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synced 2025-02-22 02:49:53 +01:00
Stop the message area header and footer from being rendered if there is no other user being messaged, otherwise notices are generated and the messages fail to send.
144 lines
4.7 KiB
144 lines
4.7 KiB
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A page displaying the user's contacts and messages
* @package core_message
* @copyright 2010 Andrew Davis
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_login(null, false);
if (isguestuser()) {
if (empty($CFG->messaging)) {
print_error('disabled', 'message');
// The id of the user we want to view messages from.
$id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT);
// It's possible for someone with the right capabilities to view a conversation between two other users. For BC
// we are going to accept other URL parameters to figure this out.
$user1id = optional_param('user1', $USER->id, PARAM_INT);
$user2id = optional_param('user2', $id, PARAM_INT);
$url = new moodle_url('/message/index.php');
if ($id) {
$url->param('id', $id);
} else {
if ($user1id) {
$url->param('user1', $user1id);
if ($user2id) {
$url->param('user2', $user2id);
$user1 = null;
$currentuser = true;
if ($user1id != $USER->id) {
$user1 = core_user::get_user($user1id, '*', MUST_EXIST);
$currentuser = false;
} else {
$user1 = $USER;
$user2 = null;
if (!empty($user2id)) {
$user2 = core_user::get_user($user2id, '*', MUST_EXIST);
$user2realuser = !empty($user2) && core_user::is_real_user($user2->id);
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
if ($currentuser === false && !has_capability('moodle/site:readallmessages', $systemcontext)) {
print_error('accessdenied', 'admin');
$strmessages = get_string('messages', 'message');
if ($user2realuser) {
$user2fullname = fullname($user2);
$PAGE->set_title("$strmessages: $user2fullname");
$PAGE->set_heading("$strmessages: $user2fullname");
} else {
$PAGE->set_title("{$SITE->shortname}: $strmessages");
$PAGE->set_heading("{$SITE->shortname}: $strmessages");
// Remove the user node from the main navigation for this page.
$usernode = $PAGE->navigation->find('users', null);
$settings = $PAGE->settingsnav->find('messages', null);
// Get the renderer and the information we are going to be use.
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_message');
$requestedconversation = false;
$conversations = \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id, 0, 20);
$messages = [];
if (!$user2realuser) {
// If there are conversations, but the user has not chosen a particular one, then render the most recent one.
$user2 = new stdClass();
$user2->id = null;
if (!empty($conversations)) {
$contact = reset($conversations);
$user2->id = $contact->userid;
} else {
// The user has specifically requested to see a conversation. Add the flag to
// the context so that we can render the messaging app appropriately - this is
// used for smaller screens as it allows the UI to be responsive.
$requestedconversation = true;
// Mark the conversation as read.
if (!empty($user2->id)) {
if ($currentuser && isset($conversations[$user2->id])) {
// Mark the conversation we are loading as read.
\core_message\api::mark_all_read_for_user($user1->id, $user2->id);
// Ensure the UI knows it's read as well.
$conversations[$user2->id]->isread = 1;
$messages = \core_message\api::get_messages($user1->id, $user2->id, 0, 20, 'timecreated DESC');
$messagearea = new \core_message\output\messagearea\message_area($user1->id, $user2->id, $conversations, $messages,
// Now the page contents.
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('messages', 'message'));
// Display a message that the user is viewing someone else's messages.
if (!$currentuser) {
$notify = new \core\output\notification(get_string('viewinganotherusersmessagearea', 'message'),
echo $OUTPUT->render($notify);
echo $renderer->render($messagearea);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();