2008-07-21 13:52:02 +00:00

444 lines
33 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
// error.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
$string['adminprimarynoedit'] = 'The primary admin cannot be edited by others';
$string['authorizeerror'] = 'Authorize error';
$string['blockdoesnotexist'] = 'This block does not exist';
$string['blockcannotinistantiate'] = 'Problem in instantiating block object';
$string['blockcannotread'] = 'Could not read data for blockid= $a ';
$string['blockcannotconfig'] = 'This block does not support global configuration';
$string['blocknameconflict'] = 'Naming conflict: block $a[0] has the same title with an existing block: $a[1]!';
$string['backupcontainexternal'] = 'This backup file contains external Moodle Network Hosts that are not configured locally';
$string['backuptablefail'] = 'Backup tables could NOT be set up successfully!';
$string['boundsyntaxnotsupport'] = 'Pg $1, $2 bound syntax not supported yet :-(';
$string['cannotassignanthing'] = 'Cannot assign moodle/site:doanything';
$string['cannotassignrole'] = 'Cannot assign role in course';
$string['cannotassignselfasparent'] = 'Cannot assign self as parent!';
$string['cannotaddblock'] = '$a block could not be added to the block list!';
$string['cannotaddcoursemodule'] = 'Could not add a new course module';
$string['cannotaddcoursemoduletosection'] = 'Could not add the new course module to that section';
$string['cannotaddcmtosection'] = 'Could not add the new course module to that section';
$string['cannotaddrss'] = 'You do not have permission to add rss feeds';
$string['cannotaddmodule'] = '$a module could not be added to the module list!';
$string['cannotaddnewmodule'] = 'Could not add a new module of $a';
$string['cannotaddnewinstance'] = 'Could not add a new instance of $a';
$string['cannotsaveconfig'] = 'Problem saving config \"$a[0]\" as \"$a[1]\" for plugin \"$a[2]\"';
$string['cannotsavecomment'] = 'Cannot save comment';
$string['cannotsavefile'] = 'Cannot save the file\"$a[0]\/$a[1]\"!';
$string['cannotsavedata'] = 'Cannot save data';
$string['cannotsaveagreement'] = 'Could not save your agreement';
$string['cannotcallscript'] = 'You cannot call this script in that way';
$string['cannotcreatebackupdir'] = 'Could not create backupdata folder. The site administrator needs to fix the file permissions';
$string['cannotcreatecategory'] = 'The category was not inserted';
$string['cannotcreatedefaultcat'] = 'Error creating a default category for context $a';
$string['cannotcreategroup'] = 'Error creating group';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Cannot create lang directory';
$string['cannotcreatelangbase'] = 'Error: Could not create base lang directory';
$string['cannotcreatefield'] = 'Error creating new field';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Cannot create temp directory';
$string['cannotcreatesitedir'] = 'Cannot create site folder. The site administrator needs to fix the file permissions.';
$string['cannotcreateuploaddir'] = 'Cannot create upload folder. The site administrator needs to fix the file permissions.';
$string['cannotcreateuser'] = 'Error creating user record';
$string['cannotcreateorfindstructs'] = 'Error finding or creating section structures for this course';
$string['cannotcreatepopupwin'] = 'Undefined element - cannot create pop-up window';
$string['cannotcustomizelocallang'] = 'You do not have permission to customize the strings translation. This permission is controlled by the capability \"moodle/site:langeditlocal\". Set this capability to allow you to edit local language packages in case you want to modify translations for your site.';
$string['cannotdeletelangcache'] = 'Language cache cannot be deleted, please fix permissions in dataroot/cache/languages!';
$string['cannotdeletebackupids'] = 'Couldn\'t delete previous backup ids';
$string['cannotdeletecap'] = 'Could not delete deprecated capability $a';
$string['cannotdeletecate'] = 'Error while deleting category';
$string['cannotdeletecourse'] = 'You do not have the permission to delete this course';
$string['cannotdeletecustomfield'] = 'Error deleting custom field data';
$string['cannotdeletedir'] = 'Cannot delete ($a)';
$string['cannotdeleterole'] = 'It cannot be deleted, because $a';
$string['cannotdeleterolewithid'] = 'Could not delete role with ID $a';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Cannot download components';
$string['cannotdownloadlanguageupdatelist'] = 'Cannot download list of language updates from';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Cannot download ZIP file';
$string['cannoteditcomment'] = 'This comment is not yours to edit!';
$string['cannoteditcommentexpired'] = 'You can\'t edit this. The time has expired!';
$string['cannoteditsiteform'] = 'You cannot edit the site course using this form';
$string['cannoteditpostorblog'] = 'You cannot post or edit blogs';
$string['cannoteditmasterlang'] = 'You do not have permission to edit the master language package. This permission is controlled by the capability \"moodle/site:langeditmaster\". Set this capability to allow you to edit master language packages in case you are the maintainer of a package.';
$string['cannotedityourprofile'] = 'Sorry, you cannot edit own profile';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Cannot find component';
$string['cannotfindcontext'] = 'Could not find context';
$string['cannotfindcategory'] = 'Cannot find category record from database by ID - $a';
$string['cannotfinddocs'] = 'Cannot find \"$a\" language docs files';
$string['cannofindgradeitem'] = 'Cannot find grade_item';
$string['cannotfindgroup'] = 'Unable to find group';
$string['cannotfindhelp'] = 'Cannot find \"$a\" language help files';
$string['cannotfindinfo'] = 'Cannot find info for: \"$a\"';
$string['cannotfindlang'] = 'Cannot find \"$a\" language pack!';
$string['cannotfindsite'] = 'Cannot find site-level course';
$string['cannotfindteacher'] = 'Cannot find teacher';
$string['cannotfinduser'] = 'Cannot find user named \"$a\"';
$string['cannotimport'] = 'Import error';
$string['cannotimportgrade'] = 'Grade import error';
$string['cannotimportformat'] = 'Sorry, importing this format is not yet implemented!';
$string['cannotnetgeo'] = 'Cannot connect to NetGeo server at, please check proxy settings or better install MaxMind GeoLite City data file';
$string['cannotgetblock'] = 'Could not retrieve blocks from the database';
$string['cannotgetcats'] = 'Cannot get category record';
$string['cannotgetdata'] = 'Cannot get data';
$string['cannotgradeuser'] = 'Cannot grade this user';
$string['cannothaveparentcate'] = 'Course category cannot have parent!';
$string['cannotmailconfirm'] = 'Error sending password change confirmation email';
$string['cannotmapfield'] = 'Mapping collision detected - two fields maps to the same grade item $a';
$string['cannotmarktopic'] = 'Could not mark that topic for this course';
$string['cannotmoverolewithid'] = 'Cannot move role with ID $a';
$string['cannotmodulename'] = 'Cannot get the module name in build navigation';
$string['cannotmoduletype'] = 'Cannot get the module type in build navigation';
$string['cannotmetacourse'] = 'Cannot not add the selected course to this meta course!';
$string['cannotoverridebaserole'] = 'Cannot override base role capabilities';
$string['cannotopencsv'] = 'Cannot open CSV file';
$string['cannotopenforwrit'] = 'Cannot open for writing: $a';
$string['cannotopenfile'] = 'Cannot open file ($a)';
$string['cannotopentemplate'] = 'Cannot open template file ($a)';
$string['cannotreadtmpfile'] = 'Error reading temporary file';
$string['cannotreaduploadfile'] = 'Could not read uploaded file';
$string['cannotreadfile'] = 'Cannot read file ($a)';
$string['cannotremovefrommeta'] = 'Could not remove the selected course from this meta course!';
$string['cannotrestore'] = 'An error has occurred and the restore could not be completed!';
$string['cannotresetguestpwd'] = 'You cannot reset the guest password';
$string['cannotresetmail'] = 'Error resetting password and mailing you';
$string['cannotsaveblock'] = 'Error saving block configuration';
$string['cannotsavefile'] = 'Cannot save the file \"$a\"';
$string['cannotinitpage'] = 'Cannot quickly initialize page, course id: $a';
$string['cannotinsertcategory'] = 'Weird error. The category was not inserted.';
$string['cannotinsertcomment'] = 'Could not insert this new comment';
$string['cannotinsertgrade'] = 'Cannot insert grade item without course id!';
$string['cannotinsertrecord'] = 'Could not insert new record ID $a';
$string['cannotinsertrate'] = 'Could not insert a new rating ($a[0] = $a[1])';
$string['cannotinsertkey'] = 'Cannot insert new key';
$string['cannotsavecomment'] = 'Error while saving comment';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Cannot save md5 file';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Cannot save ZIP file';
$string['cannotsetparentforcatoritem'] = 'Cannot set parent for category or course item!';
$string['cannotsetpassword'] = 'Could not set user password!';
$string['cannotsetprefgrade'] = 'Could not set preference aggregationview to $a for this grade category';
$string['cannotsettheme'] = 'Could not set the theme!';
$string['cannotsetupblock'] = 'Blocks tables could NOT be set up successfully!';
$string['cannotsetupcategory'] = 'Serious error! Could not set up a default course category!';
$string['cannotsetupcapforplugin'] = 'Could not set up the capabilities for $a';
$string['cannotsetupcapformod'] = 'Could not set up the capabilities for $a';
$string['cannotsetupsite'] = 'Serious error! Could not set up the site!';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Cannot unzip file';
$string['cannotupgradeblock'] = 'Upgrade of blocks system failed! (Could not update version in config table.)';
$string['cannotupgradecaps'] = 'Had difficulties upgrading the core capabilities for the Roles system';
$string['cannotupdateblock'] = 'Could not update block $a record in block table!';
$string['cannotupdatecategory'] = 'Could not update the category ($a)';
$string['cannotupdatecoursemodule'] = 'Could not update the course module with the correct section';
$string['cannotupdatecomment'] = 'Could not update this comment';
$string['cannotupdatecm'] = 'Could not update the course module with the correct section';
$string['cannotupdatefield'] = 'Error updating field';
$string['cannotupdatelevel'] = 'Could not update the indent level on that course module';
$string['cannotupdategroup'] = 'Error updating group';
$string['cannotupdaterecord'] = 'Could not update record ID $a';
$string['cannotupdaterole'] = 'Cannot update role!';
$string['cannotupdatemod'] = 'Could not update $a';
$string['cannotupdatemodcap'] = 'Could not update $a capabilities!';
$string['cannotupdateuser'] = 'Updating user failed';
$string['cannotupdateuseronexauth'] = 'Failed to update user data on external auth: $a. See the server logs for more details.';
$string['cannotupdatepasswordonextauth'] = 'Failed to update password on external auth: $a. See the server logs for more details.';
$string['cannotupdateplugincap'] = 'Could not update $a capabilities!';
$string['cannotupdateprofile'] = 'Error updating user record';
$string['cannotupdatecustomprofile'] = 'Error updating user custom record';
$string['cannotupdaterss'] = 'Cannot update RSS';
$string['cannotupdatesecret'] = 'Error resetting user secret string';
$string['cannotupdatesummary'] = 'Could not update the summary!';
$string['cannotupdatesubcate'] = 'Could not update a child category!';
$string['cannotupdatesubcourse'] = 'Could not update a child course!';
$string['cannotuploadfile'] = 'Error processing upload file';
$string['cannotuseadmin'] = 'You need to be an admin user to use this page';
$string['cannotuseadminadminorteacher'] = 'You need to be a teacher or admin user to use this page';
$string['cannotunassignrolefrom'] = 'Cannot unassign this user from role id: $a';
$string['cannotunassigncap'] = 'Could not unassign deprecated capability $a[0] from role $a[1]';
$string['cannotrestoreadminorcreator'] = 'You need to be a creator or admin user to restore into new course!';
$string['cannotrestoreadminoredit'] = 'You need to be a editing teacher or admin user to restore into selected course!';
$string['cannotusepage'] = 'Only teachers and administrators can use this page';
$string['cannotusepage2'] = 'Sorry, you may not use this page';
$string['cannotviewprofile'] = 'You cannot view the profile of this user';
$string['cannotwritefile'] = 'Cannot write to file ($a)';
$string['cantunenrollfrommetacourse'] = 'You cannot unenrol from this meta course';
$string['cantunenrollinthisrole'] = 'You cannot unenrol from this course while you are in your current role';
$string['cmunknown'] = 'Couldn\'t find this course module';
$string['commentmisconf'] = 'Comment ID is misconfigured';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Component is up-to-date';
$string['confirmsesskeybad'] = 'Sorry, but your session key could not be confirmed to carry out this action. This security feature prevents against accidental or malicious execution of important functions in your name. Please make sure you really wanted to execute this function.';
$string['copiedcmnotexist'] = 'The copied course module does not exist!';
$string['couldnotassignrole'] = 'A serious but unspecified error occurred while trying to assign a role to you';
$string['coursegroupunknown'] = 'Course corresponding to group $a not specified';
$string['coursemisconf'] = 'Course is misconfigured';
$string['csvemptyfile'] = 'The CSV file is empty';
$string['csvcolumnduplicates'] = 'Duplicate columns detected';
$string['csvfewcolumns'] = 'Not enough columns, please verify the delimiter setting';
$string['csvinvalidcolsnum'] = 'Invalid CSV file - each line must include 49 or 70 fields';
$string['csvinvalidcols'] = '<b>Invalid CSV file:</b> First line must include \"Header Fields\" and the file must be type of <br />\"Expanded Fields/Comma Separated\"<br />or<br /> \"Expanded Fields with CAVV Result Code/Comma Separated\"';
$string['csvweirdcolumns'] = 'Invalid CSV file format - number of columns is not constant!';
$string['csvloaderror'] = 'Error occur during loading CSV file!';
$string['dbconnectionfailed'] = '<p>Error: Database connection failed</p>
<p>It is possible that the database is overloaded or otherwise not running properly.</p>
<p>The site administrator should also check that the database details have been correctly specified in config.php</p>$a';
$string['dbdriverproblem'] = '<p>Error: database driver problem detected</p>
<p>The site administrator should verify server configuration</p><p>$a</p>';
$string['dbupdatefailed'] = 'Database update failed';
$string['ddlexecuteerror'] = 'DDL sql execution error';
$string['ddlfieldalreadyexists'] = 'Field \"$a\" does not exist';
$string['ddlfieldnotexist'] = 'Field \"$a->fieldname\" does not exist in table \"$a->tablename\"';
$string['ddltablealreadyexists'] = 'Table \"$a\" already exists';
$string['ddltablenotexist'] = 'Table \"$a\" does not exist';
$string['ddlunknownerror'] = 'Unknown DDL library error';
$string['ddlxmlfileerror'] = 'XML database file errors found';
$string['destinationcmnotexit'] = 'The destination course module does not exist';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Downloaded file check failed';
$string['duplicateusername'] = 'Duplicate username - skipping record';
$string['duplicateparaminsql'] = 'ERROR: duplicate parameter name in query';
$string['duplicaterolename'] = 'There is already a role with this name!';
$string['duplicateroleshortname'] = 'There is already a role with this short name!';
$string['emailfail'] = 'Emailing failed';
$string['errorcleaningdirectory'] = 'Error cleaning directory \"$a\"';
$string['errorcopyingfiles'] = 'Error copying files';
$string['errorcreatingdirectory'] = 'Error creating directory \"$a\"';
$string['errorcreatingfile'] = 'Error creating file \"$a\"';
$string['erroronline'] = 'Error on line $a';
$string['errorreadingfile'] = 'Error reading file \"$a\"';
$string['errorunzippingfiles'] = 'Error unzipping files';
$string['expiredkey'] = 'Expired key';
$string['failtoloadblocks'] = 'One or more blocks are registered in the database, but they all failed to load!';
$string['fieldrequired'] = '\"$a\" is a required field';
$string['filenotfound'] = 'Sorry, the requested file could not be found';
$string['filemismatch'] = 'Non-core file name mismatch. The file \"$a[0]\" should be {$a[1]}{$a[2]}.php';
$string['filternotinstalled'] = 'Filter $a is not currently installed';
$string['filternotactive'] = 'Filter $a is not currently active';
$string['forumblockingtoomanyposts'] = 'You have exceeded the posting threshold set for this forum';
$string['hackdetected'] = 'Hack attack detected!';
$string['headersent'] = 'Headers already sent';
$string['generalexceptionmessage'] = 'Exception - $a';
$string['gradepubdisable'] = 'Grade publishing disabled';
$string['groupalready'] = 'User already belongs to group $a';
$string['groupexistforcourse'] = 'Group \"$a\" already exists for this course';
$string['groupnotaddederror'] = 'Group \"$a\" not added';
$string['groupunknown'] = 'Group $a not associated to specified course';
$string['guestnocomment'] = 'Guests are not allowed to post comments!';
$string['guestnoeditprofile'] = 'The guest user cannot edit their profile';
$string['guestnorate'] = 'Guests are not allowed to rate entries';
$string['guestnoeditprofileother'] = 'The guest user profile cannot be edited';
$string['invalidaction'] = 'Invalid action parameter';
$string['invalidarguments'] = 'No valid arguments supplied';
$string['invalidargorconf'] = 'No valid arguments supplied or incorrect server configuration';
$string['invalidaccessparameter'] = 'Invalid access parameter';
$string['invalidaccess'] = 'This page was not accessed correctly';
$string['invalidblockinstance'] = 'Invalid block instance for: $a';
$string['invalidcategory'] = 'Incorrect category!';
$string['invalidcategoryid'] = 'Incorrect category id!';
$string['invalidcourse'] = 'Invalid course';
$string['invalidcourseid'] = 'You are trying to use an invalid course ID: ($a)';
$string['invalidcourselevel'] = 'Incorrect context level';
$string['invalidcoursemodule'] = 'Invalid course module ID';
$string['invalidconfirmdata'] = 'Invalid confirmation data';
$string['invalidcontext'] = 'Invalid context';
$string['invalidcomment'] = 'Comment is incorrect';
$string['invaliddata'] = 'Data submitted is invalid';
$string['invalidelementid'] = 'Incorrect element id!';
$string['invalidenrol'] = 'Illegal enrolment attempted';
$string['invalidentry'] = 'This is not valid entry!';
$string['invalidevent'] = 'Invalid event';
$string['invalidcoursenameshort'] = 'Invalid short course name';
$string['invalidevent'] = 'Invalid event';
$string['invalidfieldname'] = '\"$a\" is not a valid field name';
$string['invalidfiletype'] = '\"$a\" is not a valid file type';
$string['invalidformatpara'] = 'Incorrect format for choose parameter';
$string['invalidformdata'] = 'Incorrect Form Data';
$string['invalidfunction'] = 'Incorrect function';
$string['invalidgradeitmeid'] = 'Incorrect grade item id';
$string['invalidgroupid'] = 'Incorrect group id specified';
$string['invaliditemid'] = 'Incorrect item id';
$string['invalidipformat'] = 'Invalid IP address format';
$string['invalidlegacy'] = 'Incorrect legacy role definition for type: $a';
$string['invalidkey'] = 'Incorrect key';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Invalid md5';
$string['invalidmodule'] = 'Invalid module';
$string['invalidmoduleid'] = 'Invalid module ID: $a';
$string['invalidmodulename'] = 'Invalid module name: $a';
$string['invalidnum'] = 'Invalid numeric value';
$string['invalidnumkey'] = '$conditions array may not contain numeric keys, please fix the code!';
$string['invalidoutcome'] = 'Incorrect outcome id';
$string['invalidpagesize'] = 'Invalid page size';
$string['invalidpaymentmethod'] = 'Invalid payment method: $a';
$stirng['invalidqueryparam'] = 'ERROR: Incorrect number of query parameters!!';
$string['invalidrequest'] = 'Invalid request';
$string['invalidrole'] = 'Invalid role';
$string['invalidroleid'] = 'Invalid role ID';
$string['invalidscaleid'] = 'Incorrect scale id';
$string['invalidseeky'] = 'Incorrect sesskey submitted, form not accepted!';
$string['invalidsesskey'] = 'Incorrect sesskey submitted, form not accepted!';
$string['invalidsection'] = 'Course module record contains invalid section';
$string['invalidshortname'] = 'That\'s an invalid short course name';
$string['invalidurl'] = 'Invalid URL';
$string['invaliduser'] = 'Invalid user';
$string['invaliduserid'] = 'Invalid user id';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'The check variable was wrong - try again';
$string['invalidxmlfile'] = '\"$a\" is not a valid XML file';
$string['iplookupfailed'] = 'Cannot find geo information about this IP address $a';
$string['iplookupprivate'] = 'Cannot display lookup of private IP address';
$string['ipmismatch'] = 'Client IP address mismatch';
$string['listnopeers'] = 'No peers of item found';
$string['listnoitem'] = 'Item not found';
$string['listnochildren'] = 'No children of item found';
$string['listupdatefail'] = 'DB operation failed when editing list hierarchy';
$string['listcantmoveup'] = 'Failed to move the item up, as it is the first of it\'s peers';
$string['listcantmovedown'] = 'Failed to move item down, as it is the last of it\'s peers';
$string['listcantmoveleft'] = 'Failed to move item left, as it has no parent';
$string['listcantmoveright'] = 'Failed to move item right, as there is no peer to make it a child of. Move it below another peer and then you can move it right.';
$string['loginasonecourse'] = 'You cannot enter this course.<br /> You have to terminate the \"Login as\" session before entering any other course.';
$string['loginasnoenrol'] = 'You cannot use enrol or unenrol when in course \"Login as\" session';
$string['logfilenotavailable'] = 'Logs not available';
$string['messagingdisable'] = 'Messaging is disabled on this site';
$string['missingfield'] = 'Field \"$a\" is missing';
$string['missingkeyinsql'] = 'ERROR: missing param \"$a\" in query';
$string['missingvarname'] = 'Required variable name is missing!';
$string['missinguseranditemid'] = 'Missing userid and itemid';
$string['missingparam'] = 'A required parameter ($a) was missing';
$string['missingparameter'] = 'Parameter missing';
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Some required field is missing';
$string['mimetexisnotexist'] = 'Your system is not configured to run mimeTeX. You need to download the appropriate executable for you PHP_OS platform from <a href=\"\"></a>, or obtain the C source from <a href=\"\"></a>, compile it and put the executable into your moodle/filter/tex/ directory.';
$string['mimetexnotexecutable'] = 'Custom mimetex is not executable!';
$string['mixedtypesqlparam'] = 'ERROR: Mixed types of sql query parameters!!';
$string['mnetdisable'] = 'MNET is disabled';
$string['mnetlocal'] = 'Remote MNET users cannot login locally';
$string['moduledoesnotexist'] = 'This module does not exist';
$string['moduleinstancedoesnotexist'] = 'The instance of this module does not exist';
$string['moduledisable'] = 'This module ($a) has been disabled for this particular course';
$string['modulemissingcode'] = 'Module $a is missing the code needed to perform this function';
$string['modulerequirementsnotmet'] = 'Module \"$a->modulename\" ($a->moduleversion) could not be installed. It requires a newer version of Moodle (currently you are using $a->currentmoodle, you need $a->requiremoodle).';
$string['mustbeteacher'] = 'You must be a teacher to look at this page';
$string['multiplerestorenotallow'] = 'Multiple restore execution not allowed!';
$string['needphpext'] = 'You need to add $a support to your PHP installation';
$string['needcopy'] = 'You need to copy something first!';
$string['needcoursecategroyid'] = 'Either course id or category must be specified';
$string['noblocks'] = 'No blocks found!';
$string['noformdesc'] = 'No formslib form description file found for this activity.';
$string['nocategorydelete'] = 'Category \'$a\' cannot be deleted!';
$string['nocontext'] = 'Sorry, but that course is not a valid context';
$string['noinstances'] = 'There are no instances of $a in this course!';
$string['noguest'] = 'No guests here!';
$string['nologinas'] = 'You are not allowed to login as that user';
$string['noadmins'] = 'No administrators!';
$string['notlocalisederrormessage'] = '$a';
$string['nousers'] = 'No such user!';
$string['nonmeaningfulcontent'] = 'Non meaningful content';
$string['noparticipatorycms'] = 'Sorry, but you have no participatory course modules to report on';
$string['noparticipants'] = 'No participants found for this course';
$string['nopermissions'] = 'Sorry, but you do not currently have permissions to do that ($a)';
$string['nopermissiontocomment'] = 'You can\'t add comments to this glossary!';
$string['nopermissiontodelentry'] = 'You can\'t delete other people\'s entries!';
$string['nopermissiontoeditcomment'] = 'You can\'t edit other people\'s comments!';
$string['nopermissiontohide'] = 'No permission to hide!';
$string['nopermissiontorate'] = 'Rating of items not allowed!';
$string['nopermissiontoimportact'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to import activities to this course';
$string['nopermissiontolock'] = 'No permission to lock!';
$string['nopermissiontomkdir'] = 'Cannot create folder. The site administrator needs to fix the file permissions';
$string['nopermissiontoshow'] = 'No permission to see this!';
$string['nopermissiontounlock'] = 'No permission to unlock!';
$string['nopermissiontoupdateblock'] = 'No permission to update $a!';
$string['nopermissiontoviewpage'] = 'You are not allowed to look at this page';
$string['nopermissiontoviewletergrade'] = 'Missing permission to view letter grades';
$string['nopermissiontomanagegroup'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to manage groups';
$string['nosite'] = 'No sites';
$string['nositeid'] = 'No site ID';
$string['nofolder'] = 'Requested directory does not exist';
$string['nostatstodisplay'] = 'Sorry, there is no available data to display';
$string['notavailable'] = 'That is not currently available';
$string['notmemberofgroup'] = 'You are not a member of this course group';
$string['notownerofkey'] = 'You are not owner of this key';
$string['onlyadmins'] = 'Only administrators can do that';
$string['onlyeditingteachers'] = 'Only editing teachers can do that';
$string['onlyeditown'] = 'You can only edit your own information';
$string['orderidnotfound'] = 'Order ID $a not found';
$string['pagenotexist'] = 'An unusual error occurred (tried to reach a page that does not exist)';
$string['pathdoesnotstartslash'] = 'No valid arguments supplied, path does not start with slash!';
$string['pleasereport'] = 'If you have time, please let us know what you were trying to do when the error occurred:';
$string['pluginrequirementsnotmet'] = 'Plugin \"$a->pluginname\" ($a->pluginversion) could not be installed. It requires a newer version of Moodle (currently you are using $a->currentmoodle, you need $a->requiremoodle).';
$string['prefixcannotbeempty'] = '<p>Error: database table prefix cannot be empty ($a)</p>
<p>The site administrator must fix this problem.</p>';
$string['prefixtoolong'] = '<p>Error: database table prefix is too long ($a->dbfamily)</p>
<p>The site administrator must fix this problem. Maximum length for table prefixes in $a->dbfamily is $a->maxlength characters.</p>';
$string['processingstops'] = 'Processing stops here. Remaining records ignored.';
$string['refoundtoorigi'] = 'Refunded to original amount: $a';
$string['refoundto'] = 'Can be refunded to $a';
$string['remotedownloaderror'] = 'Download of component to your server failed, please verify proxy settings, PHP cURL extension is highly recommended.<br /><br />You must download the <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> file manually, copy it to \"$a->dest\" in your server and unzip it there.';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Download of components to your server isn\'t allowed (allow_url_fopen is disabled).<br /><br />You must download the <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> file manually, copy it to \"$a->dest\" in your server and unzip it there.';
$string['restricteduser'] = 'Sorry, but your current account \"$a\" is restricted from doing that';
$string['reportnotavailable'] = 'This type of report is only available for the site course';
$string['rpcerror'] = 'RPC enrol/mnet/available_courses: ($a)';
$string['scheduledbackupsdisabled'] = 'Scheduled backups have been disabled by the server admin';
$string['sectionnotexist'] = 'This section does not exist';
$string['secretalreadyused'] = 'Change password confirmation link was already used, password was not changed';
$string['sendmessage'] = 'Send message';
$string['sessioncookiesdisable'] = 'Incorrect use of require_key_login() - session cookies must be disabled!';
$string['sessionerroruser'] = 'Your session has timed out. Please login again.';
$string['sessionerroruser2'] = 'A server error that affects your login session was detected. Please login again or restart your browser.';
$string['sessionipnomatch'] = 'Sorry, but your IP number seems to have changed from when you first logged in. This security feature prevents crackers stealing your identity while logged in to this site. Normal users should not be seeing this message - please ask the site administrator for help.';
$string['socksnotsupported'] = 'SOCKS5 proxy is not supported in PHP4';
$string['spellcheckernotconf'] = 'Spellchecker not configured';
$string['statscatchupmode'] = 'Statistics is currently in catchup mode. So far $a->daysdone day(s) have been processed and $a->dayspending are pending. Check back soon!';
$string['tagnotfound'] = 'The specified tag was not found in the database';
$string['tagdisabled'] = 'Tags are disabled!';
$string['themenotinstall'] = 'This theme is not installed!';
$string['transactionvoid'] = 'Transaction cannot be voided because it has already been voided';
$string['typenotimplement'] = 'TODO: type not implemented';
$string['unicodeupgradeerror'] = 'Sorry, but your database is not already in Unicode, and this version of Moodle is not able to migrate your database to Unicode. Please upgrade to Moodle 1.7.x first and perform the Unicode migration from the Admin page. After that is done you should be able to migrate to Moodle $a';
$string['unspecifycourseid'] = 'Must specify course id, short name or idnumber';
$string['statsdisable'] = 'Stats is not enabled';
$string['statsnodata'] = 'There is no available data for that combination of course and time period';
$string['unenrolerror'] = 'An error occurred while trying to unenrol that person';
$string['unknowaction']= 'Unknown action!';
$string['unknowcategory'] = 'Category not known!';
$string['unknowcontext'] = 'This is an unknown context ($a) in get_child_contexts!';
$string['unknowformat'] = 'Format not known ($a)';
$string['unknowncourse'] = 'Unknown course named \"$a\"';
$string['unknowncourseidnumber'] = 'Unknown Course ID \"$a\"';
$string['unknownhelp'] = 'Unknown help topic $a';
$string['unknowngroup'] = 'Unknown group \"$a\"';
$string['unknownrole'] = 'Unknown role \"$a\"';
$string['unknownuseraction'] = 'Sorry, I do not understand this user action';
$string['unknoworder'] = 'Unknown ordering';
$string['unknowparamtype'] = 'Unknown parameter type: $a';
$string['unknowquestiontype'] = 'Unsupported question type $a';
$string['unknowuploadaction'] = 'Error: Unknown upload action ($a)';
$string['unsupportedevent'] = 'Unsupported event type';
$string['upgraderequires19'] = 'Error: New Moodle version was installed on server, unfortunately upgrade from the previous version is not supported.<br />Please upgrade first to latest 1.9.x release. You can also return to previous version by reinstalling original files.';
$string['urlnotdefinerss'] = 'URL not defined for RSS feed';
$string['userautherror'] = 'Unknown auth plugin';
$string['userauthunsupported'] = 'Auth plugin not supported here';
$string['useremailduplicate'] = 'Duplicate address';
$string['usermustbemnet'] = 'Users in the MNET access control list must be remote MNET users';
$string['usernotaddedadmin'] = 'Cannot delete admin accounts';
$string['usernotaddederror'] = 'User not added - error';
$string['usernotaddedregistered'] = 'User not added - already registered';
$string['usernotavailable'] = 'The details of this user are not available to you';
$string['usernotdeletederror'] = 'User not deleted - error';
$string['usernotdeletedmissing'] = 'User not deleted - could not find the username';
$string['usernotdeletedoff'] = 'User not deleted - deleting not allowed';
$string['usernotincourse'] = 'This user is not in this course!';
$string['usernotrenamedadmin'] = 'Cannot rename admin accounts';
$string['usernotrenamedexists'] = 'User not renamed - the new username is already in use';
$string['usernotrenamedmissing'] = 'User not renamed - could not find the old username';
$string['usernotrenamedoff'] = 'User not renamed - renaming not allowed';
$string['usernotupdatedadmin'] = 'Cannot update admin accounts';
$string['usernotupdatederror'] = 'User not updated - error';
$string['usernotupdatednotexists'] = 'User not updated - does not exist';
$string['updatersserror'] = 'There was an error trying to update RSS feed with id: $a';
$string['upgradeversionfail'] = 'Upgrade of backup system failed! (Could not update version in config table.)';
$string['upgradefail'] = 'Upgrade failed! $a';
$string['younotteacher'] = 'You are not a teacher!';
$string['wrongcall'] = 'This script is called wrongly';
$string['wrongcontextid'] = 'Context ID was incorrect (cannot find it)';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Wrong destination path';
$string['wrongroleid'] = 'Incorrect role ID!';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Wrong source URL base';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Wrong ZIP file name';
$string['xmldberror'] = 'XMLDB error!';