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synced 2025-03-10 02:40:10 +01:00
------------------------ Added a small new feature to the assignment module to alert teachers when new emails come in. This feature adds one new field (which is tested) but the operation of the new code has not been tested yet at all (apart from PHP syntax) and very likely has bugs in it. I'm checking this in so I can do tests on test.moodle.com which has email set up properly. I'm off to bed right now but if anyone else wants to test this feature before tomorrow please do! :-) While I'm rambling here in CVS, I need to have a good look soon at Pablo's work on Assignment and see if I can merge it all in...
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<?php // $Id$
// assignment.php - created with Moodle 1.2 + (2004032100)
$string['allowresubmit'] = 'Allow resubmitting';
$string['assignmentdetails'] = 'Assignment details';
$string['assignmentmail'] = '$a->teacher has posted some feedback on your
assignment submission for \'$a->assignment\'
You can see it appended to your assignment submission:
$string['assignmentmailhtml'] = '$a->teacher has posted some feedback on your
assignment submission for \'<i>$a->assignment</i>\'<br /><br />
You can see it appended to your <a href=\"$a->url\">assignment submission</a>.';
$string['assignmentname'] = 'Assignment name';
$string['assignmenttype'] = 'Assignment type';
$string['configmaxbytes'] = 'Default maximum assignment size for all assignments on the site (subject to course limits and other local settings)';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
$string['duedate'] = 'Due date';
$string['duedateno'] = 'No due date';
$string['early'] = '$a early';
$string['emailteachers'] = 'Email alerts to teachers';
$string['emailteachermail'] = '
$a->username has updated their assignment submission
for \'$a->assignment\'
It is available here:
$string['emailteachermailhtml'] = '$a->username has updated their assignment submission
for <i>\'$a->assignment\'</i><br /><br />
It is <a href=\"$a->url\">available on the web site</a>.';
$string['existingfiledeleted'] = 'Existing file has been deleted: $a';
$string['failedupdatefeedback'] = 'Failed to update submission feedback for user $a';
$string['feedback'] = 'Feedback';
$string['feedbackupdated'] = 'Submissions feedback updated for $a people';
$string['late'] = '$a late';
$string['maximumgrade'] = 'Maximum grade';
$string['maximumsize'] = 'Maximum size';
$string['modulename'] = 'Assignment';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Assignments';
$string['newsubmissions'] = 'Assignments submitted';
$string['notgradedyet'] = 'Not graded yet';
$string['notsubmittedyet'] = 'Not submitted yet';
$string['overwritewarning'] = 'Warning: uploading again will REPLACE your current submission';
$string['saveallfeedback'] = 'Save all my feedback';
$string['submissionfeedback'] = 'Submission feedback';
$string['submissions'] = 'Submissions';
$string['submitassignment'] = 'Submit your assignment using this form';
$string['submitted'] = 'Submitted';
$string['typeoffline'] = 'Offline activity';
$string['typeuploadsingle'] = 'Upload a single file';
$string['uploadbadname'] = 'This filename contained strange characters and couldn\'t be uploaded';
$string['uploadedfiles'] = 'uploaded files';
$string['uploaderror'] = 'An error happened while saving the file on the server';
$string['uploadfailnoupdate'] = 'File was uploaded OK but could not update your submission!';
$string['uploadfiletoobig'] = 'Sorry, but that file is too big (limit is $a bytes)';
$string['uploadnofilefound'] = 'No file was found - are you sure you selected one to upload?';
$string['uploadnotregistered'] = '\'$a\' was uploaded OK but submission did not register!';
$string['uploadsuccess'] = 'Uploaded \'$a\' successfully';
$string['viewfeedback'] = 'View assignment grades and feedback';
$string['viewsubmissions'] = 'View $a submitted assignments';
$string['yoursubmission'] = 'Your submission';