# Changelog 2023-09-08 - Add SymfonyMailCollector (#554) 2021-12-21 - Add support for `symfony/var-dumper^6` package 2019-05 (1.10.3) - New implementation for `dump()` in SwiftLogCollector (#265) 2014-12 (1.10.2): - Use Symfony VarDumper instead of kintLite as DataFormatter (#179) - Better resize handling (#185) 2014-11 (1.10.1): - Add disableVendor() option to JavascriptRenderer to remove a specific vendor (#182) - Fix macros in Twig Collector (#167, #177) - Update Font Awesome to 4.2.0 2014-10 (1.10.0): - Add bindToXHR() as alternative to jQuery ajax handling. - Extend TemplateWidget to show more information + parameters - Extend TimeDataCollector to show parameters + collector source 2014-08: - Replace image files with inline data in css - Tweak OpenHandler display 2014-06-10: - Add LocalizationCollector 2014-03-29: - Add hasMeasure() method to TimeDataCollector 2014-03-25: - Duplicate SQL detection 2014-03-23: - Add syntax highlighting 2014-03-22: - added AssetProvider interface - added JavascriptRenderer::addAssets() - added Memcached storage 2014-01-04: - added DataFormatter 2013-12-29: - display an error where the header is too large when sending data with an ajax request - close button instead of minimize 2013-12-27: - responsiveness of the debugbar in the browser 2013-12-19: - use Bower to manage assets 2013-10-24: - added option to render sql with params in PDO collector 2013-10-06: - prefixed all css classes - new PhpDebugBar.utils.csscls() function - changed datetime to time in datasets selector - close and open buttons now uses images instead of font-awesome 2013-09-23: - send the request id in headers and use the open handler to retreive the dataset - !! modified sendDataAsHeaders() to add $useOpenHandler as the first argument - OpenHandler::handle() can now take any objects implementing ArrayAccess as request data 2013-09-19: - added HttpDriver - added jQuery.noConflict() managment 2013-09-15 (1.6): - added sending data through HTTP headers - added stacked data - bug fixes 1.5: - added storage - added open handler