2013-05-07 14:20:08 -04:00
< ?
header ( " Content-type: text/xml " );
include ( '../include/auth.php' );
require ( " ../include/libbb.php " );
function xmlentities ( $string )
return str_replace ( array ( '&' , '"' , " ' " , '<' , '>' ), array ( '&' , '"' , ''' , '<' , '>' ), $string );
$nl = " \n " ;
$t = " \t " ;
unset ( $output );
$output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . $nl ;
$output .= '<xnfo standard="1.1" version="1" author="webmaster@pouet.net" mode="partial">' . $nl ;
// opening DB
$dbl = mysql_connect ( $db [ 'host' ], $db [ 'user' ], $db [ 'password' ]);
if ( ! $dbl ) {
die ( 'SQL error... sorry ! ^^; I\'m on it !' );
mysql_select_db ( $db [ 'database' ], $dbl );
// getting data
$query = 'SELECT * FROM prods ' ;
if ( ! $which ) {
$query .= 'ORDER BY RAND()' ;
} else {
$query .= 'WHERE id=' . $which ;
$query .= ' LIMIT 1' ;
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
$prod = mysql_fetch_array ( $result );
$output .= $t . '<demo pouet_id="' . $prod [ 'id' ] . '">' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . '<name>' . utf8_encode ( xmlentities ( $prod [ 'name' ])) . '</name>' . $nl ;
// category
// list of XNFO hardcoded categories
$xnfo_categories = Array (
'32b' => Array ( 'intro;32bytes' , 'Intro 32 Bytes' ),
'64b' => Array ( 'intro;64bytes' , 'Intro 64 Bytes' ),
'128b' => Array ( 'intro;128bytes' , 'Intro 128 Bytes' ),
'256b' => Array ( 'intro;256bytes' , 'Intro 256 Bytes' ),
'1k' => Array ( 'intro;1k' , 'Intro 1 Kb' ),
'4k' => Array ( 'intro;4k' , 'Intro 4 Kb' ),
'8k' => Array ( 'intro;8k' , 'Intro 8 Kb' ),
'32k' => Array ( 'intro;40k' , 'Intro 32 Kb' ),
'40k' => Array ( 'intro;40k' , 'Intro 40 Kb' ),
'64k' => Array ( 'intro;64k' , 'Intro 64 Kb' ),
'80k' => Array ( 'intro;80k' , 'Intro 80 Kb' ),
'96k' => Array ( 'intro;96k' , 'Intro 96 Kb' ),
'100k' => Array ( 'intro;100k' , 'Intro 100 Kb' ),
'128k' => Array ( 'intro;128k' , 'Intro 128 Kb' ),
'256k' => Array ( 'intro;256k' , 'Intro 256 Kb' ),
'artpack' => Array ( 'artpack' , 'ArtPack' ),
'bbstro' => Array ( 'bbstro' , 'BBStro' ),
'cracktro' => Array ( 'cracktro' , 'Cracktro' ),
'demo' => Array ( 'demo' , 'Demo' ),
'demopack' => Array ( 'demopack' , 'DemoPack' ),
'demotool' => Array ( 'demotool' , 'DemoTool' ),
'dentro' => Array ( 'dentro' , 'Dentro' ),
'diskmag' => Array ( 'diskmag' , 'Diskmag' ),
'fastdemo' => Array ( 'fastdemo' , 'Fastdemo' ),
'game' => Array ( 'game' , 'Game' ),
'intro' => Array ( 'intro' , 'Intro' ),
'invitation' => Array ( 'invitation' , 'Invitation' ),
'liveact' => Array ( 'liveact' , 'Live Act' ),
'musicdisk' => Array ( 'musicdisk' , 'Musicdisk' ),
'report' => Array ( 'report' , 'Party Report' ),
'slideshow' => Array ( 'slideshow' , 'Slideshow' ),
'votedisk' => Array ( 'votedisk' , 'Vote Disk' ),
'wild' => Array ( 'wild' , 'Wild' )
2013-05-08 23:12:00 -04:00
2013-05-07 14:20:08 -04:00
$output .= $t . $t . '<category type="' . $xnfo_categories [ $prod [ 'type' ]][ 0 ] . '">' ;
$output .= xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $xnfo_categories [ $prod [ 'type' ]][ 1 ]));
$output .= '</category>' . $nl ;
// party info
if ( $prod [ 'party' ])
$output .= $t . $t . '<release>' . $nl ;
$query = 'SELECT name,web FROM parties WHERE id=' . $prod [ 'party' ];
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
$party = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $result );
if ( $party [ 'web' ])
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<party url="' . $party [ 'web' ] . '">' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $party [ 'name' ])) . '</party>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<party>' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $party [ 'name' ])) . '</party>' . $nl ;
if ( $prod [ 'date' ])
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<date>' . substr ( $prod [ 'date' ], 0 , 10 ) . '</date>' . $nl ;
if ( $prod [ 'party_place' ])
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<rank>' . $prod [ 'party_place' ] . '</rank>' . $nl ;
if ( $prod [ 'partycompo' ])
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<compo>' . $prod [ 'partycompo' ] . '</compo>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . '</release>' . $nl ;
if ( $prod [ 'date' ])
$output .= $t . $t . '<releaseDate>' . substr ( $prod [ 'date' ], 0 , 10 ) . '</releaseDate>' . $nl ;
// groups info
if ( $prod [ 'group1' ] || $prod [ 'group2' ] || $prod [ 'group3' ])
$output .= $t . $t . '<authors>' . $nl ;
if ( $prod [ 'group1' ])
$query = 'SELECT name FROM groups WHERE id=' . $prod [ 'group1' ];
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
$group1 = mysql_result ( $result , 0 );
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<group pouet_id="' . $prod [ 'group1' ] . '">' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $group1 )) . '</group>' . $nl ;
if ( $prod [ 'group2' ])
$query = 'SELECT name FROM groups WHERE id=' . $prod [ 'group2' ];
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
$group2 = mysql_result ( $result , 0 );
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<group pouet_id="' . $prod [ 'group2' ] . '">' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $group2 )) . '</group>' . $nl ;
if ( $prod [ 'group3' ])
$query = 'SELECT name FROM groups WHERE id=' . $prod [ 'group3' ];
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
$group2 = mysql_result ( $result , 0 );
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<group pouet_id="' . $prod [ 'group3' ] . '">' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $group2 )) . '</group>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . '</authors>' . $nl ;
$query = " select platforms.name, platforms.icon from prods_platforms, platforms where prods_platforms.prod=' " . $which . " ' and platforms.id=prods_platforms.platform " ;
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
while ( $tmp = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )) {
$platforms [] = $tmp ;
// platform info
// list of XNFO hardcoded platforms
$xnfo_platforms = Array (
'Windows' => Array ( 'win32' , 'Windows' ),
'MS-Dos' => Array ( 'msdos' , 'Ms-Dos' ),
'MS-Dos/gus' => Array ( 'msdos' , 'Ms-Dos' ),
'Java' => Array ( 'java' , 'Java' ),
'Flash' => Array ( 'flash' , 'Flash' ),
'Linux' => Array ( 'linux' , 'Linux' ),
'MacOS X' => Array ( 'macosx' , 'Mac OS X' )
if ( count ( $platforms ))
$tag_support_opened = false ;
//$platforms = explode(",", $prod["platform"]);
foreach ( $platforms as $p ) {
if ( count ( $xnfo_platforms [ $p [ " name " ]]) == 2 )
if ( ! $tag_support_opened )
$output .= $t . $t . '<support>' . $nl ;
$tag_support_opened = true ;
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<configuration>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . $t . $t . '<platform type="' . $xnfo_platforms [ $p [ " name " ]][ 0 ] . '">' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $xnfo_platforms [ $p [ " name " ]][ 1 ])) . '</platform>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '</configuration>' . $nl ;
if ( $tag_support_opened )
$output .= $t . $t . '</support>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . '<download>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<url type="download">' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $prod [ 'download' ])) . '</url>' . $nl ;
$result = mysql_query ( sprintf ( " select * from downloadlinks where prod=%d " , $which ));
while ( $tmp = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )) {
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<url type="' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $tmp [ 'type' ])) . '">' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $tmp [ 'link' ])) . '</url>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . '</download>' . $nl ;
if ( file_exists ( " ../screenshots/ " . $prod [ " id " ] . " .jpg " )) {
$shotpath = " http://www.pouet.net/screenshots/ " . $prod [ " id " ] . " .jpg " ;
} elseif ( file_exists ( " ../screenshots/ " . $prod [ " id " ] . " .gif " )) {
$shotpath = " http://www.pouet.net/screenshots/ " . $prod [ " id " ] . " .gif " ;
} elseif ( file_exists ( " ../screenshots/ " . $prod [ " id " ] . " .png " )) {
$shotpath = " http://www.pouet.net/screenshots/ " . $prod [ " id " ] . " .png " ;
$output .= $t . $t . '<screenshot>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . $t . '<url>' . xmlentities ( utf8_encode ( $shotpath )) . '</url>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . $t . '</screenshot>' . $nl ;
$output .= $t . '</demo>' . $nl ;
$output .= '</xnfo>' . $nl ;
// closing DB
if ( isset ( $dbl )) {
mysql_close ( $dbl );
print ( $output );
2013-05-08 23:12:00 -04:00