", "&" . "gt;", $inhtml); $inhtml= str_replace( "\"", "&" . "quot;", $inhtml); $inhtml= str_replace( "\n", " ", $inhtml); return $inhtml; } // get user data from sceneid //debuglog(var_export($returnvalue,true)); $result = mysql_query_debug("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=".$who); $user = mysql_fetch_array($result); $sceneIDData = array(); if (!$user["sceneIDData"] || (time() - strtotime($user["sceneIDLastRefresh"])) > 60 * 60 * 12) { $returnvalue = $xml->parseSceneIdData("getUserInfo", array("userID" => $who)); if ($returnvalue["returnvalue"]==35 && $user["glops"] == 0) { $r = mysql_query("select * from bbs_posts where author = ".mysql_real_escape_string($who)); if (!mysql_num_rows($r)) { echo "WARNING, this account is unverified and will get deleted."; } } if(is_array($returnvalue["user"])&&is_array($user)) { $r = $returnvalue["user"]; $sceneIDData = $r; } mysql_query("update users set sceneIDLastRefresh = now(), sceneIDData='".mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($returnvalue["user"]))."' where id=".$who); } else { $sceneIDData = unserialize( $user["sceneIDData"] ); } unset( $sceneIDData["nickname"] ); if ($sceneIDData) $user = array_merge($user, $sceneIDData); //mysql_query_debug("update users set nickname='".addslashes($user["nickname"])."' WHERE id=".$who); //debuglog(var_export($returnvalue,true)); $time["getuserdata"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; $timetest = microtime_float(); $query="SELECT prods.id,prods.name,prods.type,prods.group1,prods.group2,prods.group3,". "g1.name as groupname1,g1.acronym as groupacron1,". "g2.name as groupname2,g2.acronym as groupacron2,". "g3.name as groupname3,g3.acronym as groupacron3 ". " FROM users_cdcs, prods ". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g1 ON prods.group1 = g1.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g2 ON prods.group2 = g2.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g3 ON prods.group3 = g3.id". " WHERE users_cdcs.cdc=prods.id and users_cdcs.user=".$who; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $cdc[]=$tmp; } for ($i=0; $i27): if (strlen($cdc[$i]["groupname1"])>10) $cdc[$i]["groupname1"]=$cdc[$i]["groupacron1"]; if (strlen($cdc[$i]["groupname2"])>10) $cdc[$i]["groupname2"]=$cdc[$i]["groupacron2"]; if (strlen($cdc[$i]["groupname3"])>10) $cdc[$i]["groupname3"]=$cdc[$i]["groupacron3"]; endif; endfor; $time["cdc"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; unset($logos); $timetest = microtime_float(); $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT id,file,vote_count FROM logos WHERE author1=".$user["id"]." || author2=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $logos[]=$tmp; } } $result = mysql_query_debug("SELECT points FROM ud WHERE login='".$user["udlogin"]."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($result)) $ud = round(mysql_result($result,0)/1000); $time["logospoints"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; $timetest = microtime_float(); $query="SELECT prods.id,prods.name,prods.type,prods.group1,prods.group2,prods.group3, ". "g1.name as groupname1,g1.acronym as groupacron1,". "g2.name as groupname2,g2.acronym as groupacron2,". "g3.name as groupname3,g3.acronym as groupacron3 ". " FROM prods ". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g1 ON prods.group1 = g1.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g2 ON prods.group2 = g2.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g3 ON prods.group3 = g3.id". " WHERE prods.added=".$user["id"]." ORDER BY prods.quand DESC LIMIT ".$usercustom["userprods"]; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $prods[]=$tmp; } } for ($i=0; $i0) $prods[$i]["platform"].=","; $check++; $prods[$i]["platform"].=$tmp["name"]; } endfor; $time["prods"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; $timetest = microtime_float(); $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT id,name FROM groups WHERE added=".$user["id"]." ORDER BY quand DESC LIMIT ".$usercustom["usergroups"]); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $groups[]=$tmp; } } $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT id,name FROM parties WHERE added=".$user["id"]." ORDER BY quand DESC LIMIT ".$usercustom["userparties"]); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $partys[]=$tmp; } } $time["groupsparties"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; $timetest = microtime_float(); $query="SELECT prods.id,prods.name,prods.type,prods.group1,prods.group2,prods.group3,comments.rating as rating, ". "g1.name as groupname1,g1.acronym as groupacron1,". "g2.name as groupname2,g2.acronym as groupacron2,". "g3.name as groupname3,g3.acronym as groupacron3 ". " FROM comments,prods ". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g1 ON prods.group1 = g1.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g2 ON prods.group2 = g2.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g3 ON prods.group3 = g3.id". " WHERE comments.who=".$user["id"]." and comments.which=prods.id GROUP BY prods.id ORDER BY comments.quand DESC LIMIT ".$usercustom["usercomments"]; //$result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT DISTINCT which FROM comments WHERE who=".$user["id"]." ORDER BY quand DESC LIMIT ".$usercustom["usercomments"]); $result=mysql_query_debug($query); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $comments[]=$tmp; } } for($i=0;$i27): if (strlen($comments[$i]["groupname1"])>10 && $comments[$i]["groupacron1"]) $comments[$i]["groupname1"]=$comments[$i]["groupacron1"]; if (strlen($comments[$i]["groupname2"])>10 && $comments[$i]["groupacron2"]) $comments[$i]["groupname2"]=$comments[$i]["groupacron2"]; if (strlen($comments[$i]["groupname3"])>10 && $comments[$i]["groupacron3"]) $comments[$i]["groupname3"]=$comments[$i]["groupacron3"]; endif; $query="select platforms.name from prods_platforms, platforms where prods_platforms.prod='".$comments[$i]["id"]."' and platforms.id=prods_platforms.platform"; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); $check=0; $comments[$i]["platform"]=""; while($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($check>0) $comments[$i]["platform"].=","; $check++; $comments[$i]["platform"].=$tmp["name"]; } } $time["comments"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; $timetest = microtime_float(); $query="SELECT screenshots.prod,prods.id,prods.name,prods.type,prods.group1,prods.group2,prods.group3, ". "g1.name as groupname1,g1.acronym as groupacron1,". "g2.name as groupname2,g2.acronym as groupacron2,". "g3.name as groupname3,g3.acronym as groupacron3 ". " FROM screenshots,prods ". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g1 ON prods.group1 = g1.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g2 ON prods.group2 = g2.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g3 ON prods.group3 = g3.id". " WHERE screenshots.user=".$user["id"]." AND screenshots.prod=prods.id ORDER BY screenshots.added DESC LIMIT ".$usercustom["userscreenshots"]; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $screenshots[]=$tmp; } } for ($i=0; $i27): if (strlen($screenshots[$i]["groupname1"])>10 && $screenshots[$i]["groupacron1"]) $screenshots[$i]["groupname1"]=$screenshots[$i]["groupacron1"]; if (strlen($screenshots[$i]["groupname2"])>10 && $screenshots[$i]["groupacron2"]) $screenshots[$i]["groupname2"]=$screenshots[$i]["groupacron2"]; if (strlen($screenshots[$i]["groupname3"])>10 && $screenshots[$i]["groupacron3"]) $screenshots[$i]["groupname3"]=$screenshots[$i]["groupacron3"]; endif; $query="select platforms.name from prods_platforms, platforms where prods_platforms.prod='".$screenshots[$i]["id"]."' and platforms.id=prods_platforms.platform"; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); $check=0; $screenshots[$i]["platform"]=""; while($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($check>0) $screenshots[$i]["platform"].=","; $check++; $screenshots[$i]["platform"].=$tmp["name"]; } endfor; $time["screenshots"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; $timetest = microtime_float(); $query="SELECT nfos.prod,prods.id,prods.name,prods.type,prods.group1,prods.group2,prods.group3, ". "g1.name as groupname1,g1.acronym as groupacron1,". "g2.name as groupname2,g2.acronym as groupacron2,". "g3.name as groupname3,g3.acronym as groupacron3 ". " FROM nfos,prods ". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g1 ON prods.group1 = g1.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g2 ON prods.group2 = g2.id". " LEFT JOIN groups AS g3 ON prods.group3 = g3.id". " WHERE nfos.user=".$user["id"]." AND nfos.prod=prods.id ORDER BY nfos.added DESC LIMIT ".$usercustom["usernfos"]; //"SELECT nfos.prod,prods.id,prods.name,prods.type,prods.group1,prods.group2,prods.group3 FROM nfos,prods WHERE nfos.user=".$user["id"]." AND nfos.prod=prods.id ORDER BY nfos.added DESC LIMIT ".$usercustom["usernfos"] $result=mysql_query_debug($query); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $nfos[]=$tmp; } } for ($i=0; $i27): if (strlen($nfos[$i]["groupname1"])>10 && $nfos[$i]["groupacron1"]) $nfos[$i]["groupname1"]=$nfos[$i]["groupacron1"]; if (strlen($nfos[$i]["groupname2"])>10 && $nfos[$i]["groupacron2"]) $nfos[$i]["groupname2"]=$nfos[$i]["groupacron2"]; if (strlen($nfos[$i]["groupname3"])>10 && $nfos[$i]["groupacron3"]) $nfos[$i]["groupname3"]=$nfos[$i]["groupacron3"]; endif; $query="select platforms.name from prods_platforms, platforms where prods_platforms.prod='".$nfos[$i]["id"]."' and platforms.id=prods_platforms.platform"; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); $check=0; $nfos[$i]["platform"]=""; while($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($check>0) $nfos[$i]["platform"].=","; $check++; $nfos[$i]["platform"].=$tmp["name"]; } } $time["nfos"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; $topics=array(); $query="SELECT * from bbs_topics WHERE userfirstpost=".$user["id"]." order by firstpost desc LIMIT 10"; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $topics[]=$tmp; } } $topicposts=array(); $query="SELECT bbs_topics.id,bbs_topics.topic,bbs_topics.category FROM bbs_posts JOIN users ON users.id = bbs_posts.author JOIN bbs_topics ON bbs_posts.topic=bbs_topics.id WHERE users.id = ".$user["id"]." GROUP BY bbs_posts.topic ORDER BY bbs_posts.added DESC LIMIT 10"; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $topicposts[]=$tmp; } } $lists=array(); $query="SELECT * from lists WHERE upkeeper=".$user["id"]." order by added desc LIMIT 10"; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $lists[]=$tmp; } } $timetest = microtime_float(); //$result=mysql_query_debug("select c2.who AS who,count(0) as c,users.nickname,users.avatar from comments c1, comments c2 left join users on users.id=c2.who where c1.rating = c2.rating and c1.rating=1 and c1.which=c2.which and c1.who=".$user["id"]." and c2.who!=".$user["id"]." group by c2.who order by c DESC LIMIT ".($usercustom["userrulez"]*4)); $result=mysql_query_debug("select c2.who AS who,count(0) as c,users.nickname,users.avatar from comments c1, comments c2 left join users on users.id=c2.who where c1.rating = c2.rating and c1.rating=1 and c1.which=c2.which and c1.who=".$user["id"]." group by c2.who order by c DESC LIMIT ".($usercustom["userrulez"]*4)); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($tmp["who"]!=$user["id"]) $rulez[$tmp["who"]]=$tmp; } } //$result=mysql_query_debug("select c2.who AS who,count(0) as c,users.nickname,users.avatar from comments c1, comments c2 left join users on users.id=c2.who where c1.rating = c2.rating and c1.rating=-1 and c1.which=c2.which and c1.who=".$user["id"]." and c2.who!=".$user["id"]." group by c2.who order by c DESC LIMIT ".($usercustom["usersucks"]*2)); $result=mysql_query_debug("select c2.who AS who,count(0) as c,users.nickname,users.avatar from comments c1, comments c2 left join users on users.id=c2.who where c1.rating = c2.rating and c1.rating=-1 and c1.which=c2.which and c1.who=".$user["id"]." group by c2.who order by c DESC LIMIT ".($usercustom["usersucks"]*2)); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($tmp["who"]!=$user["id"]) $sucks[$tmp["who"]]=$tmp; } } $time["rulezsucks"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; $timetest = microtime_float(); // total thumb ups / down $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT rating, SUM(rating) AS total FROM comments WHERE who=".$user["id"]." GROUP BY rating"); if ($result) { while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($tmp["rating"]==1) $total_ups=$tmp["total"]; else if($tmp["rating"]==-1) $total_downs=-1*$tmp["total"]; } } // glops count $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT count(0) FROM prods WHERE added=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { $nbprods = mysql_result($result,0); } else { $nbprods = 0; } $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT count(0) FROM groups WHERE added=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { $nbgroups = mysql_result($result,0); } else { $nbgroups = 0; } $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT count(0) FROM parties WHERE added=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { $nbparties = mysql_result($result,0); } else { $nbparties = 0; } $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT count(0) FROM screenshots WHERE user=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { $nbscreenshots = mysql_result($result,0); } else { $nbscreenshots = 0; } $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT count(0) FROM nfos WHERE user=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { $nbnfos = mysql_result($result,0); } else { $nbnfos = 0; } $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT which) FROM comments WHERE who=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { $nbcomments = mysql_result($result,0); } else { $nbcomments = 0; } $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bbs_topics WHERE userfirstpost=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { $nbtopics = mysql_result($result,0); } else { $nbtopics = 0; } $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bbs_posts WHERE author=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { $nbtopicposts = mysql_result($result,0); } else { $nbtopicposts = 0; } $result=mysql_query_debug("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lists WHERE upkeeper=".$user["id"]); if ($result) { $nblists = mysql_result($result,0); } else { $nblists = 0; } // average rating $query="SELECT SUM(rating)/count(0) FROM comments WHERE who=".$user["id"]; $result=mysql_query_debug($query); if ($result) { $avg_rating=mysql_result($result,0); } $time["averages"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; //$glops=4*count($prods)+3*count($groups)+2*count($partys)+count($comments)+$ud; // Count only the logos of this user which have been voted in by the pouet users $nb_good_logos = 0; if ($logos) foreach($logos as $l) { if($l['vote_count'] > 0) { $nb_good_logos++; } } $glops=20*$nb_good_logos+2*$nbprods+$nbgroups+$nbparties+$nbscreenshots+$nbnfos+$ud+$nbcomments; $timetest = microtime_float(); if($user["id"]==$_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"]) { mysql_query_debug("UPDATE users SET glops=".$glops." WHERE id=".$user["id"]); } $time["update"] = microtime_float() - $timetest; //debuglog(var_export($time,true)); ?>
0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> =$usercustom["userrulez"]) break; $i++; } ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> =$usercustom["usersucks"]) break; $i++; } ?> 0): ?> 0): ?> 0): ?>
" width="16" height="16">
10))&&(strlen($user["url"])>0)&&($user["url"]!="http://")): ?>






'; else: echo recaptcha_mailhide_html(RECAPTCHA_MAILHIDE_PUB_KEY, RECAPTCHA_MAILHIDE_PRIV_KEY, $user["email"]); endif; ?>
" target=_blank>pictures
" target=_blank>profile
" target=_blank>profile
coup de coeur:
".stripslashes($cdc[$i]["name"])); ?> ".stripslashes($cdc[$i]["groupname1"]).""); if ($cdc[$i]["groupname2"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($cdc[$i]["groupname2"]).""); if ($cdc[$i]["groupname3"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($cdc[$i]["groupname3"]).""); ?>
average rating:
0) $thumbgfx="gfx/rulez.gif"; elseif($avg_rating==0) $thumbgfx="gfx/isok.gif"; else $thumbgfx="gfx/sucks.gif"; ?> . 
[demoblog view]
[demoglop view]
[ip check]
" width="160" height="160" class='largeavatar'>
added logos glöps (downvoted logos are shown but are not rewarded)
" border="0" alt=" have done this nice logo for pou?t.net !">
latest added prods glöps
<? print($typess[$kkk]); ?>
  "> ".stripslashes($prods[$i]["groupname1"]).""); if ($prods[$i]["groupname2"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($prods[$i]["groupname2"]).""); if ($prods[$i]["groupname3"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($prods[$i]["groupname3"]).""); ?>
<? print($platformss[$kkk]); ?>
latest added groups glöps
latest added parties glöps
%s",$partys[$i]["id"],$partys[$i]["name"]); ?>
latest added screenshots glöps
<? print($typess[$kkk]); ?>
  "> ".stripslashes($screenshots[$i]["groupname1"]).""); if ($screenshots[$i]["groupname2"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($screenshots[$i]["groupname2"]).""); if ($screenshots[$i]["groupname3"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($screenshots[$i]["groupname3"]).""); ?>
<? print($platformss[$kkk]); ?>
latest added nfos glöps
<? print($typess[$kkk]); ?>
  "> ".stripslashes($nfos[$i]["groupname1"]).""); if ($nfos[$i]["groupname2"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($nfos[$i]["groupname2"]).""); if ($nfos[$i]["groupname3"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($nfos[$i]["groupname3"]).""); ?>
<? print($platformss[$kkk]); ?>
latest 1st comments glöps
"); break; case -1: print(""); break; default: print(""); } ?>   <? print($typess[$kkk]); ?>
  "> ".stripslashes($comments[$i]["groupname1"]).""); if ($comments[$i]["groupname2"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($comments[$i]["groupname2"]).""); if ($comments[$i]["groupname3"]) print(" and ".stripslashes($comments[$i]["groupname3"]).""); ?>
<? print($platformss[$kkk]); ?>
top thumb up agreers (total )
">" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="">   ">  
top thumb down agreers (total )
">" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="">   ">  
lists kept up in total
bbs topics opened in total
"> ()
bbs posts added in total
"> ()
account created on the
*clicki clicki clacki* (\/) - - (\/) *clacki clacki clicki*
ciega ciega ciega frikki!!"); ?>