mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 06:39:17 +01:00
156 lines
7.9 KiB
156 lines
7.9 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// glossary.php - created with Moodle 1.2 development (2003120700)
$string['addcomment'] = '添加评论';
$string['addentry'] = '添加新栏目';
$string['addingcomment'] = '添加一条评论';
$string['aliases'] = '关键词';
$string['allcategories'] = '所有类别';
$string['allentries'] = '所有';
$string['answer'] = '答案';
$string['approve'] = '通过';
$string['areyousuredelete'] = '确定删除该栏目?';
$string['areyousuredeletecomment'] = '确定删除该评论?';
$string['ascending'] = '向上';
$string['attachment'] = '附件';
$string['authorview'] = '按作者浏览';
$string['back'] = '后退';
$string['cantinsertcat'] = '不能添加类别';
$string['cantinsertrec'] = '不能添加记录';
$string['cantinsertrel'] = '不能添加关系类别栏';
$string['categories'] = '类别';
$string['category'] = '类别';
$string['categorydeleted'] = '类别已删除';
$string['categoryview'] = '按类别浏览';
$string['comment'] = '评论';
$string['commentdeleted'] = '评论已被删除';
$string['comments'] = '评论';
$string['concept'] = '概念';
$string['concepts'] = '概念';
$string['currentglossary'] = '当前词语表';
$string['dateview'] = '按日期浏览';
$string['definition'] = '定义';
$string['definitions'] = '定义';
$string['deleteentry'] = '删除栏目';
$string['deletingcomment'] = '删除评论';
$string['deletingnoneemptycategory'] = '删除类别不会删除包含的栏目--它们将被标记为无类别的';
$string['descending'] = '递减';
$string['destination'] = '目的文件';
$string['displayformat'] = '显示格式';
$string['displayformat6'] = '栏目列表';
$string['displayformats'] = '显示格式';
$string['editcategories'] = '编辑类别';
$string['editentry'] = '编辑栏目';
$string['editingcomment'] = '编辑评论';
$string['explainall'] = '显示该页的所有栏目';
$string['explainalphabet'] = '通过索引浏览术语表';
$string['exportedfile'] = '输出文件';
$string['exportglossary'] = '输出术语表';
$string['exporttomainglossary'] = '输出到主术语表';
$string['glossarytype'] = '术语表类别';
$string['noentry'] = '无栏目';
$string['notcategorised'] = '未分类';
$string['printerfriendly'] = '打印模式';
$string['question'] = '问题';
$string['rate'] = '评分';
$string['rating'] = '评分';
$string['ratingeveryone'] = '所有人可以对该栏目评分';
$string['ratingno'] = '没有评分';
$string['ratingonlyteachers'] = '仅 $a 可以对该栏目评分';
$string['ratings'] = '评分';
$string['ratingssaved'] = '评分已保存';
$string['ratingsuse'] = '使用评分';
$string['rejectedentries'] = '禁止栏目';
$string['rejectionrpt'] = '禁止报告';
$string['searchindefinition'] = '搜索全部文本';
$string['secondaryglossary'] = '二级术语表';
$string['showall'] = '显示\"所有\"链接';
$string['showalphabet'] = '显示字母表';
$string['showspecial'] = '显示\"特殊\"链接';
$string['sortby'] = '排序方式:';
$string['sortbycreation'] = '按创建日期';
$string['sortbylastupdate'] = '按最后更新';
$string['special'] = '特殊';
$string['standardview'] = '按字母表';
$string['studentcanpost'] = '学生可以添加栏目';
$string['totalentries'] = '所有栏目';
$string['usedynalink'] = '自动链接术语表';
$string['waitingapproval'] = '等待审核';
$string['youarenottheauthor'] = '你不是该评论的作者,所以你无权编辑';
// new
$string['allowcomments'] = "Allow comments on entries";
$string['allowduplicatedentries'] = "Duplicated entries allowed";
$string['allowratings'] = "Allow entries to be rated?";
$string['areyousureexport'] = "Are you sure you want to export this entry to";
$string['casesensitive'] = "This entry is case sensitive";
$string['cnfallowcomments'] = "Define if a glossary will accept comments on entries by default";
$string['cnfallowdupentries'] = "Define if a glossary will allows duplicated entries by default";
$string['cnfapprovalstatus'] = "Define the approval status by default of an entry posted by a student";
$string['cnfcasesensitive'] = "Define if an entry, when linked, is case sensitive by default";
$string['cnffullmatch'] = "Define if an entry, when linked, should match the case in the target text by default";
$string['cnflinkentry'] = "Define if an entry should be automatically linked by default";
$string['cnflinkglossaries'] = "Define if a glossary should be automatically linked by default";
$string['cnfstudentcanpost'] = "Define if the students can or cannot post entries by default";
$string['cnfrelatedview'] = "Select the display format to be used for automatic linking and entry view.";
$string['cnfdefaultmode'] = "Select the default frame to show when the glossary is first viewed.";
$string['cnfdefaulthook'] = "Select the default selection to show when the glossary is first viewed";
$string['cnfsortkey'] = "Select the sorting key by default.";
$string['cnfsortorder'] = "Select the sorting order by default.";
$string['cnfshowgroup'] = "Specify if the group break should be shown or not.";
$string['commentson'] = "Comments on";
$string['commentupdated'] = "The comment has been updated.";
$string['defaultapproval'] = "Default approval status";
$string['displayformat2'] = "Full with author";
$string['displayformat3'] = "Encyclopedia";
$string['displayformat4'] = "FAQ";
$string['displayformat5'] = "Full without author";
$string['displayformatcontinuous'] = "Continuous without author";
$string['displayformatdefault'] = "Simple, dictionary style";
$string['duplicateentry'] = "Duplicate entry";
$string['entbypage'] = "Entries shown per page";
$string['entries'] = "Entries";
$string['entrieswithoutcategory'] = "Entries without category";
$string['entry'] = "Entry";
$string['entryalreadyexist'] = "Entry already exists";
$string['entryapproved'] = "This entry has been approved";
$string['entrydeleted'] = "Entry deleted";
$string['entryexported'] = "Entry succesfully exported";
$string['entryishidden'] = "(this entry is currently hidden)";
$string['entryusedynalink'] = "This entry should be automatically linked";
$string['explainaddentry'] = "Add a new entry to the current glossary.<br>Concept and definition are mandatory fields.";
$string['explainexport'] = "A file has been generated.<br>Download it and keep it safe. You can import it anytime you wish in this or other course.";
$string['explainimport'] = "You must specify the file to import and define the criteria of the process.<p>Submit your request and review the results.";
$string['explainspecial'] = "Shows entries that do not begin with a letter";
$string['exportedentry'] = "Exported entry";
$string['exportentries'] = "Export entries";
$string['filetoimport'] = "File to import";
$string['fillfields'] = "Concept and definition are mandatory fields.";
$string['fullmatch'] = "Match whole words only";
$string['glosssaryexported'] = "Glossary exported.";
$string['importcategories'] = "Import categories";
$string['importedcategories'] = "Imported categories";$string['importedentries'] = "Imported entries";
$string['importentries'] = "Import entries";
$string['isglobal'] = "Is this glossary global?";
$string['linkcategory'] = "Automatically link this category";
$string['mainglossary'] = "Main glossary";
$string['maxtimehaspassed'] = "Sorry, but the maximum time for editing this comment (\$a) has passed!";
$string['modulename'] = "Glossary";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Glossaries";
$string['newentries'] = "New glossary entries";
$string['newglossary'] = "New glossary";
$string['newglossarycreated'] = "New glossary created.";
$string['newglossaryentries'] = "New glossary entries:"
;$string['nocomment'] = "No comment found";
$string['nocomments'] = "(No comments found on this entry)";
$string['noconceptfound'] = "No concept or definition found.";
$string['noentries'] = "No entries found in this section";
$string['numberofentries'] = "Number of entries";
$string['onebyline'] = "(one per line)";
$string['ratingtime'] = "Restrict ratings to entries with dates in this range:";
$string['sendinratings'] = "Send in my latest ratings";
$string['sortchronogically'] = "Sort chronologically";
$string['warningstudentcapost'] = "(Applies only if the glossary is not the main one)";
$string['writtenby'] = "by";