Let's say we want to **change method calls from `set*` to `change*`**.
$user = new User();
## 1. Create a New Rector and Implement Methods
Create a class that extends [`Rector\Core\Rector\AbstractRector`](/src/Rector/AbstractRector.php). It will inherit useful methods e.g. to check node type and name. See the source (or type `$this->` in an IDE) for a list of available methods.
namespace Utils\Rector;
use Nette\Utils\Strings;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall;
use Rector\Core\Rector\AbstractRector;
use Rector\Core\RectorDefinition\CodeSample;
use Rector\Core\RectorDefinition\RectorDefinition;
final class MyFirstRector extends AbstractRector
*@return string[]
public function getNodeTypes(): array
// what node types are we looking for?
// pick any node from https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/blob/master/docs/NodesOverview.md
return [MethodCall::class];
*@param MethodCall $node - we can add "MethodCall" type here, because