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synced 2025-03-11 11:19:50 +01:00
MDL-6805 Fixed redirects in blog; MDL-6807 partially fixed use of capabilitites - it needs more testing and possibly minor fixing, the commit contains other blog bugfixes too. In general it should work exactly the same. The introduction of roles makes proper setup more difficult :-( Expect some more fixes soon, no other bigger changes...
222 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File
222 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File
<?php //$Id$
/// Sets up blocks and navigation for index.php
require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/blog/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir .'/pagelib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/blog/blogpage.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir .'/blocklib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/course/lib.php');
$blockaction = optional_param('blockaction','', PARAM_ALPHA);
$instanceid = optional_param('instanceid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$blockid = optional_param('blockid', 0, PARAM_INT);
/// If user has never visited this page before, install 2 blocks for him
if (!$course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid)) {
error('The course number was incorrect ('. $courseid .')');
// Bounds for block widths within this page
define('BLOCK_L_MIN_WIDTH', 160);
define('BLOCK_L_MAX_WIDTH', 210);
define('BLOCK_R_MIN_WIDTH', 160);
define('BLOCK_R_MAX_WIDTH', 210);
//_____________ new page class code ________
$pagetype = PAGE_BLOG_VIEW;
$pageclass = 'page_blog';
// map our page identifier to the actual name
// of the class which will be handling its operations.
page_map_class($pagetype, $pageclass);
// Now, create our page object.
if (empty($USER->id)) {
$PAGE = page_create_object($pagetype);
} else {
$PAGE = page_create_object($pagetype, $USER->id);
$PAGE->courseid = $courseid;
$PAGE->filtertype = $filtertype;
$PAGE->filterselect = $filterselect;
$PAGE->init_full(); //init the BlogInfo object and the courserecord object
$editing = false;
if ($PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) {
$editing = $PAGE->user_is_editing();
// Calculate the preferred width for left, right and center (both center positions will use the same)
$preferred_width_left = bounded_number(BLOCK_L_MIN_WIDTH, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_LEFT]),
$preferred_width_right = bounded_number(BLOCK_R_MIN_WIDTH, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_RIGHT]),
// Display the blocks and allow blocklib to handle any block action requested
$pageblocks = blocks_get_by_page($PAGE);
if ($editing) {
if (!empty($blockaction) && confirm_sesskey()) {
if (!empty($blockid)) {
blocks_execute_action($PAGE, $pageblocks, strtolower($blockaction), intval($blockid));
} else if (!empty($instanceid)) {
$instance = blocks_find_instance($instanceid, $pageblocks);
blocks_execute_action($PAGE, $pageblocks, strtolower($blockaction), $instance);
// This re-query could be eliminated by judicious programming in blocks_execute_action(),
// but I'm not sure if it's worth the complexity increase...
$pageblocks = blocks_get_by_page($PAGE);
$missingblocks = blocks_get_missing($PAGE, $pageblocks);
if (!empty($tagid)) {
$taginstance = get_record('tags', 'id', $tagid);
} else {
$tagid = '';
if (!empty($tag)) {
$tagrec = get_record('tags', 'text', $tag);
$tagid = $tagrec->id;
$taginstance = get_record('tags', 'id', $tagid);
/// navigations
/// site blogs - sitefullname -> blogs -> (?tag)
/// course blogs - sitefullname -> course fullname ->blogs ->(?tag)
/// group blogs - sitefullname -> course fullname ->group ->(?tag)
/// user blogs - sitefullname -> (?coursefullname) -> participants -> blogs -> (?tag)
$blogstring = get_string('blogs','blog');
$tagstring = get_string('tag');
// needed also for user tabs later
if (!$course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid)) {
error('Wrong course id');
/// This is very messy atm.
switch ($filtertype) {
case 'site':
if ($tagid || !empty($tag)) {
print_header("$SITE->shortname: $blogstring", $SITE->fullname,
'<a href="index.php?filtertype=site">'. "$blogstring</a> -> $tagstring: $taginstance->text",'','',true,$PAGE->get_extra_header_string());
} else {
print_header("$SITE->shortname: $blogstring", $SITE->fullname,
case 'course':
if ($tagid || !empty($tag)) {
print_header_simple("$course->shortname: $blogstring", $course->fullname,
'<a href="index.php?filtertype=course&filterselect='.$filterselect.'">'. "$blogstring</a> -> $tagstring: $taginstance->text",'','',true,$PAGE->get_extra_header_string());
} else {
print_header_simple("$course->shortname: $blogstring", $course->fullname,
case 'group':
$thisgroup = get_record('groups', 'id', $filterselect);
if ($tagid || !empty($tag)) {
print_header_simple("$course->shortname: $blogstring", $course->fullname,
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/index.php?id='.$course->id.'&group='.$filterselect.'">'.$thisgroup->name.'</a> ->
<a href="index.php?filtertype=group&filterselect='.$filterselect.'">'. "$blogstring</a> -> $tagstring: $taginstance->text",'','',true,$PAGE->get_extra_header_string());
} else {
print_header_simple("$course->shortname: $blogstring", $course->fullname,
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/index.php?id='.$course->id.'&group='.$filterselect.'">'.$thisgroup->name."</a> ->
case 'user':
$participants = get_string('participants');
if (!$user = get_record('user', 'id', $filterselect)) {
error('Wrong user id');
if ($course->id != SITEID) {
if ($tagid || !empty($tag)) {
print_header("$course->shortname: $blogstring", $course->fullname,
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id='.$course->id.'">'.$course->shortname.'</a> ->
<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/index.php?id='.$course->id.'">'.$participants.'</a> ->
<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$filterselect.'&course='.$course->id.'">'.fullname($user).'</a> ->
<a href="index.php?courseid='.$course->id.'&filtertype=user&filterselect='.$filterselect.'">'. "$blogstring</a> -> $tagstring: $taginstance->text",'','',true,$PAGE->get_extra_header_string());
} else {
print_header("$course->shortname: $blogstring", $course->fullname,
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id='.$course->id.'">'.$course->shortname.'</a> ->
<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/index.php?id='.$course->id.'">'.$participants.'</a> ->
<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$filterselect.'&course='.$course->id.'">'.fullname($user).'</a> ->
} else {
//in top view
if ($tagid || !empty($tag)) {
print_header("$SITE->shortname: $blogstring", $SITE->fullname,
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$filterselect.'">'.fullname($user).'</a> ->
<a href="index.php?filtertype=user&filterselect='.$filterselect.'">'. "$blogstring</a> -> $tagstring: $taginstance->text",'','',true,$PAGE->get_extra_header_string());
} else {
print_header("$SITE->shortname: $blogstring", $SITE->fullname,
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$filterselect.'">'.fullname($user).'</a> ->
error ('Error unknown filtertype');
// prints the tabs
if ($filtertype=='user') {
$showroles = true;
} else {
$showroles = false;
$currenttab = 'blogs';
require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/user/tabs.php');
/// Layout the whole page as three big columns.
print '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">' . "\n";
print '<tr valign="top">' . "\n";
/// The left column ...
if (blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT) || $editing) {
print '<td style="vertical-align: top; width: '. $preferred_width_left .'px;">' . "\n";
print '<!-- Begin left side blocks -->' . "\n";
blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT);
print '<!-- End left side blocks -->' . "\n";
print '</td>' . "\n";
/// Start main column
print '<!-- Begin page content -->' . "\n";
print '<td width="*">';
<table width="100%">
<td height="100%" valign="top">