moodler d6bdd9d5e9 Forum grades can now be numerical as well (like the other modules).
If so, grades in the gradebook are printed as proper numbers and
contribute to the total of the course.
2003-08-25 12:47:36 +00:00

2099 lines
72 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
/// CONSTANTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$FORUM_LAYOUT_MODES = array ( "1" => get_string("modeflatoldestfirst", "forum"),
"-1" => get_string("modeflatnewestfirst", "forum"),
"2" => get_string("modethreaded", "forum"),
"3" => get_string("modenested", "forum") );
// These are course content forums that can be added to the course manually
$FORUM_TYPES = array ("general" => get_string("generalforum", "forum"),
"eachuser" => get_string("eachuserforum", "forum"),
"single" => get_string("singleforum", "forum") );
$FORUM_OPEN_MODES = array ("2" => get_string("openmode2", "forum"),
"1" => get_string("openmode1", "forum"),
"0" => get_string("openmode0", "forum") );
if (!isset($CFG->forum_displaymode)) {
set_config("forum_displaymode", 3);
if (!isset($CFG->forum_shortpost)) {
set_config("forum_shortpost", 300); // Less non-HTML characters than this is short
if (!isset($CFG->forum_longpost)) {
set_config("forum_longpost", 600); // More non-HTML characters than this is long
if (!isset($CFG->forum_manydiscussions)) {
set_config("forum_manydiscussions", 100); // Number of discussions on a page
/// STANDARD FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function forum_add_instance($forum) {
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
// will create a new instance and return the id number
// of the new instance.
global $CFG;
$forum->timemodified = time();
if (! $forum->id = insert_record("forum", $forum)) {
return false;
if (!$forum->userating) {
$forum->assessed = 0;
if (!empty($forum->ratingtime)) {
$forum->assesstimestart = make_timestamp($forum->startyear, $forum->startmonth, $forum->startday,
$forum->starthour, $forum->startminute, 0);
$forum->assesstimefinish = make_timestamp($forum->finishyear, $forum->finishmonth, $forum->finishday,
$forum->finishhour, $forum->finishminute, 0);
} else {
$forum->assesstimestart = 0;
$forum->assesstimefinish = 0;
if ($forum->type == "single") { // Create related discussion.
$discussion->course = $forum->course;
$discussion->forum = $forum->id;
$discussion->name = $forum->name;
$discussion->intro = $forum->intro;
$discussion->assessed = $forum->assessed;
if (! forum_add_discussion($discussion)) {
error("Could not add the discussion for this forum");
add_to_log($forum->course, "forum", "add", "index.php?f=$forum->id", "$forum->id");
return $forum->id;
function forum_update_instance($forum) {
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
// will update an existing instance with new data.
$forum->timemodified = time();
$forum->id = $forum->instance;
if (!$forum->userating) {
$forum->assessed = 0;
if (!empty($forum->ratingtime)) {
$forum->assesstimestart = make_timestamp($forum->startyear, $forum->startmonth, $forum->startday,
$forum->starthour, $forum->startminute, 0);
$forum->assesstimefinish = make_timestamp($forum->finishyear, $forum->finishmonth, $forum->finishday,
$forum->finishhour, $forum->finishminute, 0);
} else {
$forum->assesstimestart = 0;
$forum->assesstimefinish = 0;
if ($forum->type == "single") { // Update related discussion and post.
if (! $discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "forum", $forum->id)) {
if ($discussions = get_records("forum_discussions", "forum", $forum->id, "timemodified ASC")) {
notify("Warning! There is more than one discussion in this forum - using the most recent");
$discussion = array_pop($discussions);
} else {
error("Could not find the discussion in this forum");
if (! $post = get_record("forum_posts", "id", $discussion->firstpost)) {
error("Could not find the first post in this forum discussion");
$post->subject = $forum->name;
$post->message = $forum->intro;
$post->modified = $forum->timemodified;
if (! update_record("forum_posts", $post)) {
error("Could not update the first post");
$discussion->name = $forum->name;
if (! update_record("forum_discussions", $discussion)) {
error("Could not update the discussion");
if (update_record("forum", $forum)) {
add_to_log($forum->course, "forum", "update", "index.php?f=$forum->id", "$forum->id");
return true;
} else {
return false;
function forum_delete_instance($id) {
// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
// this function will permanently delete the instance
// and any data that depends on it.
if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", "$id")) {
return false;
$result = true;
if ($discussions = get_records("forum_discussions", "forum", $forum->id)) {
foreach ($discussions as $discussion) {
if (! forum_delete_discussion($discussion)) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("forum_subscriptions", "forum", "$forum->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("forum", "id", "$forum->id")) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function forum_cron () {
/// Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
/// Finds all posts that have yet to be mailed out, and mails them
/// out to all subscribers
global $CFG, $USER;
$cutofftime = time() - $CFG->maxeditingtime;
if ($posts = forum_get_unmailed_posts($cutofftime)) {
/// Mark them all now as being mailed. It's unlikely but possible there
/// might be an error later so that a post is NOT actually mailed out,
/// but since mail isn't crucial, we can accept this risk. Doing it now
/// prevents the risk of duplicated mails, which is a worse problem.
foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
if (! set_field("forum_posts", "mailed", "1", "id", "$post->id")) {
echo "Error marking post id post->id as being mailed. This post will not be mailed.\n";
$timenow = time();
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo "\n";
print_string("processingpost", "forum", $post->id);
echo "\n";
if (! $userfrom = get_record("user", "id", "$post->userid")) {
echo "Could not find user $post->userid\n";
if (! $discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "id", "$post->discussion")) {
echo "Could not find discussion $post->discussion\n";
if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", "$discussion->forum")) {
echo "Could not find forum $discussion->forum\n";
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", "$forum->course")) {
echo "Could not find course $forum->course\n";
if ($users = forum_subscribed_users($course, $forum)) {
$canunsubscribe = ! forum_is_forcesubscribed($forum->id);
foreach ($users as $userto) {
/// Override the language of get_string, so that mail is in correct language for the receiver.
$USER->lang = $userto->lang;
$canreply = forum_user_can_post($forum, $userto);
$by->name = "$userfrom->firstname $userfrom->lastname";
$by->date = userdate($post->modified, "", $userto->timezone);
$strbynameondate = get_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by);
$strforums = get_string("forums", "forum");
$postsubject = "$course->shortname: $post->subject";
$posttext = "$course->shortname -> $strforums -> $forum->name";
if ($discussion->name == $forum->name) {
$posttext .= "\n";
} else {
$posttext .= " -> $discussion->name\n";
$posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$posttext .= "$post->subject\n";
$posttext .= $strbynameondate."\n";
$posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$posttext .= format_text_email($post->message, $post->format);
$posttext .= "\n\n";
if ($post->attachment) {
$post->course = $course->id;
$post->forum = $forum->id;
$posttext .= forum_print_attachments($post, "text");
if ($canreply) {
$posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$posttext .= get_string("postmailinfo", "forum", $course->shortname)."\n";
$posttext .= "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?reply=$post->id\n";
if ($canunsubscribe) {
$posttext .= "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$posttext .= get_string("unsubscribe", "forum");
$posttext .= ": $CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/subscribe.php?id=$forum->id\n";
if ($userto->mailformat == 1) { // HTML
$posthtml = "<p><font face=\"sans-serif\">".
"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</a> -> ".
"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/index.php?id=$course->id\">$strforums</a> -> ".
"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$forum->id\">$forum->name</a>";
if ($discussion->name == $forum->name) {
$posthtml .= "</font></p>";
} else {
$posthtml .= " -> <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$discussion->id\">$discussion->name</a></font></p>";
$posthtml .= forum_make_mail_post($post, $userfrom, $userto, $course, false, $canreply, false, false);
if ($canunsubscribe) {
$posthtml .= "\n<br /><hr size=\"1\" noshade /><p align=\"right\"><font size=\"1\"><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/subscribe.php?id=$forum->id\">".get_string("unsubscribe", "forum")."</a></font></p>";
} else {
$posthtml = "";
if (! email_to_user($userto, $userfrom, $postsubject, $posttext, $posthtml)) {
echo "Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not send out mail for id $post->id to user $userto->id ($userto->email) .. not trying again.\n";
} else {
echo ".... mailed to $mailcount users.\n";
return true;
function forum_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $forum) {
if ($posts = forum_get_user_posts($forum->id, $user->id)) {
$result->info = get_string("numposts", "forum", count($posts));
$lastpost = array_pop($posts);
$result->time = $lastpost->modified;
return $result;
return NULL;
function forum_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $forum) {
global $CFG;
if ($posts = forum_get_user_posts($forum->id, $user->id)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
if ($post->parent) {
$footer = "<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion&parent=$post->parent\">".
get_string("parentofthispost", "forum")."</A>";
} else {
$footer = "";
forum_print_post($post, $course->id, $ownpost=false, $reply=false, $link=false, $rate=false, $footer);
} else {
echo "<P>".get_string("noposts", "forum")."</P>";
function forum_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) {
/// Given a course and a date, prints a summary of all the new
/// messages posted in the course since that date
global $CFG;
$heading = false;
$content = false;
if (!$logs = get_records_select("log", "time > '$timestart' AND ".
"course = '$course->id' AND ".
"module = 'forum' AND ".
"action LIKE 'add %' ", "time ASC")){
return false;
$strftimerecent = get_string("strftimerecent");
foreach ($logs as $log) {
//Get post info, I'll need it later
$post = forum_get_post_from_log($log);
//Create a temp valid module structure (course,id)
$tempmod->course = $log->course;
$tempmod->id = $post->forum;
//Obtain the visible property from the instance
$modvisible = instance_is_visible($log->module,$tempmod);
//Only if the mod is visible
if ($modvisible) {
if ($post) {
$teacheronly = "";
if ($forum = get_record("forum", "id", $post->forum) ) {
if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
if ($isteacher) {
$teacheronly = "class=\"teacheronly\"";
} else {
if (! $heading) {
print_headline(get_string("newforumposts", "forum").":");
$heading = true;
$content = true;
$date = userdate($post->modified, $strftimerecent);
echo "<p $teacheronly><font size=1>$date - $post->firstname $post->lastname<br>";
echo "\"<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/$log->url\">";
if ($log->action == "add discussion") {
echo "<b>$post->subject</b>";
} else {
echo "$post->subject";
echo "</a>\"</font></p>";
return $content;
function forum_print_recent_instance_activity($forum, $timestart, $detail=false) {
global $CFG, $THEME;
if (!$posts = forum_get_recent_posts($timestart, $forum->id)) {
return false;
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="forumpost">';
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostpicture\" width=\"35\" valign=\"top\">";
print_user_picture($post->userid, $forum->course, $post->picture);
echo "</td>";
if ($post->parent) {
echo "<td nowrap bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading\" class=\"forumpostheader\" width=\"100%\">";
} else {
echo "<td nowrap bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading2\" class=\"forumpostheadertopic\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<p>";
echo "<font size=3>";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion#$post->id\">";
echo $post->subject;
echo "</a></font><br>";
echo "<font size=2>";
$by->name = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$post->userid&course=$courseid\">$post->firstname $post->lastname</a>";
$by->date = userdate($post->modified);
print_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by);
echo "</font></p></td></tr></table>";
function forum_grades($forumid) {
/// Must return an array of grades, indexed by user, and a max grade.
if (!$forum = get_record("forum", "id", $forumid)) {
return false;
if (!$forum->assessed) {
return false;
$scalemenu = make_grades_menu($forum->scale);
$currentuser = 0;
$ratingsuser = array();
if ($ratings = forum_get_user_grades($forumid)) {
foreach ($ratings as $rating) { // Ordered by user
if ($currentuser and $rating->userid != $currentuser) {
if (!empty($ratingsuser)) {
if ($forum->scale < 0) {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = forum_get_ratings_mean(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
$return->grades[$currentuser] .= "<br />".forum_get_ratings_summary(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
} else {
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($ratingsuser as $ra) {
$total += $ra;
$count ++;
$return->grades[$currentuser] = format_float($total/$count, 2);
} else {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = "";
$ratingsuser = array();
$ratingsuser[] = $rating->rating;
$currentuser = $rating->userid;
if (!empty($ratingsuser)) {
if ($forum->scale < 0) {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = forum_get_ratings_mean(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
$return->grades[$currentuser] .= "<br />".forum_get_ratings_summary(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
} else {
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($ratingsuser as $ra) {
$total += $ra;
$count ++;
$return->grades[$currentuser] = format_float((float)$total/(float)$count, 2);
} else {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = "";
} else {
$return->grades = array();
if ($forum->scale < 0) {
$return->maxgrade = "";
} else {
$return->maxgrade = $forum->scale;
return $return;
/// SQL FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function forum_get_post_full($postid) {
/// Gets a post with all info ready for forum_print_post
global $CFG;
return get_record_sql("SELECT p.*, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE = '$postid'
AND p.userid =");
function forum_get_discussion_posts($discussion, $sort) {
/// Gets posts with all info ready for forum_print_post
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE p.discussion = $discussion
AND p.parent > 0
AND p.userid = $sort");
function forum_get_child_posts($parent) {
/// Gets posts with all info ready for forum_print_post
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE p.parent = '$parent'
AND p.userid =
ORDER BY p.created ASC");
function forum_search_posts($searchterms, $courseid, $page=0, $recordsperpage=50, &$totalcount) {
/// Returns a list of posts found using an array of search terms
/// eg word +word -word
global $CFG;
if (!isteacher($courseid)) {
$notteacherforum = "AND f.type <> 'teacher'";
} else {
$notteacherforum = "";
switch ($CFG->dbtype) {
case "mysql":
$limit = "LIMIT $page,$recordsperpage";
case "postgres7":
$limit = "LIMIT $recordsperpage OFFSET ".($page * $recordsperpage);
$limit = "LIMIT $recordsperpage,$page";
/// Some differences in syntax for PostgreSQL
if ($CFG->dbtype == "postgres7") {
$LIKE = "ILIKE"; // case-insensitive
$NOTLIKE = "NOT ILIKE"; // case-insensitive
$REGEXP = "~*";
$NOTREGEXP = "!~*";
} else {
$messagesearch = "";
$subjectsearch = "";
foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
if (strlen($searchterm) < 2) {
if ($messagesearch) {
$messagesearch .= " AND ";
if ($subjectsearch) {
$subjectsearch .= " AND ";
if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "+") {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$messagesearch .= " p.message $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
$subjectsearch .= " p.subject $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "-") {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$messagesearch .= " p.message $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
$subjectsearch .= " p.subject $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else {
$messagesearch .= " p.message $LIKE '%$searchterm%' ";
$subjectsearch .= " p.subject $LIKE '%$searchterm%' ";
$selectsql = "{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}forum f
WHERE ($messagesearch OR $subjectsearch)
AND p.userid =
AND p.discussion =
AND d.course = '$courseid'
AND = $notteacherforum";
$totalcount = count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $selectsql");
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*,u.firstname,u.lastname,,u.picture FROM
$selectsql ORDER BY p.modified DESC $limit");
function forum_get_ratings($postid, $sort="u.firstname ASC") {
/// Returns a list of ratings for a particular post - sorted.
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT u.*, r.rating, r.time
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_ratings r,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE = '$postid'
AND r.userid =
ORDER BY $sort");
function forum_get_unmailed_posts($cutofftime) {
/// Returns a list of all new posts that have not been mailed yet
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, d.course
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d
WHERE p.mailed = 0
AND p.created < '$cutofftime'
AND p.discussion =");
function forum_get_user_posts($forumid, $userid) {
/// Get all the posts for a user in a forum suitable for forum_print_post
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum f,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE = '$forumid'
AND p.discussion =
AND p.userid = '$userid'
AND p.userid =
ORDER BY p.modified ASC");
function forum_get_post_from_log($log) {
/// Given a log entry, return the forum post details for it.
global $CFG;
if ($log->action == "add post") {
return get_record_sql("SELECT p.*,, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE = '$log->info'
AND = p.discussion
AND p.userid =
AND u.deleted <> '1'");
} else if ($log->action == "add discussion") {
return get_record_sql("SELECT p.*,, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE = '$log->info'
AND d.firstpost =
AND p.userid =
AND u.deleted <> '1'");
return NULL;
function forum_get_user_grades($forumid) {
/// Get all user grades for a forum
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT, p.userid, r.rating
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_ratings r
WHERE = '$forumid'
AND p.discussion =
ORDER by p.userid ");
function forum_count_discussion_replies($forum="0") {
// Returns an array of counts of replies to each discussion (optionally in one forum)
global $CFG;
if ($forum) {
$forumselect = " AND = '$forum'";
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.discussion, (count(*)) as replies
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d
WHERE p.parent > 0
AND p.discussion =
GROUP BY p.discussion");
function forum_count_unrated_posts($discussionid, $userid) {
// How many unrated posts are in the given discussion for a given user?
global $CFG;
if ($posts = get_record_sql("SELECT count(*) as num
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts
WHERE parent > 0
AND discussion = '$discussionid'
AND userid <> '$userid' ")) {
if ($rated = get_record_sql("SELECT count(*) as num
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_ratings r
WHERE p.discussion = '$discussionid'
AND r.userid = '$userid'")) {
$difference = $posts->num - $rated->num;
if ($difference > 0) {
return $difference;
} else {
return 0; // Just in case there was a counting error
} else {
return $posts->num;
} else {
return 0;
function forum_get_discussions($forum="0", $forumsort="d.timemodified DESC", $user=0, $fullpost=true) {
/// Get all discussions in a forum
global $CFG;
if ($user) {
$userselect = " AND = '$user' ";
} else {
$userselect = "";
if (empty($forumsort)) {
$forumsort = "d.timemodified DESC";
if (empty($fullpost)) {
$postdata = ",p.subject,p.modified,p.discussion,p.userid";
} else {
$postdata = "p.*";
return get_records_sql("SELECT $postdata, d.timemodified, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE = '$forum'
AND p.discussion =
AND p.parent = 0
AND p.userid = $userselect
ORDER BY $forumsort");
function forum_get_user_discussions($courseid, $userid) {
/// Get all discussions started by a particular user in a course
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture,
f.type as forumtype, as forumname, as forumid
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}forum f
WHERE d.course = '$courseid'
AND p.discussion =
AND p.parent = 0
AND p.userid =
AND = '$userid'
ORDER BY p.created DESC");
function forum_subscribed_users($course, $forum) {
/// Returns list of user objects that are subscribed to this forum
global $CFG;
if ($forum->forcesubscribe) {
if ($course->category) {
if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
return get_course_teachers($course->id); // Only teachers can be subscribed to teacher forums
} else {
return get_course_users($course->id); // Otherwise get everyone in the course
} else {
return get_site_users();
return get_records_sql("SELECT, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.maildisplay, u.mailformat,,,, u.lastaccess, u.lastlogin, u.picture, u.timezone, u.lang
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_subscriptions s
WHERE = '$forum->id'
AND s.userid =
AND u.deleted <> 1
function forum_get_recent_posts($sincetime, $forum="0") {
// Returns all forum posts since a given time. If forum is specified then
// this restricts the results
global $CFG;
if ($forum) {
$forumselect = " AND = '$forum'";
} else {
$forumselect = "";
return get_records_sql("SELECT p.*,,, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE p.modified > '$sincetime' $forumselect
AND p.userid =
AND p.discussion =
ORDER BY p.discussion ASC");
/// OTHER FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function forum_get_course_forum($courseid, $type) {
// How to set up special 1-per-course forums
global $CFG;
if ($forums = get_records_select("forum", "course = '$courseid' AND type = '$type'", "id ASC")) {
// There should always only be ONE, but with the right combination of
// errors there might be more. In this case, just return the oldest one (lowest ID).
foreach ($forums as $forum) {
return $forum; // ie the first one
// Doesn't exist, so create one now.
$forum->course = $courseid;
$forum->type = "$type";
switch ($forum->type) {
case "news":
$forum->name = get_string("namenews", "forum");
$forum->forcesubscribe = 1;
$forum->intro = get_string("intronews", "forum");
$forum->open = 1; // 0 - no, 1 - posts only, 2 - discuss and post
$forum->assessed = 0;
if ($site = get_site()) {
if ($courseid == $site->id) {
$forum->name = get_string("sitenews");
$forum->forcesubscribe = 0;
case "social":
$forum->name = get_string("namesocial", "forum");
$forum->intro = get_string("introsocial", "forum");
$forum->open = 2; // 0 - no, 1 - posts only, 2 - discuss and post
$forum->assessed = 0;
$forum->forcesubscribe = 0;
case "teacher":
$forum->name = get_string("nameteacher", "forum");
$forum->intro = get_string("introteacher", "forum");
$forum->open = 0; // 0 - no, 1 - posts only, 2 - discuss and post
$forum->assessed = 0;
$forum->forcesubscribe = 0;
notify("That forum type doesn't exist!");
return false;
$forum->timemodified = time();
$forum->id = insert_record("forum", $forum);
if ($forum->type != "teacher") {
if (! $module = get_record("modules", "name", "forum")) {
notify("Could not find forum module!!");
return false;
$mod->course = $courseid;
$mod->module = $module->id;
$mod->instance = $forum->id;
$mod->section = 0;
if (! $mod->coursemodule = add_course_module($mod) ) { // assumes course/lib.php is loaded
notify("Could not add a new course module to the course '$course->fullname'");
return false;
if (! $sectionid = add_mod_to_section($mod) ) { // assumes course/lib.php is loaded
notify("Could not add the new course module to that section");
return false;
if (! set_field("course_modules", "section", $sectionid, "id", $mod->coursemodule)) {
notify("Could not update the course module with the correct section");
return false;
return get_record("forum", "id", "$forum->id");
function forum_make_mail_post(&$post, $user, $touser, $course,
$ownpost=false, $reply=false, $link=false, $rate=false, $footer="") {
// Given the data about a posting, builds up the HTML to display it and
// returns the HTML in a string. This is designed for sending via HTML email.
global $THEME, $CFG;
$output = "";
if ($post->parent) {
$output .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tr><td bgcolor="#888888">';
$output .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">';
} else {
$output .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#888888">';
$output .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">';
$output .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" width=\"35\" valign=\"top\">";
$output .= print_user_picture($user->id, $course->id, $user->picture, false, true);
$output .= "</td>";
if ($post->parent) {
$output .= "<td nowrap bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading\">";
} else {
$output .= "<td nowrap bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading2\">";
$output .= "<p>";
$output .= "<font size=3><b>$post->subject</b></font><br />";
$output .= "<font size=2>";
$by->name = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$user->id&course=$course->id\">$user->firstname $user->lastname</a>";
$by->date = userdate($post->modified, "", $touser->timezone);
$output .= get_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by);
$output .= "</font></p></td></tr>";
$output .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" width=10>";
$output .= "&nbsp;";
$output .= "</td><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\">\n";
if ($post->attachment) {
$post->course = $course->id;
$post->forum = get_field("forum_discussions", "forum", "id", $post->discussion);
$output .= "<div align=right>";
$output .= forum_print_attachments($post, "html");
$output .= "</div>";
$output .= format_text($post->message, $post->format);
$output .= "<p align=right><font size=-1>";
$age = time() - $post->created;
if ($ownpost) {
$output .= "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?delete=$post->id\">".get_string("delete", "forum")."</a>";
if ($reply) {
$output .= " | <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?reply=$post->id\">".get_string("reply", "forum")."</a>";
$output .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
} else {
if ($reply) {
$output .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?reply=$post->id\">".get_string("reply", "forum")."</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$output .= "</p>";
$output .= "<div align=right><p align=right>";
if ($link) {
if ($post->replies == 1) {
$replystring = get_string("repliesone", "forum", $post->replies);
} else {
$replystring = get_string("repliesmany", "forum", $post->replies);
$output .= "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\"><B>".get_string("discussthistopic", "forum")."</b></a> ($replystring)&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$output .= "</p></div>";
if ($footer) {
$output .= "<p>$footer</p>";
$output .= "</td></tr></table>\n";
$output .= "</td></tr></table>\n\n";
return $output;
function forum_print_post(&$post, $courseid, $ownpost=false, $reply=false, $link=false,
$ratings=NULL, $footer="", $highlight="") {
global $THEME, $USER, $CFG;
echo "<a name=\"$post->id\"></a>";
if ($post->parent) {
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="forumpost">';
} else {
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="forumpost" width="100%">';
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostpicture\" width=\"35\" valign=\"top\">";
print_user_picture($post->userid, $courseid, $post->picture);
echo "</td>";
if ($post->parent) {
echo "<td nowrap bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading\" class=\"forumpostheader\" width=\"100%\">";
} else {
echo "<td nowrap bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading2\" class=\"forumpostheadertopic\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<p>";
echo "<font size=3><b>$post->subject</b></font><br>";
echo "<font size=2>";
$by->name = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$post->userid&course=$courseid\">$post->firstname $post->lastname</a>";
$by->date = userdate($post->modified);
print_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by);
echo "</font></p></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostside\" width=\"10\">";
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\" class=\"forumpostmessage\">\n";
if ($post->attachment) {
$post->course = $courseid;
$post->forum = get_field("forum_discussions", "forum", "id", $post->discussion);
echo "<div align=\"right\">";
$attachedimages = forum_print_attachments($post);
echo "</div>";
} else {
$attachedimages = "";
if ($link and (strlen(strip_tags($post->message)) > $CFG->forum_longpost)) {
// Print shortened version
echo format_text(forum_shorten_post($post->message), $post->format);
$numwords = count_words(strip_tags($post->message));
echo "<p><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\">";
echo get_string("readtherest", "forum");
echo "</a> (".get_string("numwords", "", $numwords).")...</p>";
} else {
// Print whole message
if ($highlight) {
echo highlight($highlight, format_text($post->message, $post->format));
} else {
echo format_text($post->message, $post->format);
echo $attachedimages;
echo "<p align=right><font size=-1>";
$age = time() - $post->created;
if ($ownpost) {
if ($age < $CFG->maxeditingtime) {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?edit=$post->id\">".get_string("edit", "forum")."</a> | ";
if ($ownpost or isteacher($courseid)) {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?delete=$post->id\">".get_string("delete", "forum")."</a>";
if ($reply) {
echo "| ";
} else {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if ($reply) {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?reply=$post->id\">".get_string("reply", "forum")."</a>";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "</p>";
echo "<div align=right><p align=right>";
if (!empty($ratings) and !empty($USER->id)) {
$useratings = true;
if ($ratings->assesstimestart and $ratings->assesstimefinish) {
if ($post->created < $ratings->assesstimestart or $post->created > $ratings->assesstimefinish) {
$useratings = false;
if ($useratings) {
if (isteacher($courseid)) {
forum_print_ratings_mean($post->id, $ratings->scale);
if ($USER->id != $post->userid) {
forum_print_rating_menu($post->id, $USER->id, $ratings->scale);
} else if ($USER->id == $post->userid) {
forum_print_ratings_mean($post->id, $ratings->scale);
} else if (!empty($ratings->allow) ) {
forum_print_rating_menu($post->id, $USER->id, $ratings->scale);
if ($link) {
if ($post->replies == 1) {
$replystring = get_string("repliesone", "forum", $post->replies);
} else {
$replystring = get_string("repliesmany", "forum", $post->replies);
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\"><b>".get_string("discussthistopic", "forum")."</b></a> ($replystring)&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "</p>";
if ($footer) {
echo "<p>$footer</p>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n";
function forum_print_discussion_header(&$post, $courseid, $datestring="") {
global $THEME, $USER, $CFG;
echo "<tr class=\"forumpostheader\">";
// Topic
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading2\" class=\"forumpostheadertopic\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\">$post->subject</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
// Picture
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostheaderpicture\" width=35>";
print_user_picture($post->userid, $courseid, $post->picture);
echo "</td>\n";
// User name
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostheadername\" align=left nowrap>";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$post->userid&course=$courseid\">$post->firstname $post->lastname</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
// Replies
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostheaderreplies\" align=center nowrap>";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$post->discussion\">$post->replies</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostheaderdate\" align=right nowrap>";
if (!empty($post->timemodified)) {
echo userdate($post->timemodified, $datestring);
} else {
echo userdate($post->modified, $datestring);
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
function forum_shorten_post($message) {
// Given a post object that we already know has a long message
// this function truncates the message nicely to the first
// sane place between $CFG->forum_longpost and $CFG->forum_shortpost
global $CFG;
$i = 0;
$tag = false;
$length = strlen($message);
$count = 0;
$stopzone = false;
$truncate = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
$char = $message[$i];
switch ($char) {
case "<":
$tag = true;
case ">":
$tag = false;
if (!$tag) {
if ($stopzone) {
if ($char == ".") {
$truncate = $i+1;
break 2;
if (!$stopzone) {
if ($count > $CFG->forum_shortpost) {
$stopzone = true;
if (!$truncate) {
$truncate = $i;
return substr($message, 0, $truncate);
function forum_print_ratings_mean($postid, $scale) {
/// Print the multiple ratings on a post given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of ratings
static $strrate;
$mean = forum_get_ratings_mean($postid, $scale);
if ($mean !== "") {
if (empty($strratings)) {
$strratings = get_string("ratings", "forum");
echo "$strratings: ";
link_to_popup_window ("/mod/forum/report.php?id=$postid", "ratings", $mean, 400, 600);
function forum_get_ratings_mean($postid, $scale, $ratings=NULL) {
/// Return the mean rating of a post given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale
/// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just integers)
if (!$ratings) {
$ratings = array();
if ($rates = get_records("forum_ratings", "post", $postid)) {
foreach ($rates as $rate) {
$ratings[] = $rate->rating;
$count = count($ratings);
if ($count == 0) {
return "";
} else if ($count == 1) {
return $scale[$ratings[0]];
} else {
$total = 0;
foreach ($ratings as $rating) {
$total += $rating;
$mean = round( ((float)$total/(float)$count) + 0.001); // Little fudge factor so that 0.5 goes UP
if (isset($scale[$mean])) {
return $scale[$mean]." ($count)";
} else {
return "$mean ($count)"; // Should never happen, hopefully
function forum_get_ratings_summary($postid, $scale, $ratings=NULL) {
/// Return a summary of post ratings given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale
/// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just integers)
if (!$ratings) {
$ratings = array();
if ($rates = get_records("forum_ratings", "post", $postid)) {
foreach ($rates as $rate) {
$rating[] = $rate->rating;
if (!$count = count($ratings)) {
return "";
foreach ($scale as $key => $scaleitem) {
$sumrating[$key] = 0;
foreach ($ratings as $rating) {
$summary = "";
foreach ($scale as $key => $scaleitem) {
$summary = $sumrating[$key].$summary;
if ($key > 1) {
$summary = "/$summary";
return $summary;
function forum_print_rating_menu($postid, $userid, $scale) {
/// Print the menu of ratings as part of a larger form.
/// If the post has already been - set that value.
/// Scale is an array of ratings
static $strrate;
if (!$rating = get_record("forum_ratings", "userid", $userid, "post", $postid)) {
$rating->rating = 0;
if (empty($strrate)) {
$strrate = get_string("rate", "forum");
choose_from_menu($scale, $postid, $rating->rating, "$strrate...");
function forum_print_mode_form($discussion, $mode) {
echo "<center><p>";
popup_form("discuss.php?d=$discussion&mode=", $FORUM_LAYOUT_MODES, "mode", $mode, "");
echo "</p></center>\n";
function forum_print_search_form($course, $search="", $return=false, $type="") {
global $CFG;
if ($type == "plain") {
$output = "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td nowrap>";
$output .= "<form name=search action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/search.php\">";
$output .= "<font size=\"-1\">";
$output .= "<input name=search type=text size=20 value=\"$search\">";
$output .= "<input value=\"".get_string("searchforums", "forum")."\" type=submit>";
$output .= "</font>";
$output .= "<input name=id type=hidden value=\"$course->id\">";
$output .= "</form>";
$output .= "</td></tr></table>";
} else {
$output = "<table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0><tr><td align=center>";
$output .= "<form name=search action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/search.php\">";
$output .= "<font size=\"-1\">";
$output .= "<input name=search type=text size=20 value=\"$search\"><br>";
$output .= "<input value=\"".get_string("searchforums", "forum")."\" type=submit>";
$output .= "</font>";
$output .= "<input name=id type=hidden value=\"$course->id\">";
$output .= "</form>";
$output .= "</td></tr></table>";
if ($return) {
return $output;
echo $output;
function forum_set_return() {
global $CFG, $SESSION;
if (! isset($SESSION->fromdiscussion)) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
} else {
$referer = "";
// If the referer is NOT a login screen then save it.
if (! strncasecmp("$CFG->wwwroot/login", $referer, 300)) {
$SESSION->fromdiscussion = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
function forum_go_back_to($default) {
global $SESSION;
if (!empty($SESSION->fromdiscussion)) {
$returnto = $SESSION->fromdiscussion;
return $returnto;
} else {
return $default;
function forum_file_area_name($post) {
// Creates a directory file name, suitable for make_upload_directory()
global $CFG;
return "$post->course/$CFG->moddata/forum/$post->forum/$post->id";
function forum_file_area($post) {
return make_upload_directory( forum_file_area_name($post) );
function forum_delete_old_attachments($post, $exception="") {
// Deletes all the user files in the attachments area for a post
// EXCEPT for any file named $exception
if ($basedir = forum_file_area($post)) {
if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file != $exception) {
notify("Existing file '$file' has been deleted!");
if (!$exception) { // Delete directory as well, if empty
function forum_move_attachments($discussion, $forumid) {
/// Given a discussion object that is being moved to forumid,
/// this function checks all posts in that discussion
/// for attachments, and if any are found, these are
/// moved to the new forum directory.
global $CFG;
$return = true;
if ($posts = get_records_select("forum_posts", "discussion = '$discussion->id' AND attachment <> ''")) {
foreach ($posts as $oldpost) {
$oldpost->course = $discussion->course;
$oldpost->forum = $discussion->forum;
$oldpostdir = "$CFG->dataroot/".forum_file_area_name($oldpost);
if (is_dir($oldpostdir)) {
$newpost = $oldpost;
$newpost->forum = $forumid;
$newpostdir = "$CFG->dataroot/".forum_file_area_name($newpost);
if (! @rename($oldpostdir, $newpostdir)) {
$return = false;
return $return;
function forum_print_attachments($post, $return=NULL) {
// if return=html, then return a html string.
// if return=text, then return a text-only string.
// otherwise, print HTML for non-images, and return image HTML
global $CFG;
$filearea = forum_file_area_name($post);
$imagereturn = "";
$output = "";
if ($basedir = forum_file_area($post)) {
if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) {
$strattachment = get_string("attachment", "forum");
$strpopupwindow = get_string("popupwindow");
foreach ($files as $file) {
$icon = mimeinfo("icon", $file);
if ($CFG->slasharguments) {
$ffurl = "file.php/$filearea/$file";
} else {
$ffurl = "file.php?file=/$filearea/$file";
$image = "<img border=0 src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/files/pix/$icon\" height=16 width=16 alt=\"$strpopupwindow\">";
if ($return == "html") {
$output .= "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">$image</a> ";
$output .= "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">$file</a><br />";
} else if ($return == "text") {
$output .= "$strattachment $file:\n$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\n";
} else {
if ($icon == "image.gif") { // Image attachments don't get printed as links
$imagereturn .= "<br /><img src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">";
} else {
link_to_popup_window("/$ffurl", "attachment", $image, 500, 500, $strattachment);
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">$file</a>";
echo "<br />";
if ($return) {
return $output;
return $imagereturn;
function forum_add_attachment($post, $newfile) {
// $post is a full post record, including course and forum
// $newfile is a full upload array from $_FILES
// If successful, this function returns the name of the file
global $CFG;
if (empty($newfile['name'])) {
return "";
$newfile_name = clean_filename($newfile['name']);
if (valid_uploaded_file($newfile)) {
if (! $newfile_name) {
notify("This file had a wierd filename and couldn't be uploaded");
} else if (! $dir = forum_file_area($post)) {
notify("Attachment could not be stored");
$newfile_name = "";
} else {
if (move_uploaded_file($newfile['tmp_name'], "$dir/$newfile_name")) {
chmod("$dir/$newfile_name", $CFG->directorypermissions);
forum_delete_old_attachments($post, $newfile_name);
} else {
notify("An error happened while saving the file on the server");
$newfile_name = "";
} else {
$newfile_name = "";
return $newfile_name;
function forum_add_new_post($post) {
$post->created = $post->modified = time();
$post->mailed = "0";
$newfile = $post->attachment;
$post->attachment = "";
if (! $post->id = insert_record("forum_posts", $post)) {
return false;
if ($post->attachment = forum_add_attachment($post, $newfile)) {
set_field("forum_posts", "attachment", $post->attachment, "id", $post->id);
// Update discussion modified date
set_field("forum_discussions", "timemodified", $post->modified, "id", $post->discussion);
return $post->id;
function forum_update_post($post) {
$post->modified = time();
if (!$post->parent) { // Post is a discussion starter - update discussion title too
set_field("forum_discussions", "name", $post->subject, "id", $post->discussion);
if ($newfilename = forum_add_attachment($post, $post->attachment)) {
$post->attachment = $newfilename;
} else {
// Update discussion modified date
set_field("forum_discussions", "timemodified", $post->modified, "id", $post->discussion);
return update_record("forum_posts", $post);
function forum_add_discussion($discussion) {
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// create a new discussion and return the id
$timenow = time();
// The first post is stored as a real post, and linked
// to from the discuss entry.
$post->discussion = 0;
$post->parent = 0;
$post->userid = $USER->id;
$post->created = $timenow;
$post->modified = $timenow;
$post->mailed = 0;
$post->subject = $discussion->name;
$post->message = $discussion->intro;
$post->attachment = "";
$post->forum = $discussion->forum;
$post->course = $discussion->course;
$post->format = $discussion->format;
if (! $post->id = insert_record("forum_posts", $post) ) {
return 0;
if ($post->attachment = forum_add_attachment($post, $discussion->attachment)) {
set_field("forum_posts", "attachment", $post->attachment, "id", $post->id); //ignore errors
// Now do the real module entry
$discussion->firstpost = $post->id;
$discussion->timemodified = $timenow;
if (! $discussion->id = insert_record("forum_discussions", $discussion) ) {
delete_records("forum_posts", "id", $post->id);
return 0;
// Finally, set the pointer on the post.
if (! set_field("forum_posts", "discussion", $discussion->id, "id", $post->id)) {
delete_records("forum_posts", "id", $post->id);
delete_records("forum_discussions", "id", $discussion->id);
return 0;
return $discussion->id;
function forum_delete_discussion($discussion) {
// $discussion is a discussion record object
$result = true;
if ($posts = get_records("forum_posts", "discussion", $discussion->id)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$post->course = $discussion->course;
$post->forum = $discussion->forum;
if (! delete_records("forum_ratings", "post", "$post->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! forum_delete_post($post)) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("forum_discussions", "id", "$discussion->id")) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function forum_delete_post($post) {
if (delete_records("forum_posts", "id", $post->id)) {
delete_records("forum_ratings", "post", $post->id); // Just in case
if ($post->attachment) {
$discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "id", $post->discussion);
$post->course = $discussion->course;
$post->forum = $discussion->forum;
return true;
return false;
function forum_print_user_discussions($courseid, $userid) {
global $CFG, $USER;
$maxdiscussions = 10;
$countdiscussions = 0;
if ($discussions = forum_get_user_discussions($courseid, $userid)) {
$user = get_record("user", "id", $userid);
echo "<HR>";
print_heading( get_string("discussionsstartedbyrecent", "forum", "$user->firstname $user->lastname") );
$replies = forum_count_discussion_replies();
foreach ($discussions as $discussion) {
if ($countdiscussions > $maxdiscussions) {
if (($discussion->forumtype == "teacher") and !isteacher($courseid)) {
if (!empty($replies[$discussion->discussion])) {
$discussion->replies = $replies[$discussion->discussion]->replies;
} else {
$discussion->replies = 0;
$inforum = get_string("inforum", "forum", "<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$discussion->forumid\">$discussion->forumname</A>");
$discussion->subject .= " ($inforum)";
if (!empty($USER->id)) {
$ownpost = ($discussion->userid == $USER->id);
} else {
$ownpost = false;
forum_print_post($discussion, $courseid, $ownpost, $reply=0, $link=1, $assessed=false);
echo "<BR>\n";
function forum_forcesubscribe($forumid, $value=1) {
return set_field("forum", "forcesubscribe", $value, "id", $forumid);
function forum_is_forcesubscribed($forumid) {
return get_field("forum", "forcesubscribe", "id", $forumid);
function forum_is_subscribed($userid, $forumid) {
if (forum_is_forcesubscribed($forumid)) {
return true;
return record_exists("forum_subscriptions", "userid", $userid, "forum", $forumid);
function forum_subscribe($userid, $forumid) {
/// Adds user to the subscriber list
$sub->userid = $userid;
$sub->forum = $forumid;
return insert_record("forum_subscriptions", $sub);
function forum_unsubscribe($userid, $forumid) {
/// Removes user from the subscriber list
return delete_records("forum_subscriptions", "userid", $userid, "forum", $forumid);
function forum_post_subscription($post) {
/// Given a new post, subscribes or unsubscribes as appropriate.
/// Returns some text which describes what happened.
global $USER;
if (empty($post->subscribe) and empty($post->unsubscribe)) {
return "";
if (!$forum = get_record("forum", "id", $post->forum)) {
return "";
$info->name = "$USER->firstname $USER->lastname";
$info->forum = $forum->name;
if (!empty($post->subscribe)) {
forum_subscribe($USER->id, $post->forum);
return "<p>".get_string("nowsubscribed", "forum", $info)."</p>";
forum_unsubscribe($USER->id, $post->forum);
return "<p>".get_string("nownotsubscribed", "forum", $info)."</p>";
function forum_user_has_posted_discussion($forumid, $userid) {
if ($discussions = forum_get_discussions($forumid, "", $userid)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function forum_user_can_post_discussion($forum) {
// $forum is an object
global $USER;
if ($forum->type == "eachuser") {
return (! forum_user_has_posted_discussion($forum->id, $USER->id));
} else if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
return isteacher($forum->course);
} else if (isteacher($forum->course)) {
return true;
} else {
return ($forum->open == 2);
function forum_user_can_post($forum, $user=NULL) {
// $forum, $user are objects
if ($user) {
$isteacher = isteacher($forum->course, $user->id);
} else {
$isteacher = isteacher($forum->course);
if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
return $isteacher;
} else if ($isteacher) {
return true;
} else {
return $forum->open;
function forum_print_latest_discussions($forum_id=0, $forum_numdiscussions=5, $forum_style="plain", $forum_sort="") {
global $CFG, $USER;
if ($forum_id) {
if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", $forum_id)) {
error("Forum ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $forum->course)) {
error("Could not find the course this forum belongs to!");
if ($course->category) {
} else {
if (! $course = get_record("course", "category", 0)) {
error("Could not find a top-level course!");
if (! $forum = forum_get_course_forum($course->id, "news")) {
error("Could not find or create a main forum in this course (id $course->id)");
if (forum_user_can_post_discussion($forum)) {
echo "<p align=center>";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/post.php?forum=$forum->id\">";
if ($forum->type == "news") {
echo get_string("addanewtopic", "forum")."</a>...";
} else {
echo get_string("addanewdiscussion", "forum")."</a>...";
echo "</p>\n";
if ((!$forum_numdiscussions) && ($forum_style == "plain")) {
$forum_style = "header"; // Abbreviate display by default
if ($forum_style == "minimal") {
$forum_sort = "p.modified DESC";
$fullpost = false;
if ($forum_style == "plain") {
$fullpost = true;
if (! $discussions = forum_get_discussions($forum->id, $forum_sort, 0, $fullpost) ) {
if ($forum->type == "news") {
echo "<p align=center><b>(".get_string("nonews", "forum").")</b></p>";
} else {
echo "<p align=center><b>(".get_string("nodiscussions", "forum").")</b></p>";
$replies = forum_count_discussion_replies($forum->id);
$canreply = forum_user_can_post($forum);
$discussioncount = 0;
$olddiscussionlink = false;
$strdatestring = get_string("strftimedaydatetime");
if ($forum_style == "minimal") {
$strftimerecent = get_string("strftimerecent");
$strmore = get_string("more", "forum");
if ($forum_style == "header") {
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=\"forumpost\">";
echo "<tr class=\"forumpostheader\">";
echo "<th>".get_string("discussion", "forum")."</th>";
echo "<th colspan=2>".get_string("startedby", "forum")."</th>";
echo "<th>".get_string("replies", "forum")."</th>";
echo "<th>".get_string("lastpost", "forum")."</th>";
echo "</tr>";
foreach ($discussions as $discussion) {
if ($forum_numdiscussions && ($discussioncount > $forum_numdiscussions)) {
$olddiscussionlink = true;
if (!empty($replies[$discussion->discussion])) {
$discussion->replies = $replies[$discussion->discussion]->replies;
} else {
$discussion->replies = 0;
if (!empty($USER->id)) {
$ownpost = ($discussion->userid == $USER->id);
} else {
switch ($forum_style) {
case "minimal":
echo "<p><font color=#555555>".userdate($discussion->modified, $strftimerecent)." - $discussion->firstname</font>";
echo "<br>$discussion->subject ";
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=$discussion->discussion\">";
echo $strmore."...</a>";
echo "</p>\n";
case "header":
forum_print_discussion_header($discussion, $forum->course, $strdatestring);
if ($canreply or $discussion->replies) {
$link = true;
} else {
$link = false;
forum_print_post($discussion, $forum->course, $ownpost, $reply=0, $link, $assessed=false);
echo "<br>\n";
if ($forum_style == "header") {
echo "</table>";
if ($olddiscussionlink) {
echo "<p align=right><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$forum->id&showall=1\">";
echo get_string("olderdiscussions", "forum")."</a> ...</p>";
function forum_print_discussion($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $mode) {
global $USER;
if (!empty($USER->id)) {
$ownpost = ($USER->id == $post->userid);
} else {
$ownpost = false;
$reply = forum_user_can_post($forum);
$ratings = NULL;
if ($forum->assessed and !empty($USER->id)) {
if ($ratings->scale = make_grades_menu($forum->scale)) {
$ratings->assesstimestart = $forum->assesstimestart;
$ratings->assesstimefinish = $forum->assesstimefinish;
if ($forum->assessed == 2 and !isteacher($course->id)) {
$ratings->allow = false;
} else {
$ratings->allow = true;
echo "<form name=form method=post action=rate.php>";
echo "<input type=hidden name=id value=\"$course->id\">";
forum_print_post($post, $course->id, $ownpost, $reply, $link=false, $ratings);
switch ($mode) {
case 1 : // Flat ascending
case -1 : // Flat descending
echo "<ul>";
forum_print_posts_flat($post->discussion, $course->id, $mode, $ratings, $reply);
echo "</ul>";
case 2 : // Threaded
forum_print_posts_threaded($post->id, $course->id, 0, $ratings, $reply);
case 3 : // Nested
forum_print_posts_nested($post->id, $course->id, $ratings, $reply);
if ($ratings) {
echo "<center><input type=\"submit\" value=\"".get_string("sendinratings", "forum")."\">";
print_scale_menu_helpbutton($course->id, $scale);
echo "</center>";
echo "</form>";
function forum_print_posts_flat($discussion, $course, $direction, $ratings, $reply) {
global $USER;
$link = false;
if ($direction < 0) {
$sort = "ORDER BY created DESC";
} else {
$sort = "ORDER BY created ASC";
if ($posts = forum_get_discussion_posts($discussion, $sort)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$ownpost = ($USER->id == $post->userid);
forum_print_post($post, $course, $ownpost, $reply, $link, $ratings);
} else {
function forum_print_posts_threaded($parent, $course, $depth, $ratings, $reply) {
global $USER;
$link = false;
if ($posts = forum_get_child_posts($parent)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo "<ul>";
if ($depth > 0) {
$ownpost = ($USER->id == $post->userid);
forum_print_post($post, $course, $ownpost, $reply, $link, $ratings); // link=true?
echo "<br />";
} else {
$by->name = "$post->firstname $post->lastname";
$by->date = userdate($post->modified);
echo "<li><p><a name=\"$post->id\"></a><font size=-1><b><a href=\"discuss.php?d=$post->discussion&parent=$post->id\">$post->subject</a></b> ";
print_string("bynameondate", "forum", $by);
echo "</font></p></li>";
forum_print_posts_threaded($post->id, $course, $depth-1, $ratings, $reply);
echo "</ul>\n";
} else {
function forum_print_posts_nested($parent, $course, $ratings, $reply) {
global $USER;
$link = false;
if ($posts = forum_get_child_posts($parent)) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
if (empty($USER->id)) {
$ownpost = false;
} else {
$ownpost = ($USER->id == $post->userid);
echo "<UL>";
forum_print_post($post, $course, $ownpost, $reply, $link, $ratings);
echo "<BR>";
forum_print_posts_nested($post->id, $course, $ratings, $reply);
echo "</UL>\n";
} else {
function forum_set_display_mode($mode=0) {
global $USER, $CFG;
if ($mode) {
$USER->mode = $mode;
} else if (empty($USER->mode)) {
$USER->mode = $CFG->forum_displaymode;