2019-04-13 15:11:03 +02:00
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog ](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/ )
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning ](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html ).
PRs and issues are linked, so you can find more about it. Thanks to [ChangelogLinker ](https://github.com/Symplify/ChangelogLinker ).
<!-- changelog - linker -->
2019-04-13 15:16:49 +02:00
2020-03-29 00:06:05 +01:00
## Unreleased
### Added
- [#3080 ] [CodeQuality] Add ArrayKeysAndInArrayToIssetRector
- [#3070 ] [DeadCode] Add empty() + count($values) > 0 checks to RemoveUnusedNonEmptyArrayBeforeForeachRector
- [#3068 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveAssignOfVoidReturnFunctionRector
- [#3062 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveUnusedFunctionRector
- [#3066 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveUnusedNonEmptyArrayBeforeForeachRector
- [#3047 ] [PHPUnit] Add CreateMockToCreateStubRector
- [#3081 ] [TypeDeclaration] Add class method param type resolving by property
- [#3058 ] [PHP 7.4] Add default null type on properties
- [#3059 ] [PHP 7.4] Add restoration null default only
- [#3057 ] [PHP 7.4] Add id tag support + remove array on collection property
- [#3078 ] Add Safe 0.7 set
- [#3072 ] [PHP 8.0] Add StrContainsRector
### Changed
- [#3082 ] [CodeQuality] use array_key_exists instead of isset
- [#3056 ] [PHP 7.4] Improve TypedPropertyRector for Doctrine collection
- [#3051 ] improve GeneratedValueTagValueNode
- [#3063 ] [PHP 5.5] Prevent error on non-string value in PregReplaceEModifierRector
- [#3040 ] Proofread docs, Thanks to [@greg0ire ]
- [#3039 ] Proofread readme, Thanks to [@greg0ire ]
- [#3083 ] use just one type of printing
### Fixed
- [#3050 ] Fix assert choice tag value node with class constant reference
- [#3049 ] fix union type on ReturnTypeDeclarationRector
- [#3052 ] fix content resolving
- [#3054 ] skip if not used with the `array []` operator fixes [#3053 ], Thanks to [@derflocki ]
- [#3065 ] Fix multiple annotation reading of same type at class method
- [#3069 ] Fix Route separating key
- [#3077 ] Fix auto import
- [#3079 ] Fix annotation in requirements of [@Route ]
- [#3064 ] [PHP 7.4] Fix ChangeReflectionTypeToStringToGetNameRector
### Removed
- [#3071 ] remove ctor dependency on property/assign removal
- [#3076 ] [PHP 8.0] drop preg_match support from StrContains, too vague
## [v0.7.7] - 2020-03-20
### Added
- [#3024 ] add DoctrineBehaviors 2.0
- [#3019 ] add fix for getIterator() on Finder for Array spread
- [#3034 ] Add checkstyle output format
- [#3021 ] add phpunit 9 rector to convert non-strict assertContains, Thanks to [@nightlinus ]
- [#3023 ] add DoctrineBehaviors 2.0
### Changed
- [#3032 ] [DeadCode] Skip shifted variable
- [#3015 ] Rector CI is now exclusive for non-fork pushes + PRs, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#3013 ] Commit rector processed changes from CI, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#3036 ] Run cs after rector ci, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#3027 ] ForToForeachRector fixture, Thanks to [@crishoj ]
### Fixed
- [#3029 ] Fix other loop
- [#3022 ] PHP 7.4 deprecation fix, Thanks to [@alexeyshockov ]
- [#3030 ] fix no-space change reprint in case of dual comment
- [#3035 ] Fix typo in README.md, Thanks to [@pgrimaud ]
- [#3031 ] fix asterisk indent
### Removed
- [#3016 ] Delete DogFoodClass, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
2020-03-11 17:18:32 +01:00
## [v0.7.4] - 2020-03-11
2020-03-11 17:17:38 +01:00
### Added
- [#3003 ] Add failing tests for method annotation, Thanks to [@stedekay ]
- [#2990 ] AssertTrueFalseToSpecificMethodRector: add broken test ('Pick more specific node than PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall'), Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2988 ] add space between name and value
### Changed
- [#3009 ] [ReadyToBeMerged][AnnotateThrowables] Support `$this` calling a method of the same class, Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#3012 ] check for used variable without comments
- [#2981 ] Skip passed argument
- [#2984 ] improve array shape double collon spacing
- [#2987 ] improve param array type for change type
- [#2980 ] skip empty method on open-source
- [#3010 ] Abstract files system
- [#2998 ] AnnotateThrowables: support analysis of called functions and methods, Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
### Fixed
- [#3008 ] [ReadyToBeMerged][AnnotateThrowables] Fix a small mispelling., Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#2992 ] fix spacing of data provider
- [#2997 ] Fix various static calls errors in PHPUnit Rectors., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#3004 ] fix method annotation
- [#2985 ] fix union param
- [#2982 ] Fix PhpDocInfoPrinter slash removal
- [#2996 ] fix multiline with one space
### Removed
- [#3005 ] remove comments only in case of change to original node
2020-03-11 17:18:32 +01:00
## [v0.7.3] - 2020-03-01
2020-03-01 23:35:41 +01:00
### Added
- [#2948 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveDuplicatedIfReturnRector
- [#2950 ] [GetClassOnNullRector] Add failing test in trait., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2953 ] AssertRegExpRectorTest: add broken test on static method call, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2956 ] AssertTrueFalseInternalTypeToSpecificMethodRector: add broken test method call, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2952 ] ReturnTypeDeclarationRector: add broken test on array indexes (?), Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2951 ] AddSeeTestAnnotationRectorTest: add broken test for simple comment., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2943 ] add failing test case for [#2939 ], Thanks to [@fsok ]
- [#2954 ] RemoveDefaultArgumentValueRector: add broken test on static method call., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2968 ] Class Cognitive complexity improvements + add docContent as first step to format preserving of doc nodes
### Changed
- [#2974 ] [DX] Improve ForToForeachRector
- [#2966 ] make open-source parameter typo-proof
- [#2969 ] decopule class dependency manipulator methods
- [#2949 ] Improve PropertyFetchManipulator
- [#2972 ] Simplify PropertyFetchManipulator
- [#2962 ] cleanup extra space in doc print
- [#2975 ] Decrease class complexity < =50
- [#2947 ] Let amount of usages decide whether whitespaces or tabs are used, Thanks to [@alexanderschnitzler ]
### Fixed
- [#2978 ] [DeadCode] Fix shifted value
- [#2979 ] fix spacing for array shape item
- [#2959 ] fix return dim array fetch
- [#2960 ] fix naming of non-func call
- [#2963 ] fix get class on trait
- [#2964 ] fix complexity
- [#2965 ] fix extra space in phpdoc
- [#2977 ] fix array shape type
- [#2961 ] various fixes
### Removed
- [#2946 ] remove dead code
2020-02-27 14:29:48 +01:00
## [v0.7.2] - 2020-02-27
### Added
- [#2924 ] [CodeIgniter] Add 4.0 set
- [#2941 ] Make compiler own kernel app + add more debug info
- [#2940 ] add Windows print test
- [#2933 ] add project_type
- [#2931 ] add has lifecycle callbacks
- [#2925 ] add docs space test
### Changed
- [#2926 ] [DeadCode] Skip abstract methods in RemoveUnusedParameterRector as 3rd contract
### Fixed
- [#2935 ] Fix double boolean
- [#2934 ] fix [@method ] union return type annotation
- [#2932 ] Fix prophecy mocking arg
### Removed
- [#2937 ] skip open source class in remove unused param in open-source
2020-02-23 23:42:41 +01:00
## [v0.7.1] - 2020-02-23
2020-02-16 21:49:10 +01:00
### Added
2020-02-23 23:42:11 +01:00
- [#2906 ] [CodeQuality] Add InlineIfToExplicitIfRector
- [#2898 ] [CodingStyle] Add CamelCaseFunctionNamingToUnderscoreRector
- [#2919 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector
- [#2918 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveUnusedClassConstantRector
- [#2914 ] [JMS] Add RemoveJmsInjectParamsAnnotationRector and RemoveJmsServiceAnnotationRector
- [#2920 ] [MysqlToMysqli] Add MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector
- [#2917 ] [Phalcon] Add DecoupleSaveMethodCallWithArgumentToAssignRector
- [#2907 ] [SOLID] Add ChangeNestedForeachIfsToEarlyContinueRector
- [#2873 ] [SOLID] Add ChangeReadOnlyVariableWithDefaultValueToConstantRector
- [#2901 ] add links to each rule to docs
- [#2902 ] add mergeable
- [#2862 ] Adding failing test for RemoveAlwaysElseRector, Thanks to [@escopecz ]
- [#2867 ] Add failing test for issue [#2863 ], Thanks to [@fsok ]
2020-02-16 21:49:10 +01:00
- [#2853 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveDeadTryCatchRector
- [#2856 ] [SOLID] Add ChangeReadOnlyPropertyWithDefaultValueToConstantRector
- [#2848 ] add first OXID rector, Thanks to [@alfredbez ]
### Changed
2020-02-23 23:42:11 +01:00
- [#2883 ] [OXID] replace backwards-compatability classes in oxNew, Thanks to [@alfredbez ]
- [#2886 ] skip test fixtures
- [#2872 ] Skip unpackaged args in ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector
- [#2871 ] Make ParamTypeDeclaration test pass with parent interface
- [#2874 ] Update set for transforming Kdyby\Translation to Contributte\Translation, Thanks to [@Ivorius ]
- [#2869 ] Keep comments
- [#2868 ] update CHANGELOG
- [#2875 ] disable coverage on pr, secret does not work
- [#2876 ] `AnnotateThrowablesRector` : Improve organization of tests., Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#2881 ] Callable type falling tests, Thanks to [@snapshotpl ]
- [#2884 ] Callable type
- [#2922 ] skip used property
- [#2890 ] Support throw of static methods, Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#2904 ] Support throw from the method of an instantiated class., Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#2916 ] improve complexity
- [#2915 ] improve EregToPcreTransformer complexity
- [#2913 ] replace SHORT_NAME with short name interface
- [#2909 ] Rector CI: enable SOLID set
- [#2905 ] Fixup
- [#2903 ] prevent getName() on StaticCall or MethodCall
- [#2896 ] keep array function static
2020-02-16 21:49:10 +01:00
- [#2631 ] [AddArrayReturnDocTypeRector] sets a less specific type in child method (mixed[]) than is defined in parent method (SomeObject[]), Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2650 ] [CountOnNullRector] Should understand array/countable variable in trait method, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2860 ] Make `AnnotateThrowablesRector` continue on unhandled node types., Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#2859 ] Apply properties to constants rule from SOLID
- [#2858 ] Cleanup AnnotateThrowablesRector
- [#2857 ] Improve AnnotateThrowablesRector
- [#2851 ] move Nette package to rules
### Fixed
- [#2865 ] fix callable print [closes [#2841 ]]
- [#2866 ] Skip CountOnNullRector on trait + fix return type mixed override
2020-02-23 23:42:11 +01:00
- [#2885 ] Fix already constant
- [#2900 ] Fix incorrect regexes to preserve doc tags spacing
- [#2899 ] fix duplicate switch without break
- [#2880 ] Fix PHP notice in ternary to spaceship rector, Thanks to [@fsok ]
- [#2870 ] fix remove alwasy else for anonymous function jump
- [#2921 ] Fix FinalizeClassesWithoutChildrenRector for embedable
- [#2893 ] fix tab indent
- [#2897 ] fix nested array dim fetch resolving type
2020-02-16 21:49:10 +01:00
## [v0.7.0] - 2020-02-14
### Added
- [#2795 ] [CakePHPToSymfony] Add CakePHPBeforeFilterToRequestEventSubscriberRector
- [#2850 ] [PHPStan] Add KeepRectorNamespaceForRectorRule
- [#2784 ] [PHPUnit] feature: add rule to refactor exception methods, Thanks to [@alfredbez ]
- [#2849 ] [Renaming] Add RenameFuncCallToStaticCallRector
- [#2811 ] Add support for phpunit 9, Thanks to [@snapshotpl ]
- [#2843 ] add more checks to 'composer complete-check', Thanks to [@alfredbez ]
- [#2802 ] added --config parameter to README, Thanks to [@C0pyR1ght ]
### Changed
- [#2781 ] [PhpDoc] move get param types to php doc info
- [#2830 ] Decouple Static Type Mapper
- [#2838 ] move Rector-rule based packages from /packages to /rules
- [#2756 ] github-action: Annotate Github Pull Requests based on a Checkstyle X…, Thanks to [@staabm ]
- [#2829 ] decouple PropertyFetchTypeResolver
- [#2847 ] move core architecture to own set
- [#2775 ] Merge pull request [#2775 ] from rectorphp/php-doc-object-attribute
- [#2845 ] improve original format in CallableTypeNode
- [#2783 ] Merge pull request [#2783 ] from rectorphp/cleanup-parsed-nodes
- [#2844 ] Update to PHPStan 0.12.10 stable
- [#2786 ] Merge pull request [#2786 ] from rectorphp/php-doc-only
- [#2792 ] decouple ImplicitToExplicitRoutingAnnotationDecorator
- [#2794 ] Merge pull request [#2794 ] from rectorphp/cakephp-before-request
- [#2840 ] Inject the coveralls token as a secret, Thanks to [@ikvasnica ]
- [#2797 ] use PhpDocInfo by default
- [#2799 ] DocBlockManipulator decoupling
- [#2801 ] Decouple DocBlockClassRenamer
- [#2790 ] Merge pull request [#2790 ] from rectorphp/cakephp-routes-to-explicit
- [#2807 ] Move src namespace frm Rector\ to Rector\Core\
- [#2817 ] decouple ParentConstantReflectionResolver
- [#2825 ] decouple VendorLock package
- [#2821 ] rector for doctrine setParameters method, Thanks to [@vladyslavstartsev ]
- [#2818 ] decouple function node finder and collector from ParsedNodesByType
- [#2823 ] NodeNameResolver decoupled to own package
- [#2742 ] Decouple PHPStan Type to function resolver logic, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
- [#2810 ] rename package to use lowercased standard, prevent confusion with PSR-4
- [#2791 ] [cs] apply property and method order
### Deprecated
- [#2780 ] remove deprecated `removeBy*()` in DocBlockManipulator
### Fixed
- [#2819 ] Cognitive complexity fixes
- [#2813 ] Fix encapsed
- [#2846 ] Fix dev in build
- [#2808 ] Fix replacement for Table::buildRules(), Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#2800 ] Update to PHPStan 0.12.9 and fix scoping deps
- [#2812 ] [PHP 74] Fix ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector for non-constant string keys
- [#2816 ] PHPStan fixes, Thanks to [@ondrejmirtes ]
- [#2814 ] Fix protected parent constant override
### Removed
- [#2831 ] remove parameter in imports
- [#2827 ] remove unused method
- [#2798 ] Remove nullable PhpDoc
- [#2826 ] remove duplicated method
- [#2787 ] Merge pull request [#2787 ] from rectorphp/remove-setter-only
- [#2789 ] Merge pull request [#2789 ] from rectorphp/remove-many-args
## [v0.6.14] - 2020-01-29
### Added
- [#2758 ] [CI] add SonarCube
- [#2726 ] [CakePHPToSymfony] Add CakePHPModelToDoctrineEntityRector
- [#2744 ] [CakePHPToSymfony] Add CakePHPModelToDoctrineRepositoryRector
- [#2731 ] [CakePHPToSymfony] Add model migration for ManyToOne, OneToOne, ManyToMany
- [#2745 ] [CakePHPToSymfony] Add threaded and count to CakePHPModelToDoctrineRepositoryRector
- [#2747 ] [CakePHPToSymfony] Add list to CakePHPModelToDoctrineRepositoryRector
- [#2735 ] [DX] add rd() function mapping to tracy
- [#2711 ] Add SetcookieRector, Thanks to [@zonuexe ]
- [#2757 ] Added phpunit problem matcher, Thanks to [@staabm ]
- [#2759 ] add travis retry
- [#2761 ] Added opcache to docker image, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
### Changed
- [#2722 ] Merge pull request [#2722 ] from rectorphp/readme-demo
- [#2736 ] Merge pull request [#2736 ] from rectorphp/generator-core
- [#2728 ] Merge pull request [#2728 ] from C0pyR1ght/patch-4, Thanks to [@C0pyR1ght ]
- [#2737 ] Docker build secured image for online demo, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#2762 ] Warmup opcache in docker, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#2739 ] split workflows, badge is above repository
- [#2769 ] Merge pull request [#2769 ] from rectorphp/node-type-resolver
- [#2773 ] decouple PhpParserNodeMapper
- [#2772 ] misc
- [#2770 ] Cleanup
- [#2771 ] Decouple ArrayTypeAnalyzer, CountableTypeAnalyzer and StringTypeAnalyzer
- [#2768 ] Merge pull request [#2768 ] from rectorphp/node-type-resolver
- [#2767 ] Merge pull request [#2767 ] from rectorphp/sonarcube
- [#2750 ] move non-Rectors out of Rector namespace
- [#2752 ] Merge pull request [#2752 ] from rectorphp/find-collector
### Fixed
- [#2723 ] Fix AssertChoide with choices
- [#2741 ] Merge pull request [#2741 ] from rectorphp/fix-inter
## [v0.6.13] - 2020-01-20
### Added
- [#2720 ] add .travis.yml with tag release
## [v0.6.12] - 2020-01-20
- [#2704 ] [CI] Add check for duplicated fixture after before content
- [#2709 ] [CakePHPToSymfony] Add CakePHPControllerRenderToSymfonyRector
- [#2718 ] [CakePHPToSymfony] Add h function templates
- [#2714 ] Added composer rector-ci to workflow, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
### Changed
- [#2630 ] [AddArrayReturnDocTypeRector] Allow mixed[] and iterable< mixed > in place of Rector's setting wrong infered types, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2710 ] Merge pull request [#2710 ] from jeroensmit/splitIfs, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2712 ] Merge pull request [#2712 ] from jeroensmit/RemoveUnusedAliasBug, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2713 ] Merge pull request [#2713 ] from jeroensmit/CombineIfPreserveDoc, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2703 ] Merge pull request [#2703 ] from rectorphp/dx-readme
- [#2702 ] Merge pull request [#2702 ] from rectorphp/dx-get-node-types
- [#2700 ] Merge pull request [#2700 ] from Aerendir/failing-test-case-for-2699, Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#2698 ] Merge pull request [#2698 ] from rectorphp/cakephp-controller-render
- [#2694 ] Merge pull request [#2694 ] from Aerendir/failing-test-case-for-2693, Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#2691 ] updated UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfRectorTest, Thanks to [@C0pyR1ght ]
- [#2715 ] Merge pull request [#2715 ] from rectorphp/coverage
- [#2719 ] Use on published release to trigger a new release on rector-prefixed, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
### Fixed
- [#2707 ] Merge pull request [#2707 ] from rectorphp/fix-throws-void
- [#2706 ] Fix UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector for no else [closes [#2691 ]]
- [#2708 ] Merge pull request [#2708 ] from rectorphp/fix-type-order
2020-01-18 00:14:22 +01:00
## [v0.6.11]
### Added
- [#2683 ] [PHPUnit] Add ClassMethod/RemoveEmptyTestMethodRector
- [#2692 ] Add PHP Linter
- [#2676 ] Add CheckStaticTypeMappersCommand to CI
- [#2655 ] Rename --rule argument into --only, add documentation., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2663 ] Add support for stringy calls in CallReflectionResolver, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
- [#2674 ] Added CombineIfRector, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2670 ] Add support for invokable and array callables in CallReflectionResolver, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
- [#2685 ] Add --output-file
### Changed
- [#2690 ] [PHPUnit] Improve GetMockRector
- [#2662 ] Good bye CallManipulator, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
- [#2654 ] Merge pull request [#2654 ] from rectorphp/polyfill-php
- [#2687 ] Changed ChangeMethodVisibilityRector yaml config, Thanks to [@C0pyR1ght ]
- [#2657 ] Migrate from PHPStan's Broker to ReflectionProvider, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
- [#2658 ] Introduce a CallReflectionResolver, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
- [#2659 ] Update rector-prefixed only on push to master, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
- [#2660 ] Decouple PHPStanStaticTypeMapper
- [#2681 ] Merge pull request [#2681 ] from rectorphp/phpunit4
- [#2682 ] Merge pull request [#2682 ] from rectorphp/get-mock
- [#2664 ] Merge pull request [#2664 ] from rectorphp/static-type-mapper-collector
- [#2666 ] Merge pull request [#2666 ] from rectorphp/type-mapper-col-2
- [#2671 ] Merge pull request [#2671 ] from rectorphp/type-mapper-col-3
- [#2672 ] Merge pull request [#2672 ] from jeroensmit/RemoveDelegatingParentCallDefault, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2673 ] Merge pull request [#2673 ] from staabm/patch-3, Thanks to [@staabm ]
### Fixed
- [#2668 ] Fixed url, Thanks to [@palpalani ]
- [#2686 ] Fix sync releases with rector-prefixed, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
## [v0.6.10] - 2020-01-12
### Added
- [#2640 ] [AddDoesNotPerformAssertionToNonAssertingTestRector] Add failing test for Prophecy assertions., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2638 ] [CodingStyle] Prevent adding non-namespaced imports to non-namespaced class
- [#2546 ] [Php70] add a rector to pass only variables as arguments by reference, Thanks to [@Lctrs ]
- [#2648 ] [Doctrine 2.0] Add class rename set
- [#2644 ] [CakePHP 3.0] add class renames
- [#2643 ] [CakePHP 3.0] Add AppUsesStaticCallToUseStatementRector
- [#2613 ] Add support for PHPStan 0.12+ [@template ] annotation., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2649 ] Add PHPStanAttributeTypeSyncer
- [#2622 ] added link, Thanks to [@C0pyR1ght ]
- [#2623 ] added get started to readme, Thanks to [@C0pyR1ght ]
- [#2624 ] Add Gmagick to Imagick set
- [#2629 ] Add a --no-progress-bar option (inspired from ECS) for nicer CI output., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
### Changed
- [#2587 ] [ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector] apply on code it should not, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2610 ] Improve Rector success message., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2618 ] More reliable way getting first stmt item, Thanks to [@Jaapze ]
- [#2645 ] Extend AddDoesNotPerformAssertionToNonAssertingTestRector by catching more test messages
- [#2641 ] use Github Actions to compiler and publish prefixed rector.phar
- [#2635 ] Test with Doctrine
- [#2625 ] REAME changed URL to relative path, Thanks to [@C0pyR1ght ]
### Fixed
- [#2636 ] [AddDoesNotPerformAssertionToNonAssertingTestRector] fix skipping if annotation already exists (fixes infinite loop too), Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2619 ] [CI] Fix GitHub actions phar build
- [#2637 ] [CountOnNullRector] fix Rector applying on properties with phpdocs array, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2617 ] Fix PHPStan [@return ] class-string< T > , Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2639 ] fix pattern miss matching
- [#2646 ] Fix Union Array type StaticTypeMapper to string
### Removed
- [#2633 ] drop redundant interface and factory, remove symfony/var-dumper from rector.phar
- [#2609 ] Remove stubs/ from rector.phar, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
## [v0.6.9] - 2020-01-08
### Fixed
- [#2608 ] Fix non-direct parent foreach in ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector
## [v0.6.8] - 2020-01-08
2020-01-08 14:45:06 +01:00
### Added
- [#2601 ] [DoctrineGemoToKnplabs] Add LoggableBehaviorRector
- [#2599 ] [DoctrineGemoToKnplabs] Add BlameableBehaviorRector
### Changed
- [#2605 ] more reliable way getting last stmt, Thanks to [@Jaapze ]
- [#2603 ] Transition more jobs to GithubAction, Thanks to [@staabm ]
### Fixed
- [#2607 ] [CodeQuality] Fix nested foreach case in ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector
- [#2600 ] [Symfony] fix process error of controller with Internationalized routing, Thanks to [@ghostika ]
2020-01-07 13:06:00 +01:00
## [v0.6.7] - 2020-01-07
### Added
- [#2565 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveUnusedClassesRector
- [#2593 ] [DoctrineGedmoToKnpLabs] Add SoftDeletableBehaviorRector
2020-01-18 18:09:50 +01:00
- [#2569 ] [Polyfill] Add UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector
2020-01-07 13:06:00 +01:00
- [#2570 ] [SOLID] Add ChangeNestedIfsToEarlyReturnRector & ChangeIfElseValueAssignToEarlyReturnRector
- [#2568 ] [Symfony 5] Add param types
### Changed
- [#2581 ] Try pcov for code coverage, Thanks to [@staabm ]
- [#2572 ] Don't return void when function contains empty return statement, Thanks to [@snapshotpl ]
- [#2575 ] PHPStan 0.12.4 compatibility updates, Thanks to [@ondrejmirtes ]
- [#2576 ] travis: try phpdbg
- [#2598 ] Skip ReturnTypeDeclarationRector when the type is already defined as \Traversable, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2582 ] avoid direct container in the code
- [#2584 ] Update compiler with PHPStan 0.12.4 workflow change
- [#2589 ] Transition some travis checks to GithubActions, Thanks to [@staabm ]
- [#2592 ] Transition fatal-error scan to GithubAction, Thanks to [@staabm ]
- [#2583 ] Revert "Try pcov for code coverage"
### Fixed
- [#2586 ] fix box autoload Neon class in scoper.php.inc by --no-parallel
- [#2588 ] Fix PHPStan 0.12+ [@implements ] and [@extends ] class annotations., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2595 ] Fix running AddArrayReturnDocTypeRector on empty arrays, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2566 ] fix ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector for multiple items
### Removed
- [#2591 ] Remove travis-CI jobs which were moved to GithubAction, Thanks to [@staabm ]
- [#2567 ] make nested chain call remove configurable
## [v0.6.6] - 2020-01-04
### Added
- [#2557 ] [CodeQuality] Add ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector
- [#2559 ] [CodeQuality] Add ForRepeatedCountToOwnVariableRector
- [#2561 ] [CodingQuality] Add ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector
- [#2558 ] [MinimalScope] Add ChangeLocalPropertyToVariableRector
- [#2538 ] [Php71] Add failing test case for CountOnNullRector, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2548 ] add IterableType to StaticTypeMapper::mapPHPStanTypeToPHPStanPhpDocType()
### Changed
- [#2541 ] [Restoration] Preconfigure CompleteImportForPartialAnnotationRector
- [#2562 ] Prevent variable name override
- [#2553 ] Improve 3rd party property type resolution
- [#2550 ] allow loading bleedingEdge.neon config inside PHPStan phar
- [#2563 ] prevent variable scope changing
### Fixed
- [#2547 ] fix function callback in assert callback
2020-01-03 12:29:59 +01:00
## [v0.6.5] - 2020-01-03
### Added
- [#2524 ] [CodeQuality] Add AbsolutizeRequireAndIncludePathRector
- [#2510 ] [CodeQuality] Add IntvalToTypeCastRector
- [#2523 ] [CodeQuality] Add ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector
- [#2528 ] [SOLID] Add RemoveAlwaysElseRector
- [#2536 ] [TypeDeclaration] Add support for PhpStan's class-string type in PropertyTypeDeclarationRector, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2505 ] add hasByType() method to PhpDocInfo
- [#2514 ] [Doctrine/dbal] Add 2.10 and 3.0 sets
- [#2517 ] add resource type to StaticTypeMapper
- [#2519 ] README: add docs for [#2087 ]
- [#2503 ] [Gedmo to Knp] Add Translatable Behavior Rector
- [#2526 ] add ctor only test-case
- [#2529 ] Added phpdoc, Thanks to [@staabm ]
- [#2532 ] [PHP 7.4] Add @var removal to TypedPropertyRector
### Changed
- [#2530 ] [CodingStyle] Skip re-escaping chars by SymplifyQuoteEscapeRector
- [#2527 ] [DeadCode] RemoveUnusedElseForReturnedValueRector
- [#2534 ] improve generic type conversion
- [#2531 ] Apply Rector on itself
- [#2512 ] Update Travis
- [#2509 ] Do not suggest typed property when defined in vendored parent, Thanks to [@ruudk ]
### Fixed
- [#2533 ] [CodeQuality] Fix identical boolcast
- [#2520 ] [CodingStyle] Fix IdenticalFalseToBooleanNotRector for null|bool
- [#2518 ] [TypeDeclaration] Fix static property type resolution
- [#2511 ] Fix single-line comment and constant scalar type match
- [#2508 ] Fix param type union
- [#2507 ] Fix AddArrayReturnDocTypeRector for existing comment
## [v0.6.4] - 2019-12-27
2019-12-27 01:12:49 +01:00
### Added
- [#2497 ] [DeadCode] Add TernaryToBooleanOrFalseToBooleanAndRector
- [#2496 ] [Nette] Add magic template code quality
- [#2500 ] [PHP] add PHP version feature checks, Thanks to [@fsok ]
- [#2484 ] [Gedmo to Knp] Add TreeBehaviorRector
- [#2476 ] Add ScanFatalErrors command
- [#2479 ] prevent re-adding id at AddEntityIdByConditionRector
### Changed
- [#2482 ] [DoctrineGedmoToKnplabs] init set
- [#2502 ] Apply HelperFunctionToConstructorInjectionRector only in non-static class method scope
- [#2475 ] [RemoveEmptyClassMethodRector + RemoveDeadConstructorRector] Should not apply on protected/private constructors, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2478 ] Link a few more recent articles, Thanks to [@staabm ]
- [#2480 ] merge ParentTypehintedArgumentRector to AddParamTypeDeclarationRector
- [#2481 ] init MoveValueObjectsToValueObjectDirectoryRector
- [#2487 ] Skip non-variable non-scalars in BinaryOpBetweenNumberAndStringRector
### Fixed
- [#2485 ] Fix grouped use statement import
- [#2486 ] Fix alias object conflict with existing type
- [#2483 ] Fix typos, Thanks to [@staabm ]
- [#2501 ] Fix return override in case of parent vendor lock
- [#2489 ] Fix name resolution in ArrayKeyFirstLastRector
- [#2491 ] Fix codesample in TypedPropertyRector, Thanks to [@ruudk ]
- [#2493 ] fix PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE for split Nette Utils
- [#2499 ] Fix function override under namespace
- [#2492 ] [docs] Fix codesample in TypedPropertyRector, Thanks to [@ruudk ]
## [v0.6.3] - 2019-12-23
### Added
- [#2457 ] [Class_] Add AddInterfaceByTraitRector
- [#2463 ] [Doctrine] Add AddEntityIdByConditionRector
- [#2465 ] [PHP Deglobalize] Add ChangeGlobalVariablesToPropertiesRector
- [#2461 ] Added int to StaticTypeMapper, Thanks to [@lulco ]
- [#2458 ] prevent duplicated added interface
- [#2472 ] add symfony5 set
### Changed
- [#2464 ] [Nette] Control to Symfony Form + Controller
- [#2470 ] merge Rector arguments on import
- [#2459 ] disable imports by default
### Fixed
- [#2466 ] [Symfony] fix dot in GetParameterToConstructorInjectionRector
- [#2467 ] fix rename method call
2019-12-18 19:07:00 +01:00
## [v0.6.2] - 2019-12-18
### Added
- [#2439 ] [PHPUnit] Add get_class double sided to AssertCompareToSpecificMethodRector
- [#2447 ] [TypeDeclaration] Add AddParamTypeDeclarationRector
- [#2450 ] add intersection type support to StaticTypeMapper
- [#2448 ] [PHP 7.0] Add StaticCallOnNonStaticToInstanceCallRector edge case of property fetch static call
- [#2437 ] [Phalcon 4.0] Add FlashWithCssClassesToExtraCallRector
### Changed
- [#2442 ] [Symfony] refactor to ServiceMap
- [#2438 ] Make BarewordStringRector skip missing file
- [#2436 ] Update .travis.yml, Thanks to [@andreybolonin ]
- [#2428 ] Document import_short_classes + import_doc_blocks, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2427 ] Update phalcon40.yaml, Thanks to [@ruudboon ]
### Fixed
- [#2435 ] Various fixes
- [#2420 ] Fix NewToStaticCallRector documentation, Thanks to [@RusiPapazov ]
2019-12-10 14:21:45 +01:00
## [v0.6.1] - 2019-12-10
**Rector is now shipped as prefixed phar - download from [rector-prefixed ](https://github.com/rectorphp/rector-prefixed )**
### Added
- [#2410 ] Added default to prevent rector from breaking, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2409 ] [Phalcon 4] Add SwapClassMethodArgumentsRector rule
- [#2407 ] Added missing methods, Thanks to [@ruudboon ]
- [#2406 ] Added check for correct delimiter to use in preg_quote, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2369 ] Add typo auto import + Swiftmailer 60 set
- [#2397 ] Add rector rule for EntityInterface::isNew(), Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#2373 ] Another attempt to add Compiler + upgrade to PHPStan 0.12
- [#2374 ] Add another deprecation to the cakephp40 set., Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#2392 ] Fix CompleteDynamicPropertiesRector to add parent property
### Changed
- [#2394 ] [TypeDeclaration] Object without class
- [#2414 ] StaticTypeMapper - missing boolean type, Thanks to [@sojki ]
- [#2386 ] chore: use php 7.4 cli, Thanks to [@danielroe ]
- [#2359 ] Prevent crashing on dead symlinks, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2378 ] [Phalcon 4.0] init
- [#2389 ] composer: lock phpstan to 0.11.19 due to breaking changes [closes [#2385 ]]
- [#2390 ] Make sure name is passed to getName(), instead of expr
- [#2396 ] prevent union sub-type nullable override
- [#2395 ] prevent union sub-type nullable override
- [#2400 ] return false on MethodCall name to prevent expr errors
- [#2391 ] Exludes stubs on package install to prevent PHPStorm confussion
### Fixed
- [#2372 ] [Symfony] Fix ConsoleExecuteReturnInt for nested functions
- [#2393 ] [TypeDeclaration] Fix returned yield nodes in nested function [closes [#2381 ]]
- [#2371 ] Update FilesFinder.php to fix builds..., Thanks to [@mallardduck ]
- [#2411 ] Fix undefined offset in UseInterfaceOverImplementationInConstructorRector, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2368 ] Fix: RandomFunctionRector typo fix + regenerated docs, Thanks to [@radimvaculik ]
- [#2404 ] Fix - iterable type introduced in PHP 7.1, Thanks to [@sojki ]
- [#2358 ] fix var type on method call
2019-11-26 01:59:58 +01:00
## [v0.6.0] - 2019-11-26
2019-11-23 23:02:56 +01:00
2019-12-10 14:21:45 +01:00
### Added
- [#2347 ] Add diff based execution, Thanks to [@EmanueleMinotto ]
2019-11-23 23:02:56 +01:00
### Changed
2019-12-10 14:21:45 +01:00
- [#2350 ] [NetteToSymfony] Extend migration set
- [#2351 ] Open "create" command to the public
2019-11-23 23:02:56 +01:00
- [#2346 ] [PHP] ContinueToBreakInSwitchRector skip continue with argument >1, Thanks to [@fsok ]
- [#2344 ] Bump to Symfony 4.4/5 and PHP 7.2+
- [#2343 ] allow Symfony 5, bump min to Symfony 4.4
### Fixed
2019-12-10 14:21:45 +01:00
- [#2353 ] Fixed error on classConstFetch outside class, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2352 ] Fix description, Thanks to [@staabm ]
2019-11-23 23:02:56 +01:00
- [#2349 ] [Php 70] Fix this call on static for PHPUnit non-assert
## [v0.5.23] - 2019-11-20
### Added
- [#2332 ] [PHPUnit][Symfony] Add jakzal-injetor Rector
- [#2338 ] [ID to UUID] Add middle step to initalize default uuid value
- [#2337 ] Add more refactorings for CakePHP 4, Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#2331 ] [PHP 8.0] Add union types
- [#2329 ] [PHP Deglobalize] Add ChangeGlobalVariablesToPropertiesRector
### Fixed
- [#2341 ] fix magic static
2019-11-16 09:41:42 +01:00
## [v0.5.22]
### Added
- [#2302 ] [DX] add "paths" parameter
- [#2264 ] [DynamicTypeAnalysis] Add Dynamic type infering
- [#2278 ] travis: change ENV matrix to jobs + add Windows OS
- [#2310 ] Added docs check, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2326 ] [PHPUnit 8.0] Add ReplaceAssertArraySubsetWithDmsPolyfillRector
- [#2273 ] Add a working and a failing test case for [#2187 ], Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2321 ] [Nette 3.0] Add Nette 2.x to Nette 3 upgrade set
### Changed
- [#2297 ] Bump to PHP Parser 4.3
- [#2306 ] improve stmt count check
- [#2257 ] Update return types when set to array, Thanks to [@stedekay ]
- [#2325 ] [DX] report missing rules in `exclude_rectors` parameter
- [#2311 ] [DeadCode] Class constant with trait, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2291 ] [PHP70] Skip PHPUnit assert in `ThisCallOnStaticMethodToStaticCallRector`
- [#2328 ] simplify `ImportSkipper` skip for ClassLike name
- [#2277 ] Update rule with proper syntax of `ReturnArrayClassMethodToYieldRector` , Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2315 ] bugfix(Symfony33); correct the replacement of a namespace, Thanks to [@nissim94 ]
- [#2292 ] check variable name
- [#2300 ] Give testset a name, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2309 ] Merged `RemoveDeadZeroAndOneOperationRector` and` RemoveZeroAndOneBinarRector` , Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
### Fixed
- [#2282 ] [CodeQuality] Fix return type copy
- [#2284 ] [CodingStyle] Fix extra new-line for EncapsedString
- [#2324 ] [PHPUnit] Fix array subset for non-scalar values
- [#2288 ] fix double import of function names
- [#2289 ] fix name resolving on variable
- [#2269 ] fix false static type of Symfony\SplFileInfo getRealPath()
- [#2293 ] RemoveSetterOnlyPropertyAndMethodRector and UnusedPrivatePropertyRector fixes, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2294 ] Importing fix
- [#2299 ] Fixed removing constructor when parameter defaults are different, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2323 ] Fixed sed command, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2318 ] Fixed issue with sed command:, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2275 ] fix no-regular naming
- [#2308 ] Fix removing 0 when on left side of Minus, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2327 ] Fix parent interface, extends, implements same name as short name
- [#2317 ] code fixes
- [#2281 ] Fix ECS for windows, Thanks to [@orklah ]
## [v0.5.21] - 2019-11-05
### Added
- [#2254 ] [CI] Add nette-utils-code-quality set
- [#2255 ] [CI] Add coding-style set
- [#2246 ] [CodeQuality] Add property assigns to RemoveAlwaysTrueConditionSetInConstructorRector
- [#2240 ] add template nested
- [#2223 ] Add AbstractController as base class if no one exists, Thanks to [@stedekay ]
### Changed
- [#2234 ] Decouple PropertyFetchManipulator methods for array dim fetch
- [#2248 ] decouple phpunit 50 set
- [#2237 ] keep comment on type change
- [#2207 ] Previous statement rewrite, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2231 ] make screen generate file by default
- [#2258 ] run all sets
- [#2238 ] infer php version from composer.json
- [#2252 ] Import default
- [#2253 ] Speedup
- [#2239 ] Better anonymous class handling, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2259 ] [tests] use generic method over explicit fixture yield
### Fixed
- [#2249 ] [CodeQuality] Fix else in SimplifyForeachToArrayFilterRector
- [#2236 ] [TypeDeclaration] Fix CompleteVarDocTypePropertyRector for mixed[] override
- [#2261 ] Fix provider
- [#2235 ] Fix importing parent that is identical in short to class name
- [#2251 ] fix standalone run to symfony demo
- [#2250 ] Fixed edge cases of RemoveDeadStmtRector, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2247 ] Fixed removal of non expressions, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2262 ] Fixes
- [#2263 ] Fix StaticTypeMapper for nullables
- [#2214 ] travis dogfood replay, Thanks to [@ktomk ]
- [#2203 ] optimize ConsoleExecuteReturnIntRector
- [#2211 ] Ignore not required files in docker build, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#2222 ] Enable code quality set
- [#2196 ] Update grammar in the README for clarity, Thanks to [@sbine ]
- [#2220 ] [cs] re-order private methods by call order
### Removed
- [#2233 ] Also remove assignment if the value of the assignment is different, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
## [v0.5.20] - 2019-10-31
### Added
- [#2224 ] add dead-code set to CI
- [#2197 ] Add test to ConsoleExecuteReturnIntRector for a not command class, Thanks to [@franmomu ]
- [#2221 ] Add Rector-CI and handy "sets" parameter
- [#2206 ] [PHPUnit 7.5] Add WithConsecutiveArgToArrayRector
### Fixed
- [#2202 ] Fix ConsoleExecuteReturnIntRector if target class not directly extends Command, Thanks to [@keulinho ]
- [#2198 ] Fixed TYPO3 community package link, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#2218 ] Fix empty -c/--config value
- [#2217 ] FIX AddDoesNotPerformAssertionToNonAssertingTest, Thanks to [@DaveLiddament ]
- [#2200 ] Fix ConsoleExecuteReturnIntRector for non console commands, Thanks to [@keulinho ]
2019-10-24 12:09:18 +02:00
## [v0.5.19] - 2019-10-24
### Added
- [#2195 ] [Laravel] Add Laravel 6 instant upgrade set
- [#2192 ] Add test case for route annotation with optional parameters, Thanks to [@stedekay ]
- [#2182 ] [PHP 74] Add ChangeReflectionTypeToStringToGetNameRector
### Fixed
- [#2193 ] fix union too many types
- [#2190 ] Various Return types fixes
- [#2194 ] fix for Template and Route annotation
- [#2191 ] prevent mixed of specific override
## [v0.5.18] - 2019-10-22
### Added
- [#2177 ] [CodeQuality] Add ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector
- [#2176 ] [CodeQuality] Add AddPregQuoteDelimiterRector
- [#2184 ] [FEATURE] Possibility to add custom phpstan.neon configuration, Thanks to [@sabbelasichon ]
- [#2172 ] Add rules for ConsoleIo::styles(), Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#2175 ] Added rector sets composition hint, Thanks to [@SilverFire ]
- [#2181 ] add test case for [#2158 ]
- [#2188 ] add Standalone Runner
### Fixed
- [#2180 ] fix ArgumentAdderRector for anonymous class [closes [#2157 ]]
- [#2183 ] fix RemoveUnusedAliasRector for doc vs class concurency
- [#2174 ] Fix for Issue2173, Thanks to [@dpesch ]
- [#2169 ] Fixes
- [#2168 ] Prevent CI floods with progress bar
2019-10-15 16:46:20 +02:00
## [v0.5.17] - 2019-10-15
### Added
2019-10-24 12:09:18 +02:00
- [#2087 ] Added way to exclude rectors, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
2019-10-15 16:46:20 +02:00
- [#2156 ] [PHPUnit] [Doc] Add FixDataProviderAnnotationTypoRector
- [#2155 ] [PHPUnit] [Doc] Add EnsureDataProviderInDocBlockRector
- [#2144 ] [PHPUnit] Add RemoveDataProviderTestPrefixRector
- [#2132 ] [Symfony] Add ConsoleExecuteReturnIntRector, Thanks to [@keulinho ]
- [#2166 ] add paypal backers
- [#2150 ] phpstan - add getContainer() after boot()
- [#2141 ] add inter support
- [#2142 ] [PHPUnit 6] Add AddDoesNotPerformAssertionToNonAssertingTestRector
- [#2087 ] Added way to exclude rectors, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
### Fixed
- [#2146 ] fix ValueResolver static array for non static keys
- [#2152 ] fix get property by class
- [#2114 ] Fix for issue [#2090 ], Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2140 ] fix 3rd party testing without config
- [#2147 ] fix string-named func
- [#2164 ] [code-quality] fixes processing of trait - RemoveAlwaysTrueConditionSetInConstructorRector [#2162 ], Thanks to [@lapetr ]
- [#2165 ] Bugfix for RemoveUnreachableStatementRector, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
### Changed
- [#2145 ] [DeadCode] Make RemoveDefaultArgumentValueRector skip native functions
- [#2148 ] [TypeDeclaration] Prevent array-iterable-Iterator override in ReturnTypeDeclarationRector
- [#2159 ] Screen file command improvements
- [#2149 ] prevent doc type of child array override
- [#2151 ] make `ReturnTypeDeclarationRector` keep implementation
## [v0.5.16] - 2019-10-10
- [#2139 ] Add `screen-file` command for learning & trainings
## [v0.5.15] - 2019-10-10
### Fixed
- [#2135 ] Fix EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector for non-var exprs
- [#2130 ] fix stub loading location
- [#2128 ] Fix `EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector` when using class properties, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
## [v0.5.14] - 2019-10-09
2019-10-09 16:42:08 +01:00
### Added
- [#2123 ] [SOLID] Prefer interface if possible
- [#2115 ] [DeadCode] Add `SimplifyIfElseWithSameContentRector`
- [#2080 ] [DeadCode] Add `RemoveUnreachableStatementRector`
- [#2103 ] [StrictCodeQuality] Add `VarInlineAnnotationToAssertRector`
- [#2122 ] [StrictCodeQuality] Add freshly created node support to var inline assert
- [#2047 ] Add conditional method renaming rector, Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#2094 ] Add `ShortenElseIfRector` , Thanks to [@keulinho ]
- [#2095 ] Add fixture for phpunit x>y to greaterThan refactoring, Thanks to [@keulinho ]
- [#2096 ] `ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector` : add a failing test about modified annotations that shouldn't be, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2084 ] Add failing test case for `ReturnArrayClassMethodToYieldRector` (removing comments), Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2099 ] Add documentation for `ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector` new argument, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2100 ] Add FunctionCallToConstantRector, Thanks to [@keulinho ]
- [#2081 ] Add failing test: StringifyStrNeedlesRector adds (string) to a method call that returns a string anyway, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2077 ] Add an option to skip importing root namespace classes (like \DateTime), Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2091 ] Add `UseIncrementAssignRector` , Thanks to [@keulinho ]
- [#2074 ] Add a PHPUnit TestCase stub., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2073 ] `StringToArrayArgumentProcessRectorTest` : add failing test around Traversable, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2062 ] Add stubs instead of dump class replace in constructor
- [#2052 ] Add post run name imports
- [#2049 ] Added StrictArraySearchRector - Issue [#2009 ], Thanks to [@jeroenherczeg ]
- [#2124 ] add CommanderCollector
- [#2054 ] [DoctrineCodeQuality] Initialize collections in constructor
### Changed
- [#2065 ] [CodingStyle] Allow private ctor override for static factory
- [#2067 ] Use contextual method rename rector in cake4 rules., Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#2125 ] improve uuid steps
- [#2107 ] restart changed doc
- [#2097 ] Improve class annotation matching
- [#2109 ] skip var type in anonymous class for `PropertyTypeDeclarationRector`
- [#2083 ] Do not apply `SimplifyIfReturnBoolRector` when there are comments in between the if statements, Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2072 ] [CodingStyle] Skip common annotation aliases in RemoveUnusedAliasRector
### Fixed
- [#2121 ] Allow `@Template` to get nullable values
- [#2076 ] [Symfony] Fix is submitted
- [#2093 ] fix stringy str needless for return strings
- [#2112 ] fix joinColumns always fallback
- [#2070 ] Fixed the third argument in `VarDumperTestTrait` , Thanks to [@adrozdek ]
- [#2075 ] Fix ReflectionException (Method `PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::tearDown(...)` does not exist) thrown while autoloading class Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase., Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2088 ] Fix changing the wrong property fetches, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#2078 ] Fix type resolution for traversable
- [#2079 ] fix [@TODO ] malfforms
- [#2102 ] Fix countable for countable classes without countable
- [#2101 ] Fix virtual property
- [#2082 ] Fixing `return new static()` not being covered by `MakeInheritedMethodVisibilitySameAsParentRector` , Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#2060 ] [PHP 7.1] Skip extra argument removal for parent static call
2019-09-27 22:24:07 +02:00
## [v0.5.13] - 2019-09-27
### Added
- [#1980 ] [ZendToSymfony] Init Zend 1 to Symfony 4
- [#1982 ] [Autodiscovery] init
- [#2044 ] [CodeQuality] Add RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector
- [#2032 ] [CodingStyle] Add MakeInheritedMethodVisibilitySameAsParentRector
- [#2033 ] [CodingStyle] Add CallUserFuncCallToVariadicRector
- [#1978 ] [DX] add check class existence scripts
- [#1924 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveAlwaysTrueIfConditionRector
- [#2012 ] [Doctrine] Add ChangeReturnTypeOfClassMethodWithGetIdRector
- [#1928 ] [Doctrine] Add stubs instead of full orm dependencies
- [#2003 ] [Doctrine] add CustomIdGenerator + step 2 for uuid Doctrine migration
- [#1994 ] [Doctrine] Add AlwaysInitializeUuidInEntityRector
- [#2031 ] [Monolog] Add 2.0 upgrade set
- [#1984 ] [PHPStan] add PreventParentMethodVisibilityOverrideRule
- [#1947 ] [PHPUnit] Add [@see ] annotation to reference test
- [#1948 ] [PHPUnit] Add array call to data provider
- [#2035 ] [Php53] Add DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector [close [#2006 ]]
- [#2037 ] [Php71] Add ListToArrayDestructRector
- [#2040 ] [Rector] Add RemoveZeroBreakContinueRector
- [#2034 ] [Restoration] Add MissingClassConstantReferenceToStringRector
- [#2020 ] [Symfony] Add MergeMethodAnnotationToRouteAnnotationRector
- [#2019 ] [TypeDeclaration] Add AddMethodCallBasedParamTypeRector
- [#2000 ] add isInDoctrineEntityClass() method
- [#2001 ] add changeName/getName to serializer
- [#1968 ] add skip of one to one relations with mapped by
- [#1998 ] make DocBlockManipulator protected in AbstractRector + add GeneratedValue annotatoin parsing
- [#1955 ] Added stub directory to Docker composer build phase, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#2015 ] Add rules for renaming CakePHP's Router methods, Thanks to [@ADmad ]
- [#2048 ] Add support for various annotation formats
- [#1927 ] Add Sensio TemplateTagValueNode
- [#1933 ] add removeNodeFromStatements() method to remove statement without key easily
- [#2039 ] add function aliases to celebrity
- [#1921 ] Add uuid only to entities with id
- [#1939 ] Add ReturnedNodesReturnTypeInferer + big \*TypeDeclarationRector refactoring
### Changed
- [#2036 ] [Php72] improve UnsetCastRector
- [#2017 ] [Renaming] init new package
- [#2030 ] [Renaming] fqnize freshly namespaced class
- [#1943 ] Improve covariance in ReturnTypeDeclarationRector
- [#1992 ] improve join table patterns
- [#1952 ] improve test case provided rector class debug info
- [#1937 ] uuid rules are now designed to be used at once
- [#1925 ] rename level to set to prevent confusion of duplicate
- [#2046 ] Decouple annotation to own PhpDocNodeFactory to allow extension without change
- [#1869 ] Refactoring order creates incompatible return types, Thanks to [@scheb ]
- [#1986 ] improve single info multiline doc, drop NodeDecorator
- [#1976 ] [phpstorm meta] make getByType() return nullable
- [#1993 ] Improve annotation content joins
- [#1996 ] Optimize class renaming
- [#1997 ] Improve annotation spacing
- [#1972 ] Migrate tests to data providers
- [#1971 ] Cleanup
- [#2043 ] [CI] run all sets check
- [#1979 ] [DX] check invalid config arguments
- [#2011 ] [Doctrine] Step [#3 ] - `getUuid` /`setUuid` method calls to id values
- [#1966 ] [Doctrine] split id and relation migration to 2 steps
- [#2016 ] [Php] Split to own packages by version
- [#1989 ] [PhpDoc] Multiline test improvements
- [#2045 ] [Symfony] Make MakeDispatchFirstArgumentEventRector work with get_class
- [#1938 ] [TypeDeclaration] Extend ReturnTypeDeclarationRector with incorrect types override
- [#1931 ] Make type replacement of annotatoin OOP
- [#1932 ] make use of `getProperties()` , `getMethods()` , `getConstants()` and `getTraitUses()`
- [#1914 ] Create rector for transforming Laravel validation rules to a prettier format, Thanks to [@sashabeton ]
- [#1923 ] `RemoveUnusedPrivatePropertyRector` should skip entities [closes [#1922 ]]
- [#1940 ] cleanup type resolving
- [#1934 ] UUID report old to new table
- [#1961 ] Migrate `TypeInferers` and `TypeResolvers` to PHPStan object types
- [#1991 ] make `EntityUuidNodeFactory` extensible
- [#2002 ] cover name at `JoinColumn` removal
- [#1999 ] make column tag value node changeable
- [#1957 ] Move from string types to PHPStan types
- [#1946 ] from helper methods to isStaticType() with PHPStan object typing
- [#1953 ] StaticTypeMapper refactoring
- [#1866 ] Misc
- [#2013 ] cleanup
- [#1951 ] Update README.md, Thanks to [@drbyte ]
### Fixed
- [#2021 ] [PHP71] Fix BinaryOpBetweenNumberAndStringRector for variables
- [#1969 ] fix spacing with SpacelessPhpDocTagNode
- [#2018 ] fix renaming class to existing one [closes [#1438 ]]
- [#2014 ] Code sample fixes, Thanks to [@HypeMC ]
- [#2024 ] fix parent typehint for anonymous class
- [#2025 ] Fix numeric string type in BinaryOpBetweenNumberAndStringRector
- [#2026 ] Fix pseudo namespace to namespace with use statement
- [#1967 ] Fix Doctrine stubs + separate reported files into 2
- [#2027 ] Fix printing of tab-indented files
- [#1962 ] Fixed small typos for Symfony docs., Thanks to [@adrozdek ]
- [#2022 ] Fix anonymous class constant
- [#1990 ] fix multi constaints
- [#1983 ] Fix Return type Covariance Inverse Order
- [#1926 ] [DeadCode] Keep parent call delegation in case of accessibility override
- [#2023 ] [DeadCode] Skip magic property `RemoveUnusedPrivatePropertyRector`
### Removed
- [#1954 ] remove `CallableCollectorPopulator`
- [#1935 ] remove `getDoctrine\*()` methods from `PhpDocInfo` , use `getByType()` instead
- [#1958 ] remove few PHP-Parser rules to prevent package-rules vs package-features confusion
## [v0.5.12] - 2019-08-29
### Added
- [#1898 ] Start CakePHP 4.0 rectors, Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#1902 ] [BetterPhpDocParser] Add support for parsing Doctrine annotations
- [#1906 ] [DoctrinePhpDocParser] Add relation tags and join column
- [#1910 ] Add more rectors for CakePHP 4.0, Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#1916 ] add parent construct call to uuid init
- [#1912 ] [Doctrine] Id to UUID migration
### Changed
- [#1903 ] [dx] make ShouldNotHappen exceptions more informative
- [#1915 ] allow non-uuid props
- [#1897 ] allow testing outside Rector
- [#1901 ] Move Jetbrains PhpStorm stubs into dev dependencies, Thanks to [@atierant ]
- [#1908 ] let parse only Doctrine tags we need
### Fixed
- [#1917 ] fix expected namespace
2019-08-25 13:10:47 +02:00
## [v0.5.11] - 2019-08-25
### Added
- [#1880 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveNullPropertyInitializationRector to dead-code set
- [#1865 ] [PSR4] Add NormalizeNamespaceByPSR4ComposerAutoloadRector
- [#1895 ] add makeFinal() method to AbstractRector
- [#1889 ] Add cakephp3.8 target and fix a typo, Thanks to [@markstory ]
- [#1847 ] [PHP 7.4] Add literal thousand superator
### Changed
- [#1878 ] [PSR4] Improve renamed classes collector to sort by highest parent
- [#1894 ] rename levels command to sets
2019-09-27 22:24:07 +02:00
- [#1896 ] merge isName and isNameInsensitive
2019-08-25 13:10:47 +02:00
### Fixed
- [#1885 ] [CodingStyle] Fix ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector for imported namespace
- [#1888 ] Fix missing args in PreferThisOrSelfMethodCallRector
- [#1891 ] Fix fqn doc with alraedy PHP imported namespace
- [#1882 ] [CodingStyle] Import short classes as well [ref #1877 ]
- [#1883 ] [CodingStyle] Make import `ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector` include same short class in same namespace
- [#1881 ] [RenameClassRector] Include [@ORM ], [@Assert ], [@Serializer ] etc annotations
- [#1884 ] Parent constant visibility when it is declared in a super-superclass, Thanks to [@scheb ]
### Removed
- [#1870 ] [DeadCode] Remove null value from property, Thanks to [@jacekll ]
- [#1875 ] Remove default excluded file patterns (closes [#1815 ]), Thanks to [@scheb ]
2019-08-19 15:21:17 +02:00
## [v0.5.10] - 2019-08-19
### Added
- [#1855 ] [CodingStyle] Add `AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector`
- [#1800 ] [DeadCode] Add `RemoveUnusedDoctrineEntityMethodAndPropertyRector`
- [#1819 ] [DeadCode] Add `RemoveSetterOnlyPropertyAndMethodCallRector`
- [#1823 ] [Nette] Add `JsonDecodeEncodeToNetteUtilsJsonDecodeEncodeRector`
- [#1857 ] [TypeDeclaration] Add `AddArrayReturnDocTypeRector`
- [#1856 ] [TypeDeclaration] Add `AddArrayParamDocTypeRector`
- [#1850 ] add reporting extension, rename rector finish to finishing
- [#1818 ] add removed nodes collector
- [#1826 ] add concat + multiline case to `ManualJsonStringToJsonEncodeArrayRector`
- [#1825 ] add implode support to `ManualJsonStringToJsonEncodeArrayRector`
- [#1802 ] add iterable return type for yield values in `ReturnTypeDeclarationRector`
- [#1851 ] Fix FluentReplaceRector for more than 2 calls + add * matching support
- [#1807 ] add alias support to PropertyTypeDeclarationRector
- [#1844 ] add RectorFinishExtensionRunner
### Changed
- [#1828 ] allow multiline empty spaces strings
- [#1841 ] class manipulator now returns Property on property name search
- [#1814 ] Improve PHPStan trait scope resolving
- [#1862 ] [TypeDeclaration] Various `AddArrayReturnDocTypeRector` improvements
- [#1805 ] resolve target entity from same namespace
- [#1858 ] Always keeps array in `*TypeInfo`
- [#1854 ] Ignores resource also when type is nullable, Thanks to [@tigitz ]
- [#1793 ] Break class name in `@var` when relation is defined in same namespace, Thanks to [@snapshotpl ]
- [#1852 ] Fix decimal to float
- [#1806 ] use DateTimeInterface over `DateTime`
- [#1839 ] skip ManyToOne properties in `SetterOnlyMethodAnalyzer` ([#1838 ])
- [#1829 ] skip same-namespace-short name in `ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector`
- [#1827 ] simplify `ManualJsonStringToJsonEncodeArrayRector`
- [#1821 ] skip abstract parent methods in `RemoveUnusedDoctrineEntityMethodAndPropertyRector`
- [#1838 ] skip ManyToOne properties in `SetterOnlyMethodAnalyzer`
- [#1840 ] Constants declared in interfaces have to be public, Thanks to [@scheb ]
- [#1863 ] merge ArrayPropertyDefaultValueRector to superior `AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector`
- [#1842 ] Overriding constants require at least the parent's visibility, Thanks to [@scheb ]
- [#1813 ] dont load phpstan-phpunit if phpunit not installed, Thanks to [@slepic ]
- [#1808 ] Correct `NameResolver::getName()` + cleanup static analysis
### Fixed
- [#1830 ] Fix non-same parent method name for RemoveParentCallWithoutParentRector
- [#1804 ] Fix nullable array type param for PropertyTypeDeclarationRector
- [#1803 ] Fix nullable for xToOne annotation by default
- [#1794 ] Fix method call type
- [#1864 ] Fix type resolutoin in PropertyNodeParamTypeInferer
- [#1817 ] Fix analysed files for PHPStan scope resolver
- [#1831 ] Fix unused method type for return type
- [#1837 ] Fix RemoveSetterOnlyPropertyAndMethodCallRector race condition
- [#1853 ] Fix different method call return in FluentReplaceRector
- [#1859 ] Fix lowercase of union fqn types
- [#1832 ] Fix args miss-match in RemoveDelegatingParentCallRector
- [#1845 ] HelperFunctionToDependencyInjectionRector fix, Thanks to [@sashabeton ]
- [#1836 ] Fixing NodeRemovingVisitor
- [#1835 ] Fix reseting of removed nodes
- [#1833 ] Fix var/method call resolver
## [v0.5.9] - 2019-08-01
### Added
- [#1761 ] [CodeQuality] Add ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector
- [#1762 ] [CodingStyle] Add ManualJsonStringToJsonEncodeArrayRector
- [#1760 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveDuplicatedCaseInSwitchRector
- [#1776 ] [NodeTypeResolver] Add phpunit extension
- [#1781 ] [TypeDeclaration] Add PropertyTypeDeclarationRector
- [#1774 ] add empty array to static type to string resolver
- [#1786 ] add priority to PropertyTypeInfererInterface and put doctrine infering first
- [#1789 ] add xToOne relation support to Doctrine var type resolver
- [#1787 ] add return nullable type to GetterOrSetterPropertyTypeInferer
### Changed
- [#1769 ] [Restoration] Return removed class annotations
- [#1788 ] infer from [@return ] doc type in PropertyTypeDeclaratoin
### Fixed
- [#1782 ] [Symfony] Fix frozen parameter bag in DefaultAnalyzedSymfonyApplicationContainer
- [#1779 ] FIXED: Catastrophic backtracking in regular expression if the current…, Thanks to [@hernst42 ]
- [#1772 ] fix type analyzer for FQN
- [#1790 ] fix laravel53 config
### Removed
- [#1791 ] [CodingStyle] remove extra break from BinarySwitchToIfElseRector
- [#1780 ] [NodeTypeResolver] drop duplicated generic array type
### Unknown Category
- [#1764 ] [Symfony] Use Symfony bridge interface for `doctrine` service, Thanks to [@stloyd ]
- [#1759 ] [SymfonyCodeQuality] From listener to subscriber
- [#1777 ] make constant array types unique
- [#1771 ] skip non-annotation prefix
<!-- dumped content end -->
2019-07-21 10:46:36 +02:00
## [v0.5.8] - 2019-07-21
### Added
- [#1691 ] [Architecture] Add `ConstructorInjectionToActionInjectionRector`
- [#1689 ] [CodeQuality] Add `is_a` with string true
- [#1754 ] [CodeQuality] Add `RemoveAlwaysTrueConditionSetInConstructorRector`
- [#1690 ] [CodeQuality] Add `StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector`
- [#1722 ] [CodingStyle] Add `EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector`
- [#1717 ] [DeadCode] Add static, self and FQN type to `RemoveUnusedPrivateMethodRector`
- [#1671 ] [Doctrine] Add registry to EM
- [#1693 ] [Doctrine] Add `RemoveRepositoryFromEntityAnnotationRector`
- [#1709 ] [FuncCall] Don't add `$result` to `parse_str` if second parameter is already set, Thanks to [@ravanscafi ]
- [#1720 ] [Generic] Add `ServiceGetterToConstructorInjectionRector`
- [#1676 ] [PHP] Add scope limitation to `ArgumentAdderRector` for 3party non-existing params
- [#1695 ] [PHPStan] Add `RemoveNonExistingVarAnnotationRector`
- [#1696 ] [PHPUnit][Symfony] Add `AddMessageToEqualsResponseCodeRector`
- [#1744 ] add reference support to `ParamTypeDeclarationRector`
- [#1694 ] Add `rector.yaml` to `.dockerignore` , Thanks to [@aboks ]
- [#1674 ] Add Polyfil function support
- [#1681 ] Add `parent::__construct()` to command dependencies
### Changed
- [#1748 ] [CodingStyle] Improve `NewlineBeforeNewAssignSetRector`
- [#1697 ] [DeadCode] Allow static constant call on `RemoveUnusedPrivateConstantRector` , Thanks to [@ravanscafi ]
- [#1719 ] Resolve anonymous class return type to object
### Fixed
- [#1752 ] [CodeQuality] Fix `CompleteDynamicPropertiesRector` for dynamic property fetch
- [#1718 ] [DeadCode] Fix too deep nesting in dead private property
- [#1710 ] [MethodCall] Fix multilevel array subsets, Thanks to [@ravanscafi ]
- [#1715 ] [SOLID] Fix `PrivatizeLocalClassConstantRector` for in-class use
- [#1698 ] Fix `NameTypeResolver` resolveFullyQualifiedName return type, Thanks to [@ravanscafi ]
- [#1684 ] fix new phpstan reports
- [#1702 ] Fixed some issues for `RemoveZeroAndOneBinaryRector` , Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#1703 ] Fixed unintended removal of properties when used inside a trait, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#1738 ] Fix InjectAnnotationClassRector with aliases
- [#1705 ] Fixed wrong naming of docs script in composer.json, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#1712 ] Fix tests according to review and a few typos, Thanks to [@ravanscafi ]
- [#1673 ] Fix `InjectAnnotationClassRector` for `@var` case
- [#1677 ] [Bugfix] `IsCountableRector` & `IsIterableRector` should first check method availability, Thanks to [@stloyd ]
- [#1686 ] [Bugfix] PHPDoc type-hint `resource` should not be used as PHP type-hint, Thanks to [@stloyd ]
- [#1739 ] [CodeStyle] Newline before assign
- [#1716 ] [DeadCode] Keep array method call in `RemoveUnusedPrivateMethodRector`
- [#1753 ] [DeadCode] Rector `RemoveDeadConstructorRector` should skip `private` method, Thanks to [@stloyd ]
- [#1687 ] [Symfony] Set few default common service names for Symfony App Analyzer, Thanks to [@stloyd ]
- [#1675 ] [Symfony] Make set symfony42 refactor get(...) in former container aware commands
2019-09-21 21:06:31 +02:00
- [#1666 ] Skip session in `SelfContainerGetMethodCallFromTestToSetUpMethodRector`
2019-07-21 10:46:36 +02:00
- [#1757 ] make SymfonyContainer factory configurable with "kernel_environment" parameter in rector.yaml
- [#1707 ] Don't mess with lines between docblock comment and var type., Thanks to [@ravanscafi ]
- [#1699 ] Update composer scripts, Thanks to [@ravanscafi ]
- [#1755 ] make interface description PHPStorm compatible, so it will not break abstract method complete
- [#1711 ] Do not mark injected properties as private when moved to constructor, Thanks to [@holtkamp ]
- [#1714 ] Cleanup
- [#1721 ] skip `Illuminate\Support\Collection` magic for `CompleteDynamicPropertiesRector`
- [#1725 ] Empty compacts are forbidden, keep signature by replacing with empty array, Thanks to [@ravanscafi ]
- [#1728 ] `is_real()` is deprecated instead of `is_float()` , Thanks to [@holtkamp ]
- [#1735 ] Consider reference symbol in docblock for param type declaration rector, Thanks to [@tigitz ]
- [#1736 ] Colorify neon files, Thanks to [@szepeviktor ]
- [#1737 ] Typo in Travis config, Thanks to [@szepeviktor ]
### Removed
- [#1679 ] [MakeCommandLazyRector] Remove duplicated check, Thanks to [@stloyd ]
- [#1701 ] Make sure parameter is not removed when a child class does use the parameter, Thanks to [@jeroensmit ]
- [#1723 ] Do not remove args when replacing to static calls, Thanks to [@ravanscafi ]
- [#1713 ] Remove `--with-style` in favour of mentioning ECS, Thanks to [@stloyd ]
## [v0.5.7] - 2019-06-28
### Fixed
- [#1661 ] Minor phpdoc fixes
## [v0.5.6] - 2019-06-28
### Removed
- [#1659 ] remove deprecated singly implemented autowire compiler pass
<!-- dumped content end -->
2019-06-28 07:50:27 +02:00
<!-- dumped content start -->
## [v0.5.6] - 2019-06-28
### Added
- [#1584 ] [DeadCode] Add `RemoveDeadZeroAndOneOperationRector`
- [#1586 ] [DeadCode] Add `RemoveDelegatingParentCallRector`
- [#1603 ] [DeadCode] Add `RemoveDuplicatedInstanceOfRector`
2019-09-21 21:06:31 +02:00
- [#1656 ] [SymfonyPHPUnit] Add `SelfContainerGetMethodCallFromTestToSetUpMethodRector`
2019-06-28 07:50:27 +02:00
- [#1589 ] Add assign ref support to `AddDefaultValueForUndefinedVariableRector`
- [#1609 ] Add `ElasticSearchDSL` package, Thanks to [@shyim ]
- [#1611 ] Add rector for ShopRegistration, Thanks to [@shyim ]
- [#1615 ] add exclude to typical reported typos
- [#1610 ] Add shopware version const rector, Thanks to [@shyim ]
- [#1640 ] Add `--rule` option to process only single rule from set
### Changed
- [#1582 ] Rename "level" directory to "set"
- [#1612 ] travis: allow PHP 7.4
### Fixed
- [#1619 ] [CodeQuality] Fix `__set` /`__get` case for `CompleteDynamicPropertiesRector`
- [#1643 ] [CodingStyle] Fix extra slash in array simple types
- [#1616 ] [DeadCode] Fix removed comment after return at `RemoveCodeAfterReturnRector`
- [#1602 ] [Laravel] Fix missing method name in 5.7
- [#1645 ] [PHP] Fix `mktime` rename with args [closes [#1622 ]]
- [#1647 ] [PHP] Fix `JsonThrowOnErrorRector` inter-args
- [#1644 ] [PHP] Fix missed variadic on `ReflectionMethod::invoke()` [closes [#1625 ]]
- [#1618 ] [PHP] Fix class signature over interface priority in `RemoveExtraParametersRector`
- [#1642 ] [PHP] Fix `StringifyStrNeedlesRector` duplicated change
- [#1617 ] [Symfony] Fix GetRequestRector overlap to non-controllers
- [#1605 ] Fix Open Collective link for `FUNDING.yml` , Thanks to [@pxgamer ]
- [#1583 ] Fix CountOnNullRector for nullable and invalid property
- [#1599 ] Fix `StringClassNameToClassConstantRector` for empty name [closes [#1596 ]]
- [#1590 ] Fix nullable item in `ListSwapArrayOrderRector`
- [#1631 ] Fix typo : rename `jsm-decouple.yaml` to `jms-decouple.yaml` , Thanks to [@gnutix ]
- [#1588 ] Fix foreach scope for `AddDefaultValueForUndefinedVariableRector`
- [#1601 ] Fix trait skip in `RemoveParentCallWithoutParentRector`
### Changed
- [#1587 ] [PHP] Skip list in `AddDefaultValueForUndefinedVariableRector`
- [#1651 ] Update link to `UPGRADE.md 3.0` , Thanks to [@vasilvestre ]
- [#1581 ] use `STOP_TRAVERSAL` over exception
- [#1525 ] [#1469 ] prototype github issue template, Thanks to [@funivan ]
## [v0.5.5] - 2019-06-08
- [#1577 ] skip analysis of new anonymous classes in method call [closes [#1574 ]]
<!-- dumped content end -->
2019-06-06 15:03:56 +02:00
## [v0.5.4] - 2019-06-06
### Added
- [#1570 ] [DeadCode] Add `RemoveConcatAutocastRector`
- [#1519 ] [Symfony] Add `MakeCommandLazyRector`
- [#1568 ] [Symfony 4.3] Add `parent::__construct` to `EventDispatcher`
- [#1562 ] add `CallableNodeTraverserTrait`
### Changed
- [#1523 ] make RectorsFinder return consistent order by shorter names
- [#1572 ] [Symfony 4.3] Improve event name and class flip
- [#1548 ] Widen `PHPStan` version constraint to `~0.11.6` ., Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
### Fixed
- [#1550 ] Fix `symfony/finder` 3.4 compact in `LevelOptionResolver`
- [#1544 ] Fix phpdoc-parser BC break for generic multiline nodes
- [#1569 ] Fix reporting of changed nodes
- [#1559 ] Fix classname change for `FilterControllerEvent` , Thanks to [@keulinho ]
- [#1557 ] Fix scope overflow in `AddDefaultValueForUndefinedVariableRector`
- [#1556 ] fix static method in reflection for `StaticCallOnNonStaticToInstanceCallRector`
- [#1571 ] Fix anonymous class method return type resolving
- [#1567 ] Fix `solid.yaml` , Thanks to [@Great -Antique]
- [#1549 ] fix unescaped regular
- [#1538 ] Don't remove aliases of classes with same name but different namespaces., Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#1553 ] [CodeQuality] Skip collections `ForeachToInArrayRector` [closes [#1533 ]]
- [#1524 ] Cover multiline in description-aware nodes [closes [#1522 ]]
- [#1565 ] make `StringClassNameToClassConstantRector` case sensitive [closes [#1539 ]]
- [#1545 ] Ensure Doctrine's `Collection` -like arrays are ignored., Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#1554 ] optimize
- [#1558 ] Do not call parent constructor of `AutowiredEventDispatcher` unless it exists, Thanks to [@cgkkevinr ]
- [#1561 ] make `RemoveUnusedAliasRector` take into account aliases that keep 2 classes with same short name explicit
- [#1555 ] skip nullable array for `ArrayPropertyDefaultValueRector` [closes [#1542 ]]
2019-06-01 12:58:27 +03:00
## [v0.5.3] - 2019-06-01
### Added
- [#1520 ] [PHP] Add `is_countable` to `CountOnNull`
### Changed
- [#1521 ] make `LevelOptionResolver` smarter + add `--set` alias to `--level`
## [v0.5.2] - 2019-05-31
### Fixed
- [#1510 ] [CodeQuality] Add trait and parent class support for `CompleteDynamicPropertiesRector`
- [#1508 ] [CodeQuality] Fix unneeded return in `CallableThisArrayToAnonymousFunctionRector`
- [#1509 ] [PHP] Fix `AddDefaultValueForUndefinedVariableRector` for static variable
- [#1507 ] [PHP] Fix `BinaryOpBetweenNumberAndStringRector` for concat
- [#1517 ] fix `RenameClassRector` to change only direct class names, not children
- [#1511 ] fix `PHPStormVarAnnotationRector` for too nested var [closes [#1407 ]]
- [#1513 ] Make Symfony 4.3 + phpdoc-parser 0.3.4 compatible
- [#1506 ] Ensure `static` variables are considered as declared, Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
- [#1502 ] Test concatenation dot is ignored, Thanks to [@Aerendir ]
## [v0.5.1] - 2019-05-30
### Added
- [#1496 ] [Symfony 4.3] Add class renames, method renames and added arguments
### Fixed
- [#1493 ] Fix documentation minor mistake, Thanks to [@alterphp ]
<!-- dumped content end -->
2019-05-28 22:59:08 +02:00
## [v0.5.0] - 2019-05-28
2019-05-28 22:42:34 +02:00
### Added
- [#1487 ] [Legacy] Remove singleton
- [#1468 ] [MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector] Original file is deleted even if class matches filename, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#1424 ] [SplitStringClassConstantToClassConstFetchRector] Remove duplicated namespace separator, Thanks to [@mxr576 ]
- [#1470 ] [PHP][CodingStyle] string class to ::class
- [#1367 ] [DeadCode] Anonymous class implementing an interface doesn't respect interface signature, Thanks to [@pierredup ]
- [#1404 ] [TypeDeclaration] Create new set
- [#1414 ] [PSR-4 Split] Split interfaces and traits as well, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#1416 ] [PHP 7.4] Spread array
- [#1419 ] [CodeQuality] Add For to foreach
- [#1443 ] [CodeQuality] Add CompactToVariablesRector
- [#1488 ] 🎉[CodeQuality] Add CompleteDynamicPropertiesRector
- [#1390 ] [CodeQuality] Add AndAssignsToSeparateLinesRector
- [#1485 ] [CodingStyle] Add VarConstantCommentRector
- [#1484 ] [CodingStyle] Add SplitDoubleAssignRector
- [#1483 ] [CodingStyle] Add ArrayPropertyDefaultValueRector
- [#1482 ] [CodingStyle] Add CatchExceptionNameMatchingTypeRector
- [#1481 ] [CodingStyle] Add FollowRequireByDirRector
- [#1480 ] [CodingStyle] Add ConsistentPregDelimiterRector
- [#1447 ] [CodingStyle] add partial support already imported support to ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector
- [#1389 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveAndTrueRector
- [#1392 ] [DeadCode] Add RemoveDefaultArgumentValueRector
- [#1451 ] [PHP] Add RemoveMissingCompactVariableRector
- [#1418 ] [PHP-DI] Add php-di [@Inject ] annotation import
- [#1460 ] [Psr4] Add supprot for namespace less MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector
- [#1486 ] [SOLID] Add AbstractChildlessUnusedClassesRector
- [#1406 ] [TypeDeclaration] Add AddFunctionReturnTypeRector
- [#1403 ] [Symfony 4.3] Add swapped dispatch() arguments for EventDispatcher
- [#1429 ] Add missing end bracket at HowItWorks.md's sample, Thanks to [@sasezaki ]
- [#1430 ] Add working directory option, Thanks to [@ktomk ]
- [#1417 ] Add trait analysis without class dependency
- [#1491 ] add JsonOutputFormatter
- [#1492 ] Symplify 6 bump + add relative paths to JsonOutputFormatter
- [#1410 ] [PHP 7.4] Add ClosureToArrowFunctionRector
- [#1449 ] [PHP 7.1] Add BinaryOpBetweenNumberAndStringRector
- [#1450 ] [PHP 7.1] Add float to BinaryOpBetweenNumberAndStringRector
- [#1452 ] Add non-namespaced support to ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector
- [#1461 ] [supporŧ] add funding Github - news from Github Satellite
- [#1478 ] composer: add authors
- [#1382 ] Add support to rename classes and it's namespace, Thanks to [@JanMikes ]
- [#1377 ] Add function support to ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector
- [#1489 ] [backers] add Jan Votruba
### Changed
- [#1412 ] [ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector] Allow to opt-out from doc block modification, Thanks to [@mxr576 ]
- [#1439 ] [PSR4] Improve MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector output
- [#1477 ] introduce OutputFormatterCollector to allow extension of output formatters
- [#1446 ] Narrow ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector to numeric-arrays only
- [#1479 ] update to php-parser 4.2.2
### Fixed
- [#1395 ] Preserve file permissions when updating a file, Thanks to [@LeSuisse ]
- [#1397 ] [DeadCode] Various set fixes
- [#1398 ] Fix travis for Laravel self-run
- [#1391 ] fix ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector on multiple files
- [#1444 ] fix ReservedObjectRector for lowercased object
- [#1471 ] fix deleting file that matches class name
- [#1425 ] speedup RenameClassRector on doc comments
- [#1464 ] do not override printing files with previous stmts if possible
### Removed
- [#1415 ] Removed duplicated code, Thanks to [@DaveLiddament ]
2019-05-02 01:59:42 +02:00
## [v0.4.12] - 2019-05-02
### Added
- [#1326 ] [CodingStyle] Add SplitStringClassConstantToClassConstFetchRector
- [#1327 ] [CodingStyle] Add ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector
- [#1363 ] [PHP] Add AddDefaultValueForUndefinedVariableRector
- [#1347 ] [RemovingStatic] Add new level
- [#1333 ] Add PrivatizeLocalClassConstantRector to SOLID, Thanks to [@mxr576 ]
- [#1362 ] [PHP 7.4] Add ReservedFnFunctionRector
### Changed
- [#1323 ] allow Nette 3.0, Thanks to [@mimmi20 ]
- [#1325 ] [DeadCode] Skip magic methods in RemoveUnusedParameterRector
- [#1351 ] [DeadCode] Keep different case in RemoveDoubleAssignRector
- [#1353 ] [DeadCode] Skip traits in RemoveUnusedPrivateMethodRector
- [#1370 ] make ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector take into account existing imports on combination of PHP and doc block
- [#1354 ] Speedup tests by 90 % from 41 secs to 4
- [#1357 ] Tests improvements
- [#1359 ] Notice file rectors on run
### Fixed
- [#1369 ] [CodingStyle] ImportsInClassCollection fixes
- [#1368 ] [CodingStyle] Fix ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector for self imports
- [#1365 ] [CodingStyle] Fix interface short name identical with class name in ImportFullyQualifiedNamesRector
- [#1348 ] [DeadCode] Remove overriden fix
- [#1352 ] [DeadCode] Fix RemoveUnusedPrivateMethodRector for self call
- [#1350 ] [Laravel] Fix MinutesToSecondsInCacheRector DateTimeInterface argument
- [#1361 ] [Symfony] Fix GetRequestRector for get non method calls
- [#1375 ] Fix file removal in MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector
- [#1320 ] [CakePHP]FIx rule for cakephp37, Thanks to [@o0h ]
- [#1331 ] Use `dev` as Symfony default env to fix issue [#1319 ], Thanks to [@BernhardWebstudio ]
### Removed
- [#1349 ] [DeadCode] Remove double
2019-04-14 01:36:12 +02:00
## [v0.4.11] - 2019-04-14
2019-04-13 15:16:49 +02:00
### Added
2019-04-14 01:10:57 +02:00
- [#1317 ] Add Changelog
- [#1302 ] [Symfony 4.3] Add SimplifyWebTestCaseAssertionsRector
2019-04-13 15:16:49 +02:00
- [#1302 ] [Symfony 4.3] Add `SimplifyWebTestCaseAssertionsRector`
- [#1311 ] [CodingStyle] Add `SplitGroupedConstantsAndPropertiesRector`
- [#1301 ] [PHPUnit] Add `RemoveExpectAnyFromMockRector`
- [#1304 ] [SOLID] Add `PrivatizeLocalClassConstantRector`
- [#1303 ] [SOLID] Add `FinalizeClassesWithoutChildrenRector`
- [#1302 ] [Symfony 4.3] Add `SimplifyWebTestCaseAssertionsRector`
### Changed
2019-05-02 01:59:42 +02:00
- [#1316 ] Merge collected nodes to ParsedNodesByType
2019-04-13 15:16:49 +02:00
- [#1314 ] rename `Attribute` to `AttributeKey` to prevent duplicated names with other projects
2019-04-14 01:10:57 +02:00
- [#1318 ] Update reference to drupal8-rector/drupal8-rector, Thanks to [@mxr576 ]
- [#1316 ] Merge collected nodes to ParsedNodesByType
2019-04-13 15:16:49 +02:00
### Fixed
- [#1305 ] [Symfony 3.0] Fix wrong indentation in symfony30.yaml, Thanks to [@Dodenis ]
[#1302 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1302
[#1314 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1314
[#1311 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1311
[#1305 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1305
[#1304 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1304
[#1303 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1303
[#1301 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1301
[@Dodenis ]: https://github.com/Dodenis
2019-04-14 01:10:57 +02:00
[#1318 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1318
[#1317 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1317
[#1316 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1316
2019-05-02 01:59:42 +02:00
[@mxr576 ]: https://github.com/mxr576
[#1375 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1375
[#1370 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1370
[#1369 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1369
[#1368 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1368
[#1365 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1365
[#1363 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1363
[#1362 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1362
[#1361 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1361
[#1359 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1359
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[#1319 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1319
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2019-05-28 22:42:34 +02:00
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2019-05-28 22:57:21 +02:00
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2019-06-01 12:58:27 +03:00
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2019-06-06 15:03:56 +02:00
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2019-06-28 07:50:27 +02:00
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2019-07-21 10:46:36 +02:00
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2019-08-19 15:21:17 +02:00
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2019-08-25 13:10:47 +02:00
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[#1895 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1895
[#1894 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1894
[#1891 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1891
[#1889 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1889
[#1888 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1888
[#1885 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1885
[#1884 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1884
[#1883 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1883
[#1882 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1882
[#1881 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1881
[#1880 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1880
[#1878 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1878
[#1875 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1875
[#1870 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1870
[#1865 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1865
[#1847 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1847
[#1815 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1815
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2019-09-27 22:24:07 +02:00
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[#2048 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2048
[#2046 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2046
[#2045 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2045
[#2044 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2044
[#2043 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2043
[#2040 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2040
[#2039 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2039
[#2037 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2037
[#2036 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2036
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[#1926 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1926
[#1925 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1925
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[#1923 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1923
[#1922 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1922
[#1921 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1921
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[#1916 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1916
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[#1910 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1910
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[#1869 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1869
[#1866 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/1866
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[@ADmad ]: https://github.com/ADmad
2019-10-09 16:42:08 +01:00
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[#2052 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2052
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2019-10-15 16:46:20 +02:00
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[#2164 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2164
[#2162 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2162
[#2159 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2159
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2019-10-24 12:09:18 +02:00
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2019-11-16 09:41:42 +01:00
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2019-11-23 23:02:56 +01:00
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[#2346 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2346
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2019-12-10 14:21:45 +01:00
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[#2414 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2414
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[#2359 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2359
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[@EmanueleMinotto ]: https://github.com/EmanueleMinotto
2019-12-18 19:07:00 +01:00
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[#2448 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2448
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[#2428 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2428
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[#2420 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2420
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[@RusiPapazov ]: https://github.com/RusiPapazov
2019-12-27 01:12:49 +01:00
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[#2502 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2502
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[#2457 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2457
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2020-01-03 12:29:59 +01:00
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[#2517 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2517
[#2514 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2514
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[#2508 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2508
[#2507 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2507
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[#2503 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2503
2020-01-07 13:06:00 +01:00
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[#2576 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2576
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[#2547 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2547
[#2541 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2541
[#2538 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2538
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2020-01-08 14:45:06 +01:00
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2020-01-18 00:14:22 +01:00
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[#2608 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2608
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2020-02-16 21:49:10 +01:00
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[#2752 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2752
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[#2704 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2704
[#2703 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2703
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[@alfredbez ]: https://github.com/alfredbez
2020-02-23 23:42:11 +01:00
[#2922 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2922
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[#2862 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2862
[@escopecz ]: https://github.com/escopecz
[@Ivorius ]: https://github.com/Ivorius
2020-02-27 14:29:48 +01:00
[#2941 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2941
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[#2926 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2926
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[#2924 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2924
[v0.7.1]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/compare/v0.7.0...v0.7.1
[@method ]: https://github.com/method
2020-03-01 23:35:41 +01:00
[#2979 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2979
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[#2975 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2975
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[#2972 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2972
[#2969 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2969
[#2968 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2968
[#2966 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/2966
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2020-03-11 17:17:38 +01:00
[#3012 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/3012
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2020-03-29 00:06:05 +01:00
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[#3016 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/3016
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[#3013 ]: https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/3013
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[@alexeyshockov ]: https://github.com/alexeyshockov
[@Route ]: https://github.com/Route