mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 22:29:12 +01:00
Merge branch 'feature-loaders' into dev
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
* PatternLoader has been modified from the FilesystemLoader.
* FileSytemLoader is (c) 2012 Justin Hileman
* PatternLoader credits:
* Dave Olsen, dmolsen.com
* @coding-stuff for the initial pattern parameter code
* Mustache Template filesystem Loader implementation.
* A FilesystemLoader instance loads Mustache Template source from the filesystem by name:
* $loader = new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader(dirname(__FILE__).'/views');
* $tpl = $loader->load('foo'); // equivalent to `file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/views/foo.mustache');
* This is probably the most useful Mustache Loader implementation. It can be used for partials and normal Templates:
* $m = new Mustache(array(
* 'loader' => new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader(dirname(__FILE__).'/views'),
* 'partials_loader' => new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader(dirname(__FILE__).'/views/partials'),
* ));
class Mustache_Loader_PatternLoader implements Mustache_Loader
private $baseDir;
private $extension = '.mustache';
private $templates = array();
private $patternPaths = array();
* Mustache filesystem Loader constructor.
* Passing an $options array allows overriding certain Loader options during instantiation:
* $options = array(
* // The filename extension used for Mustache templates. Defaults to '.mustache'
* 'extension' => '.ms',
* );
* @throws Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException if $baseDir does not exist.
* @param string $baseDir Base directory containing Mustache template files.
* @param array $options Array of Loader options (default: array())
public function __construct($baseDir, array $options = array())
$this->baseDir = rtrim(realpath($baseDir), '/');
if (!is_dir($this->baseDir)) {
throw new Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException(sprintf('FilesystemLoader baseDir must be a directory: %s', $baseDir));
if (array_key_exists('extension', $options)) {
if (empty($options['extension'])) {
$this->extension = '';
} else {
$this->extension = '.' . ltrim($options['extension'], '.');
if (array_key_exists('patternPaths', $options)) {
$this->patternPaths = $options['patternPaths'];
* Load a Template by name.
* $loader = new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader(dirname(__FILE__).'/views');
* $loader->load('admin/dashboard'); // loads "./views/admin/dashboard.mustache";
* @param string $name
* @return string Mustache Template source
public function load($name)
if (!isset($this->templates[$name])) {
try {
$this->templates[$name] = $this->loadFile($name);
} catch (Exception $e) {
print "The partial, ".$name.", wasn't found so a pattern failed to build.\n";
return (isset($this->templates[$name])) ? $this->templates[$name] : false;
* Helper function for loading a Mustache file by name.
* @throws Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException If a template file is not found.
* @param string $name
* @return string Mustache Template source
protected function loadFile($name)
// get pattern data
list($partialName,$styleModifier,$parameters) = $this->getPartialInfo($name);
// get the real file path for the pattern
$fileName = $this->getFileName($partialName);
//print $fileName."\n";
// throw error if path is not found
if (!file_exists($fileName)) {
throw new Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException($name);
// get the file data
$fileData = file_get_contents($fileName);
// if the pattern name had a style modifier find & replace it
if (count($styleModifier) > 0) {
$fileData = $this->findReplaceParameters($fileData, $styleModifier);
// if the pattern name had parameters find & replace them
if (count($parameters) > 0) {
$fileData = $this->findReplaceParameters($fileData, $parameters);
return $fileData;
* Helper function for getting a Mustache template file name.
* @param {String} the pattern type for the pattern
* @param {String} the pattern sub-type
* @return {Array} an array of rendered partials that match the given path
protected function getFileName($name)
$fileName = "";
// test to see what kind of path was supplied
$posDash = strpos($name,"-");
$posSlash = strpos($name,$dirSep);
if (($posSlash === false) && ($posDash !== false)) {
list($patternType,$pattern) = $this->getPatternInfo($name);
// see if the pattern is an exact match for patternPaths. if not iterate over patternPaths to find a likely match
if (isset($this->patternPaths[$patternType][$pattern])) {
$fileName = $this->baseDir.$dirSep.$this->patternPaths[$patternType][$pattern]["patternSrcPath"];
} else if (isset($this->patternPaths[$patternType])) {
foreach($this->patternPaths[$patternType] as $patternMatchKey=>$patternMatchValue) {
$pos = strpos($patternMatchKey,$pattern);
if ($pos !== false) {
$fileName = $this->baseDir.$dirSep.$patternMatchValue["patternSrcPath"];
} else {
$fileName = $this->baseDir.$dirSep.$name;
if (substr($fileName, 0 - strlen($this->extension)) !== $this->extension) {
$fileName .= $this->extension;
return $fileName;
* Helper function to return the parts of a partial name
* @param {String} the name of the partial
* @return {Array} the pattern type and the name of the pattern
private function getPatternInfo($name)
$patternBits = explode("-",$name);
$i = 1;
$k = 2;
$c = count($patternBits);
$patternType = $patternBits[0];
while (!isset($this->patternPaths[$patternType]) && ($i < $c)) {
$patternType .= "-".$patternBits[$i];
$patternBits = explode("-",$name,$k);
$pattern = $patternBits[count($patternBits)-1];
return array($patternType, $pattern);
* Helper function for finding if a partial name has style modifier or parameters
* @param {String} the pattern name
* @return {Array} an array containing just the partial name, a style modifier, and any parameters
protected function getPartialInfo($partial)
$styleModifier = array();
$parameters = array();
if (strpos($partial, "(") !== false) {
$partialBits = explode("(",$partial,2);
$partial = trim($partialBits[0]);
$parametersString = substr($partialBits[1],0,(strlen($partialBits[1]) - strlen(strrchr($partialBits[1],")"))));
$parameters = $this->parseParameters($parametersString);
if (strpos($partial, ":") !== false) {
$partialBits = explode(":",$partial,2);
$partial = $partialBits[0];
$styleModifier = array("styleModifier" => $partialBits[1]);
return array($partial,$styleModifier,$parameters);
* Helper function to find and replace the given parameters in a particular partial before handing it back to Mustache
* @param {String} the file contents
* @param {Array} an array of paramters to match
* @return {String} the modified file contents
private function findReplaceParameters($fileData, $parameters)
foreach ($parameters as $k => $v) {
if ($v == "true") {
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{\#([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}(.*?){{\/([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/s','$2',$fileData); // {{# asdf }}STUFF{{/ asdf}}
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{\^([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}(.*?){{\/([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/s','',$fileData); // {{^ asdf }}STUFF{{/ asdf}}
} else if ($v == "false") {
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{\^([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}(.*?){{\/([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/s','$2',$fileData); // {{# asdf }}STUFF{{/ asdf}}
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{\#([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}(.*?){{\/([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/s','',$fileData); // {{^ asdf }}STUFF{{/ asdf}}
} else {
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/', $v, $fileData); // {{ asdf }}
return $fileData;
* Helper function to parse the parameters and return them as an array
* @param {String} tbe parameter string
* @return {Array} the keys and values for the parameters
private function parseParameters($string)
$parameters = array();
$betweenSQuotes = false;
$betweenDQuotes = false;
$inKey = true;
$inValue = false;
$char = "";
$buffer = "";
$keyBuffer = "";
$strLength = strlen($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $strLength; $i++) {
$previousChar = $char;
$char = $string[$i];
if ($inKey && !$betweenDQuotes && !$betweenSQuotes && (($char == "\"") || ($char == "'"))) {
// if inKey, a quote, and betweenQuotes is false ignore quote, set betweenQuotes to true and empty buffer to kill spaces
($char == "\"") ? ($betweenDQuotes = true) : ($betweenSQuotes = true);
} else if ($inKey && (($betweenDQuotes && ($char == "\"")) || ($betweenSQuotes && ($char == "'"))) && ($previousChar == "\\")) {
// if inKey, a quote, betweenQuotes is true, and previous character is \ add to buffer
$buffer .= $char;
} else if ($inKey && (($betweenDQuotes && ($char == "\"")) || ($betweenSQuotes && ($char == "'")))) {
// if inKey, a quote, betweenQuotes is true set betweenQuotes to false, save as key buffer, empty buffer set inKey false
$keyBuffer = $buffer;
$buffer = "";
$inKey = false;
$betweenSQuotes = false;
$betweenDQuotes = false;
} else if ($inKey && !$betweenDQuotes && !$betweenSQuotes && ($char == ":")) {
// if inKey, a colon, betweenQuotes is false, save as key buffer, empty buffer, set inKey false set inValue true
$keyBuffer = $buffer;
$buffer = "";
$inKey = false;
$inValue = true;
} else if ($inKey) {
// if inKey add to buffer
$buffer .= $char;
} else if (!$inKey && !$inValue && ($char == ":")) {
// if inKey is false, inValue false, and a colon set inValue true
$inValue = true;
} else if ($inValue && !$betweenDQuotes && !$betweenSQuotes && (($char == "\"") || ($char == "'"))) {
// if inValue, a quote, and betweenQuote is false set betweenQuotes to true and empty buffer to kill spaces
($char == "\"") ? ($betweenDQuotes = true) : ($betweenSQuotes = true);
} else if ($inValue && (($betweenDQuotes && ($char == "\"")) || ($betweenSQuotes && ($char == "'"))) && ($previousChar == "\\")) {
// if inValue, a quote, betweenQuotes is true, and previous character is \ add to buffer
$buffer .= $char;
} else if ($inValue && (($betweenDQuotes && ($char == "\"")) || ($betweenSQuotes && ($char == "'")))) {
// if inValue, a quote, betweenQuotes is true set betweenQuotes to false, save to parameters array, empty buffer, set inValue false
$buffer = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$buffer);
$buffer = str_replace('\\\'','\'',$buffer);
$parameters[trim($keyBuffer)] = trim($buffer);
$buffer = "";
$inValue = false;
$betweenSQuotes = false;
$betweenDQuotes = false;
} else if ($inValue && !$betweenDQuotes && !$betweenSQuotes && ($char == ",")) {
// if inValue, a comman, betweenQuotes is false, save to parameters array, empty buffer, set inValue false, set inKey true
$parameters[trim($keyBuffer)] = trim($buffer);
$buffer = "";
$inValue = false;
$inKey = true;
} else if ($inValue && (($i + 1) == $strLength)) {
// if inValue and end of the string add to buffer, save to parameters array
$buffer .= $char;
$parameters[trim($keyBuffer)] = trim($buffer);
} else if ($inValue) {
// if inValue add to buffer
$buffer .= $char;
} else if (!$inValue && !$inKey && ($char == ",")) {
// if inValue is false, inKey false, and a comma set inKey true
$inKey = true;
return $parameters;
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
namespace PatternLab;
use \Mustache_Engine as Engine;
use \Mustache_Loader_PatternLoader as PatternLoader;
use \Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader as FilesystemLoader;
class Builder {
@ -80,9 +76,9 @@ class Builder {
* @return {Object} an instance of the Mustache engine
protected function loadMustachePatternLoaderInstance() {
$this->mpl = new Engine(array(
"loader" => new PatternLoader(__DIR__.$this->sp,array("patternPaths" => $this->patternPaths)),
"partials_loader" => new PatternLoader(__DIR__.$this->sp,array("patternPaths" => $this->patternPaths))
$this->mpl = new \Mustache_Engine(array(
"loader" => new PatternLoaders\Mustache(__DIR__.$this->sp,array("patternPaths" => $this->patternPaths)),
"partials_loader" => new PatternLoaders\Mustache(__DIR__.$this->sp,array("patternPaths" => $this->patternPaths))
@ -92,9 +88,9 @@ class Builder {
* @return {Object} an instance of the Mustache engine
protected function loadMustacheFileSystemLoaderInstance() {
$this->mfs = new Engine(array(
"loader" => new FilesystemLoader(__DIR__."/../../templates/"),
"partials_loader" => new FilesystemLoader(__DIR__."/../../templates/partials/")
$this->mfs = new \Mustache_Engine(array(
"loader" => new \Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader(__DIR__."/../../templates/"),
"partials_loader" => new \Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader(__DIR__."/../../templates/partials/")
@ -104,7 +100,7 @@ class Builder {
* @return {Object} an instance of the Mustache engine
protected function loadMustacheVanillaInstance() {
$this->mv = new Engine;
$this->mv = new \Mustache_Engine;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
* Pattern Lab Builder Class - v0.7.12
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Dave Olsen, http://dmolsen.com
* Licensed under the MIT license
* Does the vast majority of heavy lifting for the Generator and Watch classes
namespace PatternLab;
class PatternLoader {
private $extension = '.mustache';
private $patternPaths = array();
* Set-up the pattern paths var
public function __construct($patternPaths) {
$this->patternPaths = $patternPaths;
* Helper function to return the pattern file name
* @param {String} the name of the pattern
* @return {String} the file path to the pattern
public function getPatternFileName($name) {
$patternFileName = "";
list($patternType,$pattern) = $this->getPatternInfo($name);
// see if the pattern is an exact match for patternPaths. if not iterate over patternPaths to find a likely match
if (isset($this->patternPaths[$patternType][$pattern])) {
$patternFileName = $this->patternPaths[$patternType][$pattern]["patternSrcPath"];
} else if (isset($this->patternPaths[$patternType])) {
foreach($this->patternPaths[$patternType] as $patternMatchKey=>$patternMatchValue) {
$pos = strpos($patternMatchKey,$pattern);
if ($pos !== false) {
$patternFileName = $patternMatchValue["patternSrcPath"];
return $patternFileName;
* Helper function to return the parts of a partial name
* @param {String} the name of the partial
* @return {Array} the pattern type and the name of the pattern
public function getPatternInfo($name) {
$patternBits = explode("-",$name);
$i = 1;
$k = 2;
$c = count($patternBits);
$patternType = $patternBits[0];
while (!isset($this->patternPaths[$patternType]) && ($i < $c)) {
$patternType .= "-".$patternBits[$i];
$patternBits = explode("-",$name,$k);
$pattern = $patternBits[count($patternBits)-1];
return array($patternType, $pattern);
* Helper function for finding if a partial name has style modifier or parameters
* @param {String} the pattern name
* @return {Array} an array containing just the partial name, a style modifier, and any parameters
public function getPartialInfo($partial) {
$styleModifier = array();
$parameters = array();
if (strpos($partial, "(") !== false) {
$partialBits = explode("(",$partial,2);
$partial = trim($partialBits[0]);
$parametersString = substr($partialBits[1],0,(strlen($partialBits[1]) - strlen(strrchr($partialBits[1],")"))));
$parameters = $this->parseParameters($parametersString);
if (strpos($partial, ":") !== false) {
$partialBits = explode(":",$partial,2);
$partial = $partialBits[0];
$styleModifier = array("styleModifier" => $partialBits[1]);
return array($partial,$styleModifier,$parameters);
* Helper function to find and replace the given parameters in a particular partial before handing it back to Mustache
* @param {String} the file contents
* @param {Array} an array of paramters to match
* @return {String} the modified file contents
public function findReplaceParameters($fileData, $parameters) {
foreach ($parameters as $k => $v) {
if ($v == "true") {
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{\#([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}(.*?){{\/([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/s','$2',$fileData); // {{# asdf }}STUFF{{/ asdf}}
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{\^([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}(.*?){{\/([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/s','',$fileData); // {{^ asdf }}STUFF{{/ asdf}}
} else if ($v == "false") {
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{\^([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}(.*?){{\/([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/s','$2',$fileData); // {{# asdf }}STUFF{{/ asdf}}
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{\#([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}(.*?){{\/([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/s','',$fileData); // {{^ asdf }}STUFF{{/ asdf}}
} else {
$fileData = preg_replace('/{{([\s]*'.$k .'[\s]*)}}/', $v, $fileData); // {{ asdf }}
return $fileData;
* Helper function to parse the parameters and return them as an array
* @param {String} the parameter string
* @return {Array} the keys and values for the parameters
private function parseParameters($string) {
$parameters = array();
$betweenSQuotes = false;
$betweenDQuotes = false;
$inKey = true;
$inValue = false;
$char = "";
$buffer = "";
$keyBuffer = "";
$strLength = strlen($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $strLength; $i++) {
$previousChar = $char;
$char = $string[$i];
if ($inKey && !$betweenDQuotes && !$betweenSQuotes && (($char == "\"") || ($char == "'"))) {
// if inKey, a quote, and betweenQuotes is false ignore quote, set betweenQuotes to true and empty buffer to kill spaces
($char == "\"") ? ($betweenDQuotes = true) : ($betweenSQuotes = true);
} else if ($inKey && (($betweenDQuotes && ($char == "\"")) || ($betweenSQuotes && ($char == "'"))) && ($previousChar == "\\")) {
// if inKey, a quote, betweenQuotes is true, and previous character is \ add to buffer
$buffer .= $char;
} else if ($inKey && (($betweenDQuotes && ($char == "\"")) || ($betweenSQuotes && ($char == "'")))) {
// if inKey, a quote, betweenQuotes is true set betweenQuotes to false, save as key buffer, empty buffer set inKey false
$keyBuffer = $buffer;
$buffer = "";
$inKey = false;
$betweenSQuotes = false;
$betweenDQuotes = false;
} else if ($inKey && !$betweenDQuotes && !$betweenSQuotes && ($char == ":")) {
// if inKey, a colon, betweenQuotes is false, save as key buffer, empty buffer, set inKey false set inValue true
$keyBuffer = $buffer;
$buffer = "";
$inKey = false;
$inValue = true;
} else if ($inKey) {
// if inKey add to buffer
$buffer .= $char;
} else if (!$inKey && !$inValue && ($char == ":")) {
// if inKey is false, inValue false, and a colon set inValue true
$inValue = true;
} else if ($inValue && !$betweenDQuotes && !$betweenSQuotes && (($char == "\"") || ($char == "'"))) {
// if inValue, a quote, and betweenQuote is false set betweenQuotes to true and empty buffer to kill spaces
($char == "\"") ? ($betweenDQuotes = true) : ($betweenSQuotes = true);
} else if ($inValue && (($betweenDQuotes && ($char == "\"")) || ($betweenSQuotes && ($char == "'"))) && ($previousChar == "\\")) {
// if inValue, a quote, betweenQuotes is true, and previous character is \ add to buffer
$buffer .= $char;
} else if ($inValue && (($betweenDQuotes && ($char == "\"")) || ($betweenSQuotes && ($char == "'")))) {
// if inValue, a quote, betweenQuotes is true set betweenQuotes to false, save to parameters array, empty buffer, set inValue false
$buffer = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$buffer);
$buffer = str_replace('\\\'','\'',$buffer);
$parameters[trim($keyBuffer)] = trim($buffer);
$buffer = "";
$inValue = false;
$betweenSQuotes = false;
$betweenDQuotes = false;
} else if ($inValue && !$betweenDQuotes && !$betweenSQuotes && ($char == ",")) {
// if inValue, a comman, betweenQuotes is false, save to parameters array, empty buffer, set inValue false, set inKey true
$parameters[trim($keyBuffer)] = trim($buffer);
$buffer = "";
$inValue = false;
$inKey = true;
} else if ($inValue && (($i + 1) == $strLength)) {
// if inValue and end of the string add to buffer, save to parameters array
$buffer .= $char;
$parameters[trim($keyBuffer)] = trim($buffer);
} else if ($inValue) {
// if inValue add to buffer
$buffer .= $char;
} else if (!$inValue && !$inKey && ($char == ",")) {
// if inValue is false, inKey false, and a comma set inKey true
$inKey = true;
return $parameters;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* Mustache Pattern Loader Class - v0.7.12
* Copyright (c) 2014 Dave Olsen, http://dmolsen.com
* Licensed under the MIT license
* The Mustache Pattern Loader has been modified from the FilesystemLoader
* in Justin Hileman's implementation of Mustache
namespace PatternLab\PatternLoaders;
class Mustache implements \Mustache_Loader {
private $baseDir;
private $extension = '.mustache';
private $templates = array();
private $patternPaths = array();
* Mustache filesystem Loader constructor.
* Passing an $options array allows overriding certain Loader options during instantiation:
* $options = array(
* // The filename extension used for Mustache templates. Defaults to '.mustache'
* 'extension' => '.ms',
* );
* @throws Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException if $baseDir does not exist.
* @param string $baseDir Base directory containing Mustache template files.
* @param array $options Array of Loader options (default: array())
public function __construct($baseDir, array $options = array()) {
$this->baseDir = rtrim(realpath($baseDir), '/');
if (!is_dir($this->baseDir)) {
throw new \Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException(sprintf('FilesystemLoader baseDir must be a directory: %s', $baseDir));
if (array_key_exists('extension', $options)) {
if (empty($options['extension'])) {
$this->extension = '';
} else {
$this->extension = '.' . ltrim($options['extension'], '.');
if (array_key_exists('patternPaths', $options)) {
$this->patternPaths = $options['patternPaths'];
$this->patternLoader = new \PatternLab\PatternLoader($this->patternPaths);
* Load a Template by name.
* $loader = new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader(dirname(__FILE__).'/views');
* $loader->load('admin/dashboard'); // loads "./views/admin/dashboard.mustache";
* @param string $name
* @return string Mustache Template source
public function load($name) {
if (!isset($this->templates[$name])) {
try {
$this->templates[$name] = $this->loadFile($name);
} catch (Exception $e) {
print "The partial, ".$name.", wasn't found so a pattern failed to build.\n";
return (isset($this->templates[$name])) ? $this->templates[$name] : false;
* Helper function for loading a Mustache file by name.
* @throws Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException If a template file is not found.
* @param string $name
* @return string Mustache Template source
protected function loadFile($name) {
// get pattern data
list($partialName,$styleModifier,$parameters) = $this->patternLoader->getPartialInfo($name);
// get the real file path for the pattern
$fileName = $this->getFileName($partialName);
// throw error if path is not found
if (!file_exists($fileName)) {
throw new \Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException($name);
// get the file data
$fileData = file_get_contents($fileName);
// if the pattern name had a style modifier find & replace it
if (count($styleModifier) > 0) {
$fileData = $this->patternLoader->findReplaceParameters($fileData, $styleModifier);
// if the pattern name had parameters find & replace them
if (count($parameters) > 0) {
$fileData = $this->patternLoader->findReplaceParameters($fileData, $parameters);
return $fileData;
* Helper function for getting a Mustache template file name.
* @param {String} the pattern type for the pattern
* @param {String} the pattern sub-type
* @return {Array} an array of rendered partials that match the given path
protected function getFileName($name) {
// defaults
$fileName = "";
// test to see what kind of path was supplied
$posDash = strpos($name,"-");
$posSlash = strpos($name,$dirSep);
if (($posSlash === false) && ($posDash !== false)) {
$fileName = $this->baseDir.$dirSep.$this->patternLoader->getPatternFileName($name);
} else {
$fileName = $this->baseDir.$dirSep.$name;
if (substr($fileName, 0 - strlen($this->extension)) !== $this->extension) {
$fileName .= $this->extension;
return $fileName;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user