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synced 2025-02-12 11:32:04 +01:00
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247 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Produces a graph of log accesses for a user
* Generates an image representing the log data in a graphical manner for a user.
* @package report_log
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas (http://dougiamas.com)
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // Course ID.
$type = required_param('type', PARAM_FILE); // Graph Type.
$user = required_param('user', PARAM_INT); // Student ID.
$date = optional_param('date', 0, PARAM_INT); // A time of a day (in GMT).
$logreader = optional_param('logreader', '', PARAM_COMPONENT);
$url = new moodle_url('/report/log/graph.php', array('id' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'user' => $user, 'date' => $date,
'logreader' => $logreader));
if ($type !== "usercourse.png" and $type !== "userday.png") {
$type = 'userday.png';
$course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id" => $id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$user = $DB->get_record("user", array("id" => $user, 'deleted' => 0), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
$personalcontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
if ($USER->id != $user->id and has_capability('moodle/user:viewuseractivitiesreport', $personalcontext)
and !is_enrolled($coursecontext, $USER) and is_enrolled($coursecontext, $user)) {
//TODO: do not require parents to be enrolled in courses - this is a hack!
} else {
list($all, $today) = report_log_can_access_user_report($user, $course);
if ($type === "userday.png") {
if (!$today) {
require_capability('report/log:viewtoday', $coursecontext);
} else {
if (!$all) {
require_capability('report/log:view', $coursecontext);
$logs = array();
$timenow = time();
if ($type === "usercourse.png") {
$site = get_site();
if ($course->id == $site->id) {
$courseselect = 0;
} else {
$courseselect = $course->id;
$maxseconds = REPORT_LOG_MAX_DISPLAY * 3600 * 24; // Seconds.
if ($timenow - $course->startdate > $maxseconds) {
$course->startdate = $timenow - $maxseconds;
if (!empty($CFG->loglifetime)) {
$maxseconds = $CFG->loglifetime * 3600 * 24; // Seconds.
if ($timenow - $course->startdate > $maxseconds) {
$course->startdate = $timenow - $maxseconds;
$timestart = $coursestart = usergetmidnight($course->startdate);
if ((($timenow - $timestart) / 86400.0) > 40) {
$reducedays = 7;
} else {
$reducedays = 0;
$days = array();
$i = 0;
while ($timestart < $timenow) {
$timefinish = $timestart + 86400;
if ($reducedays) {
if ($i % $reducedays) {
$days[$i] = "";
} else {
$days[$i] = userdate($timestart, "%a %d %b");
} else {
$days[$i] = userdate($timestart, "%a %d %b");
$logs[$i] = 0;
$timestart = $timefinish;
$rawlogs = report_log_usercourse($user->id, $courseselect, $coursestart, $logreader);
foreach ($rawlogs as $rawlog) {
$logs[$rawlog->day] = $rawlog->num;
$graph = new graph(750, 400);
if (empty($rawlogs)) {
$graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] = 2;
$graph->parameter['y_max_left'] = 1;
$a = new stdClass();
$a->coursename = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
$a->username = fullname($user, true);
$graph->parameter['title'] = get_string("hitsoncourse", "", $a);
$graph->x_data = $days;
$graph->y_data['logs'] = $logs;
$graph->y_order = array('logs');
// Make sure the Y-axis gridlines correspond to the integer values.
if (count($logs) && ($ymax = max($logs)) && ($graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] > 1)) {
if ($ymax < $graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1) {
$graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] = $ymax + 1;
} else if ($ymax % ($graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1)) {
$graph->parameter['y_max_left'] = $graph->parameter['y_max_right'] =
ceil($ymax/($graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1)) * ($graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1);
if (!empty($CFG->preferlinegraphs)) {
$graph->y_format['logs'] = array('colour' => 'blue', 'line' => 'line');
} else {
$graph->y_format['logs'] = array('colour' => 'blue', 'bar' => 'fill', 'bar_size' => 0.6);
$graph->parameter['bar_spacing'] = 0;
$graph->parameter['y_label_left'] = get_string("hits");
$graph->parameter['label_size'] = "12";
$graph->parameter['x_axis_angle'] = 90;
$graph->parameter['x_label_angle'] = 0;
$graph->parameter['tick_length'] = 0;
$graph->parameter['shadow'] = 'none';
error_reporting(5); // Ignore most warnings such as font problems etc.
} else {
$site = get_site();
if ($course->id == $site->id) {
$courseselect = 0;
} else {
$courseselect = $course->id;
if ($date) {
$daystart = usergetmidnight($date);
} else {
$daystart = usergetmidnight(time());
$dayfinish = $daystart + 86400;
$hours = array();
for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) {
$logs[$i] = 0;
$hour = $daystart + $i * 3600;
$hours[$i] = $i;
$rawlogs = report_log_userday($user->id, $courseselect, $daystart, $logreader);
foreach ($rawlogs as $rawlog) {
$logs[$rawlog->hour] = $rawlog->num;
$graph = new graph(750, 400);
if (empty($rawlogs)) {
$graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] = 2;
$graph->parameter['y_max_left'] = 1;
$a = new stdClass();
$a->coursename = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
$a->username = fullname($user, true);
$graph->parameter['title'] = get_string("hitsoncoursetoday", "", $a);
$graph->x_data = $hours;
$graph->y_data['logs'] = $logs;
$graph->y_order = array('logs');
// Make sure the Y-axis gridlines correspond to the integer values.
if (count($logs) && ($ymax = max($logs)) && ($graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] > 1)) {
if ($ymax < $graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1) {
$graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] = $ymax + 1;
} else if ($ymax % ($graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1)) {
$graph->parameter['y_max_left'] = $graph->parameter['y_max_right'] =
ceil($ymax/($graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1)) * ($graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1);
if (!empty($CFG->preferlinegraphs)) {
$graph->y_format['logs'] = array('colour' => 'blue', 'line' => 'line');
} else {
$graph->y_format['logs'] = array('colour' => 'blue', 'bar' => 'fill', 'bar_size' => 0.9);
$graph->parameter['y_label_left'] = get_string("hits");
$graph->parameter['label_size'] = "12";
$graph->parameter['x_axis_angle'] = 0;
$graph->parameter['x_label_angle'] = 0;
$graph->parameter['shadow'] = 'none';
error_reporting(5); // Ignore most warnings such as font problems etc.