mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:15:24 +01:00
In particular, I think you should be able to see at least the top of the table or results without scrolling, if your monitor is not too small.
671 lines
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671 lines
30 KiB
* This script lists student attempts
* @author Martin Dougiamas, Tim Hunt and others.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package quiz
class quiz_overview_report extends quiz_default_report {
* Display the report.
function display($quiz, $cm, $course) {
global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB, $OUTPUT;
$this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
// Work out some display options - whether there is feedback, and whether scores should be shown.
$hasfeedback = quiz_has_feedback($quiz);
$fakeattempt = new stdClass();
$fakeattempt->preview = false;
$fakeattempt->timefinish = $quiz->timeopen;
$fakeattempt->userid = 0;
$reviewoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $fakeattempt, $this->context);
$showgrades = quiz_has_grades($quiz) && $reviewoptions->scores;
$download = optional_param('download', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
/// find out current groups mode
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
if (!$students = get_users_by_capability($this->context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'),'u.id,1','','','','','',false)) {
$students = array();
} else {
$students = array_keys($students);
if (empty($currentgroup)) {
// all users who can attempt quizzes
$allowed = $students;
$groupstudents = array();
} else {
// all users who can attempt quizzes and who are in the currently selected group
if (!$groupstudents = get_users_by_capability($this->context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'),'u.id,1','','','',$currentgroup,'',false)) {
$groupstudents = array();
} else {
$groupstudents = array_keys($groupstudents);
$allowed = $groupstudents;
$pageoptions = array();
$pageoptions['id'] = $cm->id;
$pageoptions['mode'] = 'overview';
$reporturl = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php', $pageoptions);
$qmsubselect = quiz_report_qm_filter_select($quiz);
$mform = new mod_quiz_report_overview_settings($reporturl, array('qmsubselect'=> $qmsubselect, 'quiz'=>$quiz,
'currentgroup'=>$currentgroup, 'context'=>$this->context));
if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
$regradeall = false;
$regradealldry = false;
$regradealldrydo = false;
$attemptsmode = $fromform->attemptsmode;
if ($qmsubselect) {
//control is not on the form if
//the grading method is not set
//to grade one attempt per user eg. for average attempt grade.
$qmfilter = $fromform->qmfilter;
} else {
$qmfilter = 0;
$regradefilter = $fromform->regradefilter;
set_user_preference('quiz_report_overview_detailedmarks', $fromform->detailedmarks);
set_user_preference('quiz_report_pagesize', $fromform->pagesize);
$detailedmarks = $fromform->detailedmarks;
$pagesize = $fromform->pagesize;
} else {
$regradeall = optional_param('regradeall', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$regradealldry = optional_param('regradealldry', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$regradealldrydo = optional_param('regradealldrydo', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$attemptsmode = optional_param('attemptsmode', null, PARAM_INT);
if ($qmsubselect) {
$qmfilter = optional_param('qmfilter', 0, PARAM_INT);
} else {
$qmfilter = 0;
$regradefilter = optional_param('regradefilter', 0, PARAM_INT);
$detailedmarks = get_user_preferences('quiz_report_overview_detailedmarks', 1);
$pagesize = get_user_preferences('quiz_report_pagesize', 0);
if ($currentgroup) {
//default for when a group is selected
if ($attemptsmode === null || $attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL) {
} else if (!$currentgroup && $course->id == SITEID) {
//force report on front page to show all, unless a group is selected.
} else if ($attemptsmode === null) {
if (!$reviewoptions->scores) {
$detailedmarks = 0;
if ($pagesize < 1) {
// We only want to show the checkbox to delete attempts
// if the user has permissions and if the report mode is showing attempts.
$candelete = has_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $this->context)
$displayoptions = array();
$displayoptions['attemptsmode'] = $attemptsmode;
$displayoptions['qmfilter'] = $qmfilter;
$displayoptions['regradefilter'] = $regradefilter;
if ($attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL) {
$allowed = array();
if (empty($currentgroup) || $groupstudents) {
if (optional_param('delete', 0, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
if ($attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT)) {
require_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $this->context);
$this->delete_selected_attempts($quiz, $cm, $attemptids, $allowed, $groupstudents);
redirect($reporturl->out(false, $displayoptions));
} else if (optional_param('regrade', 0, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
if ($attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT)) {
$this->regrade_selected_attempts($quiz, $attemptids, $groupstudents);
redirect($reporturl->out(false, $displayoptions));
//work out the sql for this table.
if ($detailedmarks) {
$questions = quiz_report_load_questions($quiz);
} else {
$questions = array();
$table = new quiz_report_overview_table($quiz , $qmsubselect, $groupstudents,
$students, $detailedmarks, $questions, $candelete, $reporturl,
$displayoptions, $this->context);
$table->is_downloading($download, get_string('reportoverview','quiz'),
"$COURSE->shortname ".format_string($quiz->name,true));
if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
// Only print headers if not asked to download data
$this->print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, "overview");
if ($regradeall && confirm_sesskey()) {
$this->regrade_all(false, $quiz, $groupstudents);
} else if ($regradealldry && confirm_sesskey()) {
$this->regrade_all(true, $quiz, $groupstudents);
} else if ($regradealldrydo && confirm_sesskey()) {
$this->regrade_all_needed($quiz, $groupstudents);
if ($regradeall || $regradealldry || $regradealldrydo) {
redirect($reporturl->out(false, $displayoptions), '', 5);
if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) { // Groups are being used
if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $reporturl->out(true, $displayoptions));
$nostudents = false;
if (!$students) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsyet'));
$nostudents = true;
}else if ($currentgroup && !$groupstudents) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsingroup'));
$nostudents = true;
if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
// Print display options
$mform->set_data($displayoptions +compact('detailedmarks', 'pagesize'));
// Print information on the number of existing attempts
if ($strattemptnum = quiz_num_attempt_summary($quiz, $cm, true, $currentgroup)) {
echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">' . $strattemptnum . '</div>';
if (!$nostudents || ($attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL)) {
// Construct the SQL
$fields = $DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(qa.attempt, \'0\')').' AS uniqueid, ';
if ($qmsubselect) {
$fields .=
"(CASE " .
" WHEN $qmsubselect THEN 1" .
" ELSE 0 " .
"END) AS gradedattempt, ";
$fields .='qa.uniqueid AS attemptuniqueid, qa.id AS attempt, ' .
'u.id AS userid, u.idnumber, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture, u.imagealt, u.email, '.
'qa.sumgrades, qa.timefinish, qa.timestart, qa.timefinish - qa.timestart AS duration ';
// This part is the same for all cases - join users and quiz_attempts tables
$from = '{user} u ';
$from .= 'LEFT JOIN {quiz_attempts} qa ON qa.userid = u.id AND qa.quiz = :quizid';
$params = array('quizid' => $quiz->id);
if ($qmsubselect && $qmfilter) {
$from .= ' AND '.$qmsubselect;
switch ($attemptsmode) {
// Show all attempts, including students who are no longer in the course
$where = 'qa.id IS NOT NULL AND qa.preview = 0';
// Show only students with attempts
list($allowed_usql, $allowed_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowed, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u0000');
$params += $allowed_params;
$where = "u.id $allowed_usql AND qa.preview = 0 AND qa.id IS NOT NULL";
// Show only students without attempts
list($allowed_usql, $allowed_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowed, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u0000');
$params += $allowed_params;
$where = "u.id $allowed_usql AND qa.id IS NULL";
// Show all students with or without attempts
list($allowed_usql, $allowed_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowed, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u0000');
$params += $allowed_params;
$where = "u.id $allowed_usql AND (qa.preview = 0 OR qa.preview IS NULL)";
$table->set_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM $from WHERE $where", $params);
$sqlobject = new object;
$sqlobject->from = $from;
$sqlobject->where = $where;
$sqlobject->params = $params;
//test to see if there are any regraded attempts to be listed.
if (quiz_get_regraded_qs($sqlobject, 0, 1)) {
$regradedattempts = true;
} else {
$regradedattempts = false;
$fields .= ', COALESCE((SELECT MAX(qqr.regraded) FROM {quiz_question_regrade} qqr WHERE qqr.attemptid = qa.uniqueid),-1) AS regraded';
if ($regradefilter) {
$where .= ' AND COALESCE((SELECT MAX(qqr.regraded) FROM {quiz_question_regrade} qqr WHERE qqr.attemptid = qa.uniqueid),-1) !=\'-1\'';
$table->set_sql($fields, $from, $where, $params);
// Define table columns
$columns = array();
$headers = array();
if (!$table->is_downloading()) { //do not print notices when downloading
//regrade buttons
if (has_capability('mod/quiz:regrade', $this->context)) {
$countregradeneeded = $this->count_regrade_all_needed($quiz, $groupstudents);
if ($currentgroup) {
$a= new object();
$a->groupname = groups_get_group_name($currentgroup);
$a->coursestudents = get_string('participants');
$a->countregradeneeded = $countregradeneeded;
$regradealldrydolabel = get_string('regradealldrydogroup', 'quiz_overview', $a);
$regradealldrylabel = get_string('regradealldrygroup', 'quiz_overview', $a);
$regradealllabel = get_string('regradeallgroup', 'quiz_overview', $a);
} else {
$regradealldrydolabel = get_string('regradealldrydo', 'quiz_overview', $countregradeneeded);
$regradealldrylabel = get_string('regradealldry', 'quiz_overview');
$regradealllabel = get_string('regradeall', 'quiz_overview');
$displayurl = new moodle_url($reporturl, $displayoptions);
echo '<div class="mdl-align">';
echo '<form action="'.$displayurl->out_omit_querystring().'">';
echo '<div>';
echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($displayurl);
echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'sesskey', 'value' => sesskey())) . "\n";
echo '<input type="submit" name="regradeall" value="'.$regradealllabel.'"/>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="regradealldry" value="'.$regradealldrylabel.'"/>';
if ($countregradeneeded) {
echo '<input type="submit" name="regradealldrydo" value="'.$regradealldrydolabel.'"/>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</div>';
// Print information on the grading method
if ($strattempthighlight = quiz_report_highlighting_grading_method($quiz, $qmsubselect, $qmfilter)) {
echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">' . $strattempthighlight . '</div>';
if (!$table->is_downloading() && $candelete) {
$columns[]= 'checkbox';
$headers[]= NULL;
if (!$table->is_downloading() && $CFG->grade_report_showuserimage) {
$columns[]= 'picture';
$headers[]= '';
if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
$columns[]= 'fullname';
$headers[]= get_string('name');
} else {
$columns[]= 'lastname';
$headers[]= get_string('lastname');
$columns[]= 'firstname';
$headers[]= get_string('firstname');
if ($CFG->grade_report_showuseridnumber) {
$columns[]= 'idnumber';
$headers[]= get_string('idnumber');
$columns[]= 'timestart';
$headers[]= get_string('startedon', 'quiz');
$columns[]= 'timefinish';
$headers[]= get_string('timecompleted','quiz');
$columns[]= 'duration';
$headers[]= get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz');
if ($detailedmarks) {
foreach ($questions as $id => $question) {
// Ignore questions of zero length
$columns[] = 'qsgrade'.$id;
$header = '#'.$question->number;
if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
$header .='<br />';
} else {
$header .=' ';
$header .='--/'.quiz_rescale_grade($question->maxgrade, $quiz, 'question');
$headers[] = $header;
$question->formattedname = strip_tags(format_string($question->name));
if (!$table->is_downloading() && has_capability('mod/quiz:regrade', $this->context) && $regradedattempts) {
$columns[] = 'regraded';
$headers[] = get_string('regrade', 'quiz_overview');
if ($showgrades) {
$columns[] = 'sumgrades';
$headers[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz').'/'.quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->grade);
if ($hasfeedback) {
$columns[] = 'feedbacktext';
$headers[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
$table->sortable(true, 'uniqueid');
// Set up the table
$table->define_baseurl($reporturl->out(true, $displayoptions));
$table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
$table->column_class('lastname', 'bold');
$table->column_class('firstname', 'bold');
$table->column_class('fullname', 'bold');
$table->column_class('sumgrades', 'bold');
$table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
$table->out($pagesize, true);
if (!$table->is_downloading() && $showgrades) {
if ($currentgroup && $groupstudents) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupstudents);
$params[] = $quiz->id;
if ($DB->record_exists_select('quiz_grades', "userid $usql AND quiz = ?", $params)) {
$imageurl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/quiz/report/overview/overviewgraph.php?id={$quiz->id}&groupid=$currentgroup";
$graphname = get_string('overviewreportgraphgroup', 'quiz_overview', groups_get_group_name($currentgroup));
echo $OUTPUT->heading($graphname);
echo '<div class="mdl-align"><img src="'.$imageurl.'" alt="'.$graphname.'" /></div>';
if ($DB->record_exists('quiz_grades', array('quiz'=> $quiz->id))) {
$graphname = get_string('overviewreportgraph', 'quiz_overview');
$imageurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/quiz/report/overview/overviewgraph.php?id='.$quiz->id;
echo $OUTPUT->heading($graphname);
echo '<div class="mdl-align"><img src="'.$imageurl.'" alt="'.$graphname.'" /></div>';
return true;
* @param bool changedb whether to change contents of state and grades
* tables.
function regrade_all($dry, $quiz, $groupstudents) {
global $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (!has_capability('mod/quiz:regrade', $this->context)) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('regradenotallowed', 'quiz'));
return true;
// Fetch all attempts
if ($groupstudents) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupstudents);
$select = "userid $usql AND ";
} else {
$select = '';
$params = array();
$select .= "quiz = ? AND preview = 0";
$params[] = $quiz->id;
if (!$attempts = $DB->get_records_select('quiz_attempts', $select, $params)) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('noattempts', 'quiz'));
return true;
$this->clear_regrade_table($quiz, $groupstudents);
// Fetch all questions
$questions = question_load_questions(explode(',',quiz_questions_in_quiz($quiz->questions)), 'qqi.grade AS maxgrade, qqi.id AS instance',
'{quiz_question_instances} qqi ON qqi.quiz = ' . $quiz->id . ' AND q.id = qqi.question');
// Print heading
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('regradingquiz', 'quiz', format_string($quiz->name)));
$qstodo = count($questions);
$qsdone = 0;
if ($qstodo > 1) {
$qpb = new progress_bar('qregradingbar', 500, true);
$qpb->update($qsdone, $qstodo, "Question $qsdone of $qstodo");
$apb = new progress_bar('aregradingbar', 500, true);
// Loop through all questions and all attempts and regrade while printing progress info
$attemptstodo = count($attempts);
foreach ($questions as $question) {
$attemptsdone = 0;
echo '<p class="mdl-align"><strong>'.get_string('regradingquestion', 'quiz', $question->name).'</strong></p>';
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$changed = regrade_question_in_attempt($question, $attempt, $quiz, true, $dry);
$a = new object();
$a->done = $attemptsdone;
$a->todo = $attemptstodo;
$apb->update($attemptsdone, $attemptstodo, get_string('attemptprogress', 'quiz_overview', $a));
if (isset($qpb)) {
$a = new object();
$a->done = $qsdone;
$a->todo = $qstodo;
$qpb->update($qsdone, $qstodo, get_string('qprogress', 'quiz_overview', $a));
// the following makes sure that the output is sent immediately.
if (!$dry) {
$this->check_overall_grades($quiz, $groupstudents);
function count_regrade_all_needed($quiz, $groupstudents) {
global $DB;
// Fetch all attempts that need regrading
if ($groupstudents) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupstudents);
$where = "qa.userid $usql AND ";
} else {
$where = '';
$params = array();
$where .= "qa.quiz = ? AND qa.preview = 0 AND qa.uniqueid = qqr.attemptid AND qqr.regraded = 0";
$params[] = $quiz->id;
return $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {quiz_attempts} qa, {quiz_question_regrade} qqr WHERE '. $where, $params);
function regrade_all_needed($quiz, $groupstudents) {
global $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (!has_capability('mod/quiz:regrade', $this->context)) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('regradenotallowed', 'quiz'));
// Fetch all attempts that need regrading
if ($groupstudents) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupstudents);
$where = "qa.userid $usql AND ";
} else {
$where = '';
$params = array();
$where .= "qa.quiz = ? AND qa.preview = 0 AND qa.uniqueid = qqr.attemptid AND qqr.regraded = 0";
$params[] = $quiz->id;
if (!$attempts = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT qa.*, qqr.questionid FROM {quiz_attempts} qa, {quiz_question_regrade} qqr WHERE '. $where, $params)) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('noattemptstoregrade', 'quiz_overview'));
return true;
$this->clear_regrade_table($quiz, $groupstudents);
// Fetch all questions
$questions = question_load_questions(explode(',',quiz_questions_in_quiz($quiz->questions)), 'qqi.grade AS maxgrade, qqi.id AS instance',
'{quiz_question_instances} qqi ON qqi.quiz = ' . $quiz->id . ' AND q.id = qqi.question');
// Print heading
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('regradingquiz', 'quiz', format_string($quiz->name)));
$apb = new progress_bar('aregradingbar', 500, true);
// Loop through all questions and all attempts and regrade while printing progress info
$attemptstodo = count($attempts);
$attemptsdone = 0;
$attemptschanged = array();
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$question = $questions[$attempt->questionid];
$changed = regrade_question_in_attempt($question, $attempt, $quiz, true);
if ($changed) {
$attemptschanged[] = $attempt->uniqueid;
$usersschanged[] = $attempt->userid;
if (!empty($apb)) {
$a = new object();
$a->done = $attemptsdone;
$a->todo = $attemptstodo;
$apb->update($attemptsdone, $attemptstodo, get_string('attemptprogress', 'quiz_overview', $a));
$this->check_overall_grades($quiz, array(), $attemptschanged);
function clear_regrade_table($quiz, $groupstudents) {
global $DB;
// Fetch all attempts that need regrading
if ($groupstudents) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupstudents);
$where = "userid $usql AND ";
} else {
$usql = '';
$where = '';
$params = array();
$params[] = $quiz->id;
$delsql = 'DELETE FROM {quiz_question_regrade} WHERE attemptid IN
(SELECT uniqueid FROM {quiz_attempts} WHERE ' . $where . ' quiz = ?)';
if (!$DB->execute($delsql, $params)) {
print_error('err_failedtodeleteregrades', 'quiz_overview');
function check_overall_grades($quiz, $userids=array(), $attemptids=array()) {
global $DB;
//recalculate $attempt->sumgrade
//already updated in regrade_question_in_attempt
$sql = "UPDATE {quiz_attempts} SET sumgrades= " .
"COALESCE((SELECT SUM(qs.grade) FROM {question_sessions} qns, {question_states} qs " .
"WHERE qns.newgraded = qs.id AND qns.attemptid = {quiz_attempts}.uniqueid ), 0) WHERE ";
if (!$attemptids) {
if ($userids) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userids);
$attemptsql .= "{quiz_attempts}.userid $usql AND ";
} else {
$params = array();
$attemptsql .= "{quiz_attempts}.quiz =? AND preview = 0";
$params[] = $quiz->id;
} else {
list($asql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($attemptids);
$attemptsql .= "{quiz_attempts}.uniqueid $asql";
$sql .= $attemptsql;
if (!$DB->execute($sql, $params)) {
print_error('err_failedtorecalculateattemptgrades', 'quiz_overview');
// Update the overall quiz grades
if ($attemptids) {
//make sure we fetch all attempts for users to calculate grade.
//not just those that have changed.
$sql = "SELECT qa2.* FROM {quiz_attempts} qa2 WHERE " .
"qa2.userid IN (SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM {quiz_attempts} WHERE $attemptsql) " .
"AND qa2.timefinish > 0";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {quiz_attempts} WHERE $attemptsql AND timefinish > 0";
if ($attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
$attemptsbyuser = quiz_report_index_by_keys($attempts, array('userid', 'id'));
foreach($attemptsbyuser as $userid => $attemptsforuser) {
quiz_save_best_grade($quiz, $userid, $attemptsforuser);
function delete_selected_attempts($quiz, $cm, $attemptids, $allowed, $groupstudents) {
global $DB, $COURSE;
foreach($attemptids as $attemptid) {
$attempt = $DB->get_record('quiz_attempts', array('id' => $attemptid));
if (!$attempt || $attempt->quiz != $quiz->id || $attempt->preview != 0) {
// Ensure the attempt exists, and belongs to this quiz. If not skip.
if ($allowed && !array_key_exists($attempt->userid, $allowed)) {
// Ensure the attempt belongs to a student included in the report. If not skip.
if ($groupstudents && !array_key_exists($attempt->userid, $groupstudents)) {
// Additional check in groups mode.
add_to_log($COURSE->id, 'quiz', 'delete attempt', 'report.php?id=' . $cm->id,
$attemptid, $cm->id);
quiz_delete_attempt($attempt, $quiz);
function regrade_selected_attempts($quiz, $attemptids, $groupstudents) {
global $DB;
require_capability('mod/quiz:regrade', $this->context);
if ($groupstudents) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupstudents);
$where = "qa.userid $usql AND ";
} else {
$params = array();
$where = '';
list($asql, $aparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($attemptids);
$where = "qa.id $asql AND ";
$params = array_merge($params, $aparams);
$where .= "qa.quiz = ? AND qa.preview = 0";
$params[] = $quiz->id;
if (!$attempts = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT qa.* FROM {quiz_attempts} qa WHERE '. $where, $params)) {
print_error('noattemptstoregrade', 'quiz_overview');
// Fetch all questions
$questions = question_load_questions(explode(',',quiz_questions_in_quiz($quiz->questions)), 'qqi.grade AS maxgrade, qqi.id AS instance',
'{quiz_question_instances} qqi ON qqi.quiz = ' . $quiz->id . ' AND q.id = qqi.question');
$updateoverallgrades = array();
foreach($attempts as $attempt) {
foreach ($questions as $question) {
$changed = regrade_question_in_attempt($question, $attempt, $quiz, true);
$updateoverallgrades[] = $attempt->uniqueid;
$this->check_overall_grades($quiz, array(), $updateoverallgrades);