", "&" . "gt;", $inhtml); $inhtml= str_replace( "\"", "&" . "quot;", $inhtml); $inhtml= str_replace( "\n", " ", $inhtml); return $inhtml; } $topics_per_page=$user["bbsbbstopics"]; if(($page<=0)||(!$page)) { $page=1; } $query="SELECT count(0) FROM bbs_topics"; if ($_GET["categoryfilter"]) $query.= sprintf(" where bbs_topics.category = %d",$_GET["categoryfilter"]); $result=mysql_query($query); $nb_topics=mysql_result($result,0); $query="SELECT bbs_topics.id, bbs_topics.topic, bbs_topics.firstpost, bbs_topics.lastpost, bbs_topics.userfirstpost, bbs_topics.userlastpost, bbs_topics.count, bbs_topics.category, users1.nickname as nickname_1, users1.avatar as avatar_1, users2.nickname as nickname_2, users2.avatar as avatar_2 FROM bbs_topics LEFT JOIN users as users2 on users2.id=bbs_topics.userfirstpost LEFT JOIN users as users1 on users1.id=bbs_topics.userlastpost"; if ($_GET["categoryfilter"]) $query.= sprintf(" where bbs_topics.category = %d",$_GET["categoryfilter"]); switch($order) { case "userfirstpost": $query.=" ORDER BY nickname_2, avatar_2, bbs_topics.lastpost DESC"; break; case "firstpost": $query.=" ORDER BY firstpost DESC"; break; case "userlastpost": $query.=" ORDER BY nickname_1, avatar_1, bbs_topics.lastpost DESC"; break; case "lastpost": $query.=" ORDER BY bbs_topics.lastpost DESC"; break; case "count": $query.=" ORDER BY bbs_topics.count DESC"; break; case "topic": $query.=" ORDER BY bbs_topics.topic"; break; case "category": $query.=" ORDER BY bbs_topics.category"; break; default: $query.=" ORDER BY bbs_topics.lastpost DESC"; break; } $query.=" LIMIT ".(($page-1)*$topics_per_page).",".$topics_per_page; $result=mysql_query($query); while($tmp=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $topics[]=$tmp; } $sortlink ="bbs.php?"; if ($_GET["categoryfilter"]) $sortlink ="categoryfilter=".$_GET["categoryfilter"]."&"; $sortlink.="order="; $pagelink = "bbs.php?order=".$order; if ($_GET["categoryfilter"]) $pagelink .= "&categoryfilter=".$_GET["categoryfilter"].""; $row = 6; if (canSeeBBSCategories()) { $row = 7; } ?>
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[">edit] "> 70) print(htmlcleanonerow(substr($topics[$i]["topic"],0,70)."...")); else print(htmlcleanonerow($topics[$i]["topic"])); ?>

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The oldskool pouët BBS is not the demoscene, please visit a demoparty. This is merely a forum for sceners, with obviously too much free time, to release their frustrations and request salted communitary feedback, as opposed to polluting the prod comments section.

New users: please take your vaccines before entering, don't expect instant praise, and try not to feel easily insulted.
Old users: please don't feed the trolls. Reoccuring annoying behavior will result in a heavily subjective ban. Just try not to piss off 90% of our active users with childish and/or idiotic behaviour and you should be safe.

You have been warned.

Also, copycat threads are the equivalent of putting glow and ribbons in your demo.

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