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synced 2025-01-22 08:11:26 +01:00
357 lines
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357 lines
14 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// Check that all the parameters have been provided.
require_variable($id); // Course Module ID
if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) {
error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Sorry, only teachers can see this.");
if (! $survey = get_record("survey", "id", $cm->instance)) {
error("Survey ID was incorrect");
$ME = qualified_me()."?id=$id";
if (!$action) {
$display = "summary";
if ($display) { // Display the frame containing something.
add_to_log("View survey report: $survey->name", $course->id);
echo "<HEAD><TITLE>Report: $survey->name</TITLE>\n";
echo "<FRAMESET COLS=150,* BORDER=1> ";
echo " <FRAME NAME=reportmenu SRC=\"report.php?action=menu&id=$id\"> \n";
echo " <FRAME NAME=reportmain SRC=\"report.php?action=$display&id=$id\"> \n";
echo "</FRAMESET>\n";
switch ($action) {
case "menu":
print_header("Survey Report", "Survey Report");
//echo "<FONT FACE=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\">";
//echo "<P><B>Survey Report</B></P>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=summary&id=$id\">Summary</A></FONT></P>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=scales&id=$id\">Scales</A></FONT></P>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=questions&id=$id\">Questions</A></FONT></P>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=students&id=$id\">Students</A></FONT></P>";
if ($users = get_survey_responses($survey->id)) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
echo "<LI><FONT SIZE=1>";
echo "<A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=student&student=$user->id&id=$id\">";
echo "$user->firstname $user->lastname";
echo "</A></FONT></LI>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=reportmain HREF=\"report.php?action=download&id=$id\">Download</A></FONT></P>";
echo "<HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE>";
echo "<P align=center><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=_top HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</A></FONT></P>";
case "summary":
add_to_log("View survey report summary: $survey->name", $course->id);
print_header("Overall Summary", "$survey->name: Overall Summary", "", "");
print_heading("All scales, all students");
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"report.php?action=scales&id=$id\"><IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see the scales in more detail\" BORDER=0 SRC=\"graph.php?id=$id&type=overall.png\"></A>";
case "scales":
add_to_log("View survey report scales: $survey->name", $course->id);
print_header("Scales", "$survey->name: Scales", "", "");
print_heading("All scales, all students");
$questions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($survey->questions)");
$questionorder = explode(",", $survey->questions);
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. Just show them.
$virtualscales = true;
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->multi) {
if ($virtualscales && $question->type > 0) { // Don't show non-virtual scales if virtual
echo "<P ALIGN=center><A HREF=report.php?action=questions&id=$id&qid=$question->multi>";
echo "<IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see subquestions\" BORDER=0
echo "</A></P><BR>";
case "questions":
add_to_log("View survey report questions: $survey->name", $course->id);
print_header("Analysis by Question", "$survey->name: Questions", "", "");
if ($qid) { // just get one multi-question
$questions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($qid)");
$questionorder = explode(",", $qid);
print_heading("Selected questions from a scale, all students");
} else { // get all top-level questions
$questions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($survey->questions)");
$questionorder = explode(",", $survey->questions);
print_heading("All questions in order, all students");
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. DON'T show them.
$virtualscales = true;
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. DON'T show them.
if ($question->multi) {
echo "<H3>$question->text :</H3>";
$subquestions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($question->multi)");
$subquestionorder = explode(",", $question->multi);
foreach ($subquestionorder as $key => $val) {
$subquestion = $subquestions[$val];
if ($subquestion->type > 0) {
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"report.php?action=question&id=$id&qid=$subquestion->id\">
<IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see all responses\"
BORDER=0 SRC=\"graph.php?id=$id&qid=$subquestion->id&type=question.png\"></A></P>";
} else if ($question->type > 0 ) {
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"report.php?action=question&id=$id&qid=$question->id\">
<IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see all responses\"
BORDER=0 SRC=\"graph.php?id=$id&qid=$question->id&type=question.png\"></A></P>";
} else {
echo "<H3>$question->text</H3>";
if ($aaa = get_records_sql("SELECT sa.*, u.firstname,u.lastname FROM survey_answers sa, user u WHERE survey = '$survey->id' AND question = $question->id and sa.user = u.id")) {
echo "<UL>";
foreach ($aaa as $a) {
echo "<LI>$a->firstname $a->lastname: $a->answer1";
echo "</UL>";
case "question":
add_to_log("View survey report question: $survey->name", $course->id);
if (!$question = get_record("survey_questions", "id", $qid)) {
error("Question doesn't exist");
$answers = explode(",", $question->options);
print_header("All answers for a particular question", "$survey->name: Question Answers", "", "");
$aaa = get_records_sql("SELECT sa.*,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.picture FROM survey_answers sa, user u WHERE sa.survey = '$survey->id' AND sa.question = $question->id AND u.id = sa.user ORDER by sa.answer1,sa.answer2 ASC");
echo "<TABLE ALIGN=center CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=10><TR><TD> <TH align=left>Name<TH align=left>Time<TH align=left>Actual<TH align=left>Preferred</TR>";
foreach ($aaa as $a) {
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TD WIDTH=35>";
print_user_picture($a->user, $course->id, $a->picture, false);
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD><P><A HREF=\"report.php?id=$id&action=student&student=$a->user\">$a->firstname $a->lastname</A></TD>";
echo "<TD><P>".date("j M Y h:i A",$a->time)."</TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellcontent\"><P>";
if ($a->answer1) {
echo "$a->answer1 - ".$answers[$a->answer1 - 1];
} else {
echo " ";
echo "</TD><TD BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellcontent\"><P>";
if ($a->answer2) {
echo "$a->answer2 - ".$answers[$a->answer2 - 1];
} else {
echo " ";
echo "</TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
case "students":
add_to_log("View survey report students: $survey->name", $course->id);
print_header("Analysis by Student", "$survey->name: Students", "", "");
if (! $results = get_survey_responses($survey->id) ) {
notify("There are no responses for this survey.");
} else {
print_all_responses($cm->id, $results);
case "student":
if (!$user = get_record("user", "id", $student)) {
error("Student doesn't exist");
print_header("Analysis of $user->firstname $user->lastname", "$survey->name: Analysis of a student", "", "");
if (isset($notes)) {
if (record_exists_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_analysis WHERE survey='$survey->id' and user='$user->id'")) {
if (! update_survey_analysis($survey->id, $user->id, $notes)) {
notify("An error occurred while saving your notes. Sorry.");
} else {
if (!add_survey_analysis($survey->id, $user->id, $notes)) {
notify("An error occurred while saving your notes. Sorry.");
add_to_log("Update survey analysis for $user->firstname $user->lastname: $survey->name", $course->id);
} else {
add_to_log("View survey report $user->firstname $user->lastname: $survey->name", $course->id);
print_heading("$user->firstname $user->lastname");
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER>";
print_user_picture($user->id, $course->id, $user->picture, true);
echo "</P>";
// Print overall summary
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALIGN=CENTER SRC=\"graph.php?id=$id&sid=$student&type=student.png\"></P>";
// Print scales
$questions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($survey->questions)");
$questionorder = explode(",", $survey->questions);
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. Just show them.
$virtualscales = true;
foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) {
$question = $questions[$val];
if ($question->multi) {
if ($virtualscales && $question->type > 0) { // Don't show non-virtual scales if virtual
echo "<P ALIGN=center><A HREF=report.php?action=questions&id=$id&qid=$question->multi>";
echo "<IMG HEIGHT=$GHEIGHT WIDTH=$GWIDTH ALT=\"Click here to see subquestions\" BORDER=0
echo "</A></P><BR>";
if ($rs = get_record_sql("SELECT notes from survey_analysis WHERE survey='$survey->id' and user='$user->id'")) {
$notes = $rs->notes;
} else {
$notes = "";
echo "<HR NOSHADE SIZE=1>";
echo "<CENTER>";
echo "<FORM ACTION=report.php METHOD=post NAME=form>";
echo "<H3>Your private analysis/notes:</H3>";
echo "<BLOCKQUOTE>";
echo "<TEXTAREA NAME=notes ROWS=10 COLS=60>";
echo "</TEXTAREA><BR>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=student>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=student VALUE=$student>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=id VALUE=$cm->id>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Save these notes\">";
echo "</BLOCKQUOTE>";
echo "</FORM>";
echo "</CENTER>";
case "download":
print_header("Download Data", "$survey->name: Download Data", "", "");
echo "<P>You can download the complete raw data for this survey in a form suitable
for analysis in Excel, SPSS or other package.</P>";
echo "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"download.php?id=$id&type=xls\">Download data as Excel spreadsheet</A></H2>";
echo "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"download.php?id=$id&type=text\">Download data as a plain text file</A></H2>";
/// FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function print_all_responses($survey, $results) {
global $THEME;
echo "<TR><TD>Name<TD>Time<TD>Answered</TR>";
foreach ($results as $a) {
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TD><A HREF=\"report.php?action=student&student=$a->id&id=$survey\">$a->firstname $a->lastname</A></TD>";
echo "<TD>".date("j M Y, h:i A",$a->time)."</TD>";
echo "<TD align=right>$a->numanswers</TD>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
function get_survey_responses($survey) {
return get_records_sql("SELECT a.time as time, count(*) as numanswers, u.*
FROM survey_answers AS a, user AS u
WHERE a.answer1 <> '0' AND a.answer2 <> '0'
AND a.survey = $survey
AND a.user = u.id
GROUP BY a.user ORDER BY a.time ASC");