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<?php // $Id$
* Class representing question categories
* @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. {@link http://moodle.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package questionbank
// number of categories to display on page
class question_category_list extends moodle_list {
var $table = "question_categories";
var $listitemclassname = 'question_category_list_item';
* @var reference to list displayed below this one.
var $nextlist = null;
* @var reference to list displayed above this one.
var $lastlist = null;
var $context = null;
function question_category_list($type='ul', $attributes='', $editable = false, $pageurl=null, $page = 0, $pageparamname = 'page', $itemsperpage = 20, $context = null){
parent::moodle_list('ul', '', $editable, $pageurl, $page, 'cpage', $itemsperpage);
$this->context = $context;
function get_records() {
$this->records = get_categories_for_contexts($this->context->id, $this->sortby);
function process_actions($left, $right, $moveup, $movedown, $moveupcontext, $movedowncontext, $tocontext){
global $CFG;
//parent::procces_actions redirects after any action
parent::process_actions($left, $right, $moveup, $movedown);
if ($tocontext == $this->context->id){
//only called on toplevel list
if ($moveupcontext){
$cattomove = $moveupcontext;
$totop = 0;
} elseif ($movedowncontext){
$cattomove = $movedowncontext;
$totop = 1;
$toparent = "0,{$this->context->id}";
$this->pageurl->get_query_string(compact('cattomove', 'totop', 'toparent')));
class question_category_list_item extends list_item {
function set_icon_html($first, $last, &$lastitem){
global $CFG;
$category = $this->item;
$this->icons['edit']= $this->image_icon(get_string('editthiscategory'),
"{$CFG->wwwroot}/question/category.php?".$this->parentlist->pageurl->get_query_string(array('edit'=>$category->id)), 'edit');
parent::set_icon_html($first, $last, $lastitem);
$toplevel = ($this->parentlist->parentitem === null);//this is a top level item
if (($this->parentlist->nextlist !== null) && $last && $toplevel && (count($this->parentlist->items)>1)){
$this->icons['down'] = $this->image_icon(get_string('shareincontext', 'question', print_context_name($this->parentlist->nextlist->context)),
$this->parentlist->pageurl->out_action(array('movedowncontext'=>$this->id, 'tocontext'=>$this->parentlist->nextlist->context->id)), 'down');
if (($this->parentlist->lastlist !== null) && $first && $toplevel && (count($this->parentlist->items)>1)){
$this->icons['up'] = $this->image_icon(get_string('shareincontext', 'question', print_context_name($this->parentlist->lastlist->context)),
$this->parentlist->pageurl->out_action(array('moveupcontext'=>$this->id, 'tocontext'=>$this->parentlist->lastlist->context->id)), 'up');
function item_html($extraargs = array()){
global $CFG;
$pixpath = $CFG->pixpath;
$str = $extraargs['str'];
$category = $this->item;
$editqestions = get_string('editquestions', 'quiz');
/// Each section adds html to be displayed as part of this list item
$questionbankurl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/question/edit.php?".
$catediturl = $this->parentlist->pageurl->out(false, array('edit'=>$this->id));
$item = "<a title=\"{$str->edit}\" href=\"$catediturl\">".$category->name ."</a> <a title=\"$editqestions\" href=\"$questionbankurl\">".'('.$category->questioncount.')</a>';
$item .= ' '. $category->info;
if (count($this->parentlist->records)!=1){ // don't allow delete if this is the last category in this context.
$item .= '<a title="' . $str->delete . '" href="'.$this->parentlist->pageurl->out_action(array('delete'=>$this->id)).'">
<img src="' . $pixpath . '/t/delete.gif" class="iconsmall" alt="' .$str->delete. '" /></a> ';
return $item;
* Class representing question categories
* @package questionbank
class question_category_object {
var $str;
var $pixpath;
* Nested lists to display categories.
* @var array
var $editlists = array();
var $newtable;
var $tab;
var $tabsize = 3;
* @var moodle_url Object representing url for this page
var $pageurl;
* @var question_category_edit_form Object representing form for adding / editing categories.
var $catform;
* Constructor
* Gets necessary strings and sets relevant path information
function question_category_object($page, $pageurl, $contexts, $currentcat, $defaultcategory, $todelete, $addcontexts) {
global $CFG, $COURSE;
$this->tab = str_repeat(' ', $this->tabsize);
$this->str->course = get_string('course');
$this->str->category = get_string('category', 'quiz');
$this->str->categoryinfo = get_string('categoryinfo', 'quiz');
$this->str->questions = get_string('questions', 'quiz');
$this->str->add = get_string('add');
$this->str->delete = get_string('delete');
$this->str->moveup = get_string('moveup');
$this->str->movedown = get_string('movedown');
$this->str->edit = get_string('editthiscategory');
$this->str->hide = get_string('hide');
$this->str->publish = get_string('publish', 'quiz');
$this->str->order = get_string('order');
$this->str->parent = get_string('parent', 'quiz');
$this->str->add = get_string('add');
$this->str->action = get_string('action');
$this->str->top = get_string('top', 'quiz');
$this->str->addcategory = get_string('addcategory', 'quiz');
$this->str->editcategory = get_string('editcategory', 'quiz');
$this->str->cancel = get_string('cancel');
$this->str->editcategories = get_string('editcategories', 'quiz');
$this->str->page = get_string('page');
$this->pixpath = $CFG->pixpath;
$this->pageurl = $pageurl;
$this->initialize($page, $contexts, $currentcat, $defaultcategory, $todelete, $addcontexts);
* Initializes this classes general category-related variables
function initialize($page, $contexts, $currentcat, $defaultcategory, $todelete, $addcontexts) {
$lastlist = null;
foreach ($contexts as $context){
$this->editlists[$context->id] = new question_category_list('ul', '', true, $this->pageurl, $page, 'cpage', QUESTION_PAGE_LENGTH, $context);
$this->editlists[$context->id]->lastlist =& $lastlist;
if ($lastlist!== null){
$lastlist->nextlist =& $this->editlists[$context->id];
$lastlist =& $this->editlists[$context->id];
$count = 1;
$paged = false;
foreach ($this->editlists as $key => $list){
list($paged, $count) = $this->editlists[$key]->list_from_records($paged, $count);
$this->catform = new question_category_edit_form($this->pageurl, compact('contexts', 'currentcat'));
if (!$currentcat){
* Displays the user interface
function display_user_interface() {
/// Interface for editing existing categories
echo '<br />';
/// Interface for adding a new category:
echo '<br />';
* Outputs a table to allow entry of a new category
function output_new_table() {
* Outputs a list to allow editing/rearranging of existing categories
* $this->initialize() must have already been called
function output_edit_lists() {
print_heading_with_help(get_string('editcategories', 'quiz'), 'categories', 'quiz');
foreach ($this->editlists as $context => $list){
$listhtml = $list->to_html(0, array('str'=>$this->str));
if ($listhtml){
print_heading(get_string('questioncatsfor', 'question', print_context_name(get_context_instance_by_id($context))), '', 3);
print_box_start('boxwidthwide boxaligncenter generalbox');
echo $listhtml;
echo $list->display_page_numbers();
* gets all the courseids for the given categories
* @param array categories contains category objects in a tree representation
* @return array courseids flat array in form categoryid=>courseid
function get_course_ids($categories) {
$courseids = array();
foreach ($categories as $key=>$cat) {
$courseids[$key] = $cat->course;
if (!empty($cat->children)) {
$courseids = array_merge($courseids, $this->get_course_ids($cat->children));
return $courseids;
function edit_single_category($categoryid) {
/// Interface for adding a new category
global $COURSE;
/// Interface for editing existing categories
if ($category = get_record("question_categories", "id", $categoryid)) {
$category->parent = "$category->parent,$category->contextid";
$category->submitbutton = get_string('savechanges');
$category->categoryheader = $this->str->edit;
} else {
error("Category $categoryid not found");
* Sets the viable parents
* Viable parents are any except for the category itself, or any of it's descendants
* The parentstrings parameter is passed by reference and changed by this function.
* @param array parentstrings a list of parentstrings
* @param object category
function set_viable_parents(&$parentstrings, $category) {
if (isset($category->children)) {
foreach ($category->children as $child) {
$this->set_viable_parents($parentstrings, $child);
* Gets question categories
* @param int parent - if given, restrict records to those with this parent id.
* @param string sort - [[sortfield [,sortfield]] {ASC|DESC}]
* @return array categories
function get_question_categories($parent=null, $sort="sortorder ASC") {
global $COURSE;
if (is_null($parent)) {
$categories = get_records('question_categories', 'course', "{$COURSE->id}", $sort);
} else {
$select = "parent = '$parent' AND course = '{$COURSE->id}'";
$categories = get_records_select('question_categories', $select, $sort);
return $categories;
* Deletes an existing question category
* @param int deletecat id of category to delete
function delete_category($categoryid) {
global $CFG;
if (!$category = get_record("question_categories", "id", $categoryid)) { // security
error("No such category $cat!", $this->pageurl->out());
/// Send the children categories to live with their grandparent
if (!set_field("question_categories", "parent", $category->parent, "parent", $category->id)) {
error("Could not update a child category!", $this->pageurl->out());
/// Finally delete the category itself
if (delete_records("question_categories", "id", $category->id)) {
notify(get_string("categorydeleted", "quiz", format_string($category->name)), 'notifysuccess');
redirect($this->pageurl->out());//always redirect after successful action
function move_questions_and_delete_category($oldcat, $newcat){
$this->move_questions($oldcat, $newcat);
function display_move_form($questionsincategory, $category){
$vars = new stdClass;
$vars->name = $category->name;
$vars->count = $questionsincategory;
print_simple_box(get_string("categorymove", "quiz", $vars), "center");
function move_questions($oldcat, $newcat){
if (!set_field('question', 'category', $newcat, 'category', $oldcat)) {
error("Error while moving questions from category '$oldcat' to '$newcat'", $this->pageurl->out());
* Creates a new category with given params
function add_category($newparent, $newcategory, $newinfo) {
if (empty($newcategory)) {
error(get_string('categorynamecantbeblank', 'quiz'));
list($parentid, $contextid) = explode(',', $newparent);
//moodle_form makes sure select element output is legal no need for further cleaning
require_capability('moodle/question:managecategory', get_context_instance_by_id($contextid));
if ($parentid) {
if(!(get_field('question_categories', 'contextid', 'id', $parentid) == $contextid)) {
error("Could not insert the new question category '$newcategory' illegal contextid '$contextid'.");
$cat = new object();
$cat->parent = $parentid;
$cat->contextid = $contextid;
$cat->name = $newcategory;
$cat->info = $newinfo;
$cat->sortorder = 999;
$cat->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
if (!insert_record("question_categories", $cat)) {
error("Could not insert the new question category '$newcategory'");
} else {
redirect($this->pageurl->out());//always redirect after successful action
* Updates an existing category with given params
function update_category($updateid, $newparent, $newname, $newinfo) {
global $CFG, $QTYPES;
if (empty($newname)) {
error(get_string('categorynamecantbeblank', 'quiz'));
list($parentid, $tocontextid) = explode(',', $newparent);
$oldcat = get_record('question_categories', 'id', $updateid);
$fromcontext = get_context_instance_by_id($oldcat->contextid);
require_capability('moodle/question:managecategory', $fromcontext);
if ($oldcat->contextid == $tocontextid){
$tocontext = get_context_instance_by_id($tocontextid);
require_capability('moodle/question:managecategory', $tocontext);
$cat = NULL;
$cat->id = $updateid;
$cat->name = $newname;
$cat->info = $newinfo;
//never move category where it is the default
if (1 != count_records_sql("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CFG->prefix}question_categories c1, {$CFG->prefix}question_categories c2 WHERE c2.id = $updateid AND c1.contextid = c2.contextid")){
if ($oldcat->contextid == $tocontextid){ // not moving contexts
$cat->parent = $parentid;
if (!update_record("question_categories", $cat)) {
error("Could not update the category '$newname'", $this->pageurl->out());
} else {
} else {
if (!update_record("question_categories", $cat)) {
error("Could not update the category '$newname'", $this->pageurl->out());
} else {
$this->pageurl->get_query_string(array('cattomove' => $updateid,
} else {
error("Cannot move the category '$newname'. It is the last in this context.", $this->pageurl->out());
function move_question_from_cat_confirm($fromcat, $fromcourse, $tocat=null, $question=null){
global $QTYPES;
if (!$question){
$questions[] = $question;
} else {
$questions = get_records('question', 'category', $tocat->id);
$urls = array();
foreach ($questions as $question){
$urls = array_merge($urls, $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->find_file_links_in_question($question));
if ($fromcourse){
$append = 'tocourse';
} else {
$append = 'tosite';
if ($tocat){
echo '<p>'.get_string('needtomovethesefilesincat','question').'</p>';
} else {
echo '<p>'.get_string('needtomovethesefilesinquestion','question').'</p>';