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/* see wiki_document.php for descriptions */
class ForumSearchDocument extends SearchDocument {
public function __construct(&$post, $forum_id, $course_id, $group_id) {
// generic information
$doc->docid = $post['id'];
$doc->title = $post['subject'];
$doc->author = $post['firstname']." ".$post['lastname'];
$doc->contents = $post['message'];
$doc->date = $post['created'];
$doc->url = forum_make_link($post['discussion'], $post['id']);
// module specific information
$data->forum = $forum_id;
$data->discussion = $post['discussion'];
parent::__construct($doc, $data, SEARCH_TYPE_FORUM, $course_id, $group_id);
} //constructor
} //ForumSearchDocument
function forum_make_link($discussion_id, $post_id) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/forum/discuss.php?d='.$discussion_id.'#'.$post_id;
} //forum_make_link
function forum_iterator() {
//no @ = Undefined index: 82 in moodle/lib/datalib.php on line 2671
return @get_all_instances_in_courses("forum", get_courses());
} //forum_iterator
function forum_get_content_for_index(&$forum) {
$documents = array();
if (!$forum) return $documents;
$posts = forum_get_discussions_fast($forum->id);
if (!$posts) return $documents;
while (!$posts->EOF) {
$post = $posts->fields;
if (is_array($post)) {
if (strlen($post['message']) > 0 && ($post['deleted'] != 1)) {
$documents[] = new ForumSearchDocument($post, $forum->id, $forum->course, $post['groupid']);
} //if
if ($children = forum_get_child_posts_fast($post['id'], $forum->id)) {
while (!$children->EOF) {
$child = $children->fields;
if (strlen($child['message']) > 0 && ($child['deleted'] != 1)) {
$documents[] = new ForumSearchDocument($child, $forum->id, $forum->course, $post['groupid']);
} //if
} //foreach
} //if
} //if
} //foreach
return $documents;
} //forum_get_content_for_index
//returns a single forum search document based on a forum_entry id
function forum_single_document($id) {
$posts = get_recordset('forum_posts', 'id', $id);
$post = $posts->fields;
$discussions = get_recordset('forum_discussions', 'id', $post['discussion']);
$discussion = $discussions->fields;
$forums = get_recordset('forum', 'id', $discussion['forum']);
$forum = $forums->fields;
return new ForumSearchDocument($post, $forum['id'], $forum['course'], $post['groupid']);
} //forum_single_document
function forum_delete($info) {
return $info;
} //forum_delete
//returns the var names needed to build a sql query for addition/deletions
function forum_db_names() {
//[primary id], [table name], [time created field name], [time modified field name]
return array('id', 'forum_posts', 'created', 'modified');
} //forum_db_names
//reworked faster version from /mod/forum/lib.php
function forum_get_discussions_fast($forum) {
global $CFG, $USER;
if (!empty($CFG->forum_enabletimedposts)) {
if (!((isadmin() and !empty($CFG->admineditalways)) || isteacher(get_field('forum', 'course', 'id', $forum)))) {
$now = time();
$timelimit = " AND ((d.timestart = 0 OR d.timestart <= '$now') AND (d.timeend = 0 OR d.timeend > '$now')";
if (!empty($USER->id)) {
$timelimit .= " OR d.userid = '$USER->id'";
$timelimit .= ')';
return get_recordset_sql("SELECT p.id, p.subject, p.discussion, p.message,
p.deleted, d.groupid, u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p ON p.discussion = d.id
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user u ON p.userid = u.id
WHERE d.forum = '$forum'
AND p.parent = 0
ORDER BY d.timemodified DESC");
} //forum_get_discussions_fast
//reworked faster version from /mod/forum/lib.php
function forum_get_child_posts_fast($parent, $forumid) {
global $CFG;
return get_recordset_sql("SELECT p.id, p.subject, p.discussion, p.message, p.deleted,
$forumid AS forum, u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p
LEFT JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user u ON p.userid = u.id
WHERE p.parent = '$parent'
ORDER BY p.created ASC");
} //forum_get_child_posts_fast