0) { include(TMP_FOLDER.'/onelines.cache.inc'); $onelines = array_slice($onelines, 0, $user["indexoneliner"]); } // create lastRSS object $rss = new lastRSS; // setup transparent cache $rss->cache_dir = TMP_FOLDER; $rss->cache_time = 5*60; // in seconds $rss->CDATA = 'strip'; $rss->date_format = 'Y-m-d'; // load some RSS file $rs = @$rss->GetCached('http://bitfellas.org/e107_plugins/rss_menu/rss.php?1.2'); // latest added prods if ($user["indexlatestadded"]>0) { include(TMP_FOLDER.'/latest_demos.cache.inc'); $latest_demos = array_slice($latest_demos, 0, $user["indexlatestadded"]); } // latest released prods if ($user["indexlatestreleased"]>0) { include(TMP_FOLDER.'/latest_released_prods.cache.inc'); $latest_released_prods = array_slice($latest_released_prods, 0, $user["indexlatestreleased"]); } // debut calcul top demos if ($user["indextopprods"]>0) { include(TMP_FOLDER.'/top_demos.cache.inc'); $top_demos = array_slice($top_demos, 0, $user["indextopprods"]); } if ($user["indextopkeops"]>0) { include(TMP_FOLDER.'/top_keops.cache.inc'); $top_keops = array_slice($top_keops, 0, $user["indextopkeops"]); } // latest commented prods if ($user["indexlatestcomments"]>0) { include(TMP_FOLDER.'/latest_comments.cache.inc'); $latest_comments = array_slice($latest_comments, 0, $user["indexlatestcomments"]); } // submitters if ($user["indextopglops"]>0) { $query="SELECT id,nickname,avatar,glops FROM users ORDER BY glops DESC LIMIT ".$user["indextopglops"]; $result=mysql_query($query); while($tmp=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $submitters[]=$tmp; } // stats if ($user["indexstats"]>0) { if (rand(0,11)==0) create_stats_cache(); include(TMP_FOLDER.'/stats.cache.inc'); } // cdc if ($user["indexcdc"]>0) { $query="SELECT cdc.which,prods.name,prods.type,prods.group1,prods.group2,prods.group3 FROM cdc,prods WHERE cdc.quand<=NOW() AND cdc.which=prods.id ORDER BY cdc.quand DESC LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($query); $cdc=mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if(strlen($cdc["name"])>32) $cdc["name"]=substr($cdc["name"],0,32)."..."; } if ($cdc["group1"]): $query="select name,acronym from groups where id='".$cdc["group1"]."'"; $result=mysql_query($query); while($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $cdc["groupname1"]=$tmp["name"]; $cdc["groupacron1"]=$tmp["acronym"]; } endif; if ($cdc["group2"]): $query="select name,acronym from groups where id='".$cdc["group2"]."'"; $result=mysql_query($query); while($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $cdc["groupname2"]=$tmp["name"]; $cdc["groupacron2"]=$tmp["acronym"]; } endif; if ($cdc["group3"]): $query="select name,acronym from groups where id='".$cdc["group3"]."'"; $result=mysql_query($query); while($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $cdc["groupname3"]=$tmp["name"]; $cdc["groupacron3"]=$tmp["acronym"]; } endif; if (strlen($cdc["groupname1"].$cdc["groupname2"].$cdc["groupname3"])>27): if (strlen($cdc["groupname1"])>10 && $cdc["groupacron1"]) $cdc["groupname1"]=$cdc["groupacron1"]; if (strlen($cdc["groupname2"])>10 && $cdc["groupacron2"]) $cdc["groupname2"]=$cdc["groupacron2"]; if (strlen($cdc["groupname3"])>10 && $cdc["groupacron3"]) $cdc["groupname3"]=$cdc["groupacron3"]; endif; $query="select platforms.name from prods_platforms, platforms where prods_platforms.prod='".$cdc["which"]."' and platforms.id=prods_platforms.platform"; $result=mysql_query($query); $check=0; $cdc["platform"]=""; while($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($check>0) $cdc["platform"].=","; $check++; $cdc["platform"].=$tmp["name"]; } //print("->".$cdc["platform"]); //$sql = 'SELECT * FROM prods AS p1 LEFT JOIN prods AS p2 ON p1.invitation = p2.party AND p1.invitationyear = p2.party_year WHERE p1.invitation > 0 AND p2.id IS NULL AND p1.invitationyear >= 2007 ORDER BY p1.date DESC LIMIT 0, 30'; if ($user["indexlatestparties"]>0) { include(TMP_FOLDER.'/latest_released_parties.cache.inc'); $latest_parties = array_slice($latest_released_parties, 0, $user["indexlatestparties"]); } ?>

60 * 15) { file_put_contents(SCENE_ORG_CHECK_FILE, file_get_contents('http://www.scene.org/')); } $sceneOrgDown = !file_get_contents(SCENE_ORG_CHECK_FILE); if ($sceneOrgDown) { ?>
your account
sorry guys, scene.org (and consequently, sceneID) is down for some reason :( i added some automagical code to check it periodically whether it comes back up, but until then you have to make do with read-only-pouet. in the meantime, you could perhaps try making a demo about it.

your account
you are logged in as
">" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="" alt=""> ">
account customize logout

your account

login for 1 year
register here

0): ?>
coup de couercoup de coeur
0): ?>
0): $typess = explode(",", $cdc["type"]); for($kkk=0;$kkk<?=$typess[$kkk]?> "> <?=$platformss[$kkk]?>
0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: ">
scene.org awards :: more...

0): ?> '); } else { print(''); } ?> 0): ?>
latest added prods
0): ?>
0): $typess = explode(",", $latest_demos[$i]["type"]); for($kkk=0;$kkk<?=$typess[$kkk]?> "> <?=$platformss[$kkk]?>
0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: ">
" title="">" title="" alt="">

0): ?> '); } else { print(''); } ?>
latest released prods
0): ?>
0): $typess = explode(",", $latest_released_prods[$i]["type"]); for($kkk=0;$kkk<?=$typess[$kkk]?> "> <?=$platformss[$kkk]?>
0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: ">

0): ?> '); } else { print(''); } ?>
top of the month
0): ?>
0): $typess = explode(",", $top_demos[$i]["type"]); for($kkk=0;$kkk<?=$typess[$kkk]?> "> <?=$platformss[$kkk]?>
0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: ">

0): ?> '); } else { print(''); } ?>
all-time top
0): ?>
0): $typess = explode(",", $top_keops[$i]["type"]); for($kkk=0;$kkk<?=$typess[$kkk]?> "> <?=$platformss[$kkk]?>
0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: ">

0): ?>
=0;$i--): ?> "> '); } else { print('
talkthe so famous pouët.net oneliner
'); } ?>
" title="">" title="" alt="">  

 scene.org awards
you still haven't suggested anything for the edition of the scene.org awards! go here to learn more about the categories and submit demos individually, or browse some more demos released in and submit them to a category using the voting form at the bottom of their prodpage!
remember: think of prods the jury wouldn't normally think of! (and please stop voting asd as best newcomer, best 4k and best oldskool. it's not funny.)

0): echo ""; $query = "SELECT bbs_topics.id, bbs_topics.topic, bbs_topics.firstpost, bbs_topics.lastpost, bbs_topics.userfirstpost, bbs_topics.userlastpost, bbs_topics.count, "; $query .= " bbs_topics.category, users1.nickname as nickname_1, users1.avatar as avatar_1, users2.nickname as nickname_2, users2.avatar as avatar_2 FROM bbs_topics "; $query .= " LEFT JOIN users as users2 on users2.id=bbs_topics.userfirstpost "; $query .= " LEFT JOIN users as users1 on users1.id=bbs_topics.userlastpost "; if ($user["indexbbsnoresidue"]) $query .= " WHERE bbs_topics.category != 1 "; $query .= " ORDER BY bbs_topics.lastpost desc "; $query .= " LIMIT ".$user["indexbbstopics"]; $result=mysql_query($query); while($tmp=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $topics[]=$tmp; } $row = 4; if (canSeeBBSCategories()) { $row = 5; } ?> "> %s\n",$bgcolor,$thread_categories[$topics[$i]["category"]]); } ?>
the oldskool pouët.net bbs
" title="">" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="" alt=""> ">    " title="">" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="" alt="">

remember: suggestions for the 2010 scene.org awards will close on wednesday, january the 5th! vote now! */ ?> 0): if ($user["indexojnews"] > $rs['items_count']) $user["indexojnews"] = $rs['items_count']; for($i=0;$i<$user["indexojnews"];$i++): ?>
bitfellas news  "); print(utf8_decode($rs['items'][$i]['title'])); if($rs['items'][$i]['link']) print(""); ?>
lobstregated at BitFellas.org on

0): ?>
searchsearch box

0): ?>
statssome stats -24h
prods +
groups +
parties +
boards +
users +
comments +

0): $query="SELECT type,img,url,alt FROM buttons WHERE dead = 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($query); $button=mysql_fetch_assoc($result); ?>
">" border="0" title="" alt="">

0): ?> "); } else { print(""); } ?> 0): ?>
latest comments added
0): ?>
0): $typess = explode(",", $latest_comments[$i]["type"]); for($kkk=0;$kkk<?=$typess[$kkk]?> "> <?=$platformss[$kkk]?>
0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: "> 0): ?> :: ">
" title="">" title="" alt="">

0): ?> "); } else { print(""); } ?>
latest parties
&when="> [&when=">results]

GetCached('http://feeds.feedburner.com/demoparty/parties'); //debuglog(var_export($rs,true)); for($i=0;$i<5;$i++) { if($i%2) { print(""); } else { print(""); } $st = strtotime($rs['items'][$i]['demopartynet:startDate']); $et = strtotime($rs['items'][$i]['demopartynet:endDate']); $sd = strtolower( date("M j",$st) ); $ed = strtolower( date("M j",$et) ); $form = ""; if ($sd == $ed) $form = $sd; else if (substr($sd,0,3)==substr($ed,0,3)) $form = $sd . " - " . substr($ed,4); else $form = $sd . " - " . $ed; $dist = (int)ceil( ($st - time()) / 60 / 60 / 24 ); ?>
demoparty.net upcoming parties
more at demoparty.net...

0): ?> "); } else { print(""); } ?>
top of the glöps
" title="">" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="" alt=""> ">
:: glöps