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synced 2025-03-03 15:29:08 +01:00
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157 lines
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* Author: Michael Champanis
* This file must not contain any PHP 5, because it is used to test for PHP 5
* itself, and needs to be able to be executed on PHP 4 installations.
* Reviewed by: Valery Fremaux (2007)
* - adding techproject search capabilities
* - adding full internationalization
// function reference
function search_get_document_types($prefix = 'SEARCH_TYPE_') {
function search_get_additional_modules() {
function search_shorten_url($url, $length=30) {
function search_escape_string($str) {
function search_check_php5($feedback = false) {
function search_stopwatch($cli = false) {
function search_pexit($str = "") {
define('SEARCH_INDEX_PATH', "$CFG->dataroot/search");
define('SEARCH_DATABASE_TABLE', 'block_search_documents');
//document types that can be searched
//define('SEARCH_TYPE_NONE', 'none');
define('SEARCH_TYPE_WIKI', 'wiki');
define('PATH_FOR_SEARCH_TYPE_WIKI', 'mod/wiki');
define('SEARCH_TYPE_FORUM', 'forum');
define('PATH_FOR_SEARCH_TYPE_FORUM', 'mod/forum');
define('SEARCH_TYPE_GLOSSARY', 'glossary');
define('PATH_FOR_SEARCH_TYPE_GLOSSARY', 'mod/glossary');
define('SEARCH_TYPE_RESOURCE', 'resource');
define('PATH_FOR_SEARCH_TYPE_RESOURCE', 'mod/resource');
define('SEARCH_TYPE_TECHPROJECT', 'techproject');
define('PATH_FOR_SEARCH_TYPE_TECHPROJECT', 'mod/techproject');
define('SEARCH_TYPE_DATA', 'data');
define('PATH_FOR_SEARCH_TYPE_DATA', 'mod/data');
define('SEARCH_TYPE_CHAT', 'chat');
define('PATH_FOR_SEARCH_TYPE_CHAT', 'mod/chat');
* returns all the document type constants
* @param prefix a pattern for recognizing constants
* @return an array of type labels
function search_get_document_types($prefix = 'SEARCH_TYPE_') {
$ret = array();
foreach (get_defined_constants() as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match("/^{$prefix}/", $key)){
$ret[$key] = $value;
return $ret;
} //search_get_document_types
* additional virtual modules to index
* By adding 'moo' to the extras array, an additional document type
* documents/moo_document.php will be indexed - this allows for
* virtual modules to be added to the index, i.e. non-module specific
* information.
function search_get_additional_modules() {
$extras = array(/* additional keywords go here */);
$ret = array();
foreach($extras as $extra) {
$temp->name = $extra;
$ret[] = clone($temp);
return $ret;
} //search_get_additional_modules
* shortens a url so it can fit on the results page
* @param url the url
* @param length the size limit we want
function search_shorten_url($url, $length=30) {
return substr($url, 0, $length)."...";
} //search_shorten_url
* a local function for escaping
* @param str the string to escape
* @return the escaped string
function search_escape_string($str) {
global $CFG;
switch ($CFG->dbfamily) {
case 'mysql':
$s = mysql_real_escape_string($str);
case 'postgres':
$s = pg_escape_string($str);
$s = addslashes($str);
return $s;
} //search_escape_string
* get a real php 5 version number, using 5.0.0 arbitrarily
* @param feedback if true, prints a feedback message to output.
* @return true if version of PHP is high enough
function search_check_php5($feedback = false) {
if (!check_php_version("5.0.0")) {
if ($feedback) {
print_heading(get_string('versiontoolow', 'search'));
return false;
else {
return true;
} //search_check_php5
* simple timer function, on first call, records a current microtime stamp, outputs result on 2nd call
* @param cli an output formatting switch
* @return void
function search_stopwatch($cli = false) {
if (!empty($GLOBALS['search_script_start_time'])) {
if (!$cli) print '<em>';
print round(microtime(true) - $GLOBALS['search_script_start_time'], 6).' '.get_string('seconds', 'search');
if (!$cli) print '</em>';
else {
$GLOBALS['search_script_start_time'] = microtime(true);
} //search_stopwatch
* print and exit (for debugging)
* @param str a variable to explore
* @return void
function search_pexit($str = "") {
if (is_array($str) or is_object($str)) {
} else if ($str) {
print $str."<br/>";
} //search_pexit