2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
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namespace RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection ;
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use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator as ArgumentServiceLocator ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\EnvNotFoundException ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ParameterCircularReferenceException ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\EnvPlaceholderParameterBag ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\FrozenParameterBag ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface ;
use RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface ;
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// Help opcache.preload discover always-needed symbols
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\class_exists ( \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator :: class );
\class_exists ( \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator :: class );
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* Container is a dependency injection container .
* It gives access to object instances ( services ) .
* Services and parameters are simple key / pair stores .
* The container can have four possible behaviors when a service
* does not exist ( or is not initialized for the last case ) :
* * EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE : Throws an exception ( the default )
* * IGNORE_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE : Ignores the wrapping command asking for the reference
* ( for instance , ignore a setter if the service does not exist )
* * IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE : Ignores / returns null for uninitialized services or invalid references
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* @ author Johannes M . Schmitt < schmittjoh @ gmail . com >
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class Container implements \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface , \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface
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protected $parameterBag ;
protected $services = [];
protected $privates = [];
protected $fileMap = [];
protected $methodMap = [];
protected $factories = [];
protected $aliases = [];
protected $loading = [];
protected $resolving = [];
protected $syntheticIds = [];
private $envCache = [];
private $compiled = \false ;
private $getEnv ;
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public function __construct ( \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface $parameterBag = null )
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$this -> parameterBag = $parameterBag ? ? new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\EnvPlaceholderParameterBag ();
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* Compiles the container .
* This method does two things :
* * Parameter values are resolved ;
* * The parameter bag is frozen .
public function compile ()
$this -> parameterBag -> resolve ();
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$this -> parameterBag = new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\FrozenParameterBag ( $this -> parameterBag -> all ());
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$this -> compiled = \true ;
* Returns true if the container is compiled .
* @ return bool
public function isCompiled ()
return $this -> compiled ;
* Gets the service container parameter bag .
* @ return ParameterBagInterface A ParameterBagInterface instance
public function getParameterBag ()
return $this -> parameterBag ;
* Gets a parameter .
* @ param string $name The parameter name
* @ return array | bool | float | int | string | null The parameter value
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException if the parameter is not defined
public function getParameter ( string $name )
return $this -> parameterBag -> get ( $name );
* Checks if a parameter exists .
* @ param string $name The parameter name
* @ return bool The presence of parameter in container
public function hasParameter ( string $name )
return $this -> parameterBag -> has ( $name );
* Sets a parameter .
* @ param string $name The parameter name
* @ param mixed $value The parameter value
public function setParameter ( string $name , $value )
$this -> parameterBag -> set ( $name , $value );
* Sets a service .
* Setting a synthetic service to null resets it : has () returns false and get ()
* behaves in the same way as if the service was never created .
* @ param object | null $service
public function set ( string $id , $service )
// Runs the internal initializer; used by the dumped container to include always-needed files
if ( isset ( $this -> privates [ 'service_container' ]) && $this -> privates [ 'service_container' ] instanceof \Closure ) {
$initialize = $this -> privates [ 'service_container' ];
unset ( $this -> privates [ 'service_container' ]);
$initialize ();
if ( 'service_container' === $id ) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException ( 'You cannot set service "service_container".' );
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if ( ! ( isset ( $this -> fileMap [ $id ]) || isset ( $this -> methodMap [ $id ]))) {
if ( isset ( $this -> syntheticIds [ $id ]) || ! isset ( $this -> getRemovedIds ()[ $id ])) {
// no-op
} elseif ( null === $service ) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException ( \sprintf ( 'The "%s" service is private, you cannot unset it.' , $id ));
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} else {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException ( \sprintf ( 'The "%s" service is private, you cannot replace it.' , $id ));
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} elseif ( isset ( $this -> services [ $id ])) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException ( \sprintf ( 'The "%s" service is already initialized, you cannot replace it.' , $id ));
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if ( isset ( $this -> aliases [ $id ])) {
unset ( $this -> aliases [ $id ]);
if ( null === $service ) {
unset ( $this -> services [ $id ]);
return ;
$this -> services [ $id ] = $service ;
* Returns true if the given service is defined .
* @ param string $id The service identifier
* @ return bool true if the service is defined , false otherwise
public function has ( $id )
if ( isset ( $this -> aliases [ $id ])) {
$id = $this -> aliases [ $id ];
if ( isset ( $this -> services [ $id ])) {
return \true ;
if ( 'service_container' === $id ) {
return \true ;
return isset ( $this -> fileMap [ $id ]) || isset ( $this -> methodMap [ $id ]);
* Gets a service .
* @ param string $id The service identifier
* @ param int $invalidBehavior The behavior when the service does not exist
* @ return object | null The associated service
* @ throws ServiceCircularReferenceException When a circular reference is detected
* @ throws ServiceNotFoundException When the service is not defined
* @ throws \Exception if an exception has been thrown when the service has been resolved
* @ see Reference
public function get ( $id , $invalidBehavior = 1 )
return $this -> services [ $id ] ? ? $this -> services [ $id = $this -> aliases [ $id ] ? ? $id ] ? ? ( 'service_container' === $id ? $this : ( $this -> factories [ $id ] ? ? [ $this , 'make' ])( $id , $invalidBehavior ));
* Creates a service .
* As a separate method to allow " get() " to use the really fast `??` operator .
private function make ( string $id , int $invalidBehavior )
if ( isset ( $this -> loading [ $id ])) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException ( $id , \array_merge ( \array_keys ( $this -> loading ), [ $id ]));
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$this -> loading [ $id ] = \true ;
try {
if ( isset ( $this -> fileMap [ $id ])) {
return 4 === $invalidBehavior ? null : $this -> load ( $this -> fileMap [ $id ]);
} elseif ( isset ( $this -> methodMap [ $id ])) {
return 4 === $invalidBehavior ? null : $this -> { $this -> methodMap [ $id ]}();
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
unset ( $this -> services [ $id ]);
throw $e ;
} finally {
unset ( $this -> loading [ $id ]);
if ( 1 === $invalidBehavior ) {
if ( ! $id ) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException ( $id );
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if ( isset ( $this -> syntheticIds [ $id ])) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException ( $id , null , null , [], \sprintf ( 'The "%s" service is synthetic, it needs to be set at boot time before it can be used.' , $id ));
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if ( isset ( $this -> getRemovedIds ()[ $id ])) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException ( $id , null , null , [], \sprintf ( 'The "%s" service or alias has been removed or inlined when the container was compiled. You should either make it public, or stop using the container directly and use dependency injection instead.' , $id ));
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$alternatives = [];
foreach ( $this -> getServiceIds () as $knownId ) {
if ( '' === $knownId || '.' === $knownId [ 0 ]) {
continue ;
$lev = \levenshtein ( $id , $knownId );
if ( $lev <= \strlen ( $id ) / 3 || \false !== \strpos ( $knownId , $id )) {
$alternatives [] = $knownId ;
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException ( $id , null , null , $alternatives );
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return null ;
* Returns true if the given service has actually been initialized .
* @ param string $id The service identifier
* @ return bool true if service has already been initialized , false otherwise
public function initialized ( string $id )
if ( isset ( $this -> aliases [ $id ])) {
$id = $this -> aliases [ $id ];
if ( 'service_container' === $id ) {
return \false ;
return isset ( $this -> services [ $id ]);
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function reset ()
$services = $this -> services + $this -> privates ;
$this -> services = $this -> factories = $this -> privates = [];
foreach ( $services as $service ) {
try {
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if ( $service instanceof \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface ) {
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$service -> reset ();
} catch ( \Throwable $e ) {
continue ;
* Gets all service ids .
* @ return string [] An array of all defined service ids
public function getServiceIds ()
return \array_map ( 'strval' , \array_unique ( \array_merge ([ 'service_container' ], \array_keys ( $this -> fileMap ), \array_keys ( $this -> methodMap ), \array_keys ( $this -> aliases ), \array_keys ( $this -> services ))));
* Gets service ids that existed at compile time .
* @ return array
public function getRemovedIds ()
return [];
* Camelizes a string .
* @ param string $id A string to camelize
* @ return string The camelized string
public static function camelize ( $id )
return \strtr ( \ucwords ( \strtr ( $id , [ '_' => ' ' , '.' => '_ ' , '\\' => '_ ' ])), [ ' ' => '' ]);
* A string to underscore .
* @ param string $id The string to underscore
* @ return string The underscored string
public static function underscore ( $id )
return \strtolower ( \preg_replace ([ '/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/' , '/([a-z\\d])([A-Z])/' ], [ '\\1_\\2' , '\\1_\\2' ], \str_replace ( '_' , '.' , $id )));
* Creates a service by requiring its factory file .
protected function load ( $file )
return require $file ;
* Fetches a variable from the environment .
* @ param string $name The name of the environment variable
* @ return mixed The value to use for the provided environment variable name
* @ throws EnvNotFoundException When the environment variable is not found and has no default value
protected function getEnv ( $name )
if ( isset ( $this -> resolving [ $envName = " env( { $name } ) " ])) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ParameterCircularReferenceException ( \array_keys ( $this -> resolving ));
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if ( isset ( $this -> envCache [ $name ]) || \array_key_exists ( $name , $this -> envCache )) {
return $this -> envCache [ $name ];
if ( ! $this -> has ( $id = 'container.env_var_processors_locator' )) {
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$this -> set ( $id , new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ServiceLocator ([]));
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if ( ! $this -> getEnv ) {
$this -> getEnv = new \ReflectionMethod ( $this , __FUNCTION__ );
$this -> getEnv -> setAccessible ( \true );
$this -> getEnv = $this -> getEnv -> getClosure ( $this );
$processors = $this -> get ( $id );
if ( \false !== ( $i = \strpos ( $name , ':' ))) {
$prefix = \substr ( $name , 0 , $i );
$localName = \substr ( $name , 1 + $i );
} else {
$prefix = 'string' ;
$localName = $name ;
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$processor = $processors -> has ( $prefix ) ? $processors -> get ( $prefix ) : new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\EnvVarProcessor ( $this );
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$this -> resolving [ $envName ] = \true ;
try {
return $this -> envCache [ $name ] = $processor -> getEnv ( $prefix , $localName , $this -> getEnv );
} finally {
unset ( $this -> resolving [ $envName ]);
* @ param string | false $registry
* @ param string | bool $load
* @ return mixed
* @ internal
protected final function getService ( $registry , string $id , ? string $method , $load )
if ( 'service_container' === $id ) {
return $this ;
if ( \is_string ( $load )) {
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throw new \RectorPrefix20210523\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException ( $load );
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if ( null === $method ) {
return \false !== $registry ? $this -> { $registry }[ $id ] ? ? null : null ;
if ( \false !== $registry ) {
return $this -> { $registry }[ $id ] ? ? ( $this -> { $registry }[ $id ] = $load ? $this -> load ( $method ) : $this -> { $method }());
if ( ! $load ) {
return $this -> { $method }();
return ( $factory = $this -> factories [ $id ] ? ? $this -> factories [ 'service_container' ][ $id ] ? ? null ) ? $factory () : $this -> load ( $method );
private function __clone ()