# Storage DebugBar supports storing collected data for later analysis. You'll need to set a storage handler using `setStorage()` on your `DebugBar` instance. $debugbar->setStorage(new DebugBar\Storage\FileStorage('/path/to/dir')); Each time `DebugBar::collect()` is called, the data will be persisted. ## Available storage ### File It will collect data as json files under the specified directory (which has to be writable). $storage = new DebugBar\Storage\FileStorage($directory); ### Redis Stores data inside a Redis hash. Uses [Predis](http://github.com/nrk/predis). $storage = new DebugBar\Storage\RedisStorage($client); ### PDO Stores data inside a database. $storage = new DebugBar\Storage\PdoStorage($pdo); The table name can be changed using the second argument and sql queries can be changed using `setSqlQueries()`. ## Creating your own storage You can easily create your own storage handler by implementing the `DebugBar\Storage\StorageInterface`. ## Request ID generator For each request, the debug bar will generate a unique id under which to store the collected data. This is perform using a `DebugBar\RequestIdGeneratorInterface` object. If none are defined, the debug bar will automatically use `DebugBar\RequestIdGenerator` which uses the `$_SERVER` array to generate the id.