Drag and Drop Release Notes


   * The Dom.util.setXY calculation for the initial placement of the dragged
     element is cached during the drag, enhancing the drag performance.

   * DDProxy no longer enforces having a single proxy element for all instances.
     dragElId can be set in the config object in the constructor.  If the
     element already exists it will use that element, otherwise a new one will
     be created with that id.

   * DDProxy->borderWidth has been removed. The value is calculated on the fly

   * Added DragDrop->clearTicks and DragDrop->clearConstraints

   * All drag and drop constructors now have an additional, optional parameter
     call "config".  It is an object that can contain properties for a
     number of configuration settings.

   * Drag and drop will not be disabled for elements that cannot have their
     location determined.

   * isLegalTarget won't return dd objects that are not targetable.

   * Added DragDrop->removeFromGroup.

   * Constraints are now applied properly when determining which drag and drop
     events should fire.


   * Improved the performance in intersect mode

   * It was possible for the drag and drop initialization to be skipped
     for very slow loading pages.  This was fixed.

   * New methods to exclude regions within your drag and drop element: 
     addInvalidHandleId(), addInvalidHandleClass()

   * Added an onAvailable handler that is executed after the initial state is set.

   * Drag and drop is more forgiving when the implementer attempts to create the
     instance prior to the element being in the document, but after the window
     load event has fired.