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synced 2025-03-11 19:29:51 +01:00
MDL-6805 Fixed redirects in blog; MDL-6807 partially fixed use of capabilitites - it needs more testing and possibly minor fixing, the commit contains other blog bugfixes too. In general it should work exactly the same. The introduction of roles makes proper setup more difficult :-( Expect some more fixes soon, no other bigger changes...
191 lines
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191 lines
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<?php // $Id$
* Definition of blog page type.
define('PAGE_BLOG_VIEW', 'blog-view');
// Blog class derived from moodle's page class
class page_blog extends page_base {
var $editing = false;
var $courserecord = NULL;
var $courseid = NULL;
var $filtertype = NULL;
var $filterselect = NULL;
// Mandatory; should return our identifier.
function get_type() {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/blog/lib.php');
// we have no format type, use 'blog'
//I think it's a bug, but if this is left the default NULL value then pages can
//fail to load completely
function get_format_name() {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/blog/lib.php');
// Do any validation of the officially recognized bits of the data and forward to parent.
// Do NOT load up "expensive" resouces (e.g. SQL data) here!
function init_quick($data) {
if (empty($data->pageid)) {
//if no pageid then the user is viewing a collection of blog entries
$this->id = 0; //set blog id to 0
// Here you should load up all heavy-duty data for your page. Basically everything that
// does not NEED to be loaded for the class to make basic decisions should NOT be loaded
// in init_quick() and instead deferred here. Of course this function had better recognize
// $this->full_init_done to prevent wasteful multiple-time data retrieval.
function init_full() {
if ($this->full_init_done) {
// I need to determine how best to utilize this function. Most init
// is already done before we get here in blogFilter and blogInfo
if ($this->courseid == 0 || $this->courseid == 1 || !is_numeric($this->courseid) ) {
$this->courseid = '';
$courserecord = NULL;
} else {
if (! ($courserecord = get_record('course', 'id', $this->courseid)) ) {
error( 'You are tring to view an invalid course. Id: ('. $this->courseid .')' );
$this->full_init_done = true;
// For this test page, only admins are going to be allowed editing (for simplicity).
function user_allowed_editing() {
if (isloggedin() && !isguest()) {
return true;
return false;
// Also, admins are considered to have "always on" editing (I wanted to avoid duplicating
// the code that turns editing on/off here; you can roll your own or copy course/view.php).
function user_is_editing() {
global $SESSION;
if (isloggedin() && !isguest()) {
$this->editing = !empty($SESSION->blog_editing_enabled);
return $this->editing;
return false;
//over-ride parent method's print_header because blog already passes more than just the title along
function print_header($pageTitle='', $pageHeading='', $pageNavigation='', $pageFocus='', $pageMeta='') {
global $USER;
$extraheader = '';
if (!empty($USER) && !empty($USER->id)) {
$extraheader = $this->get_extra_header_string();
print_header($pageTitle, $pageHeading, $pageNavigation, $pageFocus, $pageMeta, true, $extraheader );
// This should point to the script that displays us
function url_get_path() {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot .'/blog/index.php';
function url_get_parameters() {
$array = array();
if (!$this->full_init_done) {
$array['userid'] = $this->id;
return $array;
if (!empty($this->courseid)) {
$array['courseid'] = $this->courseid;
if (!empty($this->filtertype)) {
$array['filtertype'] = $this->filtertype;
if (!empty($this->filterselect)) {
$array['filterselect'] = $this->filterselect;
return $array;
// Having defined all identifiers we need, here we declare which block positions we are
// going to support.
function blocks_get_positions() {
// When a new block is created in this page, which position should it go to?
function blocks_default_position() {
// When we are creating a new page, use the data at your disposal to provide a textual representation of the
// blocks that are going to get added to this new page. Delimit block names with commas (,) and use double
// colons (:) to delimit between block positions in the page. See blocks_get_positions() for additional info.
function blocks_get_default() {
global $CFG;
// It's a normal blog page
if (!empty($CFG->{'defaultblocks_'. $this->get_type()})) {
$blocknames = $CFG->{'defaultblocks_'. $this->get_type()};
} else {
/// Failsafe - in case nothing was defined.
$blocknames = 'admin,calendar_month,online_users,blog_menu';
return $blocknames;
// And finally, a little block move logic. Given a block's previous position and where
// we want to move it to, return its new position. Pretty self-documenting.
function blocks_move_position(&$instance, $move) {
if ($instance->position == BLOCK_POS_LEFT && $move == BLOCK_MOVE_RIGHT) {
} else if ($instance->position == BLOCK_POS_RIGHT && $move == BLOCK_MOVE_LEFT) {
return $instance->position;
/////////// Blog page specific functions
function get_extra_header_string() {
global $SESSION, $CFG, $USER;
$editformstring = '';
if ($this->user_allowed_editing()) {
if (!empty($SESSION->blog_editing_enabled)) {
$editingString = get_string('turneditingoff');
} else {
$editingString = get_string('turneditingon');
$params = $this->url_get_parameters();
$params['edit'] = empty($SESSION->blog_editing_enabled) ? 1 : 0;
$paramstring = '';
foreach ($params as $key=>$val) {
$paramstring .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.s($val).'" />';
$editformstring = '<form target="'.$CFG->framename.'" method="get" action="'.$this->url_get_path().'">'
.$paramstring.'<input type="submit" value="'.$editingString.'" /></form>';
return $editformstring;