2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
namespace RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console ;
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2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\HelpCommand ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\ListCommand ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\SignalableCommandInterface ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\CommandLoader\CommandLoaderInterface ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleCommandEvent ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleErrorEvent ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleSignalEvent ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleTerminateEvent ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\NamespaceNotFoundException ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DebugFormatterHelper ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Helper ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProcessHelper ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputAwareInterface ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\SignalRegistry\SignalRegistry ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface ;
use RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface ;
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* An Application is the container for a collection of commands .
* It is the main entry point of a Console application .
* This class is optimized for a standard CLI environment .
* Usage :
* $app = new Application ( 'myapp' , '1.0 (stable)' );
* $app -> add ( new SimpleCommand ());
* $app -> run ();
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
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class Application implements \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface
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private $commands = [];
private $wantHelps = \false ;
private $runningCommand ;
private $name ;
private $version ;
private $commandLoader ;
private $catchExceptions = \true ;
private $autoExit = \true ;
private $definition ;
private $helperSet ;
private $dispatcher ;
private $terminal ;
private $defaultCommand ;
private $singleCommand = \false ;
private $initialized ;
private $signalRegistry ;
private $signalsToDispatchEvent = [];
public function __construct ( string $name = 'UNKNOWN' , string $version = 'UNKNOWN' )
$this -> name = $name ;
$this -> version = $version ;
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$this -> terminal = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Terminal ();
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$this -> defaultCommand = 'list' ;
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if ( \defined ( 'SIGINT' ) && \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\SignalRegistry\SignalRegistry :: isSupported ()) {
$this -> signalRegistry = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\SignalRegistry\SignalRegistry ();
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$this -> signalsToDispatchEvent = [ \SIGINT , \SIGTERM , \SIGUSR1 , \SIGUSR2 ];
* @ final
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public function setDispatcher ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher )
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$this -> dispatcher = $dispatcher ;
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public function setCommandLoader ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\CommandLoader\CommandLoaderInterface $commandLoader )
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$this -> commandLoader = $commandLoader ;
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public function getSignalRegistry () : \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\SignalRegistry\SignalRegistry
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if ( ! $this -> signalRegistry ) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException ( 'Signals are not supported. Make sure that the `pcntl` extension is installed and that "pcntl_*" functions are not disabled by your php.ini\'s "disable_functions" directive.' );
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return $this -> signalRegistry ;
public function setSignalsToDispatchEvent ( int ... $signalsToDispatchEvent )
$this -> signalsToDispatchEvent = $signalsToDispatchEvent ;
* Runs the current application .
* @ return int 0 if everything went fine , or an error code
* @ throws \Exception When running fails . Bypass this when { @ link setCatchExceptions ()} .
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public function run ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input = null , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output = null )
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if ( \function_exists ( 'putenv' )) {
@ \putenv ( 'LINES=' . $this -> terminal -> getHeight ());
@ \putenv ( 'COLUMNS=' . $this -> terminal -> getWidth ());
if ( null === $input ) {
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$input = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput ();
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if ( null === $output ) {
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$output = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput ();
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$renderException = function ( \Throwable $e ) use ( $output ) {
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if ( $output instanceof \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface ) {
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$this -> renderThrowable ( $e , $output -> getErrorOutput ());
} else {
$this -> renderThrowable ( $e , $output );
if ( $phpHandler = \set_exception_handler ( $renderException )) {
\restore_exception_handler ();
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if ( ! \is_array ( $phpHandler ) || ! $phpHandler [ 0 ] instanceof \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler ) {
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$errorHandler = \true ;
} elseif ( $errorHandler = $phpHandler [ 0 ] -> setExceptionHandler ( $renderException )) {
$phpHandler [ 0 ] -> setExceptionHandler ( $errorHandler );
$this -> configureIO ( $input , $output );
try {
$exitCode = $this -> doRun ( $input , $output );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
if ( ! $this -> catchExceptions ) {
throw $e ;
$renderException ( $e );
$exitCode = $e -> getCode ();
if ( \is_numeric ( $exitCode )) {
$exitCode = ( int ) $exitCode ;
if ( 0 === $exitCode ) {
$exitCode = 1 ;
} else {
$exitCode = 1 ;
} finally {
// if the exception handler changed, keep it
// otherwise, unregister $renderException
if ( ! $phpHandler ) {
if ( \set_exception_handler ( $renderException ) === $renderException ) {
\restore_exception_handler ();
\restore_exception_handler ();
} elseif ( ! $errorHandler ) {
$finalHandler = $phpHandler [ 0 ] -> setExceptionHandler ( null );
if ( $finalHandler !== $renderException ) {
$phpHandler [ 0 ] -> setExceptionHandler ( $finalHandler );
if ( $this -> autoExit ) {
if ( $exitCode > 255 ) {
$exitCode = 255 ;
exit ( $exitCode );
return $exitCode ;
* Runs the current application .
* @ return int 0 if everything went fine , or an error code
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public function doRun ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output )
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if ( \true === $input -> hasParameterOption ([ '--version' , '-V' ], \true )) {
$output -> writeln ( $this -> getLongVersion ());
return 0 ;
try {
// Makes ArgvInput::getFirstArgument() able to distinguish an option from an argument.
$input -> bind ( $this -> getDefinition ());
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} catch ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e ) {
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// Errors must be ignored, full binding/validation happens later when the command is known.
$name = $this -> getCommandName ( $input );
if ( \true === $input -> hasParameterOption ([ '--help' , '-h' ], \true )) {
if ( ! $name ) {
$name = 'help' ;
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$input = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput ([ 'command_name' => $this -> defaultCommand ]);
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} else {
$this -> wantHelps = \true ;
if ( ! $name ) {
$name = $this -> defaultCommand ;
$definition = $this -> getDefinition ();
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$definition -> setArguments ( \array_merge ( $definition -> getArguments (), [ 'command' => new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument ( 'command' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument :: OPTIONAL , $definition -> getArgument ( 'command' ) -> getDescription (), $name )]));
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try {
$this -> runningCommand = null ;
// the command name MUST be the first element of the input
$command = $this -> find ( $name );
} catch ( \Throwable $e ) {
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if ( ! ( $e instanceof \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException && ! $e instanceof \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\NamespaceNotFoundException ) || 1 !== \count ( $alternatives = $e -> getAlternatives ()) || ! $input -> isInteractive ()) {
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if ( null !== $this -> dispatcher ) {
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$event = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleErrorEvent ( $input , $output , $e );
$this -> dispatcher -> dispatch ( $event , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents :: ERROR );
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if ( 0 === $event -> getExitCode ()) {
return 0 ;
$e = $event -> getError ();
throw $e ;
$alternative = $alternatives [ 0 ];
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$style = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle ( $input , $output );
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$style -> block ( \sprintf ( " \n Command \" %s \" is not defined. \n " , $name ), null , 'error' );
if ( ! $style -> confirm ( \sprintf ( 'Do you want to run "%s" instead? ' , $alternative ), \false )) {
if ( null !== $this -> dispatcher ) {
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$event = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleErrorEvent ( $input , $output , $e );
$this -> dispatcher -> dispatch ( $event , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents :: ERROR );
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return $event -> getExitCode ();
return 1 ;
$command = $this -> find ( $alternative );
$this -> runningCommand = $command ;
$exitCode = $this -> doRunCommand ( $command , $input , $output );
$this -> runningCommand = null ;
return $exitCode ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function reset ()
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public function setHelperSet ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet $helperSet )
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$this -> helperSet = $helperSet ;
* Get the helper set associated with the command .
* @ return HelperSet The HelperSet instance associated with this command
public function getHelperSet ()
if ( ! $this -> helperSet ) {
$this -> helperSet = $this -> getDefaultHelperSet ();
return $this -> helperSet ;
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public function setDefinition ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition $definition )
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$this -> definition = $definition ;
* Gets the InputDefinition related to this Application .
* @ return InputDefinition The InputDefinition instance
public function getDefinition ()
if ( ! $this -> definition ) {
$this -> definition = $this -> getDefaultInputDefinition ();
if ( $this -> singleCommand ) {
$inputDefinition = $this -> definition ;
$inputDefinition -> setArguments ();
return $inputDefinition ;
return $this -> definition ;
* Gets the help message .
* @ return string A help message
public function getHelp ()
return $this -> getLongVersion ();
* Gets whether to catch exceptions or not during commands execution .
* @ return bool Whether to catch exceptions or not during commands execution
public function areExceptionsCaught ()
return $this -> catchExceptions ;
* Sets whether to catch exceptions or not during commands execution .
public function setCatchExceptions ( bool $boolean )
$this -> catchExceptions = $boolean ;
* Gets whether to automatically exit after a command execution or not .
* @ return bool Whether to automatically exit after a command execution or not
public function isAutoExitEnabled ()
return $this -> autoExit ;
* Sets whether to automatically exit after a command execution or not .
public function setAutoExit ( bool $boolean )
$this -> autoExit = $boolean ;
* Gets the name of the application .
* @ return string The application name
public function getName ()
return $this -> name ;
* Sets the application name .
public function setName ( string $name )
$this -> name = $name ;
* Gets the application version .
* @ return string The application version
public function getVersion ()
return $this -> version ;
* Sets the application version .
public function setVersion ( string $version )
$this -> version = $version ;
* Returns the long version of the application .
* @ return string The long application version
public function getLongVersion ()
if ( 'UNKNOWN' !== $this -> getName ()) {
if ( 'UNKNOWN' !== $this -> getVersion ()) {
return \sprintf ( '%s <info>%s</info>' , $this -> getName (), $this -> getVersion ());
return $this -> getName ();
return 'Console Tool' ;
* Registers a new command .
* @ return Command The newly created command
public function register ( string $name )
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return $this -> add ( new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command ( $name ));
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* Adds an array of command objects .
* If a Command is not enabled it will not be added .
* @ param Command [] $commands An array of commands
public function addCommands ( array $commands )
foreach ( $commands as $command ) {
$this -> add ( $command );
* Adds a command object .
* If a command with the same name already exists , it will be overridden .
* If the command is not enabled it will not be added .
* @ return Command | null The registered command if enabled or null
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public function add ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command $command )
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$this -> init ();
$command -> setApplication ( $this );
if ( ! $command -> isEnabled ()) {
$command -> setApplication ( null );
return null ;
// Will throw if the command is not correctly initialized.
$command -> getDefinition ();
if ( ! $command -> getName ()) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException ( \sprintf ( 'The command defined in "%s" cannot have an empty name.' , \get_debug_type ( $command )));
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$this -> commands [ $command -> getName ()] = $command ;
foreach ( $command -> getAliases () as $alias ) {
$this -> commands [ $alias ] = $command ;
return $command ;
* Returns a registered command by name or alias .
* @ return Command A Command object
* @ throws CommandNotFoundException When given command name does not exist
public function get ( string $name )
$this -> init ();
if ( ! $this -> has ( $name )) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException ( \sprintf ( 'The command "%s" does not exist.' , $name ));
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// When the command has a different name than the one used at the command loader level
if ( ! isset ( $this -> commands [ $name ])) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException ( \sprintf ( 'The "%s" command cannot be found because it is registered under multiple names. Make sure you don\'t set a different name via constructor or "setName()".' , $name ));
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$command = $this -> commands [ $name ];
if ( $this -> wantHelps ) {
$this -> wantHelps = \false ;
$helpCommand = $this -> get ( 'help' );
$helpCommand -> setCommand ( $command );
return $helpCommand ;
return $command ;
* Returns true if the command exists , false otherwise .
* @ return bool true if the command exists , false otherwise
public function has ( string $name )
$this -> init ();
return isset ( $this -> commands [ $name ]) || $this -> commandLoader && $this -> commandLoader -> has ( $name ) && $this -> add ( $this -> commandLoader -> get ( $name ));
* Returns an array of all unique namespaces used by currently registered commands .
* It does not return the global namespace which always exists .
* @ return string [] An array of namespaces
public function getNamespaces ()
$namespaces = [];
foreach ( $this -> all () as $command ) {
if ( $command -> isHidden ()) {
continue ;
$namespaces = \array_merge ( $namespaces , $this -> extractAllNamespaces ( $command -> getName ()));
foreach ( $command -> getAliases () as $alias ) {
$namespaces = \array_merge ( $namespaces , $this -> extractAllNamespaces ( $alias ));
return \array_values ( \array_unique ( \array_filter ( $namespaces )));
* Finds a registered namespace by a name or an abbreviation .
* @ return string A registered namespace
* @ throws NamespaceNotFoundException When namespace is incorrect or ambiguous
public function findNamespace ( string $namespace )
$allNamespaces = $this -> getNamespaces ();
$expr = \preg_replace_callback ( '{([^:]+|)}' , function ( $matches ) {
return \preg_quote ( $matches [ 1 ]) . '[^:]*' ;
}, $namespace );
$namespaces = \preg_grep ( '{^' . $expr . '}' , $allNamespaces );
if ( empty ( $namespaces )) {
$message = \sprintf ( 'There are no commands defined in the "%s" namespace.' , $namespace );
if ( $alternatives = $this -> findAlternatives ( $namespace , $allNamespaces )) {
if ( 1 == \count ( $alternatives )) {
$message .= " \n \n Did you mean this? \n " ;
} else {
$message .= " \n \n Did you mean one of these? \n " ;
$message .= \implode ( " \n " , $alternatives );
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\NamespaceNotFoundException ( $message , $alternatives );
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$exact = \in_array ( $namespace , $namespaces , \true );
if ( \count ( $namespaces ) > 1 && ! $exact ) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\NamespaceNotFoundException ( \sprintf ( " The namespace \" %s \" is ambiguous. \n Did you mean one of these? \n %s. " , $namespace , $this -> getAbbreviationSuggestions ( \array_values ( $namespaces ))), \array_values ( $namespaces ));
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return $exact ? $namespace : \reset ( $namespaces );
* Finds a command by name or alias .
* Contrary to get , this command tries to find the best
* match if you give it an abbreviation of a name or alias .
* @ return Command A Command instance
* @ throws CommandNotFoundException When command name is incorrect or ambiguous
public function find ( string $name )
$this -> init ();
$aliases = [];
foreach ( $this -> commands as $command ) {
foreach ( $command -> getAliases () as $alias ) {
if ( ! $this -> has ( $alias )) {
$this -> commands [ $alias ] = $command ;
if ( $this -> has ( $name )) {
return $this -> get ( $name );
$allCommands = $this -> commandLoader ? \array_merge ( $this -> commandLoader -> getNames (), \array_keys ( $this -> commands )) : \array_keys ( $this -> commands );
$expr = \preg_replace_callback ( '{([^:]+|)}' , function ( $matches ) {
return \preg_quote ( $matches [ 1 ]) . '[^:]*' ;
}, $name );
$commands = \preg_grep ( '{^' . $expr . '}' , $allCommands );
if ( empty ( $commands )) {
$commands = \preg_grep ( '{^' . $expr . '}i' , $allCommands );
// if no commands matched or we just matched namespaces
if ( empty ( $commands ) || \count ( \preg_grep ( '{^' . $expr . '$}i' , $commands )) < 1 ) {
if ( \false !== ( $pos = \strrpos ( $name , ':' ))) {
// check if a namespace exists and contains commands
$this -> findNamespace ( \substr ( $name , 0 , $pos ));
$message = \sprintf ( 'Command "%s" is not defined.' , $name );
if ( $alternatives = $this -> findAlternatives ( $name , $allCommands )) {
// remove hidden commands
$alternatives = \array_filter ( $alternatives , function ( $name ) {
return ! $this -> get ( $name ) -> isHidden ();
if ( 1 == \count ( $alternatives )) {
$message .= " \n \n Did you mean this? \n " ;
} else {
$message .= " \n \n Did you mean one of these? \n " ;
$message .= \implode ( " \n " , $alternatives );
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException ( $message , \array_values ( $alternatives ));
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// filter out aliases for commands which are already on the list
if ( \count ( $commands ) > 1 ) {
$commandList = $this -> commandLoader ? \array_merge ( \array_flip ( $this -> commandLoader -> getNames ()), $this -> commands ) : $this -> commands ;
$commands = \array_unique ( \array_filter ( $commands , function ( $nameOrAlias ) use ( & $commandList , $commands , & $aliases ) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
if ( ! $commandList [ $nameOrAlias ] instanceof \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command ) {
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$commandList [ $nameOrAlias ] = $this -> commandLoader -> get ( $nameOrAlias );
$commandName = $commandList [ $nameOrAlias ] -> getName ();
$aliases [ $nameOrAlias ] = $commandName ;
return $commandName === $nameOrAlias || ! \in_array ( $commandName , $commands );
if ( \count ( $commands ) > 1 ) {
$usableWidth = $this -> terminal -> getWidth () - 10 ;
$abbrevs = \array_values ( $commands );
$maxLen = 0 ;
foreach ( $abbrevs as $abbrev ) {
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$maxLen = \max ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Helper :: strlen ( $abbrev ), $maxLen );
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$abbrevs = \array_map ( function ( $cmd ) use ( $commandList , $usableWidth , $maxLen , & $commands ) {
if ( $commandList [ $cmd ] -> isHidden ()) {
unset ( $commands [ \array_search ( $cmd , $commands )]);
return \false ;
$abbrev = \str_pad ( $cmd , $maxLen , ' ' ) . ' ' . $commandList [ $cmd ] -> getDescription ();
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return \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Helper :: strlen ( $abbrev ) > $usableWidth ? \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Helper :: substr ( $abbrev , 0 , $usableWidth - 3 ) . '...' : $abbrev ;
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}, \array_values ( $commands ));
if ( \count ( $commands ) > 1 ) {
$suggestions = $this -> getAbbreviationSuggestions ( \array_filter ( $abbrevs ));
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException ( \sprintf ( " Command \" %s \" is ambiguous. \n Did you mean one of these? \n %s. " , $name , $suggestions ), \array_values ( $commands ));
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$command = $this -> get ( \reset ( $commands ));
if ( $command -> isHidden ()) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException ( \sprintf ( 'The command "%s" does not exist.' , $name ));
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return $command ;
* Gets the commands ( registered in the given namespace if provided ) .
* The array keys are the full names and the values the command instances .
* @ return Command [] An array of Command instances
public function all ( string $namespace = null )
$this -> init ();
if ( null === $namespace ) {
if ( ! $this -> commandLoader ) {
return $this -> commands ;
$commands = $this -> commands ;
foreach ( $this -> commandLoader -> getNames () as $name ) {
if ( ! isset ( $commands [ $name ]) && $this -> has ( $name )) {
$commands [ $name ] = $this -> get ( $name );
return $commands ;
$commands = [];
foreach ( $this -> commands as $name => $command ) {
if ( $namespace === $this -> extractNamespace ( $name , \substr_count ( $namespace , ':' ) + 1 )) {
$commands [ $name ] = $command ;
if ( $this -> commandLoader ) {
foreach ( $this -> commandLoader -> getNames () as $name ) {
if ( ! isset ( $commands [ $name ]) && $namespace === $this -> extractNamespace ( $name , \substr_count ( $namespace , ':' ) + 1 ) && $this -> has ( $name )) {
$commands [ $name ] = $this -> get ( $name );
return $commands ;
* Returns an array of possible abbreviations given a set of names .
* @ return string [][] An array of abbreviations
public static function getAbbreviations ( array $names )
$abbrevs = [];
foreach ( $names as $name ) {
for ( $len = \strlen ( $name ); $len > 0 ; -- $len ) {
$abbrev = \substr ( $name , 0 , $len );
$abbrevs [ $abbrev ][] = $name ;
return $abbrevs ;
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
public function renderThrowable ( \Throwable $e , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output ) : void
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> writeln ( '' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_QUIET );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$this -> doRenderThrowable ( $e , $output );
if ( null !== $this -> runningCommand ) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> writeln ( \sprintf ( '<info>%s</info>' , \sprintf ( $this -> runningCommand -> getSynopsis (), $this -> getName ())), \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_QUIET );
$output -> writeln ( '' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_QUIET );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
protected function doRenderThrowable ( \Throwable $e , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output ) : void
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
do {
$message = \trim ( $e -> getMessage ());
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
if ( '' === $message || \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $output -> getVerbosity ()) {
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$class = \get_debug_type ( $e );
$title = \sprintf ( ' [%s%s] ' , $class , 0 !== ( $code = $e -> getCode ()) ? ' (' . $code . ')' : '' );
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$len = \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Helper :: strlen ( $title );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
} else {
$len = 0 ;
if ( \false !== \strpos ( $message , " @anonymous \0 " )) {
$message = \preg_replace_callback ( '/[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][\\\\a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*+@anonymous\\x00.*?\\.php(?:0x?|:[0-9]++\\$)[0-9a-fA-F]++/' , function ( $m ) {
return \class_exists ( $m [ 0 ], \false ) ? (( \get_parent_class ( $m [ 0 ]) ? : \key ( \class_implements ( $m [ 0 ]))) ? : 'class' ) . '@anonymous' : $m [ 0 ];
}, $message );
$width = $this -> terminal -> getWidth () ? $this -> terminal -> getWidth () - 1 : \PHP_INT_MAX ;
$lines = [];
foreach ( '' !== $message ? \preg_split ( '/\\r?\\n/' , $message ) : [] as $line ) {
foreach ( $this -> splitStringByWidth ( $line , $width - 4 ) as $line ) {
// pre-format lines to get the right string length
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$lineLength = \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Helper :: strlen ( $line ) + 4 ;
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$lines [] = [ $line , $lineLength ];
$len = \max ( $lineLength , $len );
$messages = [];
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
if ( ! $e instanceof \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface || \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $output -> getVerbosity ()) {
$messages [] = \sprintf ( '<comment>%s</comment>' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter :: escape ( \sprintf ( 'In %s line %s:' , \basename ( $e -> getFile ()) ? : 'n/a' , $e -> getLine () ? : 'n/a' )));
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$messages [] = $emptyLine = \sprintf ( '<error>%s</error>' , \str_repeat ( ' ' , $len ));
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
if ( '' === $message || \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $output -> getVerbosity ()) {
$messages [] = \sprintf ( '<error>%s%s</error>' , $title , \str_repeat ( ' ' , \max ( 0 , $len - \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Helper :: strlen ( $title ))));
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$messages [] = \sprintf ( '<error> %s %s</error>' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter :: escape ( $line [ 0 ]), \str_repeat ( ' ' , $len - $line [ 1 ]));
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$messages [] = $emptyLine ;
$messages [] = '' ;
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> writeln ( $messages , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_QUIET );
if ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $output -> getVerbosity ()) {
$output -> writeln ( '<comment>Exception trace:</comment>' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_QUIET );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
// exception related properties
$trace = $e -> getTrace ();
\array_unshift ( $trace , [ 'function' => '' , 'file' => $e -> getFile () ? : 'n/a' , 'line' => $e -> getLine () ? : 'n/a' , 'args' => []]);
for ( $i = 0 , $count = \count ( $trace ); $i < $count ; ++ $i ) {
$class = $trace [ $i ][ 'class' ] ? ? '' ;
$type = $trace [ $i ][ 'type' ] ? ? '' ;
$function = $trace [ $i ][ 'function' ] ? ? '' ;
$file = $trace [ $i ][ 'file' ] ? ? 'n/a' ;
$line = $trace [ $i ][ 'line' ] ? ? 'n/a' ;
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> writeln ( \sprintf ( ' %s%s at <info>%s:%s</info>' , $class , $function ? $type . $function . '()' : '' , $file , $line ), \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_QUIET );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> writeln ( '' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_QUIET );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
} while ( $e = $e -> getPrevious ());
* Configures the input and output instances based on the user arguments and options .
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
protected function configureIO ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output )
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
if ( \true === $input -> hasParameterOption ([ '--ansi' ], \true )) {
$output -> setDecorated ( \true );
} elseif ( \true === $input -> hasParameterOption ([ '--no-ansi' ], \true )) {
$output -> setDecorated ( \false );
if ( \true === $input -> hasParameterOption ([ '--no-interaction' , '-n' ], \true )) {
$input -> setInteractive ( \false );
switch ( $shellVerbosity = ( int ) \getenv ( 'SHELL_VERBOSITY' )) {
case - 1 :
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> setVerbosity ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_QUIET );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
break ;
case 1 :
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> setVerbosity ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
break ;
case 2 :
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> setVerbosity ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
break ;
case 3 :
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> setVerbosity ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_DEBUG );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
break ;
default :
$shellVerbosity = 0 ;
break ;
if ( \true === $input -> hasParameterOption ([ '--quiet' , '-q' ], \true )) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> setVerbosity ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_QUIET );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$shellVerbosity = - 1 ;
} else {
if ( $input -> hasParameterOption ( '-vvv' , \true ) || $input -> hasParameterOption ( '--verbose=3' , \true ) || 3 === $input -> getParameterOption ( '--verbose' , \false , \true )) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> setVerbosity ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_DEBUG );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$shellVerbosity = 3 ;
} elseif ( $input -> hasParameterOption ( '-vv' , \true ) || $input -> hasParameterOption ( '--verbose=2' , \true ) || 2 === $input -> getParameterOption ( '--verbose' , \false , \true )) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> setVerbosity ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$shellVerbosity = 2 ;
} elseif ( $input -> hasParameterOption ( '-v' , \true ) || $input -> hasParameterOption ( '--verbose=1' , \true ) || $input -> hasParameterOption ( '--verbose' , \true ) || $input -> getParameterOption ( '--verbose' , \false , \true )) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$output -> setVerbosity ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$shellVerbosity = 1 ;
if ( - 1 === $shellVerbosity ) {
$input -> setInteractive ( \false );
if ( \function_exists ( 'putenv' )) {
@ \putenv ( 'SHELL_VERBOSITY=' . $shellVerbosity );
$_ENV [ 'SHELL_VERBOSITY' ] = $shellVerbosity ;
$_SERVER [ 'SHELL_VERBOSITY' ] = $shellVerbosity ;
* Runs the current command .
* If an event dispatcher has been attached to the application ,
* events are also dispatched during the life - cycle of the command .
* @ return int 0 if everything went fine , or an error code
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
protected function doRunCommand ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command $command , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output )
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
foreach ( $command -> getHelperSet () as $helper ) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
if ( $helper instanceof \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputAwareInterface ) {
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$helper -> setInput ( $input );
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
if ( $command instanceof \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\SignalableCommandInterface ) {
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
if ( ! $this -> signalRegistry ) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
throw new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException ( 'Unable to subscribe to signal events. Make sure that the `pcntl` extension is installed and that "pcntl_*" functions are not disabled by your php.ini\'s "disable_functions" directive.' );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
if ( $this -> dispatcher ) {
foreach ( $this -> signalsToDispatchEvent as $signal ) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$event = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleSignalEvent ( $command , $input , $output , $signal );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$this -> signalRegistry -> register ( $signal , function ( $signal , $hasNext ) use ( $event ) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$this -> dispatcher -> dispatch ( $event , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents :: SIGNAL );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
// No more handlers, we try to simulate PHP default behavior
if ( ! $hasNext ) {
if ( ! \in_array ( $signal , [ \SIGUSR1 , \SIGUSR2 ], \true )) {
exit ( 0 );
foreach ( $command -> getSubscribedSignals () as $signal ) {
$this -> signalRegistry -> register ( $signal , [ $command , 'handleSignal' ]);
if ( null === $this -> dispatcher ) {
return $command -> run ( $input , $output );
// bind before the console.command event, so the listeners have access to input options/arguments
try {
$command -> mergeApplicationDefinition ();
$input -> bind ( $command -> getDefinition ());
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
} catch ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e ) {
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
// ignore invalid options/arguments for now, to allow the event listeners to customize the InputDefinition
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$event = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleCommandEvent ( $command , $input , $output );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$e = null ;
try {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$this -> dispatcher -> dispatch ( $event , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents :: COMMAND );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
if ( $event -> commandShouldRun ()) {
$exitCode = $command -> run ( $input , $output );
} else {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$exitCode = \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleCommandEvent :: RETURN_CODE_DISABLED ;
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
} catch ( \Throwable $e ) {
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$event = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleErrorEvent ( $input , $output , $e , $command );
$this -> dispatcher -> dispatch ( $event , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents :: ERROR );
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
$e = $event -> getError ();
if ( 0 === ( $exitCode = $event -> getExitCode ())) {
$e = null ;
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
$event = new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleTerminateEvent ( $command , $input , $output , $exitCode );
$this -> dispatcher -> dispatch ( $event , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents :: TERMINATE );
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if ( null !== $e ) {
throw $e ;
return $event -> getExitCode ();
* Gets the name of the command based on input .
* @ return string | null
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protected function getCommandName ( \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input )
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
return $this -> singleCommand ? $this -> defaultCommand : $input -> getFirstArgument ();
* Gets the default input definition .
* @ return InputDefinition An InputDefinition instance
protected function getDefaultInputDefinition ()
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
return new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition ([ new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument ( 'command' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument :: REQUIRED , 'The command to execute' ), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption ( '--help' , '-h' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption :: VALUE_NONE , 'Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the <info>' . $this -> defaultCommand . '</info> command' ), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption ( '--quiet' , '-q' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption :: VALUE_NONE , 'Do not output any message' ), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption ( '--verbose' , '-v|vv|vvv' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption :: VALUE_NONE , 'Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug' ), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption ( '--version' , '-V' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption :: VALUE_NONE , 'Display this application version' ), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption ( '--ansi' , '' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption :: VALUE_NONE , 'Force ANSI output' ), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption ( '--no-ansi' , '' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption :: VALUE_NONE , 'Disable ANSI output' ), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption ( '--no-interaction' , '-n' , \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption :: VALUE_NONE , 'Do not ask any interactive question' )]);
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
* Gets the default commands that should always be available .
* @ return Command [] An array of default Command instances
protected function getDefaultCommands ()
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
return [ new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\HelpCommand (), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\ListCommand ()];
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
* Gets the default helper set with the helpers that should always be available .
* @ return HelperSet A HelperSet instance
protected function getDefaultHelperSet ()
2021-05-31 09:35:19 +00:00
return new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet ([ new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper (), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DebugFormatterHelper (), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProcessHelper (), new \RectorPrefix20210531\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper ()]);
2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
* Returns abbreviated suggestions in string format .
private function getAbbreviationSuggestions ( array $abbrevs ) : string
return ' ' . \implode ( " \n " , $abbrevs );
* Returns the namespace part of the command name .
* This method is not part of public API and should not be used directly .
* @ return string The namespace of the command
public function extractNamespace ( string $name , int $limit = null )
$parts = \explode ( ':' , $name , - 1 );
return \implode ( ':' , null === $limit ? $parts : \array_slice ( $parts , 0 , $limit ));
* Finds alternative of $name among $collection ,
* if nothing is found in $collection , try in $abbrevs .
* @ return string [] A sorted array of similar string
private function findAlternatives ( string $name , iterable $collection ) : array
$threshold = 1000.0 ;
$alternatives = [];
$collectionParts = [];
foreach ( $collection as $item ) {
$collectionParts [ $item ] = \explode ( ':' , $item );
foreach ( \explode ( ':' , $name ) as $i => $subname ) {
foreach ( $collectionParts as $collectionName => $parts ) {
$exists = isset ( $alternatives [ $collectionName ]);
if ( ! isset ( $parts [ $i ]) && $exists ) {
$alternatives [ $collectionName ] += $threshold ;
continue ;
} elseif ( ! isset ( $parts [ $i ])) {
continue ;
$lev = \levenshtein ( $subname , $parts [ $i ]);
if ( $lev <= \strlen ( $subname ) / 3 || '' !== $subname && \false !== \strpos ( $parts [ $i ], $subname )) {
$alternatives [ $collectionName ] = $exists ? $alternatives [ $collectionName ] + $lev : $lev ;
} elseif ( $exists ) {
$alternatives [ $collectionName ] += $threshold ;
foreach ( $collection as $item ) {
$lev = \levenshtein ( $name , $item );
if ( $lev <= \strlen ( $name ) / 3 || \false !== \strpos ( $item , $name )) {
$alternatives [ $item ] = isset ( $alternatives [ $item ]) ? $alternatives [ $item ] - $lev : $lev ;
$alternatives = \array_filter ( $alternatives , function ( $lev ) use ( $threshold ) {
return $lev < 2 * $threshold ;
\ksort ( $alternatives , \SORT_NATURAL | \SORT_FLAG_CASE );
return \array_keys ( $alternatives );
* Sets the default Command name .
* @ return self
public function setDefaultCommand ( string $commandName , bool $isSingleCommand = \false )
$this -> defaultCommand = $commandName ;
if ( $isSingleCommand ) {
// Ensure the command exist
$this -> find ( $commandName );
$this -> singleCommand = \true ;
return $this ;
* @ internal
public function isSingleCommand () : bool
return $this -> singleCommand ;
private function splitStringByWidth ( string $string , int $width ) : array
// str_split is not suitable for multi-byte characters, we should use preg_split to get char array properly.
// additionally, array_slice() is not enough as some character has doubled width.
// we need a function to split string not by character count but by string width
if ( \false === ( $encoding = \mb_detect_encoding ( $string , null , \true ))) {
return \str_split ( $string , $width );
$utf8String = \mb_convert_encoding ( $string , 'utf8' , $encoding );
$lines = [];
$line = '' ;
$offset = 0 ;
while ( \preg_match ( '/.{1,10000}/u' , $utf8String , $m , 0 , $offset )) {
$offset += \strlen ( $m [ 0 ]);
foreach ( \preg_split ( '//u' , $m [ 0 ]) as $char ) {
// test if $char could be appended to current line
if ( \mb_strwidth ( $line . $char , 'utf8' ) <= $width ) {
$line .= $char ;
continue ;
// if not, push current line to array and make new line
$lines [] = \str_pad ( $line , $width );
$line = $char ;
$lines [] = \count ( $lines ) ? \str_pad ( $line , $width ) : $line ;
\mb_convert_variables ( $encoding , 'utf8' , $lines );
return $lines ;
* Returns all namespaces of the command name .
* @ return string [] The namespaces of the command
private function extractAllNamespaces ( string $name ) : array
// -1 as third argument is needed to skip the command short name when exploding
$parts = \explode ( ':' , $name , - 1 );
$namespaces = [];
foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
if ( \count ( $namespaces )) {
$namespaces [] = \end ( $namespaces ) . ':' . $part ;
} else {
$namespaces [] = $part ;
return $namespaces ;
private function init ()
if ( $this -> initialized ) {
return ;
$this -> initialized = \true ;
foreach ( $this -> getDefaultCommands () as $command ) {
$this -> add ( $command );