2013-05-07 14:20:08 -04:00

28 lines
1.3 KiB

if ($user["bottombar"]==1) { menu(); print("<br />"); }
$query="SELECT version FROM changelog ORDER BY quand DESC, id DESC LIMIT 1";
<a href="http://www.pouet.net">pouët.net</a> <a href="changelog.php"><? print($lastversion); ?></a> &copy; 2000-<?=date("Y")?> <a href="http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=5">mandarine</a> - hosted on <a href="http://www.scene.org/">scene.org</a><br />
send comments and bug reports to <a href="mailto:webmaster@pouet.net">webmaster@pouet.net</a><br />
$endtime = microtime_float();
$totaltime = ($endtime - $starttime);
page created in <? printf("%f",$totaltime); ?> seconds<?=($SESSION_LEVEL=='administrator' || $SESSION_LEVEL=='moderator' || $SESSION_LEVEL=='gloperator') && $numqueries?" with ".$numqueries." queries":""?>.<br />
<? mysql_close(); ?>
<br />
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