Updated Rector to commit 71ae13a461e3225c63d095597a4145d8851d555e

71ae13a461 Carbon use parse method (#6183)
This commit is contained in:
Tomas Votruba 2024-07-31 15:16:44 +00:00
parent 0c6bf49523
commit baf6792e1e
2 changed files with 116 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -15,84 +15,131 @@ final class CarbonCallFactory
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/9vGt8r/1
* @see https://regex101.com/r/LLMrFw/1
private const PLUS_DAY_COUNT_REGEX = '#\\+(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(day|days)#';
private const PLUS_MINUS_COUNT_REGEX = '#(?<operator>\\+|-)(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(?<unit>seconds|second|sec|minutes|minute|min|hours|hour|days|day|weeks|week|months|month|years|year)#';
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/pqOPg6/1
* @see https://regex101.com/r/IhxHTO/1
private const MINUS_DAY_COUNT_REGEX = '#-(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(day|days)#';
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/6VUUQF/1
private const PLUS_MONTH_COUNT_REGEX = '#\\+(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(month|months)#';
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/dWRjk5/1
private const PLUS_HOUR_COUNT_REGEX = '#\\+(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(hour|hours)#';
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/dfK0Ri/1
private const PLUS_MINUTE_COUNT_REGEX = '#\\+(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(minute|minuts)#';
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/o7QDYL/1
private const PLUS_SECOND_COUNT_REGEX = '#\\+(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(second|seconds)#';
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/IvyT7w/1
private const MINUS_MONTH_COUNT_REGEX = '#-(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(month|months)#';
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/bICKg6/1
private const MINUS_HOUR_COUNT_REGEX = '#-(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(hour|hours)#';
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/WILFvX/1
private const MINUS_MINUTE_COUNT_REGEX = '#-(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(minute|minutes)#';
* @var string
* @see https://regex101.com/r/FwCUup/1
private const MINUS_SECOND_COUNT_REGEX = '#-(\\s+)?(?<count>\\d+)(\\s+)?(second|seconds)#';
* @var array<self::*_REGEX, string>
private const REGEX_TO_METHOD_NAME_MAP = [self::PLUS_DAY_COUNT_REGEX => 'addDays', self::MINUS_DAY_COUNT_REGEX => 'subDays', self::PLUS_MONTH_COUNT_REGEX => 'addMonths', self::MINUS_MONTH_COUNT_REGEX => 'subMonths', self::PLUS_HOUR_COUNT_REGEX => 'addHours', self::MINUS_HOUR_COUNT_REGEX => 'subHours', self::PLUS_MINUTE_COUNT_REGEX => 'addMinutes', self::MINUS_MINUTE_COUNT_REGEX => 'subMinutes', self::PLUS_SECOND_COUNT_REGEX => 'addSeconds', self::MINUS_SECOND_COUNT_REGEX => 'subSeconds'];
private const STATIC_DATE_REGEX = '#now|yesterday|today|tomorrow#';
* @return \PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall
public function createFromDateTimeString(FullyQualified $carbonFullyQualified, String_ $string)
$dateTimeValue = $string->value;
if ($dateTimeValue === 'now') {
return new StaticCall($carbonFullyQualified, new Identifier('now'));
if ($dateTimeValue === 'today') {
return new StaticCall($carbonFullyQualified, new Identifier('today'));
$hasToday = Strings::match($dateTimeValue, '#today#');
if ($hasToday !== null) {
$carbonCall = new StaticCall($carbonFullyQualified, new Identifier('today'));
} else {
$carbonCall = new StaticCall($carbonFullyQualified, new Identifier('now'));
foreach (self::REGEX_TO_METHOD_NAME_MAP as $regex => $methodName) {
$match = Strings::match($dateTimeValue, $regex);
if ($match === null) {
$carbonCall = $this->createStaticCall($carbonFullyQualified, $string);
$string->value = Strings::replace($string->value, self::STATIC_DATE_REGEX);
// Handle add/sub multiple times
while ($match = Strings::match($string->value, self::PLUS_MINUS_COUNT_REGEX)) {
$methodCall = $this->createModifyMethodCall($carbonCall, new LNumber((int) $match['count']), $match['unit'], $match['operator']);
if ($methodCall) {
$carbonCall = $methodCall;
$string->value = Strings::replace($string->value, self::PLUS_MINUS_COUNT_REGEX, '', 1);
$countLNumber = new LNumber((int) $match['count']);
$carbonCall = new MethodCall($carbonCall, new Identifier($methodName), [new Arg($countLNumber)]);
// If we still have something in the string, we go back to the first method and replace this with a parse
if (($rest = Strings::trim($string->value)) !== '') {
$currentCall = $carbonCall;
$callStack = [];
while ($currentCall instanceof MethodCall) {
$callStack[] = $currentCall;
$currentCall = $currentCall->var;
if (!$currentCall instanceof StaticCall) {
return $carbonCall;
// If we fallback to a parse we want to include tomorrow/today/yesterday etc
if ($currentCall->name instanceof Identifier) {
if ($currentCall->name->name != 'now') {
$rest .= ' ' . $currentCall->name->name;
$currentCall->name = new Identifier('parse');
$currentCall->args = [new Arg(new String_($rest))];
// Rebuild original call from callstack
$carbonCall = $this->rebuildCallStack($currentCall, $callStack);
return $carbonCall;
private function createStaticCall(FullyQualified $carbonFullyQualified, String_ $string) : StaticCall
$startDate = Strings::match($string->value, self::STATIC_DATE_REGEX)[0] ?? 'now';
$carbonCall = new StaticCall($carbonFullyQualified, new Identifier($startDate));
return $carbonCall;
* @param \PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall $carbonCall
private function createModifyMethodCall($carbonCall, LNumber $countLNumber, string $unit, string $operator) : ?MethodCall
switch ($unit) {
case 'sec':
case 'second':
case 'seconds':
$unit = 'seconds';
case 'min':
case 'minute':
case 'minutes':
$unit = 'minutes';
case 'hour':
case 'hours':
$unit = 'hours';
case 'day':
case 'days':
$unit = 'days';
case 'week':
case 'weeks':
$unit = 'weeks';
case 'month':
case 'months':
$unit = 'months';
case 'year':
case 'years':
$unit = 'years';
$unit = null;
switch ($operator) {
case '+':
$operator = 'add';
case '-':
$operator = 'sub';
$operator = null;
if ($unit === null || $operator === null) {
return null;
$methodName = $operator . \ucfirst($unit);
return new MethodCall($carbonCall, new Identifier($methodName), [new Arg($countLNumber)]);
* @param MethodCall[] $callStack
* @return \PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall
private function rebuildCallStack(StaticCall $carbonCall, array $callStack)
if (\count($callStack) === 0) {
return $carbonCall;
$currentCall = $carbonCall;
$callStack = \array_reverse($callStack);
foreach ($callStack as $call) {
$call->var = $currentCall;
$currentCall = $call;
return $currentCall;

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@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ final class VersionResolver
* @api
* @var string
public const PACKAGE_VERSION = '97653a96da462aecddd02306557e811ccc38d6cb';
public const PACKAGE_VERSION = '71ae13a461e3225c63d095597a4145d8851d555e';
* @api
* @var string
public const RELEASE_DATE = '2024-07-30 13:29:46';
public const RELEASE_DATE = '2024-07-31 17:13:54';
* @var int