mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 06:08:23 +01:00
removing unnecessary styleguide files
This commit is contained in:
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* okaidia theme for JavaScript, CSS and HTML
* Loosely based on Monokai textmate theme by http://www.monokai.nl/
* @author ocodia
pre[class*="language-"] {
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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
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Binary file not shown.
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will hold the auto-generated styleguide.html
Binary file not shown.
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* Annotations Support for Patterns - v0.3
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Dave Olsen, http://dmolsen.com
* Licensed under the MIT license
var annotationsPattern = {
commentsOverlayActive: false,
commentsOverlay: false,
commentsEmbeddedActive: false,
commentsEmbedded: false,
commentsGathered: { "commentOverlay": "on", "comments": { } },
trackedElements: [ ],
targetOrigin: (window.location.protocol == "file:") ? "*" : window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host,
* record which annotations are related to this pattern so they can be sent to the viewer when called
gatherComments: function() {
// make sure this only added when we're on a pattern specific view
if (document.getElementById("sg-patterns") === null) {
var count = 0;
for (comment in comments.comments) {
var item = comments.comments[comment];
var els = document.querySelectorAll(item.el);
if (els.length > 0) {
item.displaynumber = count;
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; ++i) {
els[i].onclick = (function(item) {
return function(e) {
if (annotationsPattern.commentsOverlayActive) {
// if an element was clicked on while the overlay was already on swap it
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "displaynumber": item.displaynumber, "el": item.el, "title": item.title, "comment": item.comment });
} else {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "commentOverlay": "off" });
* embed a comment by building the sg-annotations div (if necessary) and building an sg-annotation div
* @param {Object} element to check the parent node of
* @param {String} the title of the comment
* @param {String} the comment HTML
embedComments: function (el,title,comment) {
// build the annotation div and add the content to it
var annotationDiv = document.createElement("div");
var h3 = document.createElement("h3");
var p = document.createElement("p");
h3.innerHTML = title;
p.innerHTML = comment;
// find the parent element to attach things to
var parentEl = annotationsPattern.findParent(el);
// see if a child with the class annotations exists
var els = parentEl.getElementsByClassName("sg-annotations");
if (els.length > 0) {
} else {
var annotationsDiv = document.createElement("div");
* recursively find the parent of an element to see if it contains the sg-pattern class
* @param {Object} element to check the parent node of
findParent: function(el) {
var parentEl;
if (el.classList.contains("sg-pattern")) {
return el;
} else if (el.parentNode.classList.contains("sg-pattern")) {
return el.parentNode;
} else {
parentEl = annotationsPattern.findParent(el.parentNode);
return parentEl;
* toggle the annotation feature on/off
* based on the great MDN docs at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window.postMessage
* @param {Object} event info
receiveIframeMessage: function(event) {
var data = (typeof event.data !== "string") ? event.data : JSON.parse(event.data);
// does the origin sending the message match the current host? if not dev/null the request
if ((window.location.protocol != "file:") && (event.origin !== window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host)) {
if ((data.resize !== undefined) && (annotationsPattern.commentsOverlayActive)) {
for (var i = 0; i < annotationsPattern.trackedElements.length; ++i) {
var el = annotationsPattern.trackedElements[i];
if (window.getComputedStyle(el.element,null).getPropertyValue("max-height") == "0px") {
el.element.firstChild.style.display = "none";
var obj = JSON.stringify({"annotationState": false, "displayNumber": el.displayNumber });
} else {
el.element.firstChild.style.display = "block";
var obj = JSON.stringify({"annotationState": true, "displayNumber": el.displayNumber });
} else if (data.commentToggle !== undefined) {
var i, els, item, displayNum;
// if this is an overlay make sure it's active for the onclick event
annotationsPattern.commentsOverlayActive = false;
annotationsPattern.commentsEmbeddedActive = false;
// see which flag to toggle based on if this is a styleguide or view-all page
if ((data.commentToggle === "on") && (document.getElementById("sg-patterns") !== null)) {
annotationsPattern.commentsEmbeddedActive = true;
} else if (data.commentToggle === "on") {
annotationsPattern.commentsOverlayActive = true;
// if comments overlay is turned off make sure to remove the has-annotation class and pointer
if (!annotationsPattern.commentsOverlayActive) {
els = document.querySelectorAll(".has-annotation");
for (i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
els = document.querySelectorAll(".annotation-tip");
for (i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
els[i].style.display = "none";
// if comments embedding is turned off make sure to hide the annotations div
if (!annotationsPattern.commentsEmbeddedActive) {
els = document.getElementsByClassName("sg-annotations");
for (i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
els[i].style.display = "none";
// if comments overlay is turned on add the has-annotation class and pointer
if (annotationsPattern.commentsOverlayActive) {
var count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < comments.comments.length; i++) {
item = comments.comments[i];
els = document.querySelectorAll(item.el);
var state = true;
if (els.length) {
//Loop through all items with annotations
for (k = 0; k < els.length; k++) {
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerHTML = count;
if (window.getComputedStyle(els[k],null).getPropertyValue("max-height") == "0px") {
span.style.display = "none";
state = false;
annotationsPattern.trackedElements.push({ "itemel": item.el, "element": els[k], "displayNumber": count, "state": state });
// count elements so it can be used when displaying the results in the viewer
var count = 0;
// iterate over the comments in annotations.js
for(i = 0; i < comments.comments.length; i++) {
var state = true;
var item = comments.comments[i];
var els = document.querySelectorAll(item.el);
// if an element is found in the given pattern add it to the overall object so it can be passed when the overlay is turned on
if (els.length > 0) {
for (k = 0; k < els.length; k++) {
if (window.getComputedStyle(els[k],null).getPropertyValue("max-height") == "0px") {
state = false;
annotationsPattern.commentsGathered.comments[count] = { "el": item.el, "title": item.title, "comment": item.comment, "number": count, "state": state };
// send the list of annotations for the page back to the parent
var obj = JSON.stringify(annotationsPattern.commentsGathered);
} else if (annotationsPattern.commentsEmbeddedActive && !annotationsPattern.commentsEmbedded) {
// if comment embedding is turned on and comments haven't been embedded yet do it
for (i = 0; i < comments.comments.length; i++) {
item = comments.comments[i];
els = document.querySelectorAll(item.el);
if (els.length > 0) {
annotationsPattern.embedComments(els[0],item.title,item.comment); //Embed the comment
annotationsPattern.commentsEmbedded = true;
} else if (annotationsPattern.commentsEmbeddedActive && annotationsPattern.commentsEmbedded) {
// if comment embedding is turned on and comments have been embedded simply display them
els = document.getElementsByClassName("sg-annotations");
for (i = 0; i < els.length; ++i) {
els[i].style.display = "block";
// add the onclick handlers to the elements that have an annotations
window.addEventListener("message", annotationsPattern.receiveIframeMessage, false);
// before unloading the iframe make sure any active overlay is turned off/closed
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "commentOverlay": "off" });
// tell the parent iframe that keys were pressed
// toggle the annotations panel
jwerty.key('ctrl+shift+a', function (e) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "keyPress": "ctrl+shift+a" });
return false;
// close the annotations panel if using escape
jwerty.key('esc', function (e) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "keyPress": "esc" });
return false;
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
* Code View Support for Patterns - v0.3
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Dave Olsen, http://dmolsen.com
* Licensed under the MIT license
var codePattern = {
codeOverlayActive: false,
codeEmbeddedActive: false,
targetOrigin: (window.location.protocol === "file:") ? "*" : window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host,
* toggle the annotation feature on/off
* based on the great MDN docs at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window.postMessage
* @param {Object} event info
receiveIframeMessage: function(event) {
var data = (typeof event.data !== "string") ? event.data : JSON.parse(event.data);
// does the origin sending the message match the current host? if not dev/null the request
if ((window.location.protocol != "file:") && (event.origin !== window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host)) {
if (data.codeToggle !== undefined) {
var els, i;
// if this is an overlay make sure it's active for the onclick event
codePattern.codeOverlayActive = false;
codePattern.codeEmbeddedActive = false;
// see which flag to toggle based on if this is a styleguide or view-all page
if ((data.codeToggle == "on") && (document.getElementById("sg-patterns") !== null)) {
codePattern.codeEmbeddedActive = true;
} else if (data.codeToggle == "on") {
codePattern.codeOverlayActive = true;
// if comments embedding is turned off make sure to hide the annotations div
if (!codePattern.codeEmbeddedActive && (document.getElementById("sg-patterns") !== null)) {
els = document.getElementsByClassName("sg-code");
for (i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
els[i].style.display = "none";
// if comments overlay is turned on add the has-comment class and pointer
if (codePattern.codeOverlayActive) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "codeOverlay": "on", "lineage": lineage, "lineageR": lineageR, "patternPartial": patternPartial, "patternState": patternState, "cssEnabled": cssEnabled });
} else if (codePattern.codeEmbeddedActive) {
// if code embedding is turned on simply display them
els = document.getElementsByClassName("sg-code");
for (i = 0; i < els.length; ++i) {
els[i].style.display = "block";
// add the onclick handlers to the elements that have an annotations
window.addEventListener("message", codePattern.receiveIframeMessage, false);
// before unloading the iframe make sure any active overlay is turned off/closed
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "codeOverlay": "off" });
// tell the parent iframe that keys were pressed
// toggle the code panel
jwerty.key('ctrl+shift+c', function (e) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "keyPress": "ctrl+shift+c" });
return false;
// when the code panel is open hijack cmd+a so that it only selects the code view
jwerty.key('cmd+a/ctrl+a', function (e) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "keyPress": "cmd+a" });
return false;
// open the mustache panel
jwerty.key('ctrl+shift+u', function (e) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "keyPress": "ctrl+shift+u" });
return false;
// open the html panel
jwerty.key('ctrl+shift+h', function (e) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "keyPress": "ctrl+shift+h" });
return false;
// close the code panel if using escape
jwerty.key('esc', function (e) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "keyPress": "esc" });
return false;
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
* jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.3
* https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie
* Copyright 2011, Klaus Hartl
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0
(function ($, document, undefined) {
var pluses = /\+/g;
function raw(s) {
return s;
function decoded(s) {
return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' '));
var config = $.cookie = function (key, value, options) {
// write
if (value !== undefined) {
options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options);
if (value === null) {
options.expires = -1;
if (typeof options.expires === 'number') {
var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date();
t.setDate(t.getDate() + days);
value = config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value);
return (document.cookie = [
encodeURIComponent(key), '=', config.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value),
options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '',
options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '',
options.secure ? '; secure' : ''
// read
var decode = config.raw ? raw : decoded;
var cookies = document.cookie.split('; ');
for (var i = 0, l = cookies.length; i < l; i++) {
var parts = cookies[i].split('=');
if (decode(parts.shift()) === key) {
var cookie = decode(parts.join('='));
return config.json ? JSON.parse(cookie) : cookie;
return null;
config.defaults = {};
$.removeCookie = function (key, options) {
if ($.cookie(key) !== null) {
$.cookie(key, null, options);
return true;
return false;
})(jQuery, document);
* Data Saver - v0.1
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Dave Olsen, http://dmolsen.com
* Licensed under the MIT license
var DataSaver = {
// the name of the cookie to store the data in
cookieName: "patternlab",
* Add a given value to the cookie
* @param {String} the name of the key
* @param {String} the value
addValue: function (name,val) {
var cookieVal = $.cookie(this.cookieName);
cookieVal = ((cookieVal === null) || (cookieVal === "")) ? name+"~"+val : cookieVal+"|"+name+"~"+val;
* Update a value found in the cookie. If the key doesn't exist add the value
* @param {String} the name of the key
* @param {String} the value
updateValue: function (name,val) {
if (this.findValue(name)) {
var updateCookieVals = "";
var cookieVals = $.cookie(this.cookieName).split("|");
for (var i = 0; i < cookieVals.length; i++) {
var fieldVals = cookieVals[i].split("~");
if (fieldVals[0] == name) {
fieldVals[1] = val;
updateCookieVals += (i > 0) ? "|"+fieldVals[0]+"~"+fieldVals[1] : fieldVals[0]+"~"+fieldVals[1];
} else {
* Remove the given key
* @param {String} the name of the key
removeValue: function (name) {
var updateCookieVals = "";
var cookieVals = $.cookie(this.cookieName).split("|");
var k = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < cookieVals.length; i++) {
var fieldVals = cookieVals[i].split("~");
if (fieldVals[0] != name) {
updateCookieVals += (k === 0) ? fieldVals[0]+"~"+fieldVals[1] : "|"+fieldVals[0]+"~"+fieldVals[1];
* Find the value using the given key
* @param {String} the name of the key
* @return {String} the value of the key or false if the value isn't found
findValue: function (name) {
if ($.cookie(this.cookieName)) {
var cookieVals = $.cookie(this.cookieName).split("|");
for (var i = 0; i < cookieVals.length; i++) {
var fieldVals = cookieVals[i].split("~");
if (fieldVals[0] == name) {
return fieldVals[1];
return false;
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
* Pattern Finder
* Copyright (c) 2014 Dave Olsen, http://dmolsen.com
* Licensed under the MIT license
var patternFinder = {
data: [],
active: false,
init: function() {
for (var patternType in patternPaths) {
if (patternPaths.hasOwnProperty(patternType)) {
for (var pattern in patternPaths[patternType]) {
var obj = {};
obj.patternPartial = patternType+"-"+pattern;
obj.patternPath = patternPaths[patternType][pattern];
// instantiate the bloodhound suggestion engine
var patterns = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: function(d) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.nonword(d.patternPartial); },
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.nonword,
limit: 10,
local: this.data
// initialize the bloodhound suggestion engine
$('#sg-find .typeahead').typeahead({ highlight: true }, {
displayKey: 'patternPartial',
source: patterns.ttAdapter()
}).on('typeahead:selected', patternFinder.onAutocompleted).on('typeahead:autocompleted', patternFinder.onSelected);
passPath: function(item) {
// update the iframe via the history api handler
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "path": urlHandler.getFileName(item.patternPartial) });
document.getElementById("sg-viewport").contentWindow.postMessage(obj, urlHandler.targetOrigin);
onSelected: function(e,item) {
onAutocompleted: function(e,item) {
toggleFinder: function() {
if (!patternFinder.active) {
} else {
openFinder: function() {
patternFinder.active = true;
$('#sg-find .typeahead').val("");
$('#sg-find .typeahead').focus();
closeFinder: function() {
patternFinder.active = false;
$('.sg-acc-handle, .sg-acc-panel').removeClass('active');
$('#sg-find .typeahead').val("");
receiveIframeMessage: function(event) {
var data = (typeof event.data !== "string") ? event.data : JSON.parse(event.data);
// does the origin sending the message match the current host? if not dev/null the request
if ((window.location.protocol !== "file:") && (event.origin !== window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host)) {
if (data.keyPress !== undefined) {
if (data.keyPress == 'ctrl+shift+f') {
return false;
window.addEventListener("message", patternFinder.receiveIframeMessage, false);
$('#sg-find .typeahead').focus(function() {
if (!patternFinder.active) {
$('#sg-find .typeahead').blur(function() {
// jwerty stuff
// toggle the annotations panel
jwerty.key('ctrl+shift+f', function (e) {
$('.sg-find .sg-acc-handle, .sg-find .sg-acc-panel').addClass('active');
return false;
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
* Basic postMessage Support - v0.1
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Dave Olsen, http://dmolsen.com
* Licensed under the MIT license
* Handles the postMessage stuff in the pattern, view-all, and style guide templates.
// alert the iframe parent that the pattern has loaded assuming this view was loaded in an iframe
if (self != top) {
// handle the options that could be sent to the parent window
// - all get path
// - pattern & view all get a pattern partial, styleguide gets all
// - pattern shares lineage
var path = window.location.toString();
var parts = path.split("?");
var options = { "path": parts[0] };
options.patternpartial = (patternPartial !== "") ? patternPartial : "all";
if (lineage !== "") {
options.lineage = lineage;
var targetOrigin = (window.location.protocol == "file:") ? "*" : window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host;
parent.postMessage(options, targetOrigin);
// find all links and add an onclick handler for replacing the iframe address so the history works
var aTags = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0; i < aTags.length; i++) {
aTags[i].onclick = function(e) {
var href = this.getAttribute("href");
if (href != "#") {
// bind the keyboard shortcuts for various viewport resizings + pattern search
var keys = [ "s", "m", "l", "d", "h", "f" ];
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
jwerty.key('ctrl+shift+'+keys[i], function (k,t) {
return function(e) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "keyPress": "ctrl+shift+"+k });
return false;
// bind the keyboard shortcuts for mqs
var i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
jwerty.key('ctrl+shift+'+i, function (k,t) {
return function(e) {
var targetOrigin = (window.location.protocol == "file:") ? "*" : window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host;
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "keyPress": "ctrl+shift+"+k });
return false;
// if there are clicks on the iframe make sure the nav in the iframe parent closes
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body');
body[0].onclick = function() {
var targetOrigin = (window.location.protocol == "file:") ? "*" : window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host;
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "bodyclick": "bodyclick" });
// watch the iframe source so that it can be sent back to everyone else.
function receiveIframeMessage(event) {
var path;
var data = (typeof event.data !== "string") ? event.data : JSON.parse(event.data);
// does the origin sending the message match the current host? if not dev/null the request
if ((window.location.protocol != "file:") && (event.origin !== window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host)) {
// see if it got a path to replace
if (data.path !== undefined) {
if (patternPartial !== "") {
// handle patterns and the view all page
var re = /patterns\/(.*)$/;
path = window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+window.location.pathname.replace(re,'')+data.path+'?'+Date.now();
} else {
// handle the style guide
path = window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+window.location.pathname.replace("styleguide\/html\/styleguide.html","")+data.path+'?'+Date.now();
} else if (data.reload !== undefined) {
// reload the location if there was a message to do so
window.addEventListener("message", receiveIframeMessage, false);
@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
* URL Handler - v0.1
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Dave Olsen, http://dmolsen.com
* Licensed under the MIT license
* Helps handle the initial iFrame source. Parses a string to see if it matches
* an expected pattern in Pattern Lab. Supports Pattern Labs fuzzy pattern partial
* matching style.
var urlHandler = {
// set-up some default vars
skipBack: false,
targetOrigin: (window.location.protocol == "file:") ? "*" : window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host,
* get the real file name for a given pattern name
* @param {String} the shorthand partials syntax for a given pattern
* @return {String} the real file path
getFileName: function (name) {
var baseDir = "patterns";
var fileName = "";
if (name === undefined) {
return fileName;
if (name == "all") {
return "styleguide/html/styleguide.html";
var paths = (name.indexOf("viewall-") != -1) ? viewAllPaths : patternPaths;
var nameClean = name.replace("viewall-","");
// look at this as a regular pattern
var bits = this.getPatternInfo(nameClean, paths);
var patternType = bits[0];
var pattern = bits[1];
if ((paths[patternType] !== undefined) && (paths[patternType][pattern] !== undefined)) {
fileName = paths[patternType][pattern];
} else if (paths[patternType] !== undefined) {
for (var patternMatchKey in paths[patternType]) {
if (patternMatchKey.indexOf(pattern) != -1) {
fileName = paths[patternType][patternMatchKey];
if (fileName === "") {
return fileName;
var regex = /\//g;
if ((name.indexOf("viewall-") != -1) && (fileName !== "")) {
fileName = baseDir+"/"+fileName.replace(regex,"-")+"/index.html";
} else if (fileName !== "") {
fileName = baseDir+"/"+fileName.replace(regex,"-")+"/"+fileName.replace(regex,"-")+".html";
return fileName;
* break up a pattern into its parts, pattern type and pattern name
* @param {String} the shorthand partials syntax for a given pattern
* @param {Object} the paths to be compared
* @return {Array} the pattern type and pattern name
getPatternInfo: function (name, paths) {
var patternBits = name.split("-");
var i = 1;
var c = patternBits.length;
var patternType = patternBits[0];
while ((paths[patternType] === undefined) && (i < c)) {
patternType += "-"+patternBits[i];
var pattern = name.slice(patternType.length+1,name.length);
return [patternType, pattern];
* search the request vars for a particular item
* @return {Object} a search of the window.location.search vars
getRequestVars: function() {
// the following is taken from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window.location
var oGetVars = new (function (sSearch) {
if (sSearch.length > 1) {
for (var aItKey, nKeyId = 0, aCouples = sSearch.substr(1).split("&"); nKeyId < aCouples.length; nKeyId++) {
aItKey = aCouples[nKeyId].split("=");
this[unescape(aItKey[0])] = aItKey.length > 1 ? unescape(aItKey[1]) : "";
return oGetVars;
* push a pattern onto the current history based on a click
* @param {String} the shorthand partials syntax for a given pattern
* @param {String} the path given by the loaded iframe
pushPattern: function (pattern, givenPath) {
var data = { "pattern": pattern };
var fileName = urlHandler.getFileName(pattern);
var path = window.location.pathname;
path = (window.location.protocol === "file") ? path.replace("/public/index.html","public/") : path.replace(/\/index\.html/,"/");
var expectedPath = window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+path+fileName;
if (givenPath != expectedPath) {
// make sure to update the iframe because there was a click
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "path": fileName });
document.getElementById("sg-viewport").contentWindow.postMessage(obj, urlHandler.targetOrigin);
} else {
// add to the history
var addressReplacement = (window.location.protocol == "file:") ? null : window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+window.location.pathname.replace("index.html","")+"?p="+pattern;
if (history.pushState != undefined) {
history.pushState(data, null, addressReplacement);
document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "Pattern Lab - "+pattern;
if (document.getElementById("sg-raw") != undefined) {
* based on a click forward or backward modify the url and iframe source
* @param {Object} event info like state and properties set in pushState()
popPattern: function (e) {
var patternName;
var state = e.state;
if (state === null) {
this.skipBack = false;
} else if (state !== null) {
patternName = state.pattern;
var iFramePath = "";
iFramePath = this.getFileName(patternName);
if (iFramePath === "") {
iFramePath = "styleguide/html/styleguide.html";
var obj = JSON.stringify({ "path": iFramePath });
document.getElementById("sg-viewport").contentWindow.postMessage( obj, urlHandler.targetOrigin);
document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "Pattern Lab - "+patternName;
if (wsnConnected) {
wsn.send( '{"url": "'+iFramePath+'", "patternpartial": "'+patternName+'" }' );
* handle the onpopstate event
window.onpopstate = function (event) {
urlHandler.skipBack = true;
@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
* classList.js: Cross-browser full element.classList implementation.
* 2012-11-15
* By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com
* Public Domain.
/*global self, document, DOMException */
/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/classList.js/blob/master/classList.js*/
if (typeof document !== "undefined" && !("classList" in document.documentElement)) {
(function (view) {
"use strict";
if (!('HTMLElement' in view) && !('Element' in view)) return;
classListProp = "classList"
, protoProp = "prototype"
, elemCtrProto = (view.HTMLElement || view.Element)[protoProp]
, objCtr = Object
, strTrim = String[protoProp].trim || function () {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
, arrIndexOf = Array[protoProp].indexOf || function (item) {
i = 0
, len = this.length
for (; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this && this[i] === item) {
return i;
return -1;
// Vendors: please allow content code to instantiate DOMExceptions
, DOMEx = function (type, message) {
this.name = type;
this.code = DOMException[type];
this.message = message;
, checkTokenAndGetIndex = function (classList, token) {
if (token === "") {
throw new DOMEx(
, "An invalid or illegal string was specified"
if (/\s/.test(token)) {
throw new DOMEx(
, "String contains an invalid character"
return arrIndexOf.call(classList, token);
, ClassList = function (elem) {
trimmedClasses = strTrim.call(elem.className)
, classes = trimmedClasses ? trimmedClasses.split(/\s+/) : []
, i = 0
, len = classes.length
for (; i < len; i++) {
this._updateClassName = function () {
elem.className = this.toString();
, classListProto = ClassList[protoProp] = []
, classListGetter = function () {
return new ClassList(this);
// Most DOMException implementations don't allow calling DOMException's toString()
// on non-DOMExceptions. Error's toString() is sufficient here.
DOMEx[protoProp] = Error[protoProp];
classListProto.item = function (i) {
return this[i] || null;
classListProto.contains = function (token) {
token += "";
return checkTokenAndGetIndex(this, token) !== -1;
classListProto.add = function () {
tokens = arguments
, i = 0
, l = tokens.length
, token
, updated = false
do {
token = tokens[i] + "";
if (checkTokenAndGetIndex(this, token) === -1) {
updated = true;
while (++i < l);
if (updated) {
classListProto.remove = function () {
tokens = arguments
, i = 0
, l = tokens.length
, token
, updated = false
do {
token = tokens[i] + "";
var index = checkTokenAndGetIndex(this, token);
if (index !== -1) {
this.splice(index, 1);
updated = true;
while (++i < l);
if (updated) {
classListProto.toggle = function (token, forse) {
token += "";
result = this.contains(token)
, method = result ?
forse !== true && "remove"
forse !== false && "add"
if (method) {
return !result;
classListProto.toString = function () {
return this.join(" ");
if (objCtr.defineProperty) {
var classListPropDesc = {
get: classListGetter
, enumerable: true
, configurable: true
try {
objCtr.defineProperty(elemCtrProto, classListProp, classListPropDesc);
} catch (ex) { // IE 8 doesn't support enumerable:true
if (ex.number === -0x7FF5EC54) {
classListPropDesc.enumerable = false;
objCtr.defineProperty(elemCtrProto, classListProp, classListPropDesc);
} else if (objCtr[protoProp].__defineGetter__) {
elemCtrProto.__defineGetter__(classListProp, classListGetter);
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
* jwerty - Awesome handling of keyboard events
* jwerty is a JS lib which allows you to bind, fire and assert key combination
* strings against elements and events. It normalises the poor std api into
* something easy to use and clear.
* This code is licensed under the MIT
* For the full license see: http://keithamus.mit-license.org/
* For more information see: http://keithamus.github.com/jwerty
* @author Keith Cirkel ('keithamus') <jwerty@keithcirkel.co.uk>
* @license http://keithamus.mit-license.org/
* @copyright Copyright © 2011, Keith Cirkel
(function (global, exports) {
// Helper methods & vars:
var $d = global.document,
$ = (global.jQuery || global.Zepto || global.ender || $d),
$$, // Element selector function
$b, // Event binding function
$f, // Event firing function
ke = 'keydown';
function realTypeOf(v, s) {
return (v === null) ? s === 'null'
: (v === undefined) ? s === 'undefined'
: (v.is && v instanceof $) ? s === 'element'
: Object.prototype.toString.call(v).toLowerCase().indexOf(s) > 7;
if ($ === $d) {
$$ = function (selector, context) {
return selector ? $.querySelector(selector, context || $) : $;
$b = function (e, fn) { e.addEventListener(ke, fn, false); };
$f = function (e, jwertyEv) {
var ret = $d.createEvent('Event'),
ret.initEvent(ke, true, true);
for (i in jwertyEv) ret[i] = jwertyEv[i];
return (e || $).dispatchEvent(ret);
} else {
$$ = function (selector, context) { return $(selector || $d, context); };
$b = function (e, fn) { $(e).bind(ke + '.jwerty', fn); };
$f = function (e, ob) { $(e || $d).trigger($.Event(ke, ob)); };
// Private
var _modProps = { 16: 'shiftKey', 17: 'ctrlKey', 18: 'altKey', 91: 'metaKey' };
// Generate key mappings for common keys that are not printable.
var _keys = {
// MOD aka toggleable keys
mods: {
// Shift key, ⇧
'⇧': 16,
shift: 16,
// CTRL key, on Mac: ⌃
'⌃': 17,
ctrl: 17,
// ALT key, on Mac: ⌥ (Alt)
'⌥': 18,
alt: 18,
option: 18,
// META, on Mac: ⌘ (CMD), on Windows (Win), on Linux (Super)
'⌘': 91,
meta: 91,
cmd: 91,
'super': 91,
win: 91
// Normal keys
keys: {
// Backspace key, on Mac: ⌫ (Backspace)
'⌫': 8,
backspace: 8,
// Tab Key, on Mac: ⇥ (Tab), on Windows ⇥⇥
'⇥': 9,
'⇆': 9,
tab: 9,
// Return key, ↩
'↩': 13,
'return': 13,
enter: 13,
'⌅': 13,
// Pause/Break key
'pause': 19,
'pause-break': 19,
// Caps Lock key, ⇪
'⇪': 20,
caps: 20,
'caps-lock': 20,
// Escape key, on Mac: ⎋, on Windows: Esc
'⎋': 27,
escape: 27,
esc: 27,
// Space key
space: 32,
// Page-Up key, or pgup, on Mac: ↖
'↖': 33,
pgup: 33,
'page-up': 33,
// Page-Down key, or pgdown, on Mac: ↘
'↘': 34,
pgdown: 34,
'page-down': 34,
// END key, on Mac: ⇟
'⇟': 35,
end: 35,
// HOME key, on Mac: ⇞
'⇞': 36,
home: 36,
// Insert key, or ins
ins: 45,
insert: 45,
// Delete key, on Mac: ⌫ (Delete)
del: 46,
'delete': 46,
// Left Arrow Key, or ←
'←': 37,
left: 37,
'arrow-left': 37,
// Up Arrow Key, or ↑
'↑': 38,
up: 38,
'arrow-up': 38,
// Right Arrow Key, or →
'→': 39,
right: 39,
'arrow-right': 39,
// Up Arrow Key, or ↓
'↓': 40,
down: 40,
'arrow-down': 40,
// odities, printing characters that come out wrong:
// Num-Multiply, or *
'*': 106,
star: 106,
asterisk: 106,
multiply: 106,
// Num-Plus or +
'+': 107,
'plus': 107,
// Num-Subtract, or -
'-': 109,
subtract: 109,
'num-.': 110,
'num-period': 110,
'num-dot': 110,
'num-full-stop': 110,
'num-delete': 110,
// Semicolon
';': 186,
semicolon: 186,
// = or equals
'=': 187,
'equals': 187,
// Comma, or ,
',': 188,
comma: 188,
//'-': 189, //???
// Period, or ., or full-stop
'.': 190,
period: 190,
'full-stop': 190,
// Slash, or /, or forward-slash
'/': 191,
slash: 191,
'forward-slash': 191,
// Tick, or `, or back-quote
'`': 192,
tick: 192,
'back-quote': 192,
// Open bracket, or [
'[': 219,
'open-bracket': 219,
// Back slash, or \
'\\': 220,
'back-slash': 220,
// Close backet, or ]
']': 221,
'close-bracket': 221,
// Apostraphe, or Quote, or '
'\'': 222,
quote: 222,
apostraphe: 222
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the 0-9 and NUMPAD 0-9 keys in a loop
var i = 47,
n = 0;
while (++i < 106) {
_keys.keys[n] = i;
_keys.keys['num-' + n] = i + 48;
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the F1-F25 keys in a loop
i = 111,
n = 1;
while (++i < 136) {
_keys.keys['f' + n] = i;
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the letters of the alphabet in a loop
i = 64;
while (++i < 91) {
_keys.keys[String.fromCharCode(i).toLowerCase()] = i;
function JwertyCode(jwertyCode) {
var i,
// In-case we get called with an instance of ourselves, just return that.
if (jwertyCode instanceof JwertyCode) return jwertyCode;
// If jwertyCode isn't an array, cast it as a string and split into array.
if (!realTypeOf(jwertyCode, 'array')) {
jwertyCode = (String(jwertyCode)).replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase()
// Loop through each key sequence in jwertyCode
for (i = 0, c = jwertyCode.length; i < c; ++i) {
// If the key combo at this part of the sequence isn't an array,
// cast as a string and split into an array.
if (!realTypeOf(jwertyCode[i], 'array')) {
jwertyCode[i] = String(jwertyCode[i])
// Parse the key optionals in this sequence
optionals = [],
n = jwertyCode[i].length;
while (n--) {
// Begin creating the object for this key combo
jwertyCodeFragment = jwertyCode[i][n];
keyCombo = {
jwertyCombo: String(jwertyCodeFragment),
shiftKey: false,
ctrlKey: false,
altKey: false,
metaKey: false
// If jwertyCodeFragment isn't an array then cast as a string
// and split it into one.
if (!realTypeOf(jwertyCodeFragment, 'array')) {
jwertyCodeFragment = String(jwertyCodeFragment).toLowerCase()
z = jwertyCodeFragment.length;
while (z--) {
// Normalise matching errors
if (jwertyCodeFragment[z] === '++') jwertyCodeFragment[z] = '+';
// Inject either keyCode or ctrl/meta/shift/altKey into keyCombo
if (jwertyCodeFragment[z] in _keys.mods) {
keyCombo[_modProps[_keys.mods[jwertyCodeFragment[z]]]] = true;
} else if (jwertyCodeFragment[z] in _keys.keys) {
keyCombo.keyCode = _keys.keys[jwertyCodeFragment[z]];
} else {
rangeMatches = jwertyCodeFragment[z].match(/^\[([^-]+\-?[^-]*)-([^-]+\-?[^-]*)\]$/);
if (realTypeOf(keyCombo.keyCode, 'undefined')) {
// If we picked up a range match earlier...
if (rangeMatches && (rangeMatches[1] in _keys.keys) && (rangeMatches[2] in _keys.keys)) {
rangeMatches[2] = _keys.keys[rangeMatches[2]];
rangeMatches[1] = _keys.keys[rangeMatches[1]];
// Go from match 1 and capture all key-comobs up to match 2
for (rangeI = rangeMatches[1]; rangeI < rangeMatches[2]; ++rangeI) {
altKey: keyCombo.altKey,
shiftKey: keyCombo.shiftKey,
metaKey: keyCombo.metaKey,
ctrlKey: keyCombo.ctrlKey,
keyCode: rangeI,
jwertyCombo: String(jwertyCodeFragment)
keyCombo.keyCode = rangeI;
// Inject either keyCode or ctrl/meta/shift/altKey into keyCombo
} else {
keyCombo.keyCode = 0;
this[i] = optionals;
this.length = i;
return this;
var jwerty = exports.jwerty = {
* jwerty.event
* `jwerty.event` will return a function, which expects the first
* argument to be a key event. When the key event matches `jwertyCode`,
* `callbackFunction` is fired. `jwerty.event` is used by `jwerty.key`
* to bind the function it returns. `jwerty.event` is useful for
* attaching to your own event listeners. It can be used as a decorator
* method to encapsulate functionality that you only want to fire after
* a specific key combo. If `callbackContext` is specified then it will
* be supplied as `callbackFunction`'s context - in other words, the
* keyword `this` will be set to `callbackContext` inside the
* `callbackFunction` function.
* @param {Mixed} jwertyCode can be an array, or string of key
* combinations, which includes optinals and or sequences
* @param {Function} callbackFucntion is a function (or boolean) which
* is fired when jwertyCode is matched. Return false to
* preventDefault()
* @param {Object} callbackContext (Optional) The context to call
* `callback` with (i.e this)
event: function (jwertyCode, callbackFunction, callbackContext /*? this */) {
// Construct a function out of callbackFunction, if it is a boolean.
if (realTypeOf(callbackFunction, 'boolean')) {
var bool = callbackFunction;
callbackFunction = function () { return bool; };
jwertyCode = new JwertyCode(jwertyCode);
// Initialise in-scope vars.
var i = 0,
c = jwertyCode.length - 1,
// This is the event listener function that gets returned...
return function (event) {
// if jwertyCodeIs returns truthy (string)...
if ((jwertyCodeIs = jwerty.is(jwertyCode, event, i))) {
// ... and this isn't the last key in the sequence,
// incriment the key in sequence to check.
if (i < c) {
// ... and this is the last in the sequence (or the only
// one in sequence), then fire the callback
} else {
returnValue = callbackFunction.call(
callbackContext || this, event, jwertyCodeIs);
// If the callback returned false, then we should run
// preventDefault();
if (returnValue === false) event.preventDefault();
// Reset i for the next sequence to fire.
i = 0;
// If the event didn't hit this time, we should reset i to 0,
// that is, unless this combo was the first in the sequence,
// in which case we should reset i to 1.
i = jwerty.is(jwertyCode, event) ? 1 : 0;
* jwerty.is
* `jwerty.is` will return a boolean value, based on if `event` matches
* `jwertyCode`. `jwerty.is` is called by `jwerty.event` to check
* whether or not to fire the callback. `event` can be a DOM event, or
* a jQuery/Zepto/Ender manufactured event. The properties of
* `jwertyCode` (speficially ctrlKey, altKey, metaKey, shiftKey and
* keyCode) should match `jwertyCode`'s properties - if they do, then
* `jwerty.is` will return `true`. If they don't, `jwerty.is` will
* return `false`.
* @param {Mixed} jwertyCode can be an array, or string of key
* combinations, which includes optinals and or sequences
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event is the KeyboardEvent to assert against
* @param {Integer} i (Optional) checks the `i` key in jwertyCode
* sequence
is: function (jwertyCode, event, i /*? 0*/) {
jwertyCode = new JwertyCode(jwertyCode);
// Default `i` to 0
i = i || 0;
// We are only interested in `i` of jwertyCode;
jwertyCode = jwertyCode[i];
// jQuery stores the *real* event in `originalEvent`, which we use
// because it does annoything stuff to `metaKey`
event = event.originalEvent || event;
// We'll look at each optional in this jwertyCode sequence...
var n = jwertyCode.length,
returnValue = false;
// Loop through each fragment of jwertyCode
while (n--) {
returnValue = jwertyCode[n].jwertyCombo;
// For each property in the jwertyCode object, compare to `event`
for (var p in jwertyCode[n]) {
// ...except for jwertyCode.jwertyCombo...
if (p !== 'jwertyCombo' && event[p] != jwertyCode[n][p]) returnValue = false;
// If this jwertyCode optional wasn't falsey, then we can return early.
if (returnValue !== false) return returnValue;
return returnValue;
* jwerty.key
* `jwerty.key` will attach an event listener and fire
* `callbackFunction` when `jwertyCode` matches. The event listener is
* attached to `document`, meaning it will listen for any key events
* on the page (a global shortcut listener). If `callbackContext` is
* specified then it will be supplied as `callbackFunction`'s context
* - in other words, the keyword `this` will be set to
* `callbackContext` inside the `callbackFunction` function.
* @param {Mixed} jwertyCode can be an array, or string of key
* combinations, which includes optinals and or sequences
* @param {Function} callbackFunction is a function (or boolean) which
* is fired when jwertyCode is matched. Return false to
* preventDefault()
* @param {Object} callbackContext (Optional) The context to call
* `callback` with (i.e this)
* @param {Mixed} selector can be a string, jQuery/Zepto/Ender object,
* or an HTML*Element on which to bind the eventListener
* @param {Mixed} selectorContext can be a string, jQuery/Zepto/Ender
* object, or an HTML*Element on which to scope the selector
key: function (jwertyCode, callbackFunction, callbackContext /*? this */, selector /*? document */, selectorContext /*? body */) {
// Because callbackContext is optional, we should check if the
// `callbackContext` is a string or element, and if it is, then the
// function was called without a context, and `callbackContext` is
// actually `selector`
var realSelector = realTypeOf(callbackContext, 'element') || realTypeOf(callbackContext, 'string') ? callbackContext : selector,
// If `callbackContext` is undefined, or if we skipped it (and
// therefore it is `realSelector`), set context to `global`.
realcallbackContext = realSelector === callbackContext ? global : callbackContext,
// Finally if we did skip `callbackContext`, then shift
// `selectorContext` to the left (take it from `selector`)
realSelectorContext = realSelector === callbackContext ? selector : selectorContext;
// If `realSelector` is already a jQuery/Zepto/Ender/DOM element,
// then just use it neat, otherwise find it in DOM using $$()
realTypeOf(realSelector, 'element') ? realSelector : $$(realSelector, realSelectorContext),
jwerty.event(jwertyCode, callbackFunction, realcallbackContext)
* jwerty.fire
* `jwerty.fire` will construct a keyup event to fire, based on
* `jwertyCode`. The event will be fired against `selector`.
* `selectorContext` is used to search for `selector` within
* `selectorContext`, similar to jQuery's
* `$('selector', 'context')`.
* @param {Mixed} jwertyCode can be an array, or string of key
* combinations, which includes optinals and or sequences
* @param {Mixed} selector can be a string, jQuery/Zepto/Ender object,
* or an HTML*Element on which to bind the eventListener
* @param {Mixed} selectorContext can be a string, jQuery/Zepto/Ender
* object, or an HTML*Element on which to scope the selector
fire: function (jwertyCode, selector /*? document */, selectorContext /*? body */, i) {
jwertyCode = new JwertyCode(jwertyCode);
var realI = realTypeOf(selectorContext, 'number') ? selectorContext : i;
// If `realSelector` is already a jQuery/Zepto/Ender/DOM element,
// then just use it neat, otherwise find it in DOM using $$()
realTypeOf(selector, 'element') ? selector : $$(selector, selectorContext),
jwertyCode[realI || 0][0]
KEYS: _keys
}(this, (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports ? module.exports : this)));
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
* Prism: Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting
* MIT license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php/
* @author Lea Verou http://lea.verou.me
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