mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-27 11:02:38 +01:00
Marina Glancy c8d5e54cd1 MDL-61163 mod_wiki: guests should be able to view frontpage modules
When wiki is added to the frontpage and the guest role has capability to view
wiki, users should not be required to log in.
2018-03-29 11:11:48 +08:00

308 lines
9.7 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file contains all necessary code to view a wiki page
* @package mod_wiki
* @copyright 2009 Marc Alier, Jordi Piguillem marc.alier@upc.edu
* @copyright 2009 Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya http://www.upc.edu
* @author Jordi Piguillem
* @author Marc Alier
* @author David Jimenez
* @author Josep Arus
* @author Kenneth Riba
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/wiki/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/wiki/locallib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/wiki/pagelib.php');
$id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID
$pageid = optional_param('pageid', 0, PARAM_INT); // Page ID
$wid = optional_param('wid', 0, PARAM_INT); // Wiki ID
$title = optional_param('title', '', PARAM_TEXT); // Page Title
$currentgroup = optional_param('group', 0, PARAM_INT); // Group ID
$userid = optional_param('uid', 0, PARAM_INT); // User ID
$groupanduser = optional_param('groupanduser', 0, PARAM_TEXT);
$edit = optional_param('edit', -1, PARAM_BOOL);
$action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
$swid = optional_param('swid', 0, PARAM_INT); // Subwiki ID
* Case 0:
* User that comes from a course. First wiki page must be shown
* URL params: id -> course module id
if ($id) {
// Cheacking course module instance
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('wiki', $id)) {
// Checking course instance
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
require_course_login($course, true, $cm);
// Checking wiki instance
if (!$wiki = wiki_get_wiki($cm->instance)) {
print_error('incorrectwikiid', 'wiki');
// Getting the subwiki corresponding to that wiki, group and user.
// Also setting the page if it exists or getting the first page title form
// that wiki
// Getting current group id
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm);
// Getting current user id
if ($wiki->wikimode == 'individual') {
$userid = $USER->id;
} else {
$userid = 0;
// Getting subwiki. If it does not exists, redirecting to create page
if (!$subwiki = wiki_get_subwiki_by_group($wiki->id, $currentgroup, $userid)) {
$params = array('wid' => $wiki->id, 'group' => $currentgroup, 'uid' => $userid, 'title' => $wiki->firstpagetitle);
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/wiki/create.php', $params);
// Getting first page. If it does not exists, redirecting to create page
if (!$page = wiki_get_first_page($subwiki->id, $wiki)) {
$params = array('swid'=>$subwiki->id, 'title'=>$wiki->firstpagetitle);
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/wiki/create.php', $params);
* Case 1:
* A user wants to see a page.
* URL Params: pageid -> page id
} elseif ($pageid) {
// Checking page instance
if (!$page = wiki_get_page($pageid)) {
print_error('incorrectpageid', 'wiki');
// Checking subwiki
if (!$subwiki = wiki_get_subwiki($page->subwikiid)) {
print_error('incorrectsubwikiid', 'wiki');
// Checking wiki instance of that subwiki
if (!$wiki = wiki_get_wiki($subwiki->wikiid)) {
print_error('incorrectwikiid', 'wiki');
// Checking course module instance
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("wiki", $subwiki->wikiid)) {
$currentgroup = $subwiki->groupid;
// Checking course instance
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
require_course_login($course, true, $cm);
* Case 2:
* Trying to read a page from another group or user
* Page can exists or not.
* * If it exists, page must be shown
* * If it does not exists, system must ask for its creation
* URL params: wid -> subwiki id (required)
* title -> a page title (required)
* group -> group id (optional)
* uid -> user id (optional)
* groupanduser -> (optional)
} elseif ($wid && $title) {
// Setting wiki instance
if (!$wiki = wiki_get_wiki($wid)) {
print_error('incorrectwikiid', 'wiki');
// Checking course module
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("wiki", $wiki->id)) {
// Checking course instance
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
require_course_login($course, true, $cm);
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm);
if ($wiki->wikimode == 'individual' && ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS || $groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS)) {
list($gid, $uid) = explode('-', $groupanduser);
} else if ($wiki->wikimode == 'individual') {
$gid = 0;
$uid = $userid;
} else if ($groupmode == NOGROUPS) {
$gid = 0;
$uid = 0;
} else {
$gid = $currentgroup;
$uid = 0;
// Getting subwiki instance. If it does not exists, redirect to create page
if (!$subwiki = wiki_get_subwiki_by_group($wiki->id, $gid, $uid)) {
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
$modeanduser = $wiki->wikimode == 'individual' && $uid != $USER->id;
$modeandgroupmember = $wiki->wikimode == 'collaborative' && !groups_is_member($gid);
$manage = has_capability('mod/wiki:managewiki', $context);
$edit = has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context);
$manageandedit = $manage && $edit;
if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS and ($modeanduser || $modeandgroupmember) and !$manageandedit) {
$params = array('wid' => $wiki->id, 'group' => $gid, 'uid' => $uid, 'title' => $title);
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/wiki/create.php', $params);
// Checking is there is a page with this title. If it does not exists, redirect to first page
if (!$page = wiki_get_page_by_title($subwiki->id, $title)) {
$params = array('wid' => $wiki->id, 'group' => $gid, 'uid' => $uid, 'title' => $wiki->firstpagetitle);
// Check to see if the first page has been created
if (!wiki_get_page_by_title($subwiki->id, $wiki->firstpagetitle)) {
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/wiki/create.php', $params);
} else {
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/wiki/view.php', $params);
// /*
// * Case 3:
// *
// * A user switches group when is 'reading' a non-existent page.
// *
// * URL Params: wid -> wiki id
// * title -> page title
// * currentgroup -> group id
// *
// */
//} elseif ($wid && $title && $currentgroup) {
// // Checking wiki instance
// if (!$wiki = wiki_get_wiki($wid)) {
// print_error('incorrectwikiid', 'wiki');
// }
// // Checking subwiki instance
// // @TODO: Fix call to wiki_get_subwiki_by_group
// if (!$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm)){
// $currentgroup = 0;
// }
// if (!$subwiki = wiki_get_subwiki_by_group($wid, $currentgroup)) {
// print_error('incorrectsubwikiid', 'wiki');
// }
// // Checking page instance
// if ($page = wiki_get_page_by_title($subwiki->id, $title)) {
// unset($title);
// }
// // Checking course instance
// $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// // Checking course module instance
// if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("wiki", $wiki->id, $course->id)) {
// print_error('invalidcoursemodule');
// }
// $subwiki = null;
// $page = null;
// /*
// * Case 4:
// *
// * Error. No more options
// */
} else {
print_error('invalidparameters', 'wiki');
if (!wiki_user_can_view($subwiki, $wiki)) {
print_error('cannotviewpage', 'wiki');
if (($edit != - 1) and $PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) {
$USER->editing = $edit;
$wikipage = new page_wiki_view($wiki, $subwiki, $cm);
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
if ($pageid) {
wiki_page_view($wiki, $page, $course, $cm, $context, null, null, $subwiki);
} else if ($id) {
wiki_view($wiki, $course, $cm, $context);
} else if ($wid && $title) {
$other = array(
'title' => $title,
'wid' => $wid,
'group' => $gid,
'groupanduser' => $groupanduser
wiki_page_view($wiki, $page, $course, $cm, $context, $uid, $other, $subwiki);