mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 05:08:24 +01:00
632 lines
19 KiB
632 lines
19 KiB
// check the submitted data
// check user account
$errormessage[]="you need to be logged in first.";
// check prod name (is commented couz there are dif prods with same name)
// $result=mysql_query("SELECT count(0) FROM prods WHERE name='".$name."'");
// if(mysql_result($result,0))
// $errormessage[]="a prod with the same name is already in the database";
// check the chosen groups
$errormessage[]="there is no need to select the same group two times";
$errormessage[]="choose the group in the first combo";
// $errormessage[]="let us know when you've fixed your script, it's adding dupes of groups and prods, read bbs topics 1024 and 4920 for more info";
// check the download url
$errormessage[]="no download link for this prod ?!";
$errormessage[] = "only http/https and ftp protocols are supported for the download link";
$errormessage[] = "missing hostname in the download link";
$errormessage[] = "back2roots does not allow download from outside, find another host please";
$errormessage[] = "\"stop linking to intro-inferno, you turds :)\" /reed/";
$errormessage[] = "please get proper hosting (e.g. untergrund or scene.org) without traffic limits";
$shithosts = array(
foreach ($shithosts as $v)
$errormessage[] = "seriously, get better hosting";
if(strstr($myurl["host"],"youtube") || strstr($myurl["host"],"youtu.be"))
$errormessage[] = "FUCK YOUTUBE - BINARY OR GTFO";
$errormessage[] = "NO TEXTFILES.";
for ($x=1; $x<=5; $x++)
$errormessage[] = "scamp says: link to ftp.untergrund.net not ftp".$x.".untergrund.net!!";
if ($myurl["scheme"]=="http")
$errormessage[] = "scamp says: no link to untergrund.net via http please!";
$errormessage[] = "scamp says: godverdom!! link to ftp.untergrund.net instead!";
$errormessage[] = "the file you submitted is in an incoming path, try to find a real path";
if(strstr($myurl["host"],"scene.org") && strstr($myurl["query"],"incoming"))
$errormessage[] = "the file you submitted is in an incoming path, try to find a real path";
if( ((($myurl["port"])!=80) && (($myurl["port"])!=0)) && ((strlen($myurl["user"])>0) || (strlen($myurl["pass"])>0)) )
$errormessage[] = "no private FTP please";
$errormessage[] = "no file? no prod!";
// check the release date
if((($rmonth)&&($ryear))&&(($rmonth>date('m'))&&($ryear>=date('Y')))) {
$errormessage[]="you can't submit a prod released in the future, sorry =)";
// check the prod type
if(!count($type)) {
$errormessage[] = "you must select at least one type for this prod";
if(!count($platform)) {
$errormessage[] = "you must select at least one platform";
// check the party input
$errormessage[] = "please select a party";
$errormessage[] = "please select a party year";
// check the screenshot
if(is_uploaded_file($sshotfile)) {
$fileinfo = GetImageSize($sshotfile);
switch($fileinfo[2]) {
case 1:$mytype=".gif";break;
case 2:$mytype=".jpg";break;
case 3:$mytype=".png";break;
default: $errormessage[]="the screenshot is not a valid .gif/jpg or .png file"; break;
if($fileinfo[0]>400) {
$errormessage[]="the width of the screenshot must not be greater than 400 pixels";
if($fileinfo[1]>300) {
$errormessage[]="the height of the screenshot must not be greater than 300 pixels";
if(filesize($sshotfile)>65536) {
$errormessage[]="the size of the screenshot must not be greater than 64Kb";
// check the .nfo
if(is_uploaded_file($nfofile)) {
if(filesize($nfofile)>32768) {
$errormessage[]="the size of the infofile must not be greater than 32Kb";
// Hardcoded for now, should be handled dynamically by the moderators
if ((int)($_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"])==3254) // solo2
$errormessage[]="you're not allowed to submit prods right now. sorry. come back later.";
if ((int)($_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"])==27338) // solo2
$errormessage[]="you're not allowed to submit prods right now. sorry. come back later.";
if ((int)($_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"])==25511) // Roy[SAC]
$errormessage[]="you're not allowed to submit prods right now. sorry. come back later.";
if ((int)($_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"])==4627) // magic
$errormessage[]="you're not allowed to submit prods right now. sorry. come back later.";
if ((int)($_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"])==24880) // bittin
$errormessage[]="you're not allowed to submit prods right now. sorry. come back later.";
if ((int)($_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"])==58309) // fritske
$errormessage[]="you're not allowed to submit prods right now. sorry. come back later.";
// if everything is ok
// delete uploads if prod is wrong
if(!$submitok) {
// get list of all platforms
$query="select * from platforms order by name asc";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// insert the submitted prod
//double insert check
$query="SELECT name FROM prods ORDER BY quand DESC LIMIT 1";
$query = "INSERT INTO prods SET ";
$query.= "name='".$name."', ";
if($group1) {
$query.= "group1=".((int)$group1).", ";
if($group2) {
$query.= "group2=".((int)$group2).", ";
if($group3) {
$query.= "group3=".((int)$group3).", ";
$query.= "download='".$download."', ";
if(($rmonth)&&($ryear)) {
$query.= "date='".$ryear."-".$rmonth."-15', ";
} else {
if($ryear) {
$query.= "date='".$ryear."-00-15', ";
$query.= "type='";
if(count($type)>0) {
$query.= $type[0];
for($i=1;$i<count($type);$i++) {
$query.= "', ";
/* $query.= "platform='";
if(count($platform)>0) {
$query.= $platform[0];
for($i=1;$i<count($platform);$i++) {
$query.= "', ";*/
if($invit) {
$query.= "invitation=".$invit.", ";
if($piyear) {
$query.= "invitationyear=".(int)$invityear.", ";
if($party) {
$query.= "party=".(int)$party.", ";
if($pyear) {
$query.= "party_year=".$party_year.", ";
if($prank) {
$query.= "party_place=".(int)$prank.", ";
if($compo) {
$query.= "partycompo=\"".$compo."\", ";
if ($csdb) $query.= "csdb=".((int)$csdb).", ";
if ($sceneorg) $query.= "sceneorg=".((int)$sceneorg).", ";
if ($zxdemo) $query.= "zxdemo=".((int)$zxdemo).", ";
$query.= "added='".$_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"]."', ";
$query.= "quand=NOW()";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
if($sshotfile) {
copy($sshotfile, "screenshots/".$lastid.$mytype);
// reward the user
$query ="INSERT INTO screenshots SET ";
if($nfofile) {
copy($nfofile, "nfo/".$lastid.".nfo");
// reward the user
$query ="INSERT INTO nfos SET ";
for($i=0;$i<count($platform);$i++) {
for($j=0;$j<count($platforms);$j++) {
if ($platform[$i]==$platforms[$j]["name"]):
$query="insert into prods_platforms set prods_platforms.prod='".$lastid."', prods_platforms.platform='".$platforms[$j]["id"]."'";
// update prod cache
create_cache_module("latest_demos", "SELECT prods.id,prods.name,prods.type,prods.group1,prods.group2,prods.group3,prods.added,users.nickname,users.avatar FROM prods LEFT JOIN users ON users.id=prods.added ORDER BY prods.quand DESC LIMIT 50",1);
create_cache_module("latest_released_prods", "SELECT prods.id,prods.name,prods.type,prods.group1,prods.group2,prods.group3 FROM prods ORDER BY prods.date DESC,prods.quand DESC LIMIT 50",1);
if ($party) create_cache_module("latest_released_parties", "select distinct parties.name, parties.id, prods.party_year, COUNT(prods.party) as prodcount from parties right join prods on prods.party=parties.id where parties.id!=1024 group by prods.party,prods.party_year order by prods.date desc, prods.id desc limit 50",0);
//get data for table
$query="select platforms.name from prods_platforms, platforms where prods_platforms.prods='".$lastid."' and platforms.id=prods_platforms.platform";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// get data to build the page
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM groups ORDER BY name ASC");
while($tmp = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$groups[] = $tmp;
$result = mysql_query("DESC prods type");
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$types = explode("'",$row[1]);
//$result = mysql_query("DESC prods platform");
//$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
//$platforms = explode("'",$row[1]);
$result = mysql_query("DESC prods partycompo");
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$compos = explode("'",$row[1]);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM parties ORDER BY name");
if ((int)($_SESSION["SCENEID_ID"])==3254) {
echo "<br/>you're not allowed to submit prods right now. sorry. come back later.<br/><br/>";
} else {
<br />
<form action="submitprod.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="submitprod">
<table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
<table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<? if($submitok): ?>
<tr><th bgcolor="#224488">this prod has been added</th></tr>
<td bgcolor="#446688" align="center">
feel free to add another one<br />
<a href="prod.php?which=<? print($lastid); ?>">see what you've done</a><br />
<? endif; ?>
<? if($errormessage): ?>
<tr><th bgcolor="#224488">errors found</th></tr>
<? for($i=0;$i<count($errormessage);$i++): ?>
<? if($i%2): ?>
<tr><td bgcolor="#557799"> <b>- <font color="#FF8888"><? print($errormessage[$i]); ?></font></b></td></tr>
<? else: ?>
<tr><td bgcolor="#446688"> <b>- <font color="#FF8888"><? print($errormessage[$i]); ?></font></b></td></tr>
<? endif; ?>
<? endfor; ?>
<? endif; ?>
<th bgcolor="#224488">prod information</th>
<td bgcolor="#446688">
<td><input type="text" name="name" value="<? print($name); ?>" size="50"><br ></td>
<td>group id:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="group1" value="<? print($group1); ?>" size="5">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("(<a href=\"javascript:popupGroupSelector('submitprod','group1');\">select</a>)");
<td>other group id:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="group2" value="<? print($group2); ?>" size="5">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("(<a href=\"javascript:popupGroupSelector('submitprod','group2');\">select</a>)");
<td>third group id:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="group3" value="<? print($group3); ?>" size="5">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("(<a href=\"javascript:popupGroupSelector('submitprod','group3');\">select</a>)");
<td><br /></td>
please make sure you enter correct id numbers for the groups..<br />
you can verify their id numbers on <a href="submitgroup.php" target=_blank>the same place where you submit new groups</a><br />
don't be lazy to double check them or the lobster will bite your nipples off! (\/) -_- (\/)<br />
<td>download url:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="download" value="<? print($download); ?>" size=60><br /></td>
<td><br /></td>
if there are extra download links you wanted to add, <a href="topic.php?which=1024">ask a gloperator</a><br />
<td><br /></td>
the download link <b>must point directly to the file</b>, or else it is considered invalid and risks being deleted.
(scene.org is an exception.)
<td>csdb id:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="csdb" value="<? print($csdb); ?>" size="5"><br /></td>
<td>sceneorg id:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="sceneorg" value="<? print($sceneorg); ?>" size="5"><br /></td>
<td>zxdemo id:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="zxdemo" value="<? print($zxdemo); ?>" size="5"><br /></td>
<td>release date:</td>
<select name="rmonth">
<? for($i=1;$i<=12;$i++): ?>
<? ($rmonth==$i) ? $sel=" selected" : $sel=""; ?>
<option value="<? print($i); ?>" <? print($sel); ?>><? print($months[$i]); ?></option>
<? endfor; ?>
<select name="ryear">
for($i=date("Y");$i>=1978;$i--) {
($ryear==$i) ? $sel=" selected" : $sel="";
<br />
<select name="type[]" multiple="multiple" size="10">
for($i=1;$i<count($types);$i+=2) {
for($j=0;$j<count($type);$j++) {
if($types[$i]==$type[$j]) {
if($ok) {
$is_selected = " selected";
} else {
$is_selected = "";
<td><br /></td>
if it's an artpack or musicdisk without GUI/viewer, _DON'T ADD IT_<br />
if it's not demoscene related, _DON'T ADD IT_<br />
if you have doubts about it beeing demoscene related, _DON'T ADD IT_<br />
<select name="platform[]" multiple="multiple" size="10">
for($i=0;$i<count($platforms);$i++) {
for($j=0;$j<count($platform);$j++) {
if($platforms[$i]["name"]==$platform[$j]["name"]) {
if($ok) {
$is_selected = " selected";
} else {
$is_selected = "";
<select name="party">
for($i=0;$i<count($parties);$i++) {
if($party==$parties[$i]["id"] || (!$party && $parties[$i]["id"]==1024)) {
$is_selected = " selected";
} else {
$is_selected = "";
print("<option value=\"".$parties[$i]["id"]."\"".$is_selected.">".$parties[$i]["name"]."</option>\n");
<td><br /></td>
if you're sure it was released at a party but don't know which one choose the blank option instead of __no_party__<br />
<td>party year:</td>
<select name="pyear">
for($i=date("Y");$i>=1980;$i--) {
($pyear==$i) ? $sel=" selected" : $sel="";
<br />
<td>party rank:</td>
<select name="prank">
for($i=1;$i<=99;$i++) {
($prank==$i) ? $sel=" selected" : $sel="";
<br />
<td><br /></td>
97: disqualified (delivered, maybe shown, disqualified, still released)<br />
98: not appliable (votedisks, invitations, wilds not in compos, musicdisks, diskmags, etc)<br />
99: not shown (delivered for compo, not shown, not disqualified, still released)<br />
<select name="compo">
for($i=1;$i<count($compos);$i+=2) {
if($compo==$compos[$i]) {
$is_selected = " selected";
} else {
$is_selected = "";
<td><br /></td>
if you're unsure of the correct compo, don't choose one!<br />
leave it for the experts, you won't loose a glop!<br />
<td>invitation for party/bbs:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="invit" value="<? print($invit); ?>" size="5"><br /></td>
<td><br /></td>
id number, not the name.<br />
<td>invitation party year:</td>
<select name="piyear">
for($i=date("Y")+1;$i>=1980;$i--) {
($piyear==$i) ? $sel=" selected" : $sel="";
<b>NOT</b> the year when it was released!
<td><input type="file" name="nfofile" value="<? print($nfofile); ?>"size="50"><br /></td>
<td><br /></td>
upload the related <b>.diz</b> or <b>.nfo</b> with most usefull information<br />
size limit is 32kb<br />
<td><input type="file" name="sshotfile" value="<? print($sshotfile); ?>" size="50"><br /></td>
<td><br /></td>
<b>.gif</b> <b>.jpg</b> or <b>.png</b><br />
width and height limit are <b>400</b>x<b>300</b><br />
<td bgcolor="#224488" align="right"><input type="image" src="gfx/submit.gif" style="border: 0px"></td>
<br />