mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 11:27:51 +01:00
changelog follows [MNET-manual] added version.php, install.xml and upgrade.php patches Route remote users back to their home server without going through jump.php and land.php Display app-specific strings in the user view Display the application icon in the Remote Host block Hide the 'logs' tab if the application under review is not Moodle Hide the 'logs' tab if the application under review is not Moodle Update user record to note that picture == 1 once a picture has been transferred. Change 2 to uri - is this fluid? Add application paramter to bootstrap function Find the application Workaround for PHP5.2.2 bug: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=41293 $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA was not being populated Ensure we get an application for our Peer Update the URI to use for MNET The default 'wantsurl' should be empty Use the appropriate 'land' url for the remote application Add hidden form elements for 'application' Add awareness of new Application concept Add awareness of new Application concept Add awareness of new Application concept Add awareness of new Application concept Add awareness of new Application concept Add awareness of new Application concept Add awareness of new Application concept
746 lines
29 KiB
746 lines
29 KiB
* An XML-RPC server
* @author Donal McMullan donal@catalyst.net.nz
* @version 0.0.1
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package mnet
// Make certain that config.php doesn't display any errors, and that it doesn't
// override our do-not-display-errors setting:
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
// Include MNET stuff:
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/mnet/lib.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/mnet/remote_client.php';
// Content type for output is not html:
header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
// PHP 5.2.2: $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA not populated bug:
// http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=41293
if (empty($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA)) {
$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = file_get_contents('php://input');
if (!empty($CFG->mnet_rpcdebug)) {
// New global variable which ONLY gets set in this server page, so you know that
// if you've been called by a remote Moodle, this should be set:
$MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT = new mnet_remote_client();
// Peek at the message to see if it's an XML-ENC document. If it is, note that
// the client connection was encrypted, and strip the xml-encryption and
// xml-signature wrappers from the XML-RPC payload
if (strpos(substr($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, 0, 100), '<encryptedMessage>')) {
// Extract the XML-RPC payload from the XML-ENC and XML-SIG wrappers.
$payload = mnet_server_strip_wrappers($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);
} else {
$params = xmlrpc_decode_request($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, $method);
if ($method == 'system.keyswap' ||
$method == 'system/keyswap') {
// OK
} elseif ($MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->plaintext_is_ok() == false) {
exit(mnet_server_fault(7021, 'forbidden-transport'));
// Looks like plaintext is ok. It is assumed that a plaintext call:
// 1. Came from a trusted host on your local network
// 2. Is *not* from a Moodle - otherwise why skip encryption/signing?
// 3. Is free to execute ANY function in Moodle
// 4. Cannot execute any methods (as it can't instantiate a class first)
// To execute a method, you'll need to create a wrapper function that first
// instantiates the class, and then calls the method.
$payload = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
if (!empty($CFG->mnet_rpcdebug)) {
trigger_error("XMLRPC Payload");
// Parse and action the XML-RPC payload
$response = mnet_server_dispatch($payload);
* Strip the encryption (XML-ENC) and signature (XML-SIG) wrappers and return the XML-RPC payload
* The payload will have been encrypted with a symmetric key. This key will
* itself have been encrypted using your public key. The key is decrypted using
* your private key, and then used to decrypt the XML payload.
* In either case, there will be an XML wrapper which contains your XML-RPC doc
* as an object element, a signature for that doc, and various standards-
* compliant info to aid in verifying the signature.
* This function parses the encryption wrapper, decrypts the contents, parses
* the signature wrapper, and if the signature matches the payload, it returns
* the payload, which should be an XML-RPC request.
* If there is an error, or the signatures don't match, it echoes an XML-RPC
* error and exits.
* See the W3C's {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlenc-core/ XML Encryption Syntax and Processing}
* and {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/PR-xmldsig-core-20010820/ XML-Signature Syntax and Processing}
* guidelines for more detail on the XML.
* -----XML-Envelope---------------------------------
* | |
* | Encrypted-Symmetric-key---------------- |
* | |_____________________________________| |
* | |
* | Encrypted data------------------------- |
* | | | |
* | | -XML-Envelope------------------ | |
* | | | | | |
* | | | --Signature------------- | | |
* | | | |______________________| | | |
* | | | | | |
* | | | --Signed-Payload-------- | | |
* | | | | | | | |
* | | | | XML-RPC Request | | | |
* | | | |______________________| | | |
* | | | | | |
* | | |_____________________________| | |
* | |_____________________________________| |
* | |
* |________________________________________________|
* @uses $db
* @param string $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA The XML that the client sent
* @return string The XMLRPC payload.
function mnet_server_strip_wrappers($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) {
if (isset($_SERVER)) {
$crypt_parser = new mnet_encxml_parser();
// Make sure we know who we're talking to
$host_record_exists = $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->set_wwwroot($crypt_parser->remote_wwwroot);
if (false == $host_record_exists) {
exit(mnet_server_fault(7020, 'wrong-wwwroot', $crypt_parser->remote_wwwroot));
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->ip_address) {
exit(mnet_server_fault(7017, 'wrong-ip'));
if ($crypt_parser->payload_encrypted) {
$key = array_pop($crypt_parser->cipher); // This key is Symmetric
$data = array_pop($crypt_parser->cipher);
$payload = ''; // Initialize payload var
$push_current_key = false; // True if we need to push a fresh key to the peer
// &$payload
$isOpen = openssl_open(base64_decode($data), $payload, base64_decode($key), $MNET->get_private_key());
if (!$isOpen) {
// Decryption failed... let's try our archived keys
$openssl_history = get_config('mnet', 'openssl_history');
if(empty($openssl_history)) {
$openssl_history = array();
set_config('openssl_history', serialize($openssl_history), 'mnet');
} else {
$openssl_history = unserialize($openssl_history);
foreach($openssl_history as $keyset) {
$keyresource = openssl_pkey_get_private($keyset['keypair_PEM']);
$isOpen = openssl_open(base64_decode($data), $payload, base64_decode($key), $keyresource);
if ($isOpen) {
// It's an older code, sir, but it checks out
$push_current_key = true;
if (!$isOpen) {
exit(mnet_server_fault(7023, 'encryption-invalid'));
if (strpos(substr($payload, 0, 100), '<signedMessage>')) {
$sig_parser = new mnet_encxml_parser();
} else {
exit(mnet_server_fault(7022, 'verifysignature-error'));
} else {
exit(mnet_server_fault(7024, 'payload-not-encrypted'));
// if the peer used one of our public keys that have expired, we will
// return a signed/encrypted error message with our new public key
if($push_current_key) {
// NOTE: Here, we use the 'mnet_server_fault_xml' to avoid
// get_string being called on our public_key
exit(mnet_server_fault_xml(7025, $MNET->public_key));
* Get the certificate (i.e. public key) from the remote server.
$certificate = $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->public_key;
if ($certificate == false) {
exit(mnet_server_fault(709, 'nosuchpublickey'));
$payload = base64_decode($sig_parser->data_object);
// Does the signature match the data and the public cert?
$signature_verified = openssl_verify($payload, base64_decode($sig_parser->signature), $certificate);
if ($signature_verified == 1) {
// Parse the XML
} elseif ($signature_verified == 0) {
$currkey = mnet_get_public_key($MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->wwwroot, $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->application->xmlrpc_server_url);
if($currkey != $certificate) {
// Has the server updated its certificate since our last
// handshake?
if(!$MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->refresh_key()) {
exit(mnet_server_fault(7026, 'verifysignature-invalid'));
} else {
exit(mnet_server_fault(710, 'verifysignature-invalid'));
} else {
exit(mnet_server_fault(711, 'verifysignature-error'));
return $payload;
} else {
exit(mnet_server_fault(712, "phperror"));
* Return the proper XML-RPC content to report an error in the local language.
* @param int $code The ID code of the error message
* @param string $text The array-key of the error message in the lang file
* @param string $param The $a param for the error message in the lang file
* @return string $text The text of the error message
function mnet_server_fault($code, $text, $param = null) {
if (!is_numeric($code)) {
$code = 0;
$code = intval($code);
$text = get_string($text, 'mnet', $param);
return mnet_server_fault_xml($code, $text);
* Return the proper XML-RPC content to report an error.
* @param int $code The ID code of the error message
* @param string $text The error message
* @return string $text The XML text of the error message
function mnet_server_fault_xml($code, $text) {
// Replace illegal XML chars - is this already in a lib somewhere?
$text = str_replace(array('<','>','&','"',"'"), array('<','>','&','"','''), $text);
$return = mnet_server_prepare_response('<?xml version="1.0"?>
if (!empty($CFG->mnet_rpcdebug)) {
trigger_error("XMLRPC Error Response");
return $return;
* Dummy function for the XML-RPC dispatcher - use to call a method on an object
* or to call a function
* Translate XML-RPC's strange function call syntax into a more straightforward
* PHP-friendly alternative. This dummy function will be called by the
* dispatcher, and can be used to call a method on an object, or just a function
* The methodName argument (eg. mnet/testlib/mnet_concatenate_strings)
* is ignored.
* @param string $methodname We discard this - see 'functionname'
* @param array $argsarray Each element is an argument to the real
* function
* @param string $functionname The name of the PHP function you want to call
* @return mixed The return value will be that of the real
* function, whateber it may be.
function mnet_server_dummy_method($methodname, $argsarray, $functionname) {
if (!is_object($MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->object_to_call)) {
return @call_user_func_array($functionname, $argsarray);
} else {
return @call_user_method_array($functionname, $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->object_to_call, $argsarray);
* Package a response in any required envelope, and return it to the client
* @param string $response The XMLRPC response string
* @return string The encoded response string
function mnet_server_prepare_response($response) {
if ($MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->request_was_signed) {
$response = mnet_sign_message($response);
if ($MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->request_was_encrypted) {
$response = mnet_encrypt_message($response, $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->public_key);
return $response;
* If security checks are passed, dispatch the request to the function/method
* The config variable 'mnet_dispatcher_mode' can be:
* strict: Only execute functions that are in specific files
* off: The default - don't execute anything
* @param string $payload The XML-RPC request
* @return No return val - just echo the response
function mnet_server_dispatch($payload) {
// xmlrpc_decode_request returns an array of parameters, and the $method
// variable (which is passed by reference) is instantiated with the value from
// the methodName tag in the xml payload
// xmlrpc_decode_request($xml, &$method)
$params = xmlrpc_decode_request($payload, $method);
// $method is something like: "mod/forum/lib/forum_add_instance"
// $params is an array of parameters. A parameter might itself be an array.
// Whitelist characters that are permitted in a method name
// The method name must not begin with a / - avoid absolute paths
// A dot character . is only allowed in the filename, i.e. something.php
if (0 == preg_match("@^[A-Za-z0-9]+/[A-Za-z0-9/_-]+(\.php/)?[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$@",$method)) {
exit(mnet_server_fault(713, 'nosuchfunction'));
$callstack = explode('/', $method);
// callstack will look like array('mod', 'forum', 'lib', 'forum_add_instance');
* What has the site administrator chosen as his dispatcher setting?
* strict: Only execute functions that are in specific files
* off: The default - don't execute anything
////////////////////////////////////// OFF
if (!isset($CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode) ) {
set_config('mnet_dispatcher_mode', 'off');
exit(mnet_server_fault(704, 'nosuchservice'));
} elseif ('off' == $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode) {
exit(mnet_server_fault(704, 'nosuchservice'));
////////////////////////////////////// SYSTEM METHODS
} elseif ($callstack[0] == 'system') {
$functionname = $callstack[1];
$xmlrpcserver = xmlrpc_server_create();
// I'm adding the canonical xmlrpc references here, however we've
// already forbidden that the period (.) should be allowed in the call
// stack, so if someone tries to access our XMLRPC in the normal way,
// they'll already have received a RPC server fault message.
// Maybe we should allow an easement so that regular XMLRPC clients can
// call our system methods, and find out what we have to offer?
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system.listMethods', 'mnet_system');
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system/listMethods', 'mnet_system');
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system.methodSignature', 'mnet_system');
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system/methodSignature', 'mnet_system');
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system.methodHelp', 'mnet_system');
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system/methodHelp', 'mnet_system');
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system.listServices', 'mnet_system');
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system/listServices', 'mnet_system');
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system.keyswap', 'mnet_keyswap');
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, 'system/keyswap', 'mnet_keyswap');
if ($method == 'system.listMethods' ||
$method == 'system/listMethods' ||
$method == 'system.methodSignature' ||
$method == 'system/methodSignature' ||
$method == 'system.methodHelp' ||
$method == 'system/methodHelp' ||
$method == 'system.listServices' ||
$method == 'system/listServices' ||
$method == 'system.keyswap' ||
$method == 'system/keyswap') {
$response = xmlrpc_server_call_method($xmlrpcserver, $payload, $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT, array("encoding" => "utf-8"));
$response = mnet_server_prepare_response($response);
} else {
exit(mnet_server_fault(7018, 'nosuchfunction'));
echo $response;
////////////////////////////////////// STRICT AUTH
} elseif ($callstack[0] == 'auth') {
// Break out the callstack into its elements
list($base, $plugin, $filename, $methodname) = $callstack;
// We refuse to include anything that is not auth.php
if ($filename == 'auth.php' && is_enabled_auth($plugin)) {
$authclass = 'auth_plugin_'.$plugin;
$includefile = '/auth/'.$plugin.'/auth.php';
$response = mnet_server_invoke_method($includefile, $methodname, $method, $payload, $authclass);
$response = mnet_server_prepare_response($response);
echo $response;
} else {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(702, 'nosuchfunction'));
////////////////////////////////////// STRICT ENROL
} elseif ($callstack[0] == 'enrol') {
// Break out the callstack into its elements
list($base, $plugin, $filename, $methodname) = $callstack;
if ($filename == 'enrol.php' && is_enabled_enrol($plugin)) {
$enrolclass = 'enrolment_plugin_'.$plugin;
$includefile = '/enrol/'.$plugin.'/enrol.php';
$response = mnet_server_invoke_method($includefile, $methodname, $method, $payload, $enrolclass);
$response = mnet_server_prepare_response($response);
echo $response;
} else {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(703, 'nosuchfunction'));
////////////////////////////////////// STRICT MOD/*
} elseif ($callstack[0] == 'mod' || 'promiscuous' == $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode) {
list($base, $module, $filename, $functionname) = $callstack;
////////////////////////////////////// STRICT MOD/*
if ($base == 'mod' && $filename == 'rpclib.php') {
$includefile = '/mod/'.$module.'/rpclib.php';
$response = mnet_server_invoke_method($includefile, $functionname, $method, $payload);
$response = mnet_server_prepare_response($response);
echo $response;
////////////////////////////////////// PROMISCUOUS
} elseif ('promiscuous' == $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode && $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->plaintext_is_ok()) {
$functionname = array_pop($callstack);
$filename = array_pop($callstack);
if ($MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->plaintext_is_ok()) {
// The call stack holds the path to any include file
$includefile = $CFG->dirroot.'/'.implode('/',$callstack).'/'.$filename.'.php';
$response = mnet_server_invoke_function($includefile, $functionname, $method, $payload);
echo $response;
} else {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(7012, 'nosuchfunction'));
} else {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(7012, 'nosuchfunction'));
* Execute the system functions - mostly for introspection
* @param string $method XMLRPC method name, e.g. system.listMethods
* @param array $params Array of parameters from the XMLRPC request
* @param string $hostinfo Hostinfo object from the mnet_host table
* @return mixed Response data - any kind of PHP variable
function mnet_system($method, $params, $hostinfo) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($hostinfo)) return array();
$id_list = $hostinfo->id;
if (!empty($CFG->mnet_all_hosts_id)) {
$id_list .= ', '.$CFG->mnet_all_hosts_id;
if ('system.listMethods' == $method || 'system/listMethods' == $method) {
if (count($params) == 0) {
$query = '
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_host2service h2s,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_service2rpc s2r,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_rpc rpc
s2r.rpcid = rpc.id AND
h2s.serviceid = s2r.serviceid AND
h2s.hostid in ('.$id_list .')
rpc.xmlrpc_path ASC';
} else {
$query = '
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_host2service h2s,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_service2rpc s2r,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_service svc,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_rpc rpc
s2r.rpcid = rpc.id AND
h2s.serviceid = s2r.serviceid AND
h2s.hostid in ('.$id_list .') AND
svc.id = h2s.serviceid AND
svc.name = \''.$params[0].'\'
rpc.xmlrpc_path ASC';
$resultset = array_values(get_records_sql($query));
$methods = array();
foreach($resultset as $result) {
$methods[] = $result->xmlrpc_path;
return $methods;
} elseif ('system.methodSignature' == $method || 'system/methodSignature' == $method) {
$query = '
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_host2service h2s,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_service2rpc s2r,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_rpc rpc
rpc.xmlrpc_path = \''.$params[0].'\' AND
s2r.rpcid = rpc.id AND
h2s.serviceid = s2r.serviceid AND
h2s.hostid in ('.$id_list .')';
$result = get_records_sql($query);
$methodsigs = array();
if (is_array($result)) {
foreach($result as $method) {
$methodsigs[] = unserialize($method->profile);
return $methodsigs;
} elseif ('system.methodHelp' == $method || 'system/methodHelp' == $method) {
$query = '
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_host2service h2s,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_service2rpc s2r,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_rpc rpc
rpc.xmlrpc_path = \''.$params[0].'\' AND
s2r.rpcid = rpc.id AND
h2s.serviceid = s2r.serviceid AND
h2s.hostid in ('.$id_list .')';
$result = get_record_sql($query);
if (is_object($result)) {
return $result->help;
} elseif ('system.listServices' == $method || 'system/listServices' == $method) {
$query = '
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_host2service h2s,
'.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_service s
h2s.serviceid = s.id AND
h2s.hostid in ('.$id_list .')
s.name ASC';
$result = get_records_sql($query);
$services = array();
if (is_array($result)) {
foreach($result as $service) {
$services[] = array('name' => $service->name,
'apiversion' => $service->apiversion,
'publish' => $service->publish,
'subscribe' => $service->subscribe);
return $services;
exit(mnet_server_fault(7019, 'nosuchfunction'));
* Initialize the object (if necessary), execute the method or function, and
* return the response
* @param string $includefile The file that contains the object definition
* @param string $methodname The name of the method to execute
* @param string $method The full path to the method
* @param string $payload The XML-RPC request payload
* @param string $class The name of the class to instantiate (or false)
* @return string The XML-RPC response
function mnet_server_invoke_method($includefile, $methodname, $method, $payload, $class=false) {
$permission = mnet_permit_rpc_call($includefile, $methodname, $class);
if (RPC_NOSUCHFILE == $permission) {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(705, 'nosuchfile', $includefile));
if (RPC_NOSUCHFUNCTION == $permission) {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(706, 'nosuchfunction'));
if (RPC_FORBIDDENFUNCTION == $permission) {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(707, 'forbidden-function'));
if (RPC_NOSUCHCLASS == $permission) {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(7013, 'nosuchfunction'));
if (RPC_NOSUCHMETHOD == $permission) {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(7014, 'nosuchmethod'));
if (RPC_NOSUCHFUNCTION == $permission) {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(7014, 'nosuchmethod'));
if (RPC_FORBIDDENMETHOD == $permission) {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(7015, 'nosuchfunction'));
if (0 < $permission) {
// Generate error response - unable to locate function
exit(mnet_server_fault(7019, 'unknownerror'));
if (RPC_OK == $permission) {
$xmlrpcserver = xmlrpc_server_create();
$bool = xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, $method, 'mnet_server_dummy_method');
$response = xmlrpc_server_call_method($xmlrpcserver, $payload, $methodname, array("encoding" => "utf-8"));
$bool = xmlrpc_server_destroy($xmlrpcserver);
return $response;
* Accepts a public key from a new remote host and returns the public key for
* this host. If 'register all hosts' is turned on, it will bootstrap a record
* for the remote host in the mnet_host table (if it's not already there)
* @param string $function XML-RPC requires this but we don't... discard!
* @param array $params Array of parameters
* $params[0] is the remote wwwroot
* $params[1] is the remote public key
* @return string The XML-RPC response
function mnet_keyswap($function, $params) {
global $CFG, $MNET;
$return = array();
if (!empty($CFG->mnet_register_allhosts)) {
$mnet_peer = new mnet_peer();
@list($wwwroot, $pubkey, $application) = each($params);
$keyok = $mnet_peer->bootstrap($wwwroot, $pubkey, $application);
if ($keyok) {
return $MNET->public_key;