mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 11:49:49 +01:00
- Added a "All categories" link to the category drop-down box in Category view. - Better display of categorized entries (more organized). - SelectLetter, Special and All captions are now properly showed when some of the their flags are not set. - Properly use of course module visibility (in case someone directly access the URL)
103 lines
3.0 KiB
103 lines
3.0 KiB
global $CFG, $THEME;
<FORM name="theform" method="post" <?=$onsubmit ?> action="edit.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<table class=generalbox cellpadding=5 bgcolor="<? p($THEME->cellheading)?>">
<tr valign=top>
<td align=right><p><b><?php echo get_string("concept","glossary") ?>:</b></p></td>
<INPUT type="text" name="concept" size=30 value="<? p($form->concept) ?>">
<tr valign=top>
<td align=right><p><b><?php echo get_string("categories","glossary") ?>:</b></p></td>
$categories = get_records("glossary_categories","glossaryid",$glossary->id);
echo "<select size=\"6\" name=\"categories[]\" multiple=\"yes\">";
echo "<option value=0>" . get_string("nocategorized","glossary") . "</optioon>";
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
echo " <option ";
if ( record_exists("glossary_entries_categories","entryid",$entry->id,"categoryid",$category->id) ) {
echo "selected " ;
echo "value=\"$category->id\">$category->name</option>\n";
<tr valign=top>
<td align=right><p><b><? echo get_string("definition","glossary") ?>:</b></p>
<font size="1">
helpbutton("writing", get_string("helpwriting"), "moodle", true, true);
echo "<br />";
if ($usehtmleditor) {
helpbutton("richtext", get_string("helprichtext"), "moodle", true, true);
} else {
emoticonhelpbutton("form", "description");
<br />
print_textarea($usehtmleditor, 20, 60, 680, 400, "text", $entry->text);
echo "<p align=right>";
helpbutton("textformat", get_string("helpformatting"));
echo ": ";
if (!$form->format) {
$form->format = $defaultformat;
choose_from_menu(format_text_menu(), "format", $entry->format, "");
echo "</p>";
<tr valign=top>
<td align=right><p><b><?php print_string("attachment", "glossary") ?>:<br \>(<?php print_string("optional") ?>) </b></p></td>
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo get_max_upload_file_size() ?>">
<input type="file" name="attachment" size=40>
helpbutton("attachment", get_string("attachment", "glossary"), "glossary");
print_string("maxsize", "", display_size(get_max_upload_file_size()));
<td colspan=2>
<p align=center>
<? if ($entry->id) {
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=entry value=\"$entry->id\">";
<input type="hidden" name=id value="<?=$cm->id ?>">
<input type="hidden" name=currentview value="<?=$currentview ?>">
<input type="hidden" name=cat value="<?=$cat ?>">
<input type="submit" value="<? print_string("savechanges") ?>">
<input type="reset" value="<? print_string("revert") ?>">
if ($usehtmleditor) {
print_richedit_javascript("theform", "text", "no");