Rector is using static reflection to load code without running it since version 0.10. That means your classes are found **without composer autoload and without running them**. Rector will find them and work with them as you have PSR-4 autoload properly setup. This comes very useful in legacy projects or projects with custom autoload.
Do you want to know more about it? Continue here:
- [From Doctrine Annotations Parser to Static Reflection](
- [Legacy Refactoring made Easy with Static Reflection](
- [Zero Config Analysis with Static Reflection]( - from PHPStan
Sometime, when we run Rector to class that detect children class, like `\Rector\Privatization\Rector\Class_\FinalizeClassesWithoutChildrenRector`, we may experience that parent class changed to final while it has children class, it because of the `PHPStan\Reflection\ReflectionProvider` cannot get all classes on scanning it on usage via `FamilyRelationsAnalyzer` service.
To avoid this issue, you may dump all classes via composer:
composer dump-autoload -o
before run the rector.
If the false positive still happen, you can skip the rule applied as last resort to do:
Sometimes you may encounter this error ([see here for an example]( even if the class is there and it seems to work properly with other tools (e.g. PHPStan).
In this case you may want to try one of the following solutions: