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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Completion tests
* @package core_completion
* @category phpunit
* @copyright 2008 Sam Marshall
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
class completionlib_testcase extends basic_testcase {
var $realdb, $realcfg, $realsession, $realuser;
protected function setUp() {
global $DB, $CFG, $SESSION, $USER;
$this->realdb = $DB;
$this->realcfg = $CFG;
$this->realsession = $SESSION;
$this->prevuser = $USER;
$DB = $this->getMock(get_class($DB));
$CFG = clone($this->realcfg);
$CFG->prefix = 'test_';
$CFG->enablecompletion = COMPLETION_ENABLED;
$SESSION = new stdClass();
$USER = (object)array('id' =>314159);
protected function tearDown() {
$DB = $this->realdb;
$CFG = $this->realcfg;
$SESSION = $this->realsession;
$USER = $this->prevuser;
function test_is_enabled() {
global $CFG;
// Config alone
$CFG->enablecompletion = COMPLETION_DISABLED;
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_DISABLED, completion_info::is_enabled_for_site());
$CFG->enablecompletion = COMPLETION_ENABLED;
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_ENABLED, completion_info::is_enabled_for_site());
// Course
$course = (object)array('id' =>13);
$c = new completion_info($course);
$course->enablecompletion = COMPLETION_DISABLED;
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_DISABLED, $c->is_enabled());
$course->enablecompletion = COMPLETION_ENABLED;
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_ENABLED, $c->is_enabled());
$CFG->enablecompletion = COMPLETION_DISABLED;
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_DISABLED, $c->is_enabled());
// Course and CM
$cm = new stdClass();
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_DISABLED, $c->is_enabled($cm));
$CFG->enablecompletion = COMPLETION_ENABLED;
$course->enablecompletion = COMPLETION_DISABLED;
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_DISABLED, $c->is_enabled($cm));
$course->enablecompletion = COMPLETION_ENABLED;
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL, $c->is_enabled($cm));
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE, $c->is_enabled($cm));
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC, $c->is_enabled($cm));
function test_update_state() {
$c = $this->getMock('completion_info', array('is_enabled','get_data','internal_get_state','internal_set_data'), array((object)array('id'=>42)));
$cm = (object)array('id'=>13, 'course'=>42);
// Not enabled, should do nothing
// Enabled, but current state is same as possible result, do nothing
$current = (object)array('completionstate'=>COMPLETION_COMPLETE);
->with($cm, false, 0)
$c->update_state($cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE);
// Enabled, but current state is a specific one and new state is just
// complete, so do nothing
$current->completionstate = COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS;
->with($cm, false, 0)
$c->update_state($cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE);
// Manual, change state (no change)
$cm = (object)array('id'=>13,'course'=>42, 'completion'=>COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL);
->with($cm, false, 0)
$c->update_state($cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE);
// Manual, change state (change)
->with($cm, false, 0)
$changed = clone($current);
$changed->timemodified = time();
$changed->completionstate = COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE;
->with($cm, $changed);
$c->update_state($cm, COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE);
// Auto, change state
$cm = (object)array('id'=>13,'course'=>42, 'completion'=>COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC);
$current = (object)array('completionstate'=>COMPLETION_COMPLETE);
->with($cm, false, 0)
$changed = clone($current);
$changed->timemodified = time();
$changed->completionstate = COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS;
->with($cm, $changed);
$c->update_state($cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS);
function test_internal_get_state() {
global $DB;
$c = $this->getMock('completion_info', array('internal_get_grade_state'), array((object)array('id'=>42)));
$cm = (object)array('id'=>13, 'course'=>42, 'completiongradeitemnumber'=>null);
// If view is required, but they haven't viewed it yet
$cm->completionview = COMPLETION_VIEW_REQUIRED;
$current = (object)array('viewed'=>COMPLETION_NOT_VIEWED);
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE, $c->internal_get_state($cm, 123, $current));
// OK set view not required
$cm->completionview = COMPLETION_VIEW_NOT_REQUIRED;
// Test not getting module name
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE, $c->internal_get_state($cm, 123, $current));
// Test getting module name
$cm->module = 13;
/** @var $DB PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
->with('modules', 'name', array('id'=>13))
$this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE, $c->internal_get_state($cm, 123, $current));
// Note: This function is not fully tested (including kind of the main
// part) because:
// * the grade_item/grade_grade calls are static and can't be mocked
// * the plugin_supports call is static and can't be mocked
function test_set_module_viewed() {
$c = $this->getMock('completion_info',
array('delete_all_state', 'get_tracked_users', 'update_state', 'internal_get_grade_state', 'is_enabled', 'get_data', 'internal_get_state', 'internal_set_data'),
$cm = (object)array('id'=>13, 'course'=>42);
// Not tracking completion, should do nothing
$cm->completionview = COMPLETION_VIEW_NOT_REQUIRED;
// Tracking completion but completion is disabled, should do nothing
$cm->completionview = COMPLETION_VIEW_REQUIRED;
// Now it's enabled, we expect it to get data. If data already has
// viewed, still do nothing
->with($cm, 0)
// OK finally one that hasn't been viewed, now it should set it viewed
// and update state
->with($cm, false, 1337)
->with($cm, (object)array('viewed'=>COMPLETION_VIEWED));
->with($cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE, 1337);
$c->set_module_viewed($cm, 1337);
function test_count_user_data() {
global $DB;
$course = (object)array('id'=>13);
$cm = (object)array('id'=>42);
/** @var $DB PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
$DB->expectOnce('get_field_sql',array(new IgnoreWhitespaceExpectation("SELECT
coursemoduleid=? AND completionstate<>0"),array(42)));
$c = new completion_info($course);
$this->assertEquals(666, $c->count_user_data($cm));
function test_delete_all_state() {
global $DB, $SESSION;
$course = (object)array('id'=>13);
$cm = (object)array('id'=>42,'course'=>13);
$c = new completion_info($course);
// Check it works ok without data in session
/** @var $DB PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
->with('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid'=>42))
// Build up a session to check it deletes the right bits from it
// (and not other bits)
->with('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid'=>42))
$this->assertEquals(array(13=>array(43=>'foo'), 14=>array(42=>'foo')), $SESSION->completioncache);
function test_reset_all_state() {
global $DB;
$c = $this->getMock('completion_info',
array('delete_all_state', 'get_tracked_users','update_state', 'internal_get_grade_state', 'is_enabled', 'get_data', 'internal_get_state', 'internal_set_data'),
$cm = (object)array('id'=>13, 'course'=>42, 'completion'=>COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC);
/** @var $DB PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
new completion_test_fake_recordset(array((object)array('id'=>1, 'userid'=>100),(object)array('id'=>2, 'userid'=>101)))));
->with($cm,COMPLETION_UNKNOWN, 100);
->with($cm,COMPLETION_UNKNOWN, 101);
->with($cm,COMPLETION_UNKNOWN, 201);
function test_get_data() {
global $DB, $SESSION;
$c = new completion_info((object)array('id'=>42));
$cm = (object)array('id'=>13, 'course'=>42);
// 1. Not current user, record exists
$sillyrecord = (object)array('frog'=>'kermit');
/** @var $DB PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
->with('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid'=>13,'userid'=>123))
$result = $c->get_data($cm,false,123);
$this->assertEquals($sillyrecord, $result);
// 2. Not current user, default record, wholecourse (ignored)
->with('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid'=>13,'userid'=>123))
// 3. Current user, single record, not from cache
->with('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid'=>13,'userid'=>314159))
$result = $c->get_data($cm);
$this->assertEquals($sillyrecord, $result);
$this->assertEquals($sillyrecord, $SESSION->completioncache[42][13]);
// When checking time(), allow for second overlaps
// 4. Current user, 'whole course', but from cache
$result = $c->get_data($cm, true);
$this->assertEquals($sillyrecord, $result);
// 5. Current user, single record, cache expired
$SESSION->completioncache[42]['updated']=37; // Quite a long time ago
$now = time();
$SESSION->completioncache[39]['updated']=72; // Also a long time ago
->with('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid'=>13,'userid'=>314159))
$result = $c->get_data($cm, false);
$this->assertEquals($sillyrecord, $result);
// Check that updated value is right, then fudge it to make next compare
// work
// Check things got expired from cache
$this->assertEquals(array(42=>array(13=>$sillyrecord, 'updated'=>$now), 17=>array('updated'=>$now)), $SESSION->completioncache);
// 6. Current user, 'whole course' and record not in cache
// Scenario: Completion data exists for one CMid
$basicrecord = (object)array('coursemoduleid'=>13);
$DB->expectAt(0,'get_records_sql',array(new IgnoreWhitespaceExpectation("
{course_modules} cm
INNER JOIN {course_modules_completion} cmc ON cmc.coursemoduleid=cm.id
cm.course=? AND cmc.userid=?"),array(42,314159)));
// There are two CMids in total, the one we had data for and another one
$modinfo = new stdClass();
$modinfo->cms = array((object)array('id'=>13), (object)array('id'=>14));
$result = $c->get_data($cm, true, 0, $modinfo);
// Check result
$this->assertEquals($basicrecord, $result);
// Check the cache contents
$SESSION->completioncache[42]['updated'] = $now;
$this->assertEquals(array(42=>array(13=>$basicrecord, 14=>(object)array(
'id'=>'0', 'coursemoduleid'=>14, 'userid'=>314159, 'completionstate'=>0,
'viewed'=>0, 'timemodified'=>0), 'updated'=>$now)), $SESSION->completioncache);
function test_internal_set_data() {
global $DB, $SESSION;
$cm = (object)array('course' => 42,'id' => 13);
$c = new completion_info((object)array('id' => 42));
// 1) Test with new data
$data = (object)array('id'=>0, 'userid' => 314159, 'coursemoduleid' => 99);
->will($this->returnValue($this->getMock('moodle_transaction', array(), array($DB))));
->with('course_modules_completion', 'id', array('coursemoduleid'=>99, 'userid'=>314159))
$c->internal_set_data($cm, $data);
$this->assertEquals(4, $data->id);
$this->assertEquals(array(42 => array(13 => $data)), $SESSION->completioncache);
// 2) Test with existing data and for different user (not cached)
$d2 = (object)array('id' => 7, 'userid' => 17, 'coursemoduleid' => 66);
->will($this->returnValue($this->getMock('moodle_transaction', array(), array($DB))));
->with('course_modules_completion', $d2);
$c->internal_set_data($cm, $d2);
// 3) Test where it THINKS the data is new (from cache) but actually
// in the database it has been set since
// 1) Test with new data
$data = (object)array('id'=>0, 'userid' => 314159, 'coursemoduleid' => 99);
$d3 = (object)array('id' => 13, 'userid' => 314159, 'coursemoduleid' => 99);
->will($this->returnValue($this->getMock('moodle_transaction', array(), array($DB))));
->with('course_modules_completion', 'id', array('coursemoduleid' => 99, 'userid' => 314159))
->with('course_modules_completion', $d3);
$c->internal_set_data($cm, $data);
// get_tracked_users() cannot easily be tested because it uses
// get_role_users, so skipping that
function test_get_progress_all() {
global $DB;
$c = $this->getMock('completion_info',
array('delete_all_state', 'get_tracked_users', 'update_state', 'internal_get_grade_state', 'is_enabled', 'get_data', 'internal_get_state', 'internal_set_data'),
// 1) Basic usage
->with(false, array(), 0, '', '', '', null)
(object)array('id'=>100, 'firstname'=>'Woot', 'lastname'=>'Plugh'),
(object)array('id'=>201, 'firstname'=>'Vroom', 'lastname'=>'Xyzzy'))));
->with(array(100, 201))
->will($this->returnValue(array(' IN (100, 201)', array())));
$progress1 = (object)array('userid'=>100, 'coursemoduleid'=>13);
$progress2 = (object)array('userid'=>201, 'coursemoduleid'=>14);
->will($this->returnValue(new completion_test_fake_recordset(array($progress1, $progress2))));
$DB->expectAt(0, 'get_recordset_sql', array(new IgnoreWhitespaceExpectation("
{course_modules} cm
INNER JOIN {course_modules_completion} cmc ON cm.id = cmc.coursemoduleid
cm.course = ? AND cmc.userid IN (100, 201)"), array(42)));
100 => (object)array('id'=>100, 'firstname'=>'Woot', 'lastname'=>'Plugh',
201 => (object)array('id'=>201, 'firstname'=>'Vroom', 'lastname'=>'Xyzzy',
), $c->get_progress_all(false));
// 2) With more than 1, 000 results
$tracked = array();
$ids = array();
$progress = array();
for($i = 100;$i<2000;$i++) {
$tracked[] = (object)array('id'=>$i, 'firstname'=>'frog', 'lastname'=>$i);
$ids[] = $i;
$progress[] = (object)array('userid'=>$i, 'coursemoduleid'=>13);
$progress[] = (object)array('userid'=>$i, 'coursemoduleid'=>14);
->with(true, 3, 0, '', '', '', null)
->with(array_slice($ids, 0, 1000))
->will($this->returnValue(array(' IN whatever', array())));
->will($this->returnValue(new completion_test_fake_recordset(array_slice($progress, 0, 1000))));
$DB->expectAt(1, 'get_recordset_sql', array(new IgnoreWhitespaceExpectation("
{course_modules} cm
INNER JOIN {course_modules_completion} cmc ON cm.id = cmc.coursemoduleid
cm.course = ? AND cmc.userid IN whatever"), array(42)));
->with(array_slice($ids, 1000))
->will($this->returnValue(array(' IN whatever2', array())));
->will($this->returnValue(new completion_test_fake_recordset(array_slice($progress, 1000))));
$result = $c->get_progress_all(true, 3);
$resultok = true;
$resultok = $resultok && ($ids == array_keys($result));
foreach($result as $userid => $data) {
$resultok = $resultok && $data->firstname == 'frog';
$resultok = $resultok && $data->lastname == $userid;
$resultok = $resultok && $data->id == $userid;
$cms = $data->progress;
$resultok = $resultok && (array(13, 14) == array_keys($cms));
$resultok = $resultok && ((object)array('userid'=>$userid, 'coursemoduleid'=>13) == $cms[13]);
$resultok = $resultok && ((object)array('userid'=>$userid, 'coursemoduleid'=>14) == $cms[14]);
function test_inform_grade_changed() {
$c = $this->getMock('completion_info',
array('delete_all_state', 'get_tracked_users', 'update_state', 'internal_get_grade_state', 'is_enabled', 'get_data', 'internal_get_state', 'internal_set_data'),
$cm = (object)array('course'=>42, 'id'=>13, 'completion'=>0, 'completiongradeitemnumber'=>null);
$item = (object)array('itemnumber'=>3, 'gradepass'=>1, 'hidden'=>0);
$grade = (object)array('userid'=>31337, 'finalgrade'=>0, 'rawgrade'=>0);
// Not enabled (should do nothing)
$c->inform_grade_changed($cm, $item, $grade, false);
// Enabled but still no grade completion required, should still do nothing
$c->inform_grade_changed($cm, $item, $grade, false);
// Enabled and completion required but item number is wrong, does nothing
$cm = (object)array('course'=>42, 'id'=>13, 'completion'=>0, 'completiongradeitemnumber'=>7);
$c->inform_grade_changed($cm, $item, $grade, false);
// Enabled and completion required and item number right. It is supposed
// to call update_state with the new potential state being obtained from
// internal_get_grade_state.
$cm = (object)array('course'=>42, 'id'=>13, 'completion'=>0, 'completiongradeitemnumber'=>3);
$grade = (object)array('userid'=>31337, 'finalgrade'=>1, 'rawgrade'=>0);
->with($cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS, 31337)
$c->inform_grade_changed($cm, $item, $grade, false);
// Same as above but marked deleted. It is supposed to call update_state
// with new potential state being COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE
$cm = (object)array('course'=>42, 'id'=>13, 'completion'=>0, 'completiongradeitemnumber'=>3);
$grade = (object)array('userid'=>31337, 'finalgrade'=>1, 'rawgrade'=>0);
->with($cm, COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE, 31337)
$c->inform_grade_changed($cm, $item, $grade, true);
function test_internal_get_grade_state() {
$item = new stdClass;
$grade = new stdClass;
$item->gradepass = 4;
$item->hidden = 0;
$grade->rawgrade = 4.0;
$grade->finalgrade = null;
// Grade has pass mark and is not hidden, user passes
completion_info::internal_get_grade_state($item, $grade));
// Same but user fails
$grade->rawgrade = 3.9;
completion_info::internal_get_grade_state($item, $grade));
// User fails on raw grade but passes on final
$grade->finalgrade = 4.0;
completion_info::internal_get_grade_state($item, $grade));
// Item is hidden
$item->hidden = 1;
completion_info::internal_get_grade_state($item, $grade));
// Item isn't hidden but has no pass mark
$item->hidden = 0;
$item->gradepass = 0;
completion_info::internal_get_grade_state($item, $grade));
class completion_test_fake_recordset implements Iterator {
var $closed;
var $values, $index;
function __construct($values) {
$this->values = $values;
$this->index = 0;
function current() {
return $this->values[$this->index];
function key() {
return $this->values[$this->index];
function next() {
function rewind() {
$this->index = 0;
function valid() {
return count($this->values) > $this->index;
function close() {
$this->closed = true;
function was_closed() {
return $this->closed;