700) { $errormessage[]="the width of the logo must not be greater than 700 pixels"; } if($fileinfo[1]>200) { $errormessage[]="the height of the logo must not be greater than 200 pixels"; } if(filesize($logofile) > 256 * 1024) { $errormessage[]="the size of the logo must not be greater than 256KB"; } // if everything is ok if(!$errormessage) $submitok=true; } // move the submitted sshot to the appropriate location if(!$submitok && file_exists($logofile)){ unlink($logofile); // move_uploaded_file($sshotfile,"screenshots/".$which.$mytype); // copy($sshotfile, "screenshots/".$which.$mytype); // unlink($sshotfile); } if($submitok) { $ext = strrchr($logofile_name, '.'); if($ext !== false) { $custom_name = substr($logofile_name, 0, -strlen($ext)); } else { $custom_name = $logofile_name; } if(strlen($custom_name) > 250) { $custom_name = substr($custom_name, 0, 250); } $custom_name .= $mytype; copy($logofile, $logos_path.$custom_name); unlink($logofile); // reward the user $query ="INSERT INTO logos SET "; $query.="file='".$custom_name."', "; $query.="author1=".$_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"]; mysql_query($query); } ?>
Your logo has been added
feel free to add another one
Vote for it now !
errors found
Send your logo
Your logo:
.gif .jpg or .png width and height limit are 700x200
Its size must be < 128KB.

Don't forget to optimize your logo to fit well against the pouet background
(by using transparency), or it will look like a noob picture.

If you want to use PNG transparency, take in account that IE6 and older don't support it.
Like Gargaj said:
"just set your background color over transparency to the blue pouet background and
it will be only fucked up with IE if a trumpet wanders there."

Before being displayed, your logo will be voted up or down by the whole Pouet community.
Don't blame us for not displaying it if it's lame, the scene is rude, and that's why we like it !