mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 02:49:43 +01:00
452 lines
13 KiB
452 lines
13 KiB
* Simple json export for prods including all relevant data
* Usage: /export/prods.php?prod_id=<PROD_ID>
* or
* Usage: /export/prods.php?from=<TIMESTAMP>&to=<TIMESTAMP>&limit=<LIMIT>&offset=<OFFSET>
// TODO: add hash to check if a prod has been updated and just export updated information
// TODO: export cdc information for the comments
// TODO: zip/gzip the exported data to speed up transfer
// Function to convert all data we gathered to utf8 so json_encode doesn't null data
function object_to_utf8($object)
$is_object = FALSE;
if (is_array($object))
$return = array();
elseif (is_object($object))
$return = new stdClass();
$is_object = TRUE;
foreach($object as $key => $value)
if (is_object($value) || is_array($value))
if ($is_object)
$return->{$key} = object_to_utf8($value);
$return[$key] = object_to_utf8($value);
if ($is_object)
$return->{$key} = utf8_encode($value);
$return[$key] = utf8_encode($value);
return $return;
header("Content-type: text/json");
$export_comments = FALSE;
// get GET parameters
$from = (int)(isset($_GET['from'])? $_GET['from'] : time() - (7 * 86400)); // default: last week
$to = (int)(isset($_GET['to'])? $_GET['to'] : time()); // default: today
$limit = (int)(isset($_GET['limit'])? $_GET['limit'] : 10);
$offset = (int)(isset($_GET['offset'])? $_GET['offset'] : 0);
$prod_id = (int)(isset($_GET['prod_id'])? $_GET['prod_id'] : FALSE);
// Limit every request to a maximum of 100 exported prods
if ((int)$limit > 100)
$limit = 100;
// opening DB
$dbl = mysql_connect($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['password']);
if (!$dbl)
die('SQL error... sorry ! ^^; I\'m on it !');
mysql_select_db($db['database'], $dbl);
// prepare data
$output = new stdClass();
$output->info = new stdClass();
$output->info->title = 'pouet.net prod export';
$output->info->date = date('c');
$output->info->search_params = new stdClass();
if (!$prod_id)
$output->info->search_params->limit = $limit;
$output->info->search_params->offset = $offset;
$output->info->search_params->from = $from;
$output->info->search_params->to = $to;
$output->info->search_params->prod_id = $prod_id;
$output->prods = array();
if ($prod_id)
$query = "SELECT * FROM prods WHERE id=".(int)$prod_id;
$query = "SELECT * FROM prods WHERE quand >= FROM_UNIXTIME(".$from.") AND quand <= FROM_UNIXTIME(".mysql_real_escape_string($to).") ORDER BY prods.quand DESC LIMIT ".(int)$limit.' OFFSET '.(int)$offset;
$result = mysql_query($query);
while (is_resource($result) && $row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
$prod = new stdClass();
$prod->title = utf8_encode($row->name);
$prod->type = $row->type;
$prod->id = $row->id;
$prod->date = date('c', strtotime($row->quand));
$prod->source_url = $row->source;
$prod->statistics = new stdClass();
$prod->statistics->positive_votes = $row->voteup;
$prod->statistics->negative_votes = $row->votedown;
$prod->statistics->neutral_votes = $row->votepig;
$prod->statistics->average_votes = $row->voteavg;
$prod->statistics->downloads = $row->downloads;
$prod->screenshot = new stdClass();
$screenshot = FALSE;
if (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/screenshots/'.$row->id.'.jpg')) {
$screenshot = $row->id.'.jpg';
$screenshot = $row->id.'.gif';
$screenshot = $row->id.'.png';
if ($screenshot)
$screenshot_size = filesize($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/screenshots/'.$screenshot);
$size = getimagesize($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/screenshots/'.$screenshot);
$screenshot_type = $size['mime'];
$prod->screenshot->url = 'http://pouet.net/screenshots/'.$screenshot;
$prod->screenshot->filesize = $screenshot_size;
$prod->screenshot->type = $size['mime'];
// get uploader
$query = "SELECT nickname, avatar, id FROM users WHERE id=".$row->added;
$r = mysql_query($query);
if ($r && $uploader = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$prod->uploader = new stdClass();
$prod->uploader->scene_id = $uploader->id;
$prod->uploader->nickname = $uploader->nickname;
// get party name and year
if ($row->party)
$query = "SELECT name FROM parties WHERE id=".$row->party;
$r = mysql_query($query);
if ($r && $party = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$prod->released_at = new stdClass();
$prod->released_at->name = $party->name;
$prod->released_at->year = $row->party_year;
$prod->released_at->rank = $row->party_place;
$prod->released_at->compo = $row->partycompo;
// get invitation party and year
if ($row->invitation)
$query = "SELECT name FROM parties WHERE id=".$row->invitation;
$r = mysql_query($query);
if ($r && $invitation_party = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$prod->invitation_for = new stdClass();
$prod->invitation_for->name = $invitation_party->name;
$prod->invitation_for->year = $row->invitationyear;
// get board name
if ($row->boardID)
$query = "SELECT name FROM bbses WHERE id=".$row->boardID;
$r = mysql_query($query);
if ($r && $board = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$prod->board = $board->name;
// get groups
$prod->groups = array();
$g = array('group1', 'group2', 'group3');
foreach ($g as $attribute)
if ($row->{$attribute})
$query = "SELECT name, web, acronym FROM groups WHERE id=".$row->{$attribute};
$r = mysql_query($query);
if ($r && $group = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$tmp_group = new stdClass();
$tmp_group->name = $group->name;
$tmp_group->website = $group->web;
$tmp_group->acronym = $group->acronym;
$prod->groups[] = $tmp_group;
// get parties where this prod was also released
$prod->also_released_at = array();
$query = "SELECT prodotherparty.party, prodotherparty.party_place as rank, prodotherparty.party_year as year, prodotherparty.partycompo as compo, parties.name as name FROM prodotherparty LEFT JOIN parties ON parties.id=prodotherparty.party WHERE prod=".$row->id;
$r = mysql_query($query);
if ($r)
while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$released_at = new stdClass();
$released_at->name = $tmp->name;
$released_at->rank = $tmp->rank;
$released_at->year = $tmp->year;
$released_at->compo = $tmp->compo;
$prod->also_released_at[] = $released_at;
// get platforms
$prod->platforms = array();
$query = "select platforms.name as platform, platforms.icon from prods_platforms, platforms where prods_platforms.prod='".$row->id."' and platforms.id=prods_platforms.platform";
$r = mysql_query($query);
if ($r)
while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$platform = new stdClass();
$platform->name = $tmp->platform;
$prod->platforms[] = $platform;
// get affiliate links
$prod->affiliate_links = array();
$link = new stdClass();
$link->name = 'pouet.net';
$link->url = 'http://pouet.net/prod.php?which='.$row->id;
$prod->affiliate_links[] = $link;
if ($row->csdb > 0)
$link = new stdClass();
$link->name = 'csdb';
$link->url = 'http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id='.$row->csdb;
$prod->affiliate_links[] = $link;
if ($row->zxdemo > 0)
$link = new stdClass();
$link->name = 'zxdemo';
$link->url = 'http://zxdemo.org/item.php?id='.$row->zxdemo;
$prod->affiliate_links[] = $link;
if ($row->sceneorg > 0)
$link = new stdClass();
$link->name = 'scene.org';
$link->url = 'http://scene.org/file.php?id='.$row->sceneorg;
$prod->affiliate_links[] = $link;
// get coup-de-coeur count
$r = mysql_query("SELECT count(0) from users_cdcs where cdc=".$row->id);
$prod->coup_de_coeur = mysql_result($r, 0);
$r = mysql_query("SELECT count(0) from cdc where which=".$row->id);
$prod->coup_de_coeur += mysql_result($r, 0);
// sceneorgrecommended / award nominations and winners
$prod->recommendations = array();
$r = mysql_query("SELECT * from sceneorgrecommended where prodid=".$row->id." ORDER BY type");
while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$recommendation = new stdClass();
$recommendation->type = $tmp->type;
$recommendation->category = $tmp->category;
$prod->recommendations[] = $recommendation;
// affiliated prods
$prod->derived_from = array();
$prod->derivatives = array();
$r = mysql_query(
" SELECT affiliatedprods.type as type,".
" affiliatedprods.derivative as derivative,".
" affiliatedprods.original as original,".
" prods.name as name,".
" prods.id as prod_id".
" from affiliatedprods".
" join prods on prods.id=affiliatedprods.original".
" where affiliatedprods.derivative=".$row->id." ORDER BY affiliatedprods.type");
while (is_resource($r) && $tmp = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$affiliated_prod = new stdClass();
$affiliated_prod->name = $tmp->name;
$affiliated_prod->id = $tmp->prod_id;
$prod->derived_from[] = $affiliated_prod;
$r = mysql_query(
" SELECT affiliatedprods.type as type,".
" affiliatedprods.derivative as derivative,".
" affiliatedprods.original as original,".
" prods.name as name,".
" prods.id as prod_id".
" from affiliatedprods".
" join prods on prods.id=affiliatedprods.derivative".
" where affiliatedprods.original=".$row->id." ORDER BY affiliatedprods.type");
while (is_resource($r) && $tmp = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$affiliated_prod = new stdClass();
$affiliated_prod->name = $tmp->name;
$affiliated_prod->id = $tmp->prod_id;
$prod->derivatives[] = $affiliated_prod;
// get downloads
$prod->downloads = array();
$download = new stdClass();
$download->type = 'default';
$download->url = $row->download;
$prod->downloads[] = $download;
$query = "SELECT downloadlinks.id,downloadlinks.link as url, downloadlinks.type as type FROM downloadlinks WHERE downloadlinks.prod=".$row->id." ORDER BY downloadlinks.type";
$r = mysql_query($query);
while(is_resource($r) && $tmp = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$download = new stdClass();
$download->type = $tmp->type;
$download->url = $tmp->url;
$prod->downloads[] = $download;
// get the comments and the associated data
if ($export_comments) {
$prod->comments = array();
$query = "SELECT comments.id as comment_id, comments.comment as comment, comments.rating as rating, comments.who, comments.quand as date, users.nickname as nickname, users.id as scene_id, users.avatar, users.level FROM comments, users WHERE comments.which='".$row->id."' AND users.id=comments.who ORDER BY comments.quand ASC";
$r = mysql_query($query);
if ($r)
while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_object($r))
$comment = new stdClass();
$comment->comment = $tmp->comment;
$comment->rating = $tmp->rating;
$comment->date = $tmp->date;
$comment->author = new stdClass();
$comment->author->scene_id = $tmp->scene_id;
$comment->author->nickname = $tmp->nickname;
$prod->comments[] = $comment;
$query = "SELECT * from users_cdcs where users_cdcs.cdc='".$prod["id"]."'";
while($tmp=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
for($j=0; $j<count($cdcs); $j++)
for($i=0; $i<count($comments); $i++)
if ($cdcs[$j]["user"]==$comments[$i]["who"]){
$query = "SELECT * from users_cdcs left join comments on users_cdcs.user=comments.who AND users_cdcs.cdc = comments.which where users_cdcs.cdc='".$prod["id"]."' and comments.id IS NULL";
while($tmp=mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$output->prods[] = $prod;
// closing DB
if (isset($dbl))
// convert every value to utf8
$output = object_to_utf8($output);
echo json_encode($output);