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Container Release Notes

*** version 0.12.2 ***

	   - Corrected issue where listener was not properly removed from resize monitor element when "monitorresize" is disabled

	   - Fixed issue that would sometimes prevent select lists from working properly in Firefox
	   - Fixed error that would occur when trying to create a Dialog where the first form element is set to "disabled"
	   - Modified "close" property handler for Dialog/SimpleDialog to call "cancel" instead of "hide"

*** version 0.12.1 ***

	All Classes
	   - "monitorresize" property now functions in situations where document.domain has been modified.
	   - YAHOO.widget.Module.textResizeEvent now fires when the font size is changed (except for Opera, which uses "zoom" functionality that prevents this)
	   - Event listeners attached to container elements are now properly purged on destroy using YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement

	   - Fixed issue where focus events were broken on the page when a modal Panel was created

	   - Fixed bug where hitting "enter" on a Dialog was forcing the default submission behavior of the form's action to execute
	   - Dialog no longer tries to give focus to hidden form elements.
	   - Replaced   references in Panel with   for XHTML compliance.
	   - Fixed issue that was preventing Safari from successfully using the getData() function

*** version 0.12 ***

	All Classes
	   - New documentation format implemented, and removed unnecessary prototype null references previously used for generating documentation

	   - Added 'undefined' check when reading initial properties for .reset() 
	   - Fixed Firefox warning on .resetProperty()
	   - Fixed issue preventing resetProperty() from resetting values correctly

	   - Removed unused "childNodesInDom" property

	   - Converted center() to use Dom utility
	   - Fixed configVisible() to properly detect actual visible/hidden status in Internet Explorer, which reports "inherit" for all elements by default.
	   - Updated onDomResize to properly reapply "context" property
	   - Unified scroll/resize handlers so that they fire properly (when the event has completed) as opposed to constantly (as seen in Mozilla-based browsers)
	   - Modified modality mask to show before Panel is shown (prior to any animation)
	   - Modified buildWrapper to eliminate cloning of the initial markup module, which fixes issues with select options not maintaining their default selections in IE
	   - Modality mask is now z-indexed properly so that the mask z-index is always one less than the Panel z-index
	   - Fixed Connection to get "action" attribute using getAttribute, to allow for form fields named "action"
	   - Added support for "GET" by retrieving the form "method" rather than always defaulting to "POST"
	   - Fixed to work properly with Safari 2.0 by matching against keyCode or charCode

*** version 0.11.4 ***
	- Panel: Modality mask is now properly removed from DOM on Panel destroy.
*** version 0.11.3 ***

	- Module: Fixed SSL warning issue in IE
	- Overlay: Fixed memory leak related to iframe shim in IE
	- Panel: No focusable elements under the mask can now be tabbed to
	- Panel: Set Panel container overflow to hidden to fix scrolling issue in Opera 9

*** version 0.11.2 ***

	- All: JsLint optimization
	- Overlay: Fixed SSL issues with monitorresize property
	- OverlayManager: Fixed z-index incrementing issues
	- Dialog: Form elements called "name" will now function properly
	- Dialog: Removed unnecessary scope:this reference

*** version 0.11.1 ***

	- Tooltip: Removed incorrect logger statement
	- Dialog: Corrected logic that was causing browser lockup in IE for SimpleDialog
	- Dialog: Fixed "firstButtom" typo

*** version 0.11.0 ***

	- toString function added to all classes for easy logging
	- YAHOO.extend is now being used for inheritance on all container classes
	- Module: monitorresize feature now works on all browsers
	- Module: Fixed bug with image root and isSecure
	- Overlay: Fixed bugs related to IFRAME shim positioning
	- Overlay: center() now works in quirks mode
	- Overlay: Overlay now has a custom destroy() method that also removes the IFRAME shim
	- OverlayManager: Fixed bug in the prototype that was preventing multiple Managers on one page
	- OverlayManager: focusEvent now fires at all appropriate times
	- Tooltip: context can now be specified as an array, so Tooltips can be reused across multiple context elements
	- Tooltip: preventoverlap now functions properly for large context elements (i.e, images)
	- Tooltip: fixed bugs regarding setTimeout
	- Tooltip: added mousemove event to allow for more accurate Tooltip positioning
	- Panel: added dragEvent for monitoring all event handlers for drag and drop
	- Panel: modality mask is now resized on scroll
	- Panel: KeyListeners are now properly destroyed when the Panel is destroyed
	- Panel: Header is now sized properly in quirks mode
	- Dialog: Blinking cursor issue is fixed for Firefox
	- Dialog: callback object for Connection is now public (this.callback)
	- Dialog: onsuccess/onfailure properties removed (as a result of the public callback object)
	- Dialog: Dialog is now invisible by default
	- Dialog: Buttons are now properly cleaned up on destroy

*** version 0.10.0 ***

* Initial release