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synced 2025-03-10 02:40:10 +01:00
81 lines
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81 lines
3.5 KiB
<?php // $Id$
// dialogue.php - created with Moodle 1.2 development (2003111400)
$string['addmynewentries'] = 'Add my New Entries';
$string['addmynewentry'] = 'Add my New Entry';
$string['addsubject'] = 'Add Subject';
$string['allowmultiple'] = 'Allow more than one Dialogue with the same person';
$string['allowstudentdialogues'] = 'Allow Student-to-Student Dialogues';
$string['close'] = 'Close';
$string['closed'] = 'Closed';
$string['confirmclosure'] = 'You are about to close a dialogue with $a. Closed dialogues cannot be reopened. If you close this dialogue you can view it but not add to it, and you will have to start another dialogue to contnue "talking" this person.<br /><br />Are you sure you want to close this dialogue?';
$string['deleteafter'] = 'Delete Closed Dialogues after (Days)';
$string['dialogueclosed'] = 'Dialogue Closed';
$string['dialogueintro'] = 'Dialogue Introduction';
$string['dialoguemail'] = '$a->userfrom has posted a new entry in your
dialogue entry for \'$a->dialogue\'
You can see it appended to your dialogue entry:
$string['dialoguemailhtml'] = '$a->userfrom has posted a new entry in your
dialogue entry for \'<i>$a->dialogue</i>\'<br /><br />
You can see it appended to your <a href=\"$a->url\">dialogue</a>.';
$string['dialoguename'] = 'Dialogue name';
$string['dialogueopened'] = 'Dialogue opened with $a';
$string['dialoguewith'] = 'Dialogue with $a';
$string['everybody'] = 'Everybody';
$string['furtherinformation'] = 'Further Information';
$string['lastentry'] = 'Last Entry';
$string['maildefault'] = 'Mail Default';
$string['mailnotification'] = 'Mail Notification';
$string['modulename'] = 'Dialogue';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Dialogues';
$string['namehascloseddialogue'] = '$a has closed dialogue';
$string['newdialogueentries'] = 'New dialogue entries';
$string['newentry'] = 'New Entry';
$string['noavailablepeople'] = 'There is no one available to have a Dialogue with.';
$string['nopersonchosen'] = 'No Person Chosen';
$string['nosubject'] = 'No Subject Entered';
$string['notextentered'] = 'No Text Entered';
$string['notstarted'] = 'You have not started this dialogue yet';
$string['notyetseen'] = 'Not yet seen';
$string['numberofentries'] = 'Number of entries';
$string['numberofentriesadded'] = 'Number of entries added: $a';
$string['of'] = 'of';
$string['onwrote'] = 'On $a wrote';
$string['onyouwrote'] = 'On $a you wrote';
$string['open'] = 'Open';
$string['openadialoguewith'] = 'Open a Dialogue with';
$string['opendialogue'] = 'Open Dialogue';
$string['opendialogueentries'] = 'Open dialogue entries';
$string['pane0'] = 'Open a Dialogue';
$string['pane1'] = '$a Dialogues awaiting Replies from you';
$string['pane1one'] = '1 Dialogue awaiting a Reply from you';
$string['pane2'] = '$a Dialogues awaiting Replies from the other person';
$string['pane2one'] = '1 Dialogue awaiting a Reply from the other person';
$string['pane3'] = '$a Closed Dialogues';
$string['pane3one'] = '1 Closed Dialogue';
$string['seen'] = 'Seen $a ago';
$string['sendmailmessages'] = 'Send Mail Messages about my new entries';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['studenttostudent'] = 'Student to Student';
$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
$string['subjectadded'] = 'Subject Added';
$string['teachertostudent'] = 'Teacher to Student';
$string['typefirstentry'] = 'Type the first entry here';
$string['typefollowup'] = 'Type follow-up here';
$string['typeofdialogue'] = 'Type of Dialogue';
$string['typereply'] = 'Type reply here';
$string['viewallentries'] = 'View $a Dialogue entries';