 'chat').'</b> <i>'.$matches[1].'</i>: '.$matches[2];
if(!$special) {
$outmain = $text;
$result->text = strip_tags($outtime.': '.$outmain);
$ismymessage = '';
$rightalign = '';
if ($sender->id == $USER->id) {
$ismymessage = ' class="mymessage"';
$rightalign = ' align="right"';
$patterns = array();
$replacements = array();
$patterns[] = '___avatar___';
$patterns[] = '___sender___';
$patterns[] = '___senderprofile___';
$patterns[] = '___time___';
$patterns[] = '___message___';
$patterns[] = '___mymessageclass___';
$patterns[] = '___tablealign___';
$replacements[] = $message->picture;
$replacements[] = fullname($sender);
$replacements[] = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$sender->id.'&amp;course='.$courseid;
$replacements[] = $outtime;
$replacements[] = $outmain;
$replacements[] = $ismymessage;
$replacements[] = $rightalign;
if (!empty($chattheme_cfg->avatar) and !empty($chattheme_cfg->align)) {
if (!empty($ismymessage)) {
$result->html = str_replace($patterns, $replacements, $chattheme_cfg->user_message_right);
} else {
$result->html = str_replace($patterns, $replacements, $chattheme_cfg->user_message_left);
} else {
$result->html = str_replace($patterns, $replacements, $chattheme_cfg->user_message);
return $result;
* @global object $DB
* @global object $CFG
* @global object $COURSE
* @global object $OUTPUT
* @param object $users
* @param object $course
* @return array return formatted user list
function chat_format_userlist($users, $course) {
global $CFG, $DB, $COURSE, $OUTPUT;
$result = array();
foreach($users as $user){
$item = array();
$item['name'] = fullname($user);
$item['url'] = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$user->id.'&amp;course='.$course->id;
$item['picture'] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user);
$item['id'] = $user->id;
$result[] = $item;
return $result;
* Print json format error
* @param string $level
* @param string $msg
function chat_print_error($level, $msg) {
header('Content-Length: ' . ob_get_length() );
$error = new stdclass;
$error->level = $level;
$error->msg = $msg;
$response['error'] = $error;
echo json_encode($response);
* @return array
function chat_get_view_actions() {
return array('view','view all','report');
* @return array
function chat_get_post_actions() {
return array('talk');
* @global object
* @global object
* @param array $courses
* @param array $htmlarray Passed by reference
function chat_print_overview($courses, &$htmlarray) {
global $USER, $CFG;
if (empty($courses) || !is_array($courses) || count($courses) == 0) {
return array();
if (!$chats = get_all_instances_in_courses('chat',$courses)) {
$strchat = get_string('modulename', 'chat');
$strnextsession = get_string('nextsession', 'chat');
foreach ($chats as $chat) {
if ($chat->chattime and $chat->schedule) { // A chat is scheduled
$str = '<div class="chat overview"><div class="name">'.
$strchat.': <a '.($chat->visible?'':' class="dimmed"').
' href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/chat/view.php?id='.$chat->coursemodule.'">'.
$str .= '<div class="info">'.$strnextsession.': '.userdate($chat->chattime).'</div></div>';
if (empty($htmlarray[$chat->course]['chat'])) {
$htmlarray[$chat->course]['chat'] = $str;
} else {
$htmlarray[$chat->course]['chat'] .= $str;
* Implementation of the function for printing the form elements that control
* whether the course reset functionality affects the chat.
* @param object $mform form passed by reference
function chat_reset_course_form_definition(&$mform) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'chatheader', get_string('modulenameplural', 'chat'));
$mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'reset_chat', get_string('removemessages','chat'));
* Course reset form defaults.
* @param object $course
* @return array
function chat_reset_course_form_defaults($course) {
return array('reset_chat'=>1);
* Actual implementation of the rest coures functionality, delete all the
* chat messages for course $data->courseid.
* @global object
* @global object
* @param object $data the data submitted from the reset course.
* @return array status array
function chat_reset_userdata($data) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$componentstr = get_string('modulenameplural', 'chat');
$status = array();
if (!empty($data->reset_chat)) {
$chatessql = "SELECT
FROM {chat} ch
WHERE ch.course=?";
$params = array($data->courseid);
$DB->delete_records_select('chat_messages', "chatid IN ($chatessql)", $params);
$DB->delete_records_select('chat_messages_current', "chatid IN ($chatessql)", $params);
$DB->delete_records_select('chat_users', "chatid IN ($chatessql)", $params);
$status[] = array('component'=>$componentstr, 'item'=>get_string('removemessages', 'chat'), 'error'=>false);
/// updating dates - shift may be negative too
if ($data->timeshift) {
shift_course_mod_dates('chat', array('chattime'), $data->timeshift, $data->courseid);
$status[] = array('component'=>$componentstr, 'item'=>get_string('datechanged'), 'error'=>false);
return $status;
* Returns all other caps used in module
* @return array
function chat_get_extra_capabilities() {
return array('moodle/site:accessallgroups', 'moodle/site:viewfullnames');
* @param string $feature FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature
* @return mixed True if module supports feature, null if doesn't know
function chat_supports($feature) {
switch($feature) {
case FEATURE_GROUPS: return true;
case FEATURE_GROUPINGS: return true;
case FEATURE_MOD_INTRO: return true;
case FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE: return false;
case FEATURE_GRADE_OUTCOMES: return true;
default: return null;
function chat_extend_navigation($navigation, $course, $module, $cm) {
global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
if (has_capability('mod/chat:chat',$cm->context)) {
$strenterchat = get_string('enterchat', 'chat');
$target = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/chat/';
$params = array('id'=>$cm->instance);
if ($currentgroup) {
$params['groupid'] = $currentgroup;
$links = array();
if (!empty($USER->screenreader)) {
$url = new moodle_url($target.'gui_basic/index.php', $params);
$links[] = new action_link($url, $strenterchat, $action);
} else {
$url = new moodle_url($target.'gui_'.$CFG->chat_method.'/index.php', $params);
$action = new popup_action('click', $url, 'chat'.$course->id.$cm->instance.$currentgroup, array('height' => 500, 'width' => 700));
$links[] = new action_link($url, $strenterchat, $action);
if ($CFG->enableajax) {
$url = new moodle_url($target.'gui_ajax/index.php', $params);
$action = new popup_action('click', $url, 'chat'.$course->id.$cm->instance.$currentgroup, array('height' => 500, 'width' => 700));
$links[] = new action_link($url, get_string('ajax_gui', 'message'), $action);
if ($CFG->chat_method == 'header_js' && empty($USER->screenreader)) {
$url = new moodle_url($target.'gui_basic/index.php', $params);
$action = new popup_action('click', $url, 'chat'.$course->id.$cm->instance.$currentgroup, array('height' => 500, 'width' => 700));
$links[] = new action_link($url, get_string('noframesjs', 'message'), $action);
foreach ($links as $link) {
$navigation->add($link->text, $link, navigation_node::TYPE_ACTIVITY, null ,null, new pix_icon('c/group' , ''));
$chatusers = chat_get_users($cm->instance, $currentgroup, $cm->groupingid);
if (is_array($chatusers) && count($chatusers)>0) {
$userskey = $navigation->add(get_string('currentusers', 'chat'));
$users = $navigation->get($userskey);
foreach ($chatusers as $chatuser) {
$userlink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id'=>$chatuser->id,'course'=>$course->id));
$users->add(fullname($chatuser).' '.format_time(time() - $chatuser->lastmessageping), $userlink, navigation_node::TYPE_USER, null, null, new pix_icon('c/user', ''));
* Adds module specific settings to the settings block
* @param settings_navigation $settings The settings navigation object
* @param navigation_node $chatnode The node to add module settings to
function chat_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settings, navigation_node $chatnode) {
global $DB, $PAGE, $USER;
$chat = $DB->get_record("chat", array("id" => $PAGE->cm->instance));
if ($chat->chattime && $chat->schedule) {
$key = $chatnode->add(get_string('nextsession', 'chat').': '.userdate($chat->chattime).' ('.usertimezone($USER->timezone));
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($PAGE->cm, true);
if ($currentgroup) {
$groupselect = " AND groupid = '$currentgroup'";
} else {
$groupselect = '';
if ($chat->studentlogs || has_capability('mod/chat:readlog',$PAGE->cm->context)) {
if ($DB->get_records_select('chat_messages', "chatid = ? $groupselect", array($chat->id))) {
$chatnode->add(get_string('viewreport', 'chat'), new moodle_url('/mod/chat/report.php', array('id'=>$PAGE->cm->id)));