
287 lines
12 KiB

<?php //$Id$
* This file contains one class which defines a block for display on
* any Moodle page. This block can be configured to display the contents
* of a remote RSS news feed in your web site.
* @author Daryl Hawes
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU Public License
* @package base
* This class is for a block which defines a block for display on
* any Moodle page.
class block_rss_client extends block_base {
function init() {
$this->title = get_string('feedstitle', 'block_rss_client');
$this->version = 2006100102;
function preferred_width() {
return 210;
function applicable_formats() {
return array('all' => true);
function specialization() {
// After the block has been loaded we customize the block's title display
if (!empty($this->config) && !empty($this->config->title)) {
// There is a customized block title, display it
$this->title = $this->config->title;
} else {
// No customized block title, use localized remote news feed string
$this->title = get_string('remotenewsfeed', 'block_rss_client');
function get_content() {
global $CFG, $editing, $COURSE, $USER;
if (!empty($COURSE)) {
$this->courseid = $COURSE->id;
require_once($CFG->libdir .'/rsslib.php');
if($this->content !== NULL) {
return $this->content;
$this->content = new stdClass;
$this->content->text = '';
$this->content->footer = '';
if (empty($this->instance)) {
// We're being asked for content without an associated instance
return $this->content;
$output = '';
$rssid = -1;
$display_description = false;
if (isset($CFG->block_rss_client_num_entries) && is_numeric($CFG->block_rss_client_num_entries) ) {
$shownumentries = intval($CFG->block_rss_client_num_entries);
} else {
$shownumentries = 5; //default to 5 entries is not specified in admin section or instance
if (!empty($this->config)) {
if (!empty($this->config->rssid)) {
if (is_array($this->config->rssid)) {
$rssidarray = $this->config->rssid;
} else { // Make an array of the single value
$rssidarray = array($this->config->rssid);
if (!empty($this->config->display_description)) {
$display_description = intval($this->config->display_description);
if (!empty($this->config->shownumentries)) {
$shownumentries = intval($this->config->shownumentries);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_BLOCK, $this->instance->id);
if (has_capability('block/rss_client:createsharedfeeds', $context)
|| has_capability('block/rss_client:createprivatefeeds', $context)) {
$page = page_create_object($this->instance->pagetype, $this->instance->pageid);
//if ($page->user_allowed_editing()) { // for SUBMITTERS_ALL_ACCOUNT_HOLDERS we're going to run into trouble later if we show it and then they don't have write access to the page.
if (isset($this->config)) {
// This instance is configured - show Add/Edit feeds link.
$script = $page->url_get_full(
array('instanceid' => $this->instance->id,
'sesskey' => $USER->sesskey,
'blockaction' => 'config',
'currentaction' => 'managefeeds',
'id' => $this->courseid,
'section' => 'rss'
$output .= '<div class="info"><a title="'. get_string('feedsaddedit', 'block_rss_client') .'" href="'. $script .'">'. get_string('feedsaddedit', 'block_rss_client') .'</a></div>';
} else {
// This instance has not been configured yet - show configure link?
if (has_capability('block/rss_client:manageanyfeeds', $context)) {
$script = $page->url_get_full(
array('instanceid' => $this->instance->id,
'sesskey' => $USER->sesskey,
'blockaction' => 'config',
'currentaction' => 'configblock',
'id' => $this->courseid,
'section' => 'rss'
$output .= '<div class="info"><a title="'. get_string('feedsconfigurenewinstance', 'block_rss_client') .'" href="'. $script.'">'. get_string('feedsconfigurenewinstance', 'block_rss_client') .'</a></div>';
// Daryl Hawes note: if count of rssidarray is greater than 1
// we should possibly display a drop down menu of selected feed titles
// so user can select a single feed to view (similar to RSSFeed)
if (!empty($rssidarray)) {
$numids = count($rssidarray);
$count = 0;
foreach ($rssidarray as $rssid) {
$output .= clean_text($this->get_rss_by_id($rssid, $display_description, $shownumentries, ($numids > 1) ? true : false), FORMAT_HTML);
if ($numids > 1 && $count != $numids -1 && !empty($rssfeedstring)) {
$output .= '<hr style="width=:80%" />';
$count ++;
$this->content->text = $output;
return $this->content;
function instance_allow_multiple() {
return true;
function has_config() {
return true;
function instance_allow_config() {
return true;
* @param int $rssid The feed to be displayed
* @param bool $display_description Should the description information from the feed be displayed or simply the title?
* @param int $shownumentries The maximum number of feed entries to be displayed.
* @param bool $showtitle True if the feed title should be displayed above the feed entries.
* @return string|NULL
function get_rss_by_id($rssid, $display_description, $shownumentries, $showtitle=false) {
global $CFG;
$returnstring = '';
$now = time();
require_once($CFG->libdir .'/rsslib.php');
require_once(MAGPIE_DIR .'');
if (!defined('MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING')) {
define('MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING', 'utf-8'); // see bug 3107
$rss_record = get_record('block_rss_client', 'id', $rssid);
if (isset($rss_record) && isset($rss_record->id)) {
// By capturing the output from fetch_rss this way
// error messages do not display and clutter up the moodle interface
// however, we do lose out on seeing helpful messages like "cache hit", etc.
$rss = fetch_rss($rss_record->url);
$rsserror = ob_get_contents();
if ($rss === false) {
if (debugging() && !empty($rsserror)) {
// There was a failure in loading the rss feed, print link to full error text
return '<a href="'. $CFG->wwwroot .'/blocks/rss_client/block_rss_client_error.php?error='. urlencode($rsserror) .'">Error loading a feed.</a><br />'; //Daryl Hawes note: localize this line
if ($shownumentries > 0 && $shownumentries < count($rss->items) ) {
$rss->items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, $shownumentries);
if (empty($rss_record->preferredtitle)) {
$feedtitle = $this->format_title($rss->channel['title']);
} else {
$feedtitle = $this->format_title($rss_record->preferredtitle);
// print_object($rss);
if (isset($this->config) &&
isset($this->config->block_rss_client_show_channel_image) &&
$this->config->block_rss_client_show_channel_image &&
isset($rss->image) && isset($rss->image['link']) && isset($rss->image['title']) && isset($rss->image['url']) ) {
$returnstring .= "\n".'<div class="image" title="'. $rss->image['title'] .'"><a href="'. $rss->image['link'] .'"><img src="'. $rss->image['url'] .'" alt="'. $rss->image['title'] .'" /></a></div>';
if ($showtitle) {
$returnstring .= '<div class="title">'. $feedtitle .'</div>';
$formatoptions->para = false;
// first we must verify that the rss feed is loaded
// by checking $rss and $rss->items exist before using them
if (empty($rss) || empty($rss->items)) {
return '';
/// Accessibility: markup as a list.
$returnstring .= '<ul class="list">'."\n";
foreach ($rss->items as $item) {
if ($item['title'] == '') {
// no title present, use portion of description
$item['title'] = substr(strip_tags($item['description']), 0, 20) . '...';
} else {
$item['title'] = break_up_long_words($item['title'], 30);
if ($item['link'] == '') {
$item['link'] = $item['guid'];
$item['link'] = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $item['link']);
$returnstring .= '<li><div class="link"><a href="'. $item['link'] .'" target="_blank">'. $item['title'] . "</a></div>\n";
if ($display_description && !empty($item['description'])) {
$item['description'] = break_up_long_words($item['description'], 30);
$returnstring .= '<div class="description">'.
format_text($item['description'], FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions, $this->courseid) .
$returnstring .= "</li>\n";
$returnstring .= "</ul>\n";
if (!empty($rss->channel['link'])) {
$rss->channel['link'] = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $rss->channel['link']);
if (!empty($this->config) && isset($this->config->block_rss_client_show_channel_link) && $this->config->block_rss_client_show_channel_link) {
$this->content->footer = '<a href="'. $rss->channel['link'] .'">'. get_string('clientchannellink', 'block_rss_client') .'</a>';
if (!empty($feedtitle) ) {
$feedtitle = '<a href="'. $rss->channel['link'] .'">'. $feedtitle .'</a>';
// if block has no custom title
if (empty($this->config) || (!empty($this->config) && empty($this->config->title))) {
// if the feed has a title
if (!empty($feedtitle) and ($feedtitle != '<a href="'. $rss->channel['link'] .'"></a>')) {
// set the block's title to the feed's title
$this->title = $feedtitle;
return $returnstring;
// just strips the title down and adds ... for excessively long titles.
function format_title($title,$max=64) {
/// Loading the textlib singleton instance. We are going to need it.
$textlib = textlib_get_instance();
if ($textlib->strlen($title) <= $max) {
return $title;
else {
return $textlib->substr($title,0,$max-3).'...';