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synced 2025-03-10 02:40:10 +01:00
Also MDL-17585 Improve layout of manual grading forms to make them look more like formslib forms. The standard trick of stealing the HTML and class names that formslib works, so the standard style rules apply to your form.
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972 lines
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* This class handles loading all the information about a quiz attempt into memory,
* and making it available for attemtp.php, summary.php and review.php.
* Initially, it only loads a minimal amout of information about each attempt - loading
* extra information only when necessary or when asked. The class tracks which questions
* are loaded.
*//** */
if (!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) {
die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); /// It must be included from a Moodle page.
* Class for quiz exceptions. Just saves a couple of arguments on the
* constructor for a moodle_exception.
class moodle_quiz_exception extends moodle_exception {
function __construct($quizobj, $errorcode, $a = NULL, $link = '', $debuginfo = null) {
if (!$link) {
$link = $quizobj->view_url();
parent::__construct($errorcode, 'quiz', $link, $a, $debuginfo);
* A base class for holding and accessing information about a quiz and its questions,
* before details of a particular attempt are loaded.
class quiz {
// Fields initialised in the constructor.
protected $course;
protected $cm;
protected $quiz;
protected $context;
protected $questionids; // All question ids in order that they appear in the quiz.
protected $pagequestionids; // array page no => array of questionids on the page in order.
// Fields set later if that data is needed.
protected $questions = null;
protected $accessmanager = null;
protected $ispreviewuser = null;
// Constructor =========================================================================
* Constructor, assuming we already have the necessary data loaded.
* @param object $quiz the row from the quiz table.
* @param object $cm the course_module object for this quiz.
* @param object $course the row from the course table for the course we belong to.
* @param boolean $getcontext intended for testing - stops the constructor getting the context.
function __construct($quiz, $cm, $course, $getcontext = true) {
$this->quiz = $quiz;
$this->cm = $cm;
$this->course = $course;
if ($getcontext && !empty($cm->id)) {
$this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
// Functions for loading more data =====================================================
public function load_questions_on_page($page) {
public function preload_questions() {
if (empty($this->questionids)) {
throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'noquestions', $this->edit_url());
$this->questions = question_preload_questions($this->questionids,
'qqi.grade AS maxgrade, qqi.id AS instance',
'{quiz_question_instances} qqi ON qqi.quiz = :quizid AND q.id = qqi.question',
array('quizid' => $this->quiz->id));
* Load some or all of the queestions for this quiz.
* @param array $questionids question ids of the questions to load. null for all.
public function load_questions($questionids = null) {
if (is_null($questionids)) {
$questionids = $this->questionids;
$questionstoprocess = array();
foreach ($questionids as $id) {
$questionstoprocess[$id] = $this->questions[$id];
if (!get_question_options($questionstoprocess)) {
throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'loadingquestionsfailed', implode(', ', $questionids));
// Simple getters ======================================================================
/** @return integer the course id. */
public function get_courseid() {
return $this->course->id;
/** @return object the row of the course table. */
public function get_course() {
return $this->course;
/** @return integer the quiz id. */
public function get_quizid() {
return $this->quiz->id;
/** @return object the row of the quiz table. */
public function get_quiz() {
return $this->quiz;
/** @return string the name of this quiz. */
public function get_quiz_name() {
return $this->quiz->name;
/** @return integer the number of attempts allowed at this quiz (0 = infinite). */
public function get_num_attempts_allowed() {
return $this->quiz->attempts;
/** @return integer the course_module id. */
public function get_cmid() {
return $this->cm->id;
/** @return object the course_module object. */
public function get_cm() {
return $this->cm;
* @return boolean wether the current user is someone who previews the quiz,
* rather than attempting it.
public function is_preview_user() {
if (is_null($this->ispreviewuser)) {
$this->ispreviewuser = has_capability('mod/quiz:preview', $this->context);
return $this->ispreviewuser;
* @return integer number fo pages in this quiz.
public function get_num_pages() {
return count($this->pagequestionids);
* @param int $page page number
* @return boolean true if this is the last page of the quiz.
public function is_last_page($page) {
return $page == count($this->pagequestionids) - 1;
* @param integer $id the question id.
* @return object the question object with that id.
public function get_question($id) {
return $this->questions[$id];
* @param array $questionids question ids of the questions to load. null for all.
public function get_questions($questionids = null) {
if (is_null($questionids)) {
$questionids = $this->questionids;
$questions = array();
foreach ($questionids as $id) {
$questions[$id] = $this->questions[$id];
return $questions;
* Return the list of question ids for either a given page of the quiz, or for the
* whole quiz.
* @param mixed $page string 'all' or integer page number.
* @return array the reqested list of question ids.
public function get_question_ids($page = 'all') {
if ($page === 'all') {
$list = $this->questionids;
} else {
$list = $this->pagequestionids[$page];
// Clone the array, so our private arrays cannot be modified.
$result = array();
foreach ($list as $id) {
$result[] = $id;
return $result;
* @param integer $timenow the current time as a unix timestamp.
* @return object and instance of the quiz_access_manager class for this quiz at this time.
public function get_access_manager($timenow) {
if (is_null($this->accessmanager)) {
$this->accessmanager = new quiz_access_manager($this, $timenow,
has_capability('mod/quiz:ignoretimelimits', $this->context, NULL, false));
return $this->accessmanager;
* Wrapper round the has_capability funciton that automatically passes in the quiz context.
public function has_capability($capability, $userid = NULL, $doanything = true) {
return has_capability($capability, $this->context, $userid, $doanything);
* Wrapper round the require_capability funciton that automatically passes in the quiz context.
public function require_capability($capability, $userid = NULL, $doanything = true) {
return require_capability($capability, $this->context, $userid, $doanything);
// URLs related to this attempt ========================================================
* @return string the URL of this quiz's view page.
public function view_url() {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/view.php?id=' . $this->cm->id;
* @return string the URL of this quiz's edit page.
public function edit_url() {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/edit.php?cmid=' . $this->cm->id;
* @param integer $attemptid the id of an attempt.
* @return string the URL of that attempt.
public function attempt_url($attemptid) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/attempt.php?attempt=' . $attemptid;
* @return string the URL of this quiz's edit page. Needs to be POSTed to with a cmid parameter.
public function start_attempt_url() {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/startattempt.php';
* @param integer $attemptid the id of an attempt.
* @return string the URL of the review of that attempt.
public function review_url($attemptid) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=' . $attemptid;
// Bits of content =====================================================================
* @return string the HTML snipped that needs to be supplied to print_header_simple
* as the $button parameter.
public function update_module_button() {
if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities',
get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->course->id))) {
return update_module_button($this->cm->id, $this->course->id, get_string('modulename', 'quiz'));
} else {
return '';
* @param string $title the name of this particular quiz page.
* @return array the data that needs to be sent to print_header_simple as the $navigation
* parameter.
public function navigation($title) {
return build_navigation($title, $this->cm);
// Private methods =====================================================================
// Check that the definition of a particular question is loaded, and if not throw an exception.
protected function ensure_question_loaded($id) {
if (isset($this->questions[$id]->_partiallyloaded)) {
throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'questionnotloaded', $id);
private function determine_layout() {
$this->questionids = array();
$this->pagequestionids = array();
// Get the appropriate layout string (from quiz or attempt).
$layout = $this->get_layout_string();
if (empty($layout)) {
// Nothing to do.
// Break up the layout string into pages.
$pagelayouts = explode(',0', $layout);
// Strip off any empty last page (normally there is one).
if (end($pagelayouts) == '') {
// File the ids into the arrays.
$this->questionids = array();
$this->pagequestionids = array();
foreach ($pagelayouts as $page => $pagelayout) {
$pagelayout = trim($pagelayout, ',');
if ($pagelayout == '') continue;
$this->pagequestionids[$page] = explode(',', $pagelayout);
foreach ($this->pagequestionids[$page] as $id) {
$this->questionids[] = $id;
// Number the questions.
private function number_questions() {
$number = 1;
foreach ($this->pagequestionids as $page => $questionids) {
foreach ($questionids as $id) {
if ($this->questions[$id]->length > 0) {
$this->questions[$id]->_number = $number;
$number += $this->questions[$id]->length;
} else {
$this->questions[$id]->_number = get_string('infoshort', 'quiz');
$this->questions[$id]->_page = $page;
* @return string the layout of this quiz. Used by number_questions to
* work out which questions are on which pages.
protected function get_layout_string() {
return $this->quiz->questions;
* This class extends the quiz class to hold data about the state of a particular attempt,
* in addition to the data about the quiz.
class quiz_attempt extends quiz {
// Fields initialised in the constructor.
protected $attempt;
// Fields set later if that data is needed.
protected $states = array();
protected $reviewoptions = null;
// Constructor =========================================================================
* Constructor from just an attemptid.
* @param integer $attemptid the id of the attempt to load. We automatically load the
* associated quiz, course, etc.
function __construct($attemptid) {
global $DB;
if (!$this->attempt = quiz_load_attempt($attemptid)) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidattemptid', 'quiz');
if (!$quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $this->attempt->quiz))) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidquizid', 'quiz');
if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $quiz->course))) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz->id, $course->id)) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
parent::__construct($quiz, $cm, $course);
// Functions for loading more data =====================================================
* Load the state of a number of questions that have already been loaded.
* @param array $questionids question ids to process. Blank = all.
public function load_question_states($questionids = null) {
if (is_null($questionids)) {
$questionids = $this->questionids;
$questionstoprocess = array();
foreach ($questionids as $id) {
$questionstoprocess[$id] = $this->questions[$id];
if (!question_load_states($questionstoprocess, $this->states,
$this->quiz, $this->attempt)) {
throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'cannotrestore');
public function preload_question_states() {
if (empty($this->questionids)) {
throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'noquestions', $this->edit_url());
$this->states = question_preload_states($this->attempt->uniqueid);
if (!$this->states) {
$this->states = array();
public function load_specific_question_state($questionid, $stateid) {
global $DB;
$state = question_load_specific_state($this->questions[$questionid],
$this->quiz, $this->attempt, $stateid);
if ($state === false) {
throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'invalidstateid');
$this->states[$questionid] = $state;
// Simple getters ======================================================================
/** @return integer the attempt id. */
public function get_attemptid() {
return $this->attempt->id;
/** @return integer the attempt unique id. */
public function get_uniqueid() {
return $this->attempt->uniqueid;
/** @return object the row from the quiz_attempts table. */
public function get_attempt() {
return $this->attempt;
/** @return integer the number of this attemp (is it this user's first, second, ... attempt). */
public function get_attempt_number() {
return $this->attempt->attempt;
/** @return integer the id of the user this attempt belongs to. */
public function get_userid() {
return $this->attempt->userid;
/** @return boolean whether this attempt has been finished (true) or is still in progress (false). */
public function is_finished() {
return $this->attempt->timefinish != 0;
/** @return boolean whether this attemp is a preview attempt. */
public function is_preview() {
return $this->attempt->preview;
* Is this a student dealing with their own attempt/teacher previewing,
* or someone with 'mod/quiz:viewreports' reviewing someone elses attempt.
* @return boolean whether this situation should be treated as someone looking at their own
* attempt. The distinction normally only matters when an attempt is being reviewed.
public function is_own_attempt() {
global $USER;
return $this->attempt->userid == $USER->id &&
(!$this->is_preview_user() || $this->attempt->preview);
public function get_question_state($questionid) {
return $this->states[$questionid];
* Wrapper that calls quiz_get_reviewoptions with the appropriate arguments.
* @return object the review options for this user on this attempt.
public function get_review_options() {
if (is_null($this->reviewoptions)) {
$this->reviewoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($this->quiz, $this->attempt, $this->context);
return $this->reviewoptions;
* Wrapper that calls get_render_options with the appropriate arguments.
* @return object the render options for this user on this attempt.
public function get_render_options($state) {
return quiz_get_renderoptions($this->quiz, $this->attempt, $this->context, $state);
* Get a quiz_attempt_question_iterator for either a page of the quiz, or a whole quiz.
* You must have called load_questions with an appropriate argument first.
* @param mixed $page as for the @see{get_question_ids} method.
* @return quiz_attempt_question_iterator the requested iterator.
public function get_question_iterator($page = 'all') {
return new quiz_attempt_question_iterator($this, $page);
* Return a summary of the current state of a question in this attempt. You must previously
* have called load_question_states to load the state data about this question.
* @param integer $questionid question id of a question that belongs to this quiz.
* @return string a brief string (that could be used as a CSS class name, for example)
* that describes the current state of a question in this attempt. Possible results are:
* open|saved|closed|correct|partiallycorrect|incorrect.
public function get_question_status($questionid) {
$state = $this->states[$questionid];
switch ($state->event) {
return 'open';
return 'answered';
$options = $this->get_render_options($this->states[$questionid]);
if ($options->scores && $this->questions[$questionid]->maxgrade > 0) {
return question_get_feedback_class($state->last_graded->raw_grade /
} else {
return 'closed';
$a = new stdClass;
$a->event = $state->event;
$a->questionid = $questionid;
$a->attemptid = $this->attempt->id;
throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'errorunexpectedevent', $a);
* @param integer $questionid question id of a question that belongs to this quiz.
* @return boolean whether this question hss been flagged by the attempter.
public function is_question_flagged($questionid) {
$state = $this->states[$questionid];
return $state->flagged;
* Return the grade obtained on a particular question, if the user is permitted to see it.
* You must previously have called load_question_states to load the state data about this question.
* @param integer $questionid question id of a question that belongs to this quiz.
* @return string the formatted grade, to the number of decimal places specified by the quiz.
public function get_question_score($questionid) {
$options = $this->get_render_options($this->states[$questionid]);
if ($options->scores) {
return quiz_format_grade($this->quiz, $this->states[$questionid]->last_graded->grade);
} else {
return '';
// URLs related to this attempt ========================================================
* @param integer $page if specified, the URL of this particular page of the attempt, otherwise
* the URL will go to the first page.
* @param integer $questionid a question id. If set, will add a fragment to the URL
* to jump to a particuar question on the page.
* @return string the URL to continue this attempt.
public function attempt_url($questionid = 0, $page = -1) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/attempt.php?attempt=' . $this->attempt->id .
$this->page_and_question_fragment($questionid, $page);
* @return string the URL of this quiz's summary page.
public function summary_url() {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/summary.php?attempt=' . $this->attempt->id;
* @return string the URL of this quiz's summary page.
public function processattempt_url() {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/processattempt.php';
* @param integer $page if specified, the URL of this particular page of the attempt, otherwise
* the URL will go to the first page.
* @param integer $questionid a question id. If set, will add a fragment to the URL
* to jump to a particuar question on the page.
* @param boolean $showall if true, the URL will be to review the entire attempt on one page,
* and $page will be ignored.
* @param $otherattemptid if given, link to another attempt, instead of the one we represent.
* @return string the URL to review this attempt.
public function review_url($questionid = 0, $page = -1, $showall = false) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=' . $this->attempt->id .
$this->page_and_question_fragment($questionid, $page, $showall);
public function set_this_page_url($url) {
$this->quiz->thispageurl = $url;
// Bits of content =====================================================================
public function get_html_head_contributions($page = 'all') {
return get_html_head_contributions($this->get_question_ids($page),
$this->questions, $this->states);
public function get_question_html_head_contributions($questionid) {
return get_html_head_contributions(array($questionid),
$this->questions, $this->states);
public function print_restart_preview_button() {
global $CFG;
echo '<div class="controls">';
print_single_button($this->start_attempt_url(), array('cmid' => $this->cm->id,
'forcenew' => true, 'sesskey' => sesskey()), get_string('startagain', 'quiz'), 'post');
echo '</div>';
* Wrapper round print_question from lib/questionlib.php.
* @param integer $id the id of a question in this quiz attempt.
* @param boolean $reviewing is the being printed on an attempt or a review page.
* @param string $thispageurl the URL of the page this question is being printed on.
public function print_question($id, $reviewing, $thispageurl = '') {
if ($reviewing) {
$options = $this->get_review_options();
} else {
$options = $this->get_render_options($this->states[$id]);
if ($thispageurl) {
$this->quiz->thispageurl = $thispageurl;
} else {
print_question($this->questions[$id], $this->states[$id], $this->questions[$id]->_number,
$this->quiz, $options);
public function quiz_send_notification_emails() {
quiz_send_notification_emails($this->course, $this->quiz, $this->attempt,
$this->context, $this->cm);
public function print_navigation_panel($panelclass, $page) {
$panel = new $panelclass($this, $this->get_review_options(), $page);
/// List of all this user's attempts for people who can see reports.
public function links_to_other_attempts($url) {
$search = '/\battempt=' . $this->attempt->id . '\b/';
$attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($this->quiz->id, $this->attempt->userid, 'all');
if (count($attempts) <= 1) {
return false;
$attemptlist = array();
foreach ($attempts as $at) {
if ($at->id == $this->attempt->id) {
$attemptlist[] = '<strong>' . $at->attempt . '</strong>';
} else {
$changedurl = preg_replace($search, 'attempt=' . $at->id, $url);
$attemptlist[] = '<a href="' . $changedurl . '">' . $at->attempt . '</a>';
return implode(', ', $attemptlist);
// Methods for processing manual comments ==============================================
// I am not sure it is a good idea to have update methods here - this class is only
// about getting data out of the question engine, and helping to display it, apart from
// this.
public function process_comment($questionid, $comment, $grade) {
$state = $this->states[$questionid];
$error = question_process_comment($this->questions[$questionid],
$state, $this->attempt, $comment, $grade);
// If the state was update (successfully), save the changes.
if (!is_string($error) && $state->changed) {
if (!save_question_session($this->questions[$questionid], $state)) {
$error = get_string('errorudpatingquestionsession', 'quiz');
if (!quiz_save_best_grade($this->quiz, $this->attempt->userid)) {
$error = get_string('errorudpatingbestgrade', 'quiz');
return $error;
public function question_print_comment_fields($questionid, $prefix) {
global $DB;
/// Work out a nice title.
$student = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $this->get_userid()));
$a = new object();
$a->fullname = fullname($student, true);
$a->attempt = $this->get_attempt_number();
$this->states[$questionid], $prefix, $this->quiz, get_string('gradingattempt', 'quiz_grading', $a));
// Private methods =====================================================================
// Check that the state of a particular question is loaded, and if not throw an exception.
private function ensure_state_loaded($id) {
if (!array_key_exists($id, $this->states) || isset($this->states[$id]->_partiallyloaded)) {
throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'statenotloaded', $id);
* @return string the layout of this quiz. Used by number_questions to
* work out which questions are on which pages.
protected function get_layout_string() {
return $this->attempt->layout;
* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $questionid the id of a particular question on the page to jump to.
* @param integer $page -1 to look up the page number from the questionid, otherwise the page number to use.
* @param boolean $showall
* @return string bit to add to the end of a URL.
private function page_and_question_fragment($questionid, $page, $showall = false) {
if ($page == -1) {
if ($questionid) {
$page = $this->questions[$questionid]->_page;
} else {
$page = 0;
if ($showall) {
$page = 0;
$fragment = '';
if ($questionid && $questionid != reset($this->pagequestionids[$page])) {
$fragment = '#q' . $questionid;
$param = '';
if ($showall) {
$param = '&showall=1';
} else if ($page > 0) {
$param = '&page=' . $page;
return $param . $fragment;
* A PHP Iterator for conviniently looping over the questions in a quiz. The keys are the question
* numbers (with 'i' for descriptions) and the values are the question objects.
class quiz_attempt_question_iterator implements Iterator {
private $attemptobj; // Reference to the quiz_attempt object we provide access to.
private $questionids; // Array of the question ids within that attempt we are iterating over.
* Constructor. Normally, you don't want to call this directly. Instead call
* quiz_attempt::get_question_iterator
* @param quiz_attempt $attemptobj the quiz_attempt object we will be providing access to.
* @param mixed $page as for @see{quiz_attempt::get_question_iterator}.
public function __construct(quiz_attempt $attemptobj, $page = 'all') {
$this->attemptobj = $attemptobj;
$this->questionids = $attemptobj->get_question_ids($page);
// Implementation of the Iterator interface ============================================
public function rewind() {
public function current() {
$id = current($this->questionids);
if ($id) {
return $this->attemptobj->get_question($id);
} else {
return false;
public function key() {
$id = current($this->questionids);
if ($id) {
return $this->attemptobj->get_question($id)->_number;
} else {
return false;
public function next() {
$id = next($this->questionids);
if ($id) {
return $this->attemptobj->get_question($id);
} else {
return false;
public function valid() {
return $this->current() !== false;
abstract class quiz_nav_panel_base {
protected $attemptobj;
protected $options;
protected $page;
protected function __construct(quiz_attempt $attemptobj, $options, $page) {
$this->attemptobj = $attemptobj;
$this->options = $options;
$this->page = $page;
protected function get_question_buttons() {
$html = '<div class="qn_buttons">' . "\n";
foreach ($this->attemptobj->get_question_iterator() as $number => $question) {
$html .= $this->get_question_button($number, $question) . "\n" .
$this->get_button_update_script($question) . "\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
return $html;
protected function get_button_id($question) {
// The id to put on the button element in the HTML.
return 'quiznavbutton' . $question->id;
protected function get_button_update_script($question) {
return print_js_call('quiz_init_nav_button',
array($this->get_button_id($question), $question->id), true);
abstract protected function get_question_button($number, $question);
abstract protected function get_end_bits();
protected function get_question_state_classes($question) {
// The current status of the question.
$classes = $this->attemptobj->get_question_status($question->id);
// Plus a marker for the current page.
if ($question->_page == $this->page) {
$classes .= ' thispage';
// Plus a marker for flagged questions.
if ($this->attemptobj->is_question_flagged($question->id)) {
$classes .= ' flagged';
return $classes;
public function display() {
$strquiznavigation = get_string('quiznavigation', 'quiz');
$content = $this->get_question_buttons() . "\n" . '<div class="othernav">' .
"\n" . $this->get_end_bits() . "\n</div>\n";
print_side_block($strquiznavigation, $content, NULL, NULL, '', array('id' => 'quiznavigation'), $strquiznavigation);
class quiz_attempt_nav_panel extends quiz_nav_panel_base {
public function __construct(quiz_attempt $attemptobj, $options, $page) {
parent::__construct($attemptobj, $options, $page);
protected function get_question_button($number, $question) {
$questionsonpage = $this->attemptobj->get_question_ids($question->_page);
$onclick = '';
if ($question->id != reset($questionsonpage)) {
$onclick = ' onclick="form.action = form.action + \'#q' . $question->id .
'\'; return true;"';
return '<input type="submit" name="gotopage' . $question->_page .
'" value="' . $number . '" class="qnbutton ' .
$this->get_question_state_classes($question) . '" id="' .
$this->get_button_id($question) . '" ' . $onclick . '/>';
protected function get_end_bits() {
$output = '';
$output .= '<input type="submit" name="gotosummary" value="' .
get_string('endtest', 'quiz') . '" class="endtestlink" />';
$output .= '<div id="quiz-timer">' . get_string('timeleft', 'quiz') .
' <span id="quiz-time-left"></span></div>';
return $output;
class quiz_review_nav_panel extends quiz_nav_panel_base {
public function __construct(quiz_attempt $attemptobj, $options, $page) {
parent::__construct($attemptobj, $options, $page);
protected function get_question_button($number, $question) {
$strstate = get_string($this->attemptobj->get_question_status($question->id), 'quiz');
return '<a href="' . $this->attemptobj->review_url($question->id) .
'" class="qnbutton ' . $this->get_question_state_classes($question) . '" id="' .
$this->get_button_id($question) . '" title="' . $strstate . '">' . $number . '<span class="accesshide">(' . $strstate . '</span></a>';
protected function get_end_bits() {
$accessmanager = $this->attemptobj->get_access_manager(time());
$html = '<a href="' . $this->attemptobj->review_url(0, 0, true) . '">' .
get_string('showall', 'quiz') . '</a>';
$html .= $accessmanager->print_finish_review_link($this->attemptobj->is_preview_user(), true);
return $html;