mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 06:18:28 +01:00
It can happen that some grade items with the type 'None' have a max grade different than 0, in which case we would have set a weight for them which is wrong as they must not have any. This patch always ignores the grade items 'None' and 'Text' when calculating the weights and locks the weight UI fields for those items too.
845 lines
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845 lines
32 KiB
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A library of classes used by the grade edit pages
* @package core_grades
* @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class grade_edit_tree {
public $columns = array();
* @var grade_tree $gtree @see grade/lib.php
public $gtree;
* @var grade_plugin_return @see grade/lib.php
public $gpr;
* @var string $moving The eid of the category or item being moved
public $moving;
public $deepest_level;
public $uses_weight = false;
public $table;
public $categories = array();
* Show calculator icons next to manual grade items
* @var bool $show_calculations
private $show_calculations;
* Constructor
public function __construct($gtree, $moving=false, $gpr) {
$systemdefault = get_config('moodle', 'grade_report_showcalculations');
$this->show_calculations = get_user_preferences('grade_report_showcalculations', $systemdefault);
$this->gtree = $gtree;
$this->moving = $moving;
$this->gpr = $gpr;
$this->deepest_level = $this->get_deepest_level($this->gtree->top_element);
$this->columns = array(grade_edit_tree_column::factory('name', array('deepest_level' => $this->deepest_level)));
if ($this->uses_weight) {
$this->columns[] = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('weight', array('adv' => 'weight'));
$this->columns[] = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('range'); // This is not a setting... How do we deal with it?
$this->columns[] = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('actions');
if ($this->deepest_level > 1) {
$this->columns[] = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('select');
$this->table = new html_table();
$this->table->id = "grade_edit_tree_table";
$this->table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable simple setup-grades';
if ($this->moving) {
$this->table->attributes['class'] .= ' moving';
foreach ($this->columns as $column) {
if (!($this->moving && $column->hide_when_moving)) {
$this->table->head[] = $column->get_header_cell();
$rowcount = 0;
$this->table->data = $this->build_html_tree($this->gtree->top_element, true, array(), 0, $rowcount);
* Recursive function for building the table holding the grade categories and items,
* with CSS indentation and styles.
* @param array $element The current tree element being rendered
* @param boolean $totals Whether or not to print category grade items (category totals)
* @param array $parents An array of parent categories for the current element (used for indentation and row classes)
* @return string HTML
public function build_html_tree($element, $totals, $parents, $level, &$row_count) {
$object = $element['object'];
$eid = $element['eid'];
$object->name = $this->gtree->get_element_header($element, true, true, true, true);
$object->stripped_name = $this->gtree->get_element_header($element, false, false, false);
$is_category_item = false;
if ($element['type'] == 'categoryitem' || $element['type'] == 'courseitem') {
$is_category_item = true;
$rowclasses = array();
foreach ($parents as $parent_eid) {
$rowclasses[] = $parent_eid;
$actions = '';
$moveaction = '';
if (!$is_category_item) {
$actions .= $this->gtree->get_edit_icon($element, $this->gpr);
if ($this->show_calculations) {
$actions .= $this->gtree->get_calculation_icon($element, $this->gpr);
if ($element['type'] == 'item' or ($element['type'] == 'category' and $element['depth'] > 1)) {
if ($this->element_deletable($element)) {
$aurl = new moodle_url('index.php', array('id' => $COURSE->id, 'action' => 'delete', 'eid' => $eid, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$actions .= $OUTPUT->action_icon($aurl, new pix_icon('t/delete', get_string('delete')));
$aurl = new moodle_url('index.php', array('id' => $COURSE->id, 'action' => 'moveselect', 'eid' => $eid, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$moveaction .= $OUTPUT->action_icon($aurl, new pix_icon('t/move', get_string('move')));
$actions .= $this->gtree->get_hiding_icon($element, $this->gpr);
$actions .= $this->gtree->get_reset_icon($element, $this->gpr);
$returnrows = array();
$root = false;
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT);
/// prepare move target if needed
$last = '';
/// print the list items now
if ($this->moving == $eid) {
// do not diplay children
$cell = new html_table_cell();
$cell->colspan = 12;
$cell->attributes['class'] = $element['type'] . ' moving column-name level' .
($level + 1) . ' level' . ($level % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd');
$cell->text = $object->name.' ('.get_string('move').')';
return array(new html_table_row(array($cell)));
if ($element['type'] == 'category') {
$this->categories[$object->id] = $object->stripped_name;
$category = grade_category::fetch(array('id' => $object->id));
$item = $category->get_grade_item();
// Add aggregation coef input if not a course item and if parent category has correct aggregation type
$dimmed = ($item->is_hidden()) ? 'dimmed' : '';
// Before we print the category's row, we must find out how many rows will appear below it (for the filler cell's rowspan)
$aggregation_position = grade_get_setting($COURSE->id, 'aggregationposition', $CFG->grade_aggregationposition);
$category_total_data = null; // Used if aggregationposition is set to "last", so we can print it last
$html_children = array();
$row_count = 0;
foreach($element['children'] as $child_el) {
$moveto = null;
if (empty($child_el['object']->itemtype)) {
$child_el['object']->itemtype = false;
if (($child_el['object']->itemtype == 'course' || $child_el['object']->itemtype == 'category') && !$totals) {
$child_eid = $child_el['eid'];
$first = '';
if ($child_el['object']->itemtype == 'course' || $child_el['object']->itemtype == 'category') {
$first = array('first' => 1);
$child_eid = $eid;
if ($this->moving && $this->moving != $child_eid) {
$strmove = get_string('move');
$strmovehere = get_string('movehere');
$actions = $moveaction = ''; // no action icons when moving
$aurl = new moodle_url('index.php', array('id' => $COURSE->id, 'action' => 'move', 'eid' => $this->moving, 'moveafter' => $child_eid, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
if ($first) {
$cell = new html_table_cell();
$cell->colspan = 12;
$cell->attributes['class'] = 'movehere level' . ($level + 1) . ' level' . ($level % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd');
$icon = new pix_icon('movehere', $strmovehere, null, array('class'=>'movetarget'));
$cell->text = $OUTPUT->action_icon($aurl, $icon);
$moveto = new html_table_row(array($cell));
$newparents = $parents;
$newparents[] = $eid;
$child_row_count = 0;
// If moving, do not print course and category totals, but still print the moveto target box
if ($this->moving && ($child_el['object']->itemtype == 'course' || $child_el['object']->itemtype == 'category')) {
$html_children[] = $moveto;
} elseif ($child_el['object']->itemtype == 'course' || $child_el['object']->itemtype == 'category') {
// We don't build the item yet because we first need to know the deepest level of categories (for category/name colspans)
$category_total_item = $this->build_html_tree($child_el, $totals, $newparents, $level, $child_row_count);
if (!$aggregation_position) {
$html_children = array_merge($html_children, $category_total_item);
} else {
$html_children = array_merge($html_children, $this->build_html_tree($child_el, $totals, $newparents, $level, $child_row_count));
if (!empty($moveto)) {
$html_children[] = $moveto;
if ($this->moving) {
$row_count += $child_row_count;
// If the child is a category, increment row_count by one more (for the extra coloured row)
if ($child_el['type'] == 'category') {
// Print category total at the end if aggregation position is "last" (1)
if (!empty($category_total_item) && $aggregation_position) {
$html_children = array_merge($html_children, $category_total_item);
// Determine if we are at the root
if (isset($element['object']->grade_item) && $element['object']->grade_item->is_course_item()) {
$root = true;
$levelclass = "level$level level" . ($level % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even');
$courseclass = '';
if ($level == 1) {
$courseclass = 'coursecategory';
$row = new html_table_row();
$row->attributes['class'] = $courseclass . ' category ' . $dimmed;
foreach ($rowclasses as $class) {
$row->attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class;
$headercell = new html_table_cell();
$headercell->header = true;
$headercell->scope = 'row';
$headercell->attributes['title'] = $object->stripped_name;
$headercell->attributes['class'] = 'cell column-rowspan rowspan ' . $levelclass;
$headercell->rowspan = $row_count + 1;
$row->cells[] = $headercell;
foreach ($this->columns as $column) {
if (!($this->moving && $column->hide_when_moving)) {
$row->cells[] = $column->get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, array('id' => $id,
'name' => $object->name, 'level' => $level, 'actions' => $actions,
'moveaction' => $moveaction, 'eid' => $eid));
$returnrows[] = $row;
$returnrows = array_merge($returnrows, $html_children);
// Print a coloured row to show the end of the category across the table
$endcell = new html_table_cell();
$endcell->colspan = (19 - $level);
$endcell->attributes['class'] = 'emptyrow colspan ' . $levelclass;
$returnrows[] = new html_table_row(array($endcell));
} else { // Dealing with a grade item
$item = grade_item::fetch(array('id' => $object->id));
$element['type'] = 'item';
$element['object'] = $item;
$categoryitemclass = '';
if ($item->itemtype == 'category') {
$categoryitemclass = 'categoryitem';
if ($item->itemtype == 'course') {
$categoryitemclass = 'courseitem';
$dimmed = ($item->is_hidden()) ? "dimmed_text" : "";
$gradeitemrow = new html_table_row();
$gradeitemrow->attributes['class'] = $categoryitemclass . ' item ' . $dimmed;
foreach ($rowclasses as $class) {
$gradeitemrow->attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class;
foreach ($this->columns as $column) {
if (!($this->moving && $column->hide_when_moving)) {
$gradeitemrow->cells[] = $column->get_item_cell($item, array('id' => $id, 'name' => $object->name,
'level' => $level, 'actions' => $actions, 'element' => $element, 'eid' => $eid,
'moveaction' => $moveaction, 'itemtype' => $object->itemtype));
$returnrows[] = $gradeitemrow;
return $returnrows;
* Given a grade_item object, returns a labelled input if an aggregation coefficient (weight or extra credit) applies to it.
* @param grade_item $item
* @return string HTML
static function get_weight_input($item) {
global $OUTPUT;
if (!is_object($item) || get_class($item) !== 'grade_item') {
throw new Exception('grade_edit_tree::get_weight_input($item) was given a variable that is not of the required type (grade_item object)');
return false;
if ($item->is_course_item()) {
return '';
$parent_category = $item->get_parent_category();
$aggcoef = $item->get_coefstring();
$itemname = $item->itemname;
if ($item->is_category_item()) {
// Remember, the parent category of a category item is the category itself.
$itemname = $parent_category->get_name();
$str = '';
if ($aggcoef == 'aggregationcoefweight' || $aggcoef == 'aggregationcoef' || $aggcoef == 'aggregationcoefextraweight') {
return '<label class="accesshide" for="weight_'.$item->id.'">'.
get_string('extracreditvalue', 'grades', $itemname).'</label>'.
'<input type="text" size="6" id="weight_'.$item->id.'" name="weight_'.$item->id.'"
value="'.grade_edit_tree::format_number($item->aggregationcoef).'" />';
} else if ($aggcoef == 'aggregationcoefextraweightsum') {
$checkboxname = 'weightoverride_' . $item->id;
$checkboxlbl = html_writer::tag('label', get_string('overrideweightofa', 'grades', $itemname),
array('for' => $checkboxname, 'class' => 'accesshide'));
$checkbox = html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('name' => $checkboxname,
'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 0));
$checkbox .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('name' => $checkboxname,
'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1, 'id' => $checkboxname, 'class' => 'weightoverride',
'checked' => ($item->weightoverride ? 'checked' : null)));
$name = 'weight_' . $item->id;
$hiddenlabel = html_writer::tag(
get_string('weightofa', 'grades', $itemname),
'class' => 'accesshide',
'for' => $name
$input = html_writer::empty_tag(
'type' => 'text',
'size' => 6,
'id' => $name,
'name' => $name,
'value' => grade_edit_tree::format_number($item->aggregationcoef2 * 100.0),
'disabled' => ($item->weightoverride ? null : 'disabled')
$str .= $checkboxlbl . $checkbox . $hiddenlabel . $input;
if ($item->aggregationcoef > 0) {
$str .= ' ' . html_writer::tag('abbr', get_string('aggregationcoefextrasumabbr', 'grades'),
array('title' => get_string('aggregationcoefextrasum', 'grades')));
return $str;
//Trims trailing zeros
//Used on the 'categories and items' page for grade items settings like aggregation co-efficient
//Grader report has its own decimal place settings so they are handled elsewhere
static function format_number($number) {
$formatted = rtrim(format_float($number, 4),'0');
if (substr($formatted, -1)==get_string('decsep', 'langconfig')) { //if last char is the decimal point
$formatted .= '0';
return $formatted;
* Given an element of the grade tree, returns whether it is deletable or not (only manual grade items are deletable)
* @param array $element
* @return bool
function element_deletable($element) {
global $COURSE;
if ($element['type'] != 'item') {
return true;
$grade_item = $element['object'];
if ($grade_item->itemtype != 'mod' or $grade_item->is_outcome_item() or $grade_item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE) {
return true;
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($COURSE);
if (!isset($modinfo->instances[$grade_item->itemmodule][$grade_item->iteminstance])) {
// module does not exist
return true;
return false;
* Given the grade tree and an array of element ids (e.g. c15, i42), and expecting the 'moveafter' URL param,
* moves the selected items to the requested location. Then redirects the user to the given $returnurl
* @param object $gtree The grade tree (a recursive representation of the grade categories and grade items)
* @param array $eids
* @param string $returnurl
function move_elements($eids, $returnurl) {
$moveafter = required_param('moveafter', PARAM_INT);
if (!is_array($eids)) {
$eids = array($eids);
if(!$after_el = $this->gtree->locate_element("cg$moveafter")) {
print_error('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl);
$after = $after_el['object'];
$parent = $after;
$sortorder = $after->get_sortorder();
foreach ($eids as $eid) {
if (!$element = $this->gtree->locate_element($eid)) {
print_error('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl);
$object = $element['object'];
redirect($returnurl, '', 0);
* Recurses through the entire grade tree to find and return the maximum depth of the tree.
* This should be run only once from the root element (course category), and is used for the
* indentation of the Name column's cells (colspan)
* @param array $element An array of values representing a grade tree's element (all grade items in this case)
* @param int $level The level of the current recursion
* @param int $deepest_level A value passed to each subsequent level of recursion and incremented if $level > $deepest_level
* @return int Deepest level
function get_deepest_level($element, $level=0, $deepest_level=1) {
$object = $element['object'];
$coefstring = $element['object']->get_coefstring();
if ($element['type'] == 'category') {
if ($coefstring == 'aggregationcoefweight' || $coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextraweightsum' ||
$coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextraweight') {
$this->uses_weight = true;
foreach($element['children'] as $child_el) {
if ($level > $deepest_level) {
$deepest_level = $level;
$deepest_level = $this->get_deepest_level($child_el, $level, $deepest_level);
return $deepest_level;
* Class grade_edit_tree_column
* @package core_grades
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class grade_edit_tree_column {
public $forced;
public $hidden;
public $forced_hidden;
public $advanced_hidden;
public $hide_when_moving = true;
* html_table_cell object used as a template for header cells in all categories.
* It must be cloned before being used.
* @var html_table_cell $headercell
public $headercell;
* html_table_cell object used as a template for category cells in all categories.
* It must be cloned before being used.
* @var html_table_cell $categorycell
public $categorycell;
* html_table_cell object used as a template for item cells in all categories.
* It must be cloned before being used.
* @var html_table_cell $itemcell
public $itemcell;
public static function factory($name, $params=array()) {
$class_name = "grade_edit_tree_column_$name";
if (class_exists($class_name)) {
return new $class_name($params);
public abstract function get_header_cell();
public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) {
$cell = clone($this->categorycell);
$cell->attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $levelclass;
$cell->attributes['text'] = '';
return $cell;
public function get_item_cell($item, $params) {
$cell = clone($this->itemcell);
$cell->attributes['text'] = '';
if (isset($params['level'])) {
$level = $params['level'] + (($item->itemtype == 'category' || $item->itemtype == 'course') ? 0 : 1);
$cell->attributes['class'] .= ' level' . $level;
$cell->attributes['class'] .= ' level' . ($level % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even');
return $cell;
public function __construct() {
$this->headercell = new html_table_cell();
$this->headercell->header = true;
$this->headercell->attributes['class'] = 'header';
$this->categorycell = new html_table_cell();
$this->categorycell->attributes['class'] = 'cell';
$this->itemcell = new html_table_cell();
$this->itemcell->attributes['class'] = 'cell';
if (preg_match('/^grade_edit_tree_column_(\w*)$/', get_class($this), $matches)) {
$this->headercell->attributes['class'] .= ' column-' . $matches[1];
$this->categorycell->attributes['class'] .= ' column-' . $matches[1];
$this->itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' column-' . $matches[1];
* Class grade_edit_tree_column_name
* @package core_grades
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class grade_edit_tree_column_name extends grade_edit_tree_column {
public $forced = false;
public $hidden = false;
public $forced_hidden = false;
public $advanced_hidden = false;
public $deepest_level = 1;
public $hide_when_moving = false;
public function __construct($params) {
if (empty($params['deepest_level'])) {
throw new Exception('Tried to instantiate a grade_edit_tree_column_name object without the "deepest_level" param!');
$this->deepest_level = $params['deepest_level'];
public function get_header_cell() {
$headercell = clone($this->headercell);
$headercell->colspan = $this->deepest_level + 1;
$headercell->text = get_string('name');
return $headercell;
public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) {
global $OUTPUT;
if (empty($params['name']) || empty($params['level'])) {
throw new Exception('Array key (name or level) missing from 3rd param of grade_edit_tree_column_name::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params)');
$moveaction = isset($params['moveaction']) ? $params['moveaction'] : '';
$categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params);
$categorycell->colspan = ($this->deepest_level +1) - $params['level'];
$categorycell->text = $OUTPUT->heading($moveaction . $params['name'], 4);
return $categorycell;
public function get_item_cell($item, $params) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($params['element']) || empty($params['name']) || empty($params['level'])) {
throw new Exception('Array key (name, level or element) missing from 2nd param of grade_edit_tree_column_name::get_item_cell($item, $params)');
$name = $params['name'];
$moveaction = isset($params['moveaction']) ? $params['moveaction'] : '';
$itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params);
$itemcell->colspan = ($this->deepest_level + 1) - $params['level'];
$itemcell->text = $moveaction . $name;
return $itemcell;
* Class grade_edit_tree_column_weight
* @package core_grades
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class grade_edit_tree_column_weight extends grade_edit_tree_column {
public function get_header_cell() {
global $OUTPUT;
$headercell = clone($this->headercell);
$headercell->text = get_string('weights', 'grades').$OUTPUT->help_icon('aggregationcoefweight', 'grades');
return $headercell;
public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) {
$item = $category->get_grade_item();
$categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params);
$categorycell->text = grade_edit_tree::get_weight_input($item);
return $categorycell;
public function get_item_cell($item, $params) {
if (empty($params['element'])) {
throw new Exception('Array key (element) missing from 2nd param of grade_edit_tree_column_weightorextracredit::get_item_cell($item, $params)');
$itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params);
$itemcell->text = ' ';
if (!in_array($params['element']['object']->itemtype, array('courseitem', 'categoryitem', 'category'))
&& !in_array($params['element']['object']->gradetype, array(GRADE_TYPE_NONE, GRADE_TYPE_TEXT))) {
$itemcell->text = grade_edit_tree::get_weight_input($item);
return $itemcell;
* Class grade_edit_tree_column_range
* @package core_grades
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class grade_edit_tree_column_range extends grade_edit_tree_column {
public function get_header_cell() {
$headercell = clone($this->headercell);
$headercell->text = get_string('maxgrade', 'grades');
return $headercell;
public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) {
$categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params);
$categorycell->text = ' - ';
return $categorycell;
public function get_item_cell($item, $params) {
global $DB, $OUTPUT;
// If the parent aggregation is Natural, we should show the number, even for scales, as that value is used...
// ...in the computation. For text grades, the grademax is not used, so we can still show the no value string.
$parent_cat = $item->get_parent_category();
if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_TEXT) {
$grademax = ' - ';
} else if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
$scale = $DB->get_record('scale', array('id' => $item->scaleid));
$scale_items = null;
if (empty($scale)) { //if the item is using a scale that's been removed
$scale_items = array();
} else {
$scale_items = explode(',', $scale->scale);
if ($parent_cat->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
$grademax = end($scale_items) . ' (' .
format_float($item->grademax, $item->get_decimals()) . ')';
} else {
$grademax = end($scale_items) . ' (' . count($scale_items) . ')';
} else {
$grademax = format_float($item->grademax, $item->get_decimals());
$itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params);
$itemcell->text = $grademax;
return $itemcell;
* Class grade_edit_tree_column_actions
* @package core_grades
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class grade_edit_tree_column_actions extends grade_edit_tree_column {
public function __construct($params) {
public function get_header_cell() {
$headercell = clone($this->headercell);
$headercell->text = get_string('actions');
return $headercell;
public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) {
if (empty($params['actions'])) {
throw new Exception('Array key (actions) missing from 3rd param of grade_edit_tree_column_actions::get_category_actions($category, $levelclass, $params)');
$categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params);
$categorycell->text = $params['actions'];
return $categorycell;
public function get_item_cell($item, $params) {
if (empty($params['actions'])) {
throw new Exception('Array key (actions) missing from 2nd param of grade_edit_tree_column_actions::get_item_cell($item, $params)');
$itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params);
$itemcell->text = $params['actions'];
return $itemcell;
* Class grade_edit_tree_column_select
* @package core_grades
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class grade_edit_tree_column_select extends grade_edit_tree_column {
public function get_header_cell() {
$headercell = clone($this->headercell);
$headercell->text = get_string('select');
return $headercell;
public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) {
global $OUTPUT;
if (empty($params['eid'])) {
throw new Exception('Array key (eid) missing from 3rd param of grade_edit_tree_column_select::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params)');
$selectall = new action_link(new moodle_url('#'), get_string('all'), new component_action('click', 'togglecheckboxes', array('eid' => $params['eid'], 'check' => true)));
$selectnone = new action_link(new moodle_url('#'), get_string('none'), new component_action('click', 'togglecheckboxes', array('eid' => $params['eid'], 'check' => false)));
$categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params);
$categorycell->text = $OUTPUT->render($selectall) . '<br />' . $OUTPUT->render($selectnone);
return $categorycell;
public function get_item_cell($item, $params) {
if (empty($params['itemtype']) || empty($params['eid'])) {
error('Array key (itemtype or eid) missing from 2nd param of grade_edit_tree_column_select::get_item_cell($item, $params)');
$itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params);
if ($params['itemtype'] != 'course' && $params['itemtype'] != 'category') {
$itemcell->text = '<label class="accesshide" for="select_'.$params['eid'].'">'.
get_string('select', 'grades', $item->itemname).'</label>
<input class="itemselect ignoredirty" type="checkbox" name="select_'.$params['eid'].'" id="select_'.$params['eid'].
'" onchange="toggleCategorySelector();"/>'; // TODO: convert to YUI handler
return $itemcell;